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in the worksClinicalTrialsPatients with Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases(PIDD) are prone to infectious disease, autoimmunedisorders and malignancy. This can result in recurringand/or chronic infections that lead to organ damage.ADMA Biologics is currently recruiting participantsfor a Phase-III, open label study to evaluate the pharmacokinetics,efficacy and safety of RI-002 (IGIV) insubjects with PIDD. This study will recruit both maleand female participants between the ages of 2 and 75.Relypsa Inc. is conducting a study to evaluatePatiromer in the treatment of hyperkalemia. Males andfemales ages 18-80 with Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD) at stage 3a, 3b or 4 or with hyperkalemia areeligible to participate. The study is now recruiting inmultiple centers across the United States, as well asother countries. An estimated 240 participants will beenrolled with a completion date of September 2013.Influenza infection in solid organ transplant recipientswhile on maintenance immunosuppressant therapyis associated with increased morbidity and mortality.An exploratory, open label, observer blinded study isbeing sponsored by Inova Health Care Services todetermine the safety and immunogenicity of Fluzone ®and Fluzone ® High-Dose influenza vaccine in thesehigh-risk patients. A second objective of this study isto determine the tolerability and efficacy of two differentstrengths of trivalent influenza vaccine. Male andfemale recipients of kidney, lung and heart transplantsaged 18 to 70 years are eligible to participate. Thisstudy is estimated to start in September 2013.A study to evaluate the safety, tolerability and immunogenicityof ipilimumab (Yervoy ® ) in combination withNY-ESO-1 vaccine in patients with unresectable ormetastatic melanoma began in March 2013. Patientsfor whom treatment with ipilimumab has been indicatedare eligible to participate in this Phase-I study sponsoredby Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research andin collaboration with the Cancer Research Institute.Only 18 participants are estimated to enroll in thisstudy that is not yet open for participant recruitment.In patients who previously underwent a stem celltransplant, carfilzomib or Kyprolis ® may stop thegrowth of cancer cells, while dexamethasone mayimprove bone marrow function and increase bloodcell counts. The Mayo Clinic is sponsoring a Phase-IIstudy to determine if administering carfilzomib togetherwith dexamethasone may be an effective treatmentfor multiple myeloma in patients who previouslyunderwent stem cell transplant. Males and femalesaged 18 and older are eligible to participate in thisstudy that will begin in June 2013.Source: ClinicalTrials.gov, 17 April 2013<strong>ASD</strong> <strong>Healthcare</strong> 75

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