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70. Sahoo D.K., Biswas S.,Dhal N.K. and Brahmam M. (2009) ‘’Malkanagiri: An abodeof Rich Floristic Diversity of Eastern Ghat,Orissa’’ India’’Plant science research pp27.71. Biswas S., Sahoo, D.K.,Dhal N.K. and Brahmam M. (2009) ‘’Indigenousphytotherapies among the Kondh Tribe of Malkanagiri,Orissa,India’’Plant scienceresearch pp 42.72. Mohanty M..Dhal N.K.,Patra P,Das B. and Reddy P.S.R. (2009) ‘Growth and MetalBioaccumulation In Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon Flexuosus. (Nees Ex Steud. Wats.) <strong>–</strong>A Case Study For Phytostabilisation And Revegetation Of Iron Ore Tailings’’international Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology, pp 81.73. Biswas S., Sahoo, D.K.,Dhal N.K. and Brahmam M. (2009) “Assessment of rare,endangered and threatened (RET) medicinal plants of Malkanagiri District,Orissa,India”.International symposium on Angiosperm systematic & Phylogeny:Retrospects & Prospects held at Lucknow Nov 12-14,pp 94.74. Sahu S.C.. Dhal N.K.,Rout N.C. and Mohanty R.C.(2009) “Floristic analysis offamily Fabaceae in Deogarh District, Orissa: Present status andConservation”.International symposium on Angiosperm systematic & Phylogeny:Retrospects & Prospects held at Lucknow Nov 12-14,pp 57.75. Sahoo K Dhal N.K., and Das R..(2009) “Antibacterial Assay of Anogeissus latifolia(Roxb.ex Dc) Wall.ex Guill.&Perr.”.National seminar on The Present and Future ofBiodiversity Conservation held at Banki Dec 26-27th,pp 128.76. Biswas S.,Sahu D.K., Dhal N.K., and Brahmam M..(2009) “Forests of Malkanagiri:Livelihood for the local tribals.”.National seminar on The Present and Future ofBiodiversity Conservation held at Banki Dec 26-27th,pp 129.77. Muduli S.D, Nayak B.D, Dhal N.K., and Mishra B.K.(2009) “Use of Fly ash in anacid lateritic soil for agriculture”.National seminar on The Present and Future ofBiodiversity Conservation held at Banki Dec 26-27th,pp 130.78. Kandi B., Dhal N.K., and Mohanty R.C.(2009) “Ethno-medicinal practices amongthe tribes of Nuapada District , Orissa ,India”.National seminar on The Present andFuture of Biodiversity Conservation held at Banki Dec 26-27th,pp 133.79. Sahu S.C., Dhal N.K., and Mohanty R.C.(2009) “ Taxonomic and Ethnobiologicalstatus of Uraria picta (Jacq.) Desv.ex Dc.(Fabaceaea) ”.National seminar on ThePresent and Future of Biodiversity Conservation held at Banki Dec 26-27th,pp 138.80. Bhadra A.K.,Dhal N.K., and Rout N.C. (2009) “ Documentation of somenoteworthy folk-medicinal plants from the protected forest areas of Gandhamardanhill ranges ,Orissa, India”.National seminar on The Present and Future ofBiodiversity Conservation held at Banki Dec 26-27th,pp 138.81. Patra J.K.,Mohapatra Das A. Rath S.K.., Panigrahi T.K., Dhal N.K., and Thatoi H.(2009) “ Determination of Biological Activity from the leaf extracts of Excoecariaagallocha L. a mangal species of Bhitarakanika, Orissa , India”.National seminar onThe Present and Future of Biodiversity Conservation held at Banki Dec 26-27th,pp146.

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