REPORTS May - West Virginia Legislature

REPORTS May - West Virginia Legislature

REPORTS May - West Virginia Legislature


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IIIIIItIIItIIIIIIIIWEST VIRGIMA II)ITENYNOITS TO FIMNqAL STATEMENITI-Unsdlted-NOIE A- REIRED@IT BXNEFITS (conrhred)Covered,enplgyeg aro tEquir€d b .rEr'n"'r.49lo ofthir salary to &s PERS. Tbe Irfr€qt i! requfu€dto".gd -}nto10.f/o of csvq€d s.'ptoy€€s' salat€F to the PERS. ths rcqufud -ndoyce @d euploy€ccotudbuim perce&g€s b8r'e b€En €sfiblirhcd ed tuged 6m rn6 6 --" ty aao of Oo S,icoT.slFl;t''a Tbe r€q!fted oodihions Es lot adEiatly detffifned; howsvlr, ast&i8l yrluadoDs 6spcdEn€d ,o'lrlitthe L€dsldrle h d€de@iEfng apF!,Fi6 odMoo& lts Iatbry @d €Aloy€oco'dhdcos, fufb lEdod sndtng Mar* 31, ZN)9 qe ss bnsvJs Gr tfious@ds):L.d16y oodfbdi@rF qjky€e qi6lM@!Tctul odlbrdoaM)TE 14 - RISK MANAGB{EIITlrdoh 31. Zmg$55--s79Y6d-to D6Ths LaffEry fu €sp8sd b yadous dd(8 ofloss reldd to b(q t+'ef of, G d'n}"ge to, snd d€stocti@ ofassq enm @d .rniFi{F$ f4iEi€s to €qloy€Ei ad rAral dtsam, Ile Loflrry fdoipdrs ineweraf drk 'n 'rgmem Eog@s sd'nnletEr€d ty tho Stare of W€dvftEfia. P-.h of&rs€ rlEk pooisbsvo-issed sepqato n lifed €nsncisl ttEoIE ot ttsh ole[dflo@. Ibo6o rel'dts tirolfldF ee r€qufrEdsulpl@Enbly i'rf.rEn'tlcE od.ss@ing fre t€cdofldion of aldEs [lhflftles by ttpe of cffi and h-t€r nr'l'n d€ndof€d trmdoa" C@lsfE Gn'n inl datEmrua of tbs hdtvi&al inrumos€derpdse 6ndq c@ bE obffied directly fiom tbeir r€spEciivs .rffi#iro ofro€*WEST VIRGINIA WORKERS' COM.PH{oa.''*IIoN OOMMIStrON (WCt)Ib Stsb d Wost VegHs op€E@d o excluive ffif,@gEd wo*erd omp.rsdm Imarce!E!@ (WCC) Fio! to DEgembq 31, N5. A ferut fu fo pivAizdo of wid!e88,amp€osd@ hsr@ls b !/es! Vttginia Ear Esilbl&hfd trffh lhe rsrEgo of S€ost€ Bitl 1004 ed fuWCC hrd fud waa tirmirpted e&Uive Deoe0lbEr 31, 2105. A pivCizd borircos ciftr.y, Bdd6t€rtAdrdddhafls S€rylo€o @AS! *E esbul&d od becgre 6e addrfidor of ths WCC Otd FE4b.offfif g Jauat 1, 2M, Bd ae'€effnr fu Goved yEars, aod wlll bave dl o,{nrnirtr$rve @dadu&ey iuf,lq+tt pevfosl,| rrcftd h fto WCC tust +''d h 'd?ntritrl?i'gold lsw fablidss mdirttrvlm Eocesdng anl doctdng old lsw dalltre BAS rrill be ldd a nodty sdntHd'dfi|g &s @drdd trtrEmiuln b Fovlds 8 pF@ ad Ewihblo sytu ftr c@eorrdm fu iaiuy suCafood h tho(r}rllss of @d grushg ol|f of €q'loy!€ul Ib rn{''rfiV 'd'ntrSdveeo for ee Yie* Vfunda LoterybE b€6 sst d I lwel 0@rided wfih pdor yw p5/'necrtr d ths lsy rd or gmrr"'r wlll bo€slablhh€d on e qdEl9 r&d 1""k, Tte W€$ Vtglds Irfidt ts r€q&d to gd@eF ln tbo nowFrlolst'€€{ AdDtdrtdtvs S€wtcso @AS) .qlF r.".'e r*d poo! rddah is q€ded to be rde adjlsdo a qrorbly bad*PUBTJCMTPI,oYffiS' tr'{ST'BAN@ AGENCT OMA)lb I"ogEry pdd46 h tbe Pubuo Efodoyes8' Iommce Ag€osy xlhbh Fovid9! @ €qhveebooft Mre pllglm b €mploy€€s. PHA EE8 odqbllrhod bt fte StE o of W€st Vtgfida br SaeI'TTERY FDIANCIAIS ATTACHMENTS$494215,!

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