Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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distance before he went off the deep end.He drove aimlessly and ended up at his officebuilding before he even realized that he was headingin that direction. He didn’t often drive, and usuallyonly when he was leaving the city. He kept his carparked and used his car service. But today he hadn’tbeen in any mood to wait for pickup.He parked and went up to his office,acknowledging Jansen’s look of surprise since he’djust told his assistant that morning that he wouldn’tbe in for several days.He waved off Jansen’s question of whether or nothe needed anything and shut the door to his office.Then he flopped into his chair and swiveled aroundto stare out the window.The weather had turned cold and gray, much moresuited to his mood. After spending several days inTexas, where it was a good deal warmer, even inwinter, coming back to the cold of the Northeast wasa bit of an adjustment.His cell phone rang, and he almost didn’t answer.It was Cam, and Cam would want to know what hadprompted his departure from Moon Island. Ryan was

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