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<strong>CAI</strong> GreAter <strong>Los</strong> AnGeLes ChApter • www.cai-glac.orgreaDing is FUnDamenTaLcontinued from page 24Marina del Rey, and eventually on to become the generalmanager of the Two Eleven Spalding Condominium Association,the position I still hold today. I had been a <strong>CAI</strong> member for awhile by then and had tried to read FOCUS whenever possible.Not long after transitioning to my GM position and settling in,I came across the article Water Conservation in the Landscape inthe May-June 2006 issue of FOCUS. It highlighted several waysto save water, but the part about self-programming weathersensitivetime clocks reminded me of the article from 2004 andinspired me to do some new on-line research about irrigationcontrollers.When my board w<strong>as</strong> considering a complete landscape remodelin 2008, the articles and my subsequent research promptedme to suggest that they consider installing a smart controllerto improve water savings. We <strong>as</strong>ked the landscape architect toprepare the specifications both ways and had the contractorsprovide proposals and estimate water use for both conventionaland smart irrigation controllers. It w<strong>as</strong> an e<strong>as</strong>y choice for myboard once they saw that the initial investment would pay foritself within the first year and that subsequently we stood torecognize incre<strong>as</strong>ed savings in the years to come. The controllerh<strong>as</strong> been installed for almost a year now, and the water savingswe have already realized h<strong>as</strong> more than covered its cost. I mighthave eventually learned about smart irrigation controllers elsewherehad I not read the FOCUS articles, but reading about thecontrollers had a much greater impact and gave me a ready referencewhen I needed it.Although I don’t always have a lot of time to read and, after along day/week at work, an industry trade magazine isn’t alwaysmy first choice, I made a commitment to myself to learn <strong>as</strong> much<strong>as</strong> I could about anything that would make me a more effective<strong>as</strong>set to my boards. Reading industry-specific subject matter is afundamental part of keeping that commitment to myself, and Iam certain that, by continuing to read FOCUS Magazine, I willuncover additional gems of information that can be applied to <strong>as</strong>ituation or project for the benefit of the <strong>as</strong>sociation.Dirk Foster, CCAM®, CMCA®, AMS®, PCAM® is the on-sitegeneral manager of the Two Eleven Spalding CondominiumAssociation, the oldest “built-<strong>as</strong>” condominium in Beverly Hills.He can be reached at bh211spalding@sbcglobal.net.Who else can say – our account executives know communitymanagement backwards and forwards.Who else can say – our relationship managers speak yourlanguage and understand your business.Who else can say – our technology group h<strong>as</strong> revolutionizedthe business of <strong>as</strong>sociation management.ExpEriEncEHOA Banking • HOA Loans • Internet C<strong>as</strong>h ManagementOnline Payment Systems • Dedicated Customer ServiceLisa Ann Rea CMCA AMSRegional Account Executive805.907.8452Toll Free 866.800.4656, ext. 7500lisa.rea@cabanc.comcabanc.comCommunity Association Banc is a division of Mutual of Omaha Bank. Member FDIC. Equal Housing LenderNational Corporate Member of Community Associations Institute.Z3445Equal Housing LenderJuly/August 2011 • 25

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