The Gunnery
The Gunnery
The Gunnery
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A Message fromthe Chairman, Board of Trustees andthe Director of AdvancementGreetings to the <strong>Gunnery</strong> Family,This Annual Report hardly tells the story of this remarkable year at <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>.It has been a year highlighted with significant accomplishments and changes. It hasbeen one tinged with the bitter sweetness of saying farewell to Susie Graham afterher transformational leadership of twenty-one years. Yet, on the other hand, we’veexperienced eager anticipation to welcome our new head of school, Peter W.E. Becker,and the potential of what lies ahead for <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>.In addition to the successful conclusion of the head search process, the school, underthe guidance of the Board of Trustees, has held tight to the promise that new programsand projects will bring. A new College Office attached to Bourne will provide theCollege Guidance staff with a space commensurate with the serious task of guiding<strong>Gunnery</strong> students onto the next level of their educational lives. <strong>The</strong> Board is alsoworking to raise funds to build a new dorm, to be known as Graham House in honor ofSusan Graham. We thank the Tisch family who has issued a $1 million dollar challengeto get that project moving in the right direction. In that same vein, an endowment fundwas created by Edsel and Cynthia Ford in Susie’s honor. <strong>The</strong> Annual Fund once againsurpassed the million dollar total at $1,032,646. Our deep appreciation goes to allthose who have supported these efforts this year.As we move forwardand plan for anotherstellar year, pleaseknow we realize that<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>’s successis cared for and sharedwith those of you whofaithfully contributeyour time, talents andtreasure to supportMr. Gunn’s School.Of course, the motivator for all this activity is our students. This year’s senior class wasan exemplary group of young men and women and they will enroll in some of the bestliberal arts colleges in America. More importantly, they leave behind a legacy of anenergized student body prepared to equal the success of this year’s senior class.As we move forward and plan for another stellar year, please know we realize that<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>’s success is cared for and shared with those of you who faithfullycontribute your time, talents and treasure to support Mr. Gunn’s School. In an age oftencharacterized by the “quick fix” or instant gratification, the fact that our school is now162 years old and still going strong is a clear testament to those generations of alumni,parents, grandparents, and friends who saw and continue to see the strength of a<strong>Gunnery</strong> education and the value for which it stands. It is to you, both now, in the pastand in the future, that we extend our most heartfelt thanks. We can’t do it without you.With gratitude,Stephen W. Baird ’68Chairman, Board of TrusteesLaura D. Eldridge P’12Director of Advancement# <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized 3
Mr. Robert N. Fountain II ’64 #Dr. Donald G. Fox ’55 #Ms. Alexa R. Frageau ’12Ms. Cassandra L. Frageau ’12Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. FrankDr. David D. Frankville andDr. Kathleen M. KayaMr. Alan D. R. Frese ’51Mr. and Mrs. John M. Friedman, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. FriedmanMs. Tara J. Friedman ’03Ms. Alison C. FryeMr. Christopher Fulton ’76Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. FunkLCDR Nancy B. Gaal Edelen ’96Mr. Tristram C. Gaillard ’61Mrs. Deborah L. Garrity ’87Mr. William T. Gaspar ’64Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. GastonLieutenant Stephen C. Gay ’01Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Geary, Jr.Ms. Kathleen