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<strong>CAI</strong> GreAter <strong>Los</strong> AnGeLes ChApter • www.cai-glac.orgTermiTes anD Taxescontinued from page 14your termite company to treat under the damaged wood; <strong>this</strong>makes it very likely that you can treat right at the source of theproblem. In short, plan to build in some additional money tohandle wood repairs after termite inspections and treatmentsare done. Never acquire a contract for wood repair unless thecontractor h<strong>as</strong> already provided you the specs of work for eachbuilding. Allowing a contractor to extrapolate a wood repairsbid from only one inspection, or just a few inspections, can bedangerous and costly. Termite inspection reports contain a lotuseful information—use them throughout the entire project.In a termite control program, the reports can be just <strong>as</strong> valuable<strong>as</strong> the service itself. Inspection reports will help you seewhere your largest problem are<strong>as</strong> are, how large the problemsactually are, and how much damage is present on the property.Acquiring a termite control program is a great opportunity toreceive a full-scale view of damage throughout the communityall at once. Being able to “see” all wood repairs needed in theentire community at one time will give you the ability to planand wisely allocate resources to are<strong>as</strong> where they are needed themost first. Acquiring the right contracts at the right time willreduce future costs in repairs and sometimes treatment. Savingscan be directed to termite prevention to secure and protect agood standing in termite control for a long period of time.Termites swarm high and look for cool dark places to start theirnew colonies. This is why most major termite infestations arecommonly found in eaves and attics. There are products andtreatment methods available (which actually do work) and preventtermite infestations from recurring. The products work best onunpainted exposed wood, such <strong>as</strong> the wood in your attics. Treatingyour attics for termite prevention is the treatment of most valuewhen it comes to termite control. Do remember, however, thatbefore termites can be prevented, they have to be treated—always start at step one.In short, termite activity is always changing and so are your community’sneeds. What you may have been doing in the p<strong>as</strong>t isnot always the best option today. Take the time to consider yourtrusted termite professional’s recommendations and options;get informed, and make the decision of best overall value.Isaac Camacho is the Director of Sales and Marketing at AccurateTermite & Pest Control in Inglewood. He can be reached atIsaac@accuratetermitecontrol.com.July/August 2011 • 15

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