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628 EDGAR A. SMITH.9. Chemnitz. Conch. Cab., Vol. x.10. Clessin. Conch. Cab., Ed. 2.11. Crosse, (a) Jon7vi. de Conch., Vol. xiii. ;(b) Rev. et Mag. ZooL, Vol. x. 1858.12. Deshayes. (a) Maillard's L'lle de la Reunion, Vol. ii.; (6) Joiirn. de Conch., Vol. vi.(c) Proc. Zool. Soc, 18.54, pp. 317 et seq.;{d) Proc. Zool. Soc, 1859, pp. 270 et seq.13. Delessert. Recueil de Coquilles.14. D'Orbigny. Moll. Cuba, Vol. ii.16. DuNKER. Index Moll, maris Japan.16. Gmelin. Syst. Nat.17. Gould. Otia Conchologica.18. Gray, (a) Proc. Zool. Soc, 1834, pjx 57 et seq.; (b) (? Gray) Appendix, King'sAustralia, Vol. ii.19. Hanley. (a) Thes. Conch., Vol. i. ;{b) Ipsa Linn. Conch.20. HiND.s. {a) Voyage "Sulphur" Mollusca; (b) Thes. Conch., Vol. i.2 1 . LssEL. Malacol. mar Rosso.22. JoussEAUME. Rev. et Mag. de Zool, Vol. xxiii.23. KiENER. Coq. viv.24. KoBELT. Conch. Cab., Ed. 2.25. Krauss. Sudafr. Moll.26. Martens. Mobius' Meeresfauna Mauritius, Mollusken.27. Melvill. {a) Mem. Manchester Soc, Vol. xu. ;(b) Journ. Conch., Vol. x.28. Melvill and Standen. (a) Journ. Conch., Vol. viii. ; (6) Journ. Linn. Soc, Vol. xxvii.p. 150 et seq.29. Melvill and Sykes. Proc Malac. Soc, Vol. iii.30. Morgh. Cat. Conch. Yoldi.31. Pease, (a) Anm: Jour. Conch., Vol. in.; (6) Proc. Zool. Soc, 18(30, p. 397 et seq.32. Pfeiffer. Co?ic/i. Cab., Ed. 2.33. Philippi. (a) OwicA. C«6., Ed. 2; {b) Abbild., Vol. in.34. Pilsbry. Man. Conch., Vols. xi. xii. xiv. xv. xvn.35. QuoY et Gaimard. Voyage "Astrolabe."36. R^CLUZ. Journ. de Conch., 1850.37. Reeve. ConcJi. Icon., Vols. i. n. in. iv. v. vi. vui. ix. x. xi. xn. xiii. xiv. xv.XVII. XX.

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