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<strong>CAI</strong> GreAter <strong>Los</strong> AnGeLes ChApter • www.cai-glac.orgprioriTy oF <strong>as</strong>sessmenTs Liens: a piTFaLL oF JUDiCiaL ForeC<strong>Los</strong>Ures anD money JUDgmenTscontinued from page 28In Diamond Heights Village Association, Inc. v. Financial FreedomSenior Funding Corp. ( June 7, 2011) 11 Cal. Daily Op. Serv.6930, 2011 Daily Journal D.A.R. 8297, the court ruled thatwhen an <strong>as</strong>sessment lien is enforced through judicial action,the resulting judgment supersedes the <strong>as</strong>sessment lien, andcollection requires enforcement of the judgment. Accordingto the Court, when a final judgment is entered, the lien itself isno longer enforceable because the judgment creates a new debtor liability, distinct from the lien and the <strong>as</strong>sessment. In otherwords, the judgment extinguishes the <strong>as</strong>sociation’s previousrights and remedies, substituting in their place only the rightsgranted by the judgment.establish the priority of its security interest in the unit. Afterthe <strong>as</strong>sociation recorded its Notice of Delinquent Assessmentand won its judicial foreclosure judgment, the unit ownerobtained a reverse mortgage, giving a deed of trust (i.e., lien)to the lender. The court held that the deed of trust had priorityover the <strong>as</strong>sociation’s rights because the judicial foreclosurejudgment replaced the previously-recorded <strong>as</strong>sessment lien and,hence, does not relate back to the date of the <strong>as</strong>sessment lien.The court intimated, but did not expressly state, that had the<strong>as</strong>sociation created a judgment or execution lien, the new lienwould have related back to the date of the <strong>as</strong>sessment lien, givingit priority over the deed of trust.To have a security interest in the unit after obtaining the judgment,the <strong>as</strong>sociation must create a new judgment or executionlien on the unit. A judgment lien is created by recording anAbstract of Judgment (Code Civil Proc. §§ 674 & 697.310). Anexecution lien is created by levying execution of the judgmentto have the property sold and having the levying officer recorda Notice of Levy (Civil Code Proc. §§ 697.710 & 700.015(a)).In Diamond Heights Village Association, Inc. v. Financial FreedomSenior Funding Corp., the <strong>as</strong>sociation did neither, relying onits previously-recorded Notice of Delinquent Assessment toWhenever an <strong>as</strong>sociation obtains a judgment to collect an <strong>as</strong>sessment,whether a judicial foreclosure judgment or a straightmoney judgment (even a small claims court judgment), it shouldimmediately have recorded the documents necessary to create anew lien on the unit (Abstract of Judgment and/or Notice ofLevy) to protect the priority of the <strong>as</strong>sociation’s lien over theliens of other creditors.Wayne Pariser is a partner with Pariser & Pariser, LLP, a lawfirm that provides a wide range of legal services to community<strong>as</strong>sociations. He can be reached at wdp@pariserandpariser.com."Why see the generalist when you cansee the SPECIALIST ?"BEST SERVICEBEST PRICEVoted Best In our Cl<strong>as</strong>s!• DECK COATINGS (MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR)• DECK RECONSTRUCTION (DRY ROT, STUCCO)• BELOW GRADE AND PLANTER WATERPROOFINGOVER 5 MILLION SQUAREFEET OF DECKCOATINGS ANDWATERPROOFINGINSTALLED, REPAIREDAND REHABILITATED.HOA APPROVED. WE DOIT ALL!Call: 888-388-WICR (9427) www.wicr.netJuly/August 2011 • 29

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