English Hell Dorado Cards - Cipher Studios

English Hell Dorado Cards - Cipher Studios

English Hell Dorado Cards - Cipher Studios


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ZaaxanAngra Mainyou’s HeraldTsillaBroken AngelTsillaBroken AngelSHS CBT DEF PR LP FTH CMD- 5 4 1 14 3 1Life Points1Weapons2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Giant AxeSlashingEagerCumbersomeLunge 2ordersHitsDamages1 32 43 6 + Pain4 8 + Stunned5 10Demonic DissonanceChoose an enemy Independent or Officer. The chosen unit getsMaverick until the end of the turn, and any order given by the chosenunit has its cost increased by 1 CMD (Which will be permanent if theoriginal order cost permanent CMD) until the end of the turn.AurasYour Soul to SellTroopers and Independents within the area of affect of this Auraget Uncontrollable until the end of the turn. Units that are eitherSatanists or have a FTH of 3 or greater are not affected by this Aura.MVT4DEF4FTH1CMD5Unique40OfficerAngelFemaleSpecial AbilitiesConcentratedExpertiseSatanist (Luciferian)Infernalist 2/3MentalistRunawayENSHS CBT DEF PR LP FTH CMD- 4 4 0 11 1 5Life PointsWeaponsDaggersPiercingorders12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11HitsDamages1 12 23 24 Stunned5 3A Heart Beyond ReproachTsilla immediately moves, ignoring terrain, control areas orother units, and without triggering any reaction from anyenemy units she is in contact with, to anywhere she chooseson the battlefield. Tsilla must be placed in clear terrain, andshe can’t be placed in an enemy control area or in contactwith an enemy unit.Vae Victis Vae SoliAurasAura of ConscienceUnits within this aura’s area of effect suffer a penalty of-1 FTH.TsillaBroken AngelDamned Oneof GluttonyMVT6SpellsSlanderous InjunctionTargets a single unit in contact with the lemure. Theunit immediately becomes Stunned. This spell has noeffect on Troopers.Crawling CloudThis spell creates a 3-fathom radius scenery elementcentered on the lemure. Every model within the cloud whenit is created takes 2 Damage, ignoring PR. The element isDeadly. Demons and Damned Ones are immune to theeffects, and terrain created by this spell.Son CrachatTargets a single unit in contact with thelemure. The target takes 1d6+1 damage,ignoring PR.ENDEF174FTH2CMD-UnlimitedTrooperDamned OneSpecial AbilitiesAsexualSatanist (Luciferian)Transformation (After having DevouredObese Form)ENDamned Oneof GluttonyDamned One ofGluttony, Obese formDamned One ofGluttony, Obese formSHS CBT DEF PR LP FTH CMD- 5 4 0 8 2 -Life PointsWeaponsGaping Mouth1 2 3 45Hits6 7 8Damages1 42 2 + Stunned3 Devoured4 65 7 + StunnedMVT2DEF6FTH2CMD-SHS CBT DEF PR LP FTH CMD- 3 6 0 3 2 -Life PointsWeaponsGaping Mouth1 2 3HitsDamages1 32 53 74 95 11Unlimited0TrooperDamned oneSpecial AbilitiesInvulnerableSlowTenaciousAsexualSatanist (Luciferian)Transformation(After having killeda Devoured enemyGluttony)EN

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