Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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you’d see it too.”“You’re not even going to deny it. My God. Whatdid Kelly ever do to deserve what you did to her?She’s lying in a hospital right now. She carries mychild, your grandchild. She was pregnant when yousent Jarrod to attack her. What kind of a psychopathdoes that kind of thing?”“I don’t regret protecting my sons,” she said stiffly.“I’d do it again. You’ll understand when your son ordaughter is born. You’ll understand why I did what Idid. With parenthood comes the knowledge thatyou’ll do anything at all for your child. You’ll protectthem with everything you have. You can’t just stand<strong>by</strong> and let your child make the worst mistake of theirlife and do nothing. Come talk to me in a few years.Then ask yourself if you still hate me so much.”He was dumbfounded <strong>by</strong> the lengths she went tojustify her actions. They weren’t simply morallyreprehensible. They were criminal!“I would hope that I never act as you have, that I’dnever hurt an innocent woman just because I didn’tthink she was good enough. <strong>Her</strong>e’s what you don’tunderstand, Mother. She’s a better person than you’llever be. Not good enough? We aren’t good enough

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