New PageMaker 7.0 Publication - Baylling HSS

New PageMaker 7.0 Publication - Baylling HSS

New PageMaker 7.0 Publication - Baylling HSS


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Pillars of GNHLorig2013Gross National Happiness is the developmental philosophy coined by our visionary Druk Gyalpo JigmeSingye Wangchuck. It was all for the fulfillment of people’s internal desire that is not other thanHAPPINESS. It was internationally recognized and appreciated. On 19 th November 2008, thisphilosophy as Gross National Happiness came to existence in Bhutan. Gross National Happiness consistof four pillars on which the nations developments and changes is based upon. Developing based on suchpillars would uplift the living standard of people socially as well as physiologically. GNH’s main focus ison material, spiritual, environmental and emotional aspects of people’s need.First one, equitable and sustainable socio-economic development deals with achievement offruits of development which must be healthy, long lasting and beneficial to all the people in times tocome. Therefore, having sustainable and equitable socio-economic development makes our nationindependent consequently, people lives in harmony where by citizens’ desire ‘HAPPINESS’ is fulfilled.Another important rung in the ladder of GNH is “preservation and promotion of culture andtradition”. As culture and tradition makes Bhutan unique and independent nation in the world, ifBhutan happens to lose its unique identity, it is expected that the nation’s security and harmony wouldhamper. We are precariously surrounded by many powerful and largely populated countries at theirsinister schemes. By preserving the culture and heritage we are ensuring the peace and prosperity of ournation and happiness for the people throughout the generations.“Conservation of natural environment” is one of the pillars of GNH. Bhutan is gifted withgreat biodiversity of flora and fauna. This had made Bhutan to be recognized as one of the ‘Hot Spots’in the world. By knowing its significance and consequence, our government came up with a philosophy‘middle path’. This balances the economic growth and conservation of natural environment. The richenvironment had been providing the needs of people ultimately promoting Happiness of the people.Natural environment is distinct source that contribute to Gross National Happiness.The key towards Gross National Happiness is ‘Good Governance’. His Majesty has decentralizedthe power to enhance peace and harmony in nation, more over Constitutional Democratic Monarchy in theyear 2008. The power of good government is the guard and guide of happy living. Constitutionaldemocratic monarchy had accountably made the climate of happiness much fair and favorable for theBhutanese.Gross National Happiness has provided Bhutanese a glamorous contentment and proved beneficialin every way. It is the responsibility of the people to strive for the fulfillment and accomplishment of theobjectives of Gross National Happiness which is a gift to the people by our fourth Druk Gyalpo.Yeshi Dema10 AEngineers vs Managers○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○A team of young budding Managers were given anassignment to measure the height of a flagpole. So theManagers discussed and put up a project plan with rolesand responsibilities. The manager who was responsiblefor organizing the resources went out and got a ladderand a tape. The tape measure was just the ordinary tapeof 6 feet.The lead manager assigned another manager to go ontop of the pole and start the measure. They were fallingoff the ladders, dropping the tape measures - the wholething was just a mess.An Engineer came along and saw what they’ weretrying to do. He walked over pulled the flagpole out ofthe ground, laid it flat, measured it from end to end,gave the measurement to one of the managers andwalked away.After the Engineer went away, one manager turns headto another and laughs. “Isn’t that just like an engineer?We’re looking for height and he gives the length”Moral of the story:No matter how good engineer you are, Managersalways finds fault in youEducation is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time thatnothing that is worth knowing can be taught.Oscar Wilde9

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