G. Gedney ’03Mr. Gregory P. Geller ’84Mr. John M. George ’12Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. GheringMs. Robyn A. GiordanoMs. Frederike J. Goldschmidt ’12Mr. Walter B. Goldsmith ’51Ms. Judith GorraMr. Christian Gotfredson ’66Mr. James P. Gould ’09Mr. John L. Gould ’12Mr. Kenneth B. Gould ’74Mr. Andrew N. Graham ’12Mr. George H. J. Grande ’64Mr. James V. Grant ’96 andMrs. Miranda Pasch-Grant ’96Mr. Lawrence R. Gray ’60Mr. Douglas C. Greene ’73Mr. Benjamin L. Greenfield ’07Mr. Allan B. Greenwood ’58Mr. Perry C. Gresh ’81Ms. Allison I. Grill ’05Mr. Robert G. Gryce ’80Ms. Lauren R. GullyMr. Paul J. Guten ’92Mr. and Mrs. Steven HaasMs. Sara L. Haestad ’12Mr. and Mrs. Jon G. HagopianMs. Frances B. Hall ’10Mr. Gordon W. Hall ’57Mr. and Mrs. Robert HambletMr. Battle M. Hamilton ’62Mr. and Mrs. Clayton T. Hardon, Jr.Mr. David HargadonMs. Patricia HargadonMr. John A. Harrison ’64Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. HartMs. Jennifer C. HartMr. Richard H. Hart ’57Mr. Thomas E. Hart ’12Mr. Raeburn O. Hathaway ’12Ms. Nao Hattori ’91Mr. and Mrs. William E. HavemeyerMs. Noelle C. Hawthorne ’06Mr. Daniel C. Hay ’12Mrs. Nina L. Healy ’90Mr. Charles W. Heaven ’73Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. HemmingstadMr. Paul M. Henne ’07Mr. Snowden M. Henry ’84Mr. and Mrs. John A. Herrmann, Jr.Mr. Michael R. Hespos ’84Mr. Richard H. Hess ’56Mr. Patrick J. Higgins ’12Mr. Robert F. Hilgendorff ’73Ms. Alyson S. Hill ’07Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. HillMrs. Tiffany L. Hillkurtz ’87Mrs. Donald L. HillsMr. Philip B. Hinkle ’52Ms. Samantha A. Hitchins ’99Mr. Benjamin Hjalmarsson ’12Tina FitzGerald Holleman ’90Mr. Charles H. Hollinger ’04Mr. Philip C. Hollinger ’01Mrs. Robert HooperDr. Edward G. Horn ’60Mr. William C. Horn ’63Mr. and Mrs. Solomon HouliMr. Gesheng Huang and Ms. Qian WuMr. and Mrs. Allen Hudson, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. HughsonMr. Dawson J. Hunter ’00Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. HussMr. Dennis J. HusseyMr. Robert L. Hyde ’48Ms. Hilaire T. IaniMrs. Alexandra V. InceMr. and Mrs. Vivian JackMr. and Ms. Ammar JadallahMs. Lindsay A. Jerry-Collins ’12Mr. Andrew S. Jeske ’83Mr. Fan Jiang ’12Mr. Martin G. Johnson ’81Mr. Robert P. Johnson ’57Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. JohnsonMr. Joseph M. Juhas ’62 #Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Julich, Jr.Mr. William R. Kaehrle ’60Ms. Alexandra N. Kagan ’00Mr. Philip H. Kantor andDr. Andrea Joy KantorMs. Jessie G. Kaplan ’13Dr. and Mrs. Ross KaplanMr. and Mrs. E. Thomas KatzenbachMr. Kristopher C. Kauffman ’03Mr. Maxwell J. Kaufman ’12Mrs. Nancy B. Kaufman ’98Mr. Robert R. Keady ’53Mrs. Rose KeaneMrs. Elizabeth A. Kelley ’92Ms. Melanie H. Kellstrom ’12Ms. Emma H. N. Kelly ’06Ms. Erin A. Kelly ’08Ms. Eileen Kelly-AguirreMr. Harrison R. Kemp ’12<strong>The</strong> Honorable James Kenefick, Jr. ’53Mr. Tal Kerret and Ms. Lisa H.SilversteinMrs. Patricia P. KerstenMr. Thomas J. Kessler ’05Mr. Dale Kesten ’68Ms. Rhiana I. Kestenbaum ’12Ms. Caroline KeyMr. Michael R. Kim ’00Ms. Yea Weon Kim ’12Mr. Christopher L. King ’64 andMrs. Chitra YangMr. and Mrs. John C. KingMr. Paul H. King ’63Mr. and Mrs. Ross T. KirkMs. Anna K. KjellsonMs. Melanie T. Klein-Robbenhaar ’80Mr. Jared C. Kloth ’09Mr. and Mrs. William KneiselMrs. Sonia W. Kohrs ’92Dr. Leonard W. Kram ’63Mr. Louis F. Kreyer, Jr. ’49Dr. Robert K. Kritzler ’69Mr. Steven L. KroleskiMr. William D. Lackey ’58Mr. Jeffrey A. LaCroix ’75Mr. Carroll W. Laird ’42Ms. LouAnn LangeMr. Zachary G. Larson ’12General Peter Lash ’52Dr. Pushpa LataMr. Mark R. Lauretano ’05Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth LaymanMr. Frederick D. Lazar ’66Mrs. Jacqueline M. LesniakMr. and Mrs. David H. L’HeureuxMs. Jessica L. L’Heureux ’10Mr. and Mrs. Sanford LibowDr. Meyer D. Lifschitz ’59Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Lilley, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Clyde LincolnMs. Lindsay D. Lincoln ’08Mr. Kevin M. Lind ’04Mr. Stephen Lindquist ’89Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey LinesMr. and Mrs. Joseph N. LoglisciMs. Sarah M. Lombard ’12Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Long, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John B. Long IIIMr. Edward Longstreth, Jr. ’48Mr. Gary Lord ’72Mr. Peter S. Lorenz ’03Mr. and Mrs. Seth C. LowMs. Susan E. LoydMr. and Mrs. Henry LuzziMr. Michael J. LuzziMs. Katherine B. Lyons ’83Mr. Benton R. Lyster ’66Mr. Cameron P. MacKay ’12Ms. Darby E. MacKay ’12Mr. and Mrs. Stephan F. MackellMr. and Mrs. Robert A. MandlMs. Laura Mansur andMr. Cesar GuerraMarandola Fuel Service LLCMr. and Mrs. Gordon M.Marchand P ’09Mr. Philip W. Marden ’51Ms. Kate A. Marek ’05Mr. and Mrs. Philip MarkertMr. Frederick P. Marks II ’12Ms. Andrea L. Marron ’04Mr. and Mrs. Johnny MarseilleMr. P. Severin Marsted ’57Mr. Richard and Mrs. Laura Martin ’90Dr. and Mrs. Burt M. MashburnCommander Michael Matacz ’74Mrs. William M. MaterneMr. David J. Mathewson, Jr. ’62Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Matthews ’56Mr. Kristopher D. Matthews ’99Ms. Lisa Matthews ’80Mrs. Silvia Mayo Molina ’87Mr. Hugh A. McCandless ’50Mr. Charles L. McChesney ’54Mr. Robert M. McCollom ’58Ms. Melissa L. McCoy-GarzioneMr. Terrence W. McFarland ’77Mr. Shaun C. McGinty ’98Mr. and Mrs. John W. McHaleMr. Edward J. McHugh ’48Mr. Jack B. McIntosh ’92Mr. William E. McIntosh IV ’90 #Ms. Elizabeth S. McKenna ’06Mr. and Mrs. James B. McKennaMr. James F. McKernon ’58Mr. John W. McKernon, Jr. ’55Mr. Bartholomew W. McMannMs. Veronica M. McStocker ’12Mr. and Mrs. John N. McVeigh# <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized 7
Other Annual Fund Support (continued)Mr. David H. Means, Jr. ’81Mr. Christopher S. Meehan ’88Mr. Thomas B. Meek III ’81Mr. Samuel Meisenhelder ’41Mr. R. Paul Meissner ’86Mr. Alfred B. Mencuccini, Esq. ’67Mr. Richard H. Merrill ’66Ms. Katherine MerrittMr. and Mrs. Edward J. MessinaMr. Spencer R. Meyer ’96Mr. Matthew P. Milana ’10Mr. and Mrs. Curtiss H. MilesCommander Charles A. MiletichUSN (Ret.) ’70Mr. Ogden D. Miller, Jr. ’50Mr. Royce W. Miller II ’78Mr. Serge L. Miller ’51Dr. A. Fenner Milton ’58Mr. and Mrs. Arnold MinicucciMs. Merle MitsuyoshiMr. Frank H. Moore ’64Ms. Irene J. Moore ’84Mr. Jeffrey C. Moore ’00Mr. and Mrs. David L. MorganMr. William H. Morrison ’67Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MoseleyMr. William T. Mullaney ’00Mr. William L. Munson ’58Mr. William R. Murdoch ’50Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. MurphyDr. and Mrs. Frederick MuschenheimMr. Christopher M. Myers ’07Mr. Joe C. Myles ’84Mr. Michio Nakano ’53 #Dr. David J. Nashel ’56Dr. and Mrs. Elbert J.T. NelsonMr. Daniel A. Nesbett ’47Ms. Nell H. Nicholas ’83Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. NolanMr. and Mrs. William NolanMr. and Mrs. John P. O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Gary A. O’BrienMr. Michael P. O’Brien ’07Mr. William T. O’Connor ’76Mr. Christopher M. Olson, Jr. ’12Mr. William M. Oman, Jr. ’67Mr. and Mrs. James L. O’NeillMr. and Mrs. Frank J. Orszulak IIIMs. Lindsey C. Orszulak ’08Mr. O. Haydn Owens, Jr. ’50Vi and Reese OwensMr. Ronald A. Paiva, Jr.Mr. Thomas D. Pallazola ’85Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. PalmerMs. Ariel D. Pasch ’98Mr. Jackson H. Payne ’11Mr. and Mrs. John H. Payne IIIMr. MacKenzie D. Peeler ’12Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Pennell IIIMr. and Mrs. T. Sergeant Pepper ’62Mr. Luke M. Perda ’14Mr. Jesse C. PerkinsMr. Christopher J. Pescatello ’91Ms. Elizabeth K. Peters ’02Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. PettinicchiMr. John W. Phelps ’53Ms. Joleen A. PicconeMs. Ashley M. Pires ’12Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. PlanteMr. Maurice PlanteMs. Michele PlanteMr. L. Henry Platt, Jr. ’60Mr. Robin PorterMr. William M. Posey ’50Ms. Erin R. Potter ’12Mr. Graham H. Pough ’12Mr. Edwin B. Powell III ’55Mrs. LaVerne PragerMr. and Mrs. Warren MurrayMr. Craig S. Pressman ’83Mrs. Bebe PrinceMr. Jarrid M. Privitera ’12Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried E. ProkschaMr. and Mrs. William J. QuinlanMr. John RadatovichMr. Ralph Singh Rakieten ’66Mr. John V. RaleighMr. Jason A. Rapoport ’02Mr. Lyndon H. Ratcliffe ’47Ms. Laura L. Reckdenwald ’11Mr. Alden B. Reed ’10Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. ReichMs. Charlotte M. Reilly ’12Mr. and Mrs. Mark ReitmanMr. Alfred O. Reynolds, Jr. ’64Mr. Gregory F. Rhinow ’74Mr. and Mrs. Andrew RichardsMrs. Florence RichardsMs. Tyffany R. Richards ’12Mr. and Mrs. John B. RileyMr. Hugh M. Rinaldi ’12Mr. John M. Robards ’80 andMs. Geraldine E. Baldwin ’80Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Robinson, Jr.Mr. MacGregor RobinsonMr. Andrew P. Rocha ’11Mr. and Mrs. Richard RoderMr. Andrew Y. Rogers, Jr. ’61Mr. Cameron C. Romoff ’12Mr. and Mrs. James M. Rose, Jr.Mr. Richard J. Rosefield* ’55 andMrs. Janet RosefieldMr. and Mrs. Robert RosenMr. Robert L. Rosenwald, Jr. ’63Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. RowanMr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Rowe III ’57Ms. Heidi A. Rowe-Speers ’79Mr. Todd M. Rubsamen ’87Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. RyerMrs. E. Ann SaabMr. and Mrs. Lewis P. SalernoMr. Todd C. Santa MariaMs. Danielle E. Sass Byrnett ’95Mr. Dean J. Scherza ’97Dr. Lawrence C. Schine ’52 #Mr. John H. Schmidt andMrs. Mary Ermish-SchmidtMs. Laura E. Schmidt ’08Ms. Elizabeth H. Schoen ’81Mr. and Mrs. Craig G. SchoonMr. John H. Schwabacher ’58Mr. H. David Scoville ’57Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. SeguinMs. Emily A. Seguin ’12Mr. Walter R. Seibert, Jr. ’61Ms. Amanda E. Seitz ’00Mr. Alfred M. Sessa ’54Mr. Vincent P. ShanleyMr. Andrew O. Shapiro andMs. Carolyn SetlowMr. and Mrs. Bryan D. ShaughnessyMr. George V. Sheffield ’58Mr. Edgar M. Sheppard, Jr. ’43Dr. and Mrs. Joel A. ShermanMs. Priyanka J. Shetty ’08Ms. Nancy C. ShoberMs. Sarah O. Shulman ’12Mr. and Mrs. William H. Silengo, Jr.Mr. Jonathan W. Simms ’76Dr. Ashish Singh andMs. Laveena MalikMr. and Mrs. Jarrod M. SiskMr. K. Fabian Skibinski ’83Mr. John F. Skillman, Jr. ’52Mr. Gregory S. Slater, Jr. ’66Mrs. Charles A. SmithMr. Charles F. Smith ’57Mr. Hayden M. Smith ’12Mrs. Meredith W. SmithMr. Peter D. Smith ’48Mr. Randolph C. Smith ’84 #Mr. William H. SmithMr. William N. Smyth ’57 #Mr. Roger K. Snell ’51Mr. William F. Snydacker ’63Ms. Soo-Jin So ’12Mr. David M. Sones ’92Mrs. Holly I. Soroca ’93Mr. Pedro A. S. Souza ’12Ms. Kirsten A. Spelman ’06Mr. Charles H. Spencer ’62Mr. Daniel M. Sprague ’59Mr. Alexander L. Sproviero ’12Mr. Ryan D. StebbinsMr. Gary SteinMr. Joseph S. Stevens ’12Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. StewartMr. Albert I. Stiles ’48 #Mr. Frank L. Stolzenberg ’48Mr. and Mrs. W. Jed Stuart ’02Mr. Stephen T. Stultz ’73Mrs. Barbara S. SullivanMr. and Mrs. Lenny J. SuskindMs. Elizabeth M. Sutherland ’12Mr. Christopher Sutton ’72Mrs. Deborah H. Swigart #Mr. Jaren M. Taenaka ’12Mr. and Ms. Yoshi TaenakaMr. David F. Tamaroff ’04Dr. Edward Tayler ’49Mrs. Emily H. TaylorMs. Pamela C. TaylorMrs. Crystal A. Taylor-Julius ’00Mr. Robert J. Terenzi, Sr.Mr. Jesse M. Terry ’97Ms. Margaret M. <strong>The</strong>obald ’09Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. <strong>The</strong>obaldMr. Jacques C. <strong>The</strong>riot ’86Mrs. Anna <strong>The</strong>us ’86Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. ThomasMr. Kevin T. Thompson, Jr. ’02Mr. Richard M. Ticktin andMs. Frances E. KuminMr. Aaron S. Tillman ’91Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. TillmanMs. Bevin E. Titcomb ’03Mr. Nolan M. Titcomb ’05Dr. Alan Todd ’67Mr. James S. Todd ’53Mrs. Berenice C. Toomey-WelchMr. and Mrs. Peter P. TowerMr. Aaron J. M. Townsend ’04Mr. Timothy C. Tredwell ’52Mr. Jeffrey E. TrundyMr. Weston M. Ulbrich ’05<strong>The</strong> Honorable Thomas F. Upson ’59Mr. James H. Van Dyke ’00Kaitlin P. VargaMr. and Mrs. John J. VazzanoMrs. Richard E. Vila ’50 #Mr. Matthew T. Vredenburgh ’04Mr. Christian L. Waechter ’84Mr. Jonathan L. Waechter ’82Mr. James E. WallerMs. Page H. Waller ’87Ms. Renee S. Waller ’12Mr. and Mrs. John A. WalshMr. and Mrs. John WaltherMr. Joel L. Walzer ’68Mr. and Mrs. Richard WandermanMr. Yen-Hao Wang ’09Ms. Amye V. Waterhouse ’06Mr. Arnd Wehner ’84Mr. John C. Wehner ’65Ms. Lindsey WeinsteinMr. and Mrs. William WeldMr. and Mrs. Erhart WernerMr. and Mrs. Jack WertheimMr. and Mrs. Russell E. WheelerMr. E. Laurence White III ’68Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. WhiteDr. Richard C. White ’51Mr. W. Holt Whiting ’62 #Mr. Jonathan D. Whittle ’80Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. WhittleMr. Clark R. Wierdsma ’96Ms. Emily F. Wierdsma ’96Ms. Janet M. WildmanMs. Brooke M. Williams ’12Mr. Gilbert R. Williams ’55Mr. and Mrs. Guy WilliamsMr. Donovan W. Wilson ’78Professor Dwight Wilson ’49Jennifer, Jerry and Serafina WojcikMr. Ryan J. Wolf ’00Mr. Jake C. Wood ’12Mr. and Mrs. Harry WrightMr. William G. Wrightson III ’62Mr. Jian WuMr. Scott W. Wynn ’79Mr. Yui Ham Yan ’12Mr. Jin Young Yang ’98Ms. Li-Ting Yu ’12Mr. Geoffrey R. Zampiello ’94Mr. Thomas S. Zavorskas ’62Mr. Frederick D. Zonino, Jr. ’70Mrs. Wendy B. Zullo ’838 # <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized
# <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized 9
A Message fromthe Advancement Committee Chair,Board of TrusteesWe’ve had a remarkable year. I am particularly grateful to the many volunteersand contributors who helped to raise a record setting level of support for <strong>Gunnery</strong>.$5,745,009 in gifts and pledges is the greatest vote of confidence in the school’sstudents, teachers and overall mission. Thank you!I was particularly pleased to see the success of the Let’s Go Gunn! Annual FundChallenge. Between April 1 and June 15, $100,000 was put on the table to challengethe entire community to gain new donors and increased gifts to the Annual Fund.165 donors rose to the occasion and contributed $125,220—congratulations!We are all a part ofthe school at a veryexciting time in itshistory.2011-2012 marks the second year we have awarded Annual Fund distinctions torecognize outstanding support of four classes. Thank you to the following alumni forkeeping <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong> a priority and helping us work towards our potential.This year’s Class Award winners are:Kenneth J. Browne 1911 Award Class of 1972 with $44,250Largest Class GiftMargaret P. Addicks H ’02 Award Class of 1953 with 34%Highest Class ParticipationW. Russ Elgin Award Class of 2002 with $2,840Young Alumni Largest Class GiftSusan G. Graham Award Class of 2006 with 10%Young Alumni Highest Class ParticipationOn behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you to all the volunteers who workedwith the Advancement Office to make calls, write classmates and reach out to otherparents in support of the school. We are all a part of the school at a very exciting timein its history. As we look forward and welcome our new Head of School, Peter W.E.Becker, we must join him in shaping the future of our <strong>Gunnery</strong>.With appreciation,Patrick Dorton ’86Advancement Committee Chair,Board of Trustees10 # <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized
2011-2012 Alumni/Parents/Admissons/Advancement VolunteersWe are grateful for the many volunteers who give of their time andresources to help with alumni relations and advancement efforts.TRUSTEESDr. David M. Albala ’73Mr. Stephen W. Baird ’68Mr. Richard C. Colton, Jr. ’60Mr. Patrick M. Dorton ’86Mr. Jonathan M. EstreichMrs. Gretchen H. FarmerMrs. Beth W. GlynnMr. John M. Greenwood ’71Mr. David N. Hoadley ’51Mr. David E. Kaplan ’81Mrs. Joan A. NotoMrs. Kirsten PeckermanMr. Eugene A. PinoverMr. John D. Race ’73Mrs. Sarah Scheel Cook ’82Mr. Jay B. Sheehy ’73Mr. Peter B. Slone ’73Mrs. Pamela SolleyMrs. Christine B. StonbelyMr. Richard N. Tager ’56Mr. Peter S. Twombly ’74Mr. Gerrit Vreeland ’61TRUSTEE EMERITIMr. Leo D. Bretter ’52Mr. Jonathan S. Linen ’62Mr. Val J. Prevedini ’69GUNNERY COUNCIL MEMBERSMr. John H. Anning II ’90Mr. Peter J. Bergen, Jr. ’84Mr. Patrick V. Baker ’89Ms. Sheila M. Boyd ’91Mr. Brandon J. Dufour ’02Mr. Robert Gordon ’87Mr. L. Michael Hersom ’89Mr. Nicholas Molnar ’72Miss Andrea L. Marron ’04Mr. R. Whit Matthews ’98Mr. Brian R. Saltzman ’84Mr. Scott A. Schwind ’89Mr. Omar Slowe ’97Mrs. Elizabeth Soderberg ’91Ms. Krystalynn M. Schlegel ’96Mr. Jonathan P. Sullivan ’98Mr. Van Wilshire, Jr. ’89CLASS AGENT VOLUNTEERSMr. John C. Speaks III ’43Mr. David M. Philips ’44Mr. Peter D. Smith ’48Mr. James F. Ward ’48Mr. David N. Hoadley ’51Mr. Augustus G. Kellogg III ’52Mr. Harry T. Jones III ’53Mr. John H. Fisher II ’54Mr. Dwight D. Miller ’55Mr. Dean W. Matthews ’56Mr. Charles F. Smith ’57Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz ’58Mr. B. William Plotkin ’59Mr. Andrew Y. Rogers, Jr. ’61Mr. Philip R. Magnuson ’62Mr. Otto Kinzel III ’63Mr. Robert F. Brush ’64Mr. Paul M. Cummings ’66Mr. William N. Post ’66Mr. Stephen W. Baird ’68Mr. David M. Coburn ’68Mr. John M. Reynolds Esq. ’68Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan ’70Mr. John H. Freeman III ’71Mr. Nicholas Molnar ’72Mr. Samuel A. Abady ’73Mr. Peter S. Twombly ’74Ms. Melanie T. Klein-Robbenhaar ’80Ms. Lisa Matthews ’80Mr. John M. Robards ’80Mrs. Sarah H. Cornell ’82Mr. Jonathan L. Waechter ’82Mr. Leif K. Wigren ’82Mr. Peter J. Bergen, Jr. ’84Mr. Gregory P. Geller ’84Mrs. Meg O’Neil O’Brien ’84Ms. Janine E. Fierberg ’85Mr. Thomas S. Knowles, Jr. ’85Mr. Paul M. McManus, Jr. ’87Mr. Todd M. Rubsamen ’87Mr. Scott A. Schwind ’89Mr. John H. Anning II ’90Mrs. Laura E. Martin ’90Mrs. Elizabeth Soderberg ’91Mr. Steven R. Vitale ’92Mrs. Maria Kelly Simancas ’95Ms. Krystalynn M. Schlegel ’96Mr. E. Camden Fisher ’97Mr. Omar Slowe ’97Ms. Marissa Goss ’98Mr. R. Whit Matthews ’98Mr. Leonard M. Raimondi ’98Mr. Peter N. Feen ’99Mr. Kristopher D. Matthews ’99Ms. Cheryl L. Tafel ’99Mr. Justin J. DeLauri ’00Ms. Alexandra N. Kagan ’00Mr. Leigh Buckens ’02Mr. Peter S. Lorenz ’03Miss Tessa J. Schultz ’03Mr. Garner R. Blume ’04Ms. Caitlin A. Bridges ’05Ms. Kate A. Marek ’05Mr. William S. McKee ’06Miss Elizabeth S. McKenna ’06Ms. Kirsten A. Spelman ’06Ms. Alyse J. Dufour ’07Mr. Adam P. Houli ’07Miss Brittany M. Cripe ’08Mr. Jared C. Kloth ’09Mr. William M. Houldin III ’11Miss Taylor E. Rogerson ’11BOURNE ADVISORY COUNCILMr. Stephen W. Baird ’68Mr. Stephen P. Bent ’59Mr. Leo D. Bretter ’52Mr. Edsel B. Ford II ’68Mr. Jonathan S. Linen ’62Mr. Val J. Prevedini ’69Mr. William S. Smilow ’82Mr. Jonathan M. Tisch ’72Mr. Roy S. Walzer ’65GRANDPARENTS CHAIRMr. Joseph E. Brooks*PHONATHON VOLUNTEERSMrs. Jennifer B. BadgerMr. Steven E. BaileyMr. Daniel C. Calore ’97 andMrs. Andrea L. Calore ’97Mr. Hugh B. CaldaraMr. Justin J. DeLauri ’00Mr. John H. Fisher II ’54Mr. David N. Hoadley ’51Mr. Adam P. Houli ’07Ms. Melanie T. Klein-Robbenhaar ’80Ms. Eileen Kelly-AguirreMr. Dwight D. Miller ’55Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Martin ’90Miss Elizabeth S. McKenna ’06Mr. Bartholomew W. McMannMr. Jesse C. PerkinsMs. Krystalynn M. Schlegel ’96Mr. Charles F. Smith ’57Mr. W. Jed Stuart ’02Mr. Jonathan P. Sullivan ’98PARENT VOLUNTEERSMr. and Mrs. Eric AndersonMr. and Mrs. Anthony AnnicelliDr. and Mrs. James S. BauerMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. BriggsMr. and Mrs. Earl R. CarlinMr. and Mrs. Frederic M. ClarkMr. and Mrs. Steven F. CibelliMr. and Mrs. Steven T. CornellMr. and Mrs. Kevin DarrarMr. Benjamin D. DavolMr. and Mrs. Phil F. De PaulisMr. and Mrs. Anthony R. DominicusMr. and Mrs. Scott A. EldridgeMr. and Mrs. John M. GouldDr. and Mrs. Mark S. GroganMr. Harry G. Shulman andMs. Mary L. HaskinsMr. and Mrs. Chester J. HojnickiMr. and Mrs. Anthony G. HornMr. and Mrs. Guy A. HughsonMr. and Ms. Dennis CollinsMr. and Mrs. P. Todd KellstromMr. and Mrs. Mark F. Kessenich IIIMr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Judd IIIMr. and Mrs. Patrick KishonisMr. and Mrs. William C. LamoreauxMr. Dean C. L. Larson andMs. Catherine GravelMr. and Mrs. Albert E. Lussier III ’81Ms. Veronica A. LuzziMr. and Mrs. Francis X. Macary, Jr. ’77Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. MacKayMr. and Mrs. Stephan F. MackellMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. ManvilleMr. and Mrs. Daniel T. MarshMr. and Mrs. <strong>The</strong>os D. McKinney IIIMr. and Mrs. Mark MichalikMr. and Mrs. Carl A. MinicucciMr. and Mrs. John D. MooreMr. and Mrs. Peter L. MoseleyMr. and Mrs. Douglas J. NolanMr. and Mrs. Reese T. Owens# <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized 11
2011-2012 Volunteers (continued)Mr. Thomas C. Paron andMrs. Ann H. HertbergMr. and Mrs. Todd E. PayneMr. and Mrs. David W. PeelerMr. and Mrs. Michael J. PerdaMr. and Mrs. Marc L. RinaldiMr. and Mrs. William H. Silengo, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Louis SprovieroMr. David E. Kaplan ’81 andMs. Terri L. SteinMr. and Mrs. John A. StevensMs. Barbara S. SullivanMr. and Mrs. William T. TolleyMr. Mark Iannone andMs. Marylou Walsh-IannoneMs. Pauline C. WebsterMany parents help the school in waysthat we may not be aware of. If yourname should be listed, please forgive ouromission and let us know.<strong>The</strong> Head’s CircleEstablished to express our deepest appreciation and heartfeltgratitude for the donors who have made cumulative gifts exceeding$100,000. <strong>The</strong> vision of these very generous donors enables <strong>The</strong><strong>Gunnery</strong> to continue to support Mr. Gunn’s mission.AnonymousMr. Stephen W. Baird ’68Barnes Group Foundation,Inc.Mr. Stephen P. Bent ’59Mr. and Mrs. Ian M. BickleyMr. Leo D. Bretter ’52Mr. William S. BristowMr. Kenneth J. Browne 1911*Mr. Paul J. Bruning*Mr. Richard C. Colton, Jr. ’60Mrs. Virginia R. deCourcy H ’85*Mr. Patrick M. Dorton ’86Mr. John R. Dufour, Jr.Mrs. Rose L. DufourMr. and Mrs. Dick EbersolMr. Mark J. Eisner, Jr. ’45*<strong>The</strong> William H. Ellsworth FoundationMr. Lloyd W. Elston ’44<strong>The</strong> Fred L. Emerson FoundationMr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. EstreichMr. and Mrs. Philip M. FarmerMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey FeilMr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II ’68Mr. Henry Ford 2nd *Mrs. J. W. Gitt*Mrs. Beth W. Glynn<strong>The</strong> Horace W. Goldsmith FoundationMr. John M. Greenwood ’71Mr. David N. Hoadley ’51Mr. Sherman R. Hotchkiss ’63Mrs. Jane Botsford Johnson ’84Mr. Harry T. Jones III ’53Mr. Richard S. Klingenstein ’64*Mr. and Mrs. Mike LeeMr. Jonathan S. Linen ’62Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz ’58Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. LufkinMr. Henry Allen Mark*Mr. and Mrs. C. Russell McKee ’72Mr. Robert B. Mortell ’55Mr. Nicholas F. Munson ’59Mr. and Mrs. George Murphy*Mr. Brian C. Nickerson ’72Mr. and Mrs. Lucio A. NotoMr. G. Gordon Osborne ’22*Mrs. Kirsten M. PeckermanMr. Val J. Prevedini ’69Mr. John D. Race ’73<strong>The</strong> Estate of Edgar Reeve 1920Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ruane*Mr. Leonard R. Sargent ’33*Mr. Rees Shad ’83 andMrs. Pamela R. Kleber-Shad ’81Mr. Jay B. Sheehy ’73Mr. Peter B. Slone ’73Ms. Susan D. Smilow ’84William and Kathy Smilow ’82Mr. and Mrs. George N. StonbelyMrs. George G. Tenney*Jonathan and Lizzie Tisch ’72Mr. Preston R. TischMrs. Preston Robert TischMr. Steven E. Tisch ’67Mr. A. Thomas Turrentine ’71Mr. Peter S. Twombly ’74Mr. and Mrs. H. Willets Underhill ’31*Mr. Harry S. Valentine III ’53Mr. Alfred W. Van Sinderen* ’41Mr. Roger M. VaseyMr. Gerrit Vreeland ’61Mrs. Anne WallenMr. Roy S. Walzer ’65Mr. James F. Ward ’48Mr. Geoffrey R. Webster ’63<strong>The</strong> David, Helen and MarianWoodward FundMr. Henry H. Zarrow12 # <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized
All Giving by ClassCLASS OF 1937 75thANNUAL FUND: $1,000Mrs. Seth P. Holcombe #CLASS OF 1939ANNUAL FUND: $200Mrs. Barry D. BurrMrs. Donald L. HillsCLASS OF 1941ANNUAL FUND: $3,100Mr. Jervis Van VleckHeimbachMr. Samuel F. MeisenhelderCLASS OF 1942 70thANNUAL FUND: $500Mr. Carroll W. LairdMr. Sylvester P. Larkin, Jr.CLASS OF 1943ANNUAL FUND $3,552Mr. J. Hugh CobrainMr. John R. LymanMr. Edgar M. Sheppard, Jr.Mr. John C. Speaks III #CLASS OF 1944CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $20,000ANNUAL FUND $19,025Mr. John R. E. BookerMr. Chester T. DelvalleMr. Lloyd W. ElstonMr. Donald R. Grody #Mr. David M. Philips #CLASS OF 1946ANNUAL FUND $13,326Mr. Samuel R. CaldwellMr. Alexander J. Morrison #Mr. Paul M. RussCLASS OF 1947 65thANNUAL FUND $5,009Mr. <strong>The</strong>odore E. Bruning, Jr.Dr. Arthur C. Degraff, Jr.Mr. William A. R. DemingMr. Frank J. GavelMr. Christopher P. JonesMr. Daniel A. NesbettMr. Michael Ohl #Mr. Lyndon H. RatcliffeMrs. Stuart H. TisdaleCLASS OF 1948CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $12,500ANNUAL FUND $2,775Dr. Albert J. Anderson, Jr.Mr. C. Ross Daniels, Jr. #Mr. Robert L. HydeMr. Leonard F. LombardiMr. Edward Longstreth, Jr.Mr. Edward J. McHughMr. Richard M. MockovakMr. Peter D. SmithMr. Al Stiles #Mr. Frank L. StolzenbergMr. James F. Ward #CLASS OF 1949ANNUAL FUND $1,400Mr. Edward S. BensonMr. Donald E. CourtneyMr. Louis F. Kreyer, Jr.Mr. Robert F. PhelpsDr. Edward W. TaylerProfessor Dwight E. WilsonCLASS OF 1950ANNUAL FUND $900Mr. Thomas A. Blumenthal #Dr. James C. ClaytonMr. Hugh A. McCandlessMr. Ogden D. Miller, Jr.Mr. William R. MurdochMr. O. Haydn Owens, Jr.Mr. William M. PoseyMrs. Richard E. Vila #CLASS OF 1951CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $50,225ANNUAL FUND $12,100Mr. F. Bruce BradshawMr. J. Lawrence BrownellMr. D. Pierre G. Cameron, Jr.Mr. Alan D. R. FreseMrs. Walter B. GoldsmithMr. David N. HoadleyMr. Crane KirkbrideMr. Kingsley T. LeightonMr. Philip W. MardenMr. Serge L. MillerMr. Philip SheaMr. Roger K. SnellDr. Richard C. WhiteMr. Thacher W. WhiteCLASS OF 1952 60thCAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $13,500ANNUAL FUND $14,370Mr. Eliot H. BlinderMr. Leo D. Bretter #Mr. Marvin C. Cheney, Jr.Mr. Raymond B. DeRidder #Ms. Ann C. ElliottMr. Matthew GorryMr. Philip B. HinkleMr. H. Phillips JesupMr. Augustus G. Kellogg IIIGeneral Peter W. LashMr. A. Leonard ParrottMr. Paul P. RaymuntMr. David P. Renkert #Dr. Lawrence C. Schine #Mr. John F. Skillman, Jr.Mr. Timothy C. TredwellMr. Roger A. Walters #CLASS OF 1953ANNUAL FUND $34,550Mr. Leonard D. AlbertMr. Robert D. BallantineMr. Anthony M. DeludeMr. Steven M. FeinsteinMr. Owen O. Freeman, Jr.Mr. Harry T. Jones III #Mr. Robert R. Keady<strong>The</strong> Honorable James G.Kenefick, Jr.Mr. <strong>The</strong>odore G. KovenDr. Marvin L. LewinMr. James F. Millinger #Mr. G. Bruce MunroMr. Michio Nakano #Mr. John W. PhelpsMr. James S. ToddCLASS OF 1954ANNUAL FUND $1,875Dr. Michael H. AldermanMrs. Mary P. ChatfieldMr. Benjamin C. Davis #Mr. John H. Fisher IIMr. Hugh F. FitzpatrickMr. Brent MalcolmMr. Charles L. McChesneyMr. Alfred M. SessaCLASS OF 1955ANNUAL FUND $10,460Mr. Kenneth M. AdamsMr. Alan L. Bain #Mr. David P. Bancroft #Mr. John F. DillonDr. Donald G. Fox #Mr. George Gund IIIMr. Philip A. HouckMr. Robert L. LevineMr. John W. McKernon, Jr.Mr. Dwight D. MillerMr. Robert B. MortellMr. Edwin B. Powell IIIMr. Richard J. Rosefield*Mr. Jay N. ThomsonMr. Gilbert R. WilliamsMr. Thomas H. Wood, Jr.