Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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She turned away from him, trying to control thetide of rage boiling over her. Shaking with herattempts to tamp down her angry shouts, sheclenched her hands and closed her eyes tightly.Suddenly she was spun around to face him againand he crushed his lips to hers, cupping her face inhis hands. She brought her hands up between themto push against his chest, but his arms went tightlyaround her back, pulling her even closer to him.She moaned low in her throat as his kiss gentledand became exploratory. He moved her to the edgeof the bed and lowered her onto the mattress, neverceasing his slow movement over her lips. “Damn it,Kelly, just don’t say anything for a while. No words.We can’t seem to have a conversation withouthurting each other, so for just a little while let’scommunicate without talking.”She gazed into his eyes as he drew away fromher and studied his expression. How could she wanthim so much after all the mistrust and hurt? Hisfingertips caressed her cheek and she closed hereyes, arching further into his hand.What if she let him make love to her? Would it beso bad? Or would it just confirm his low opinion of

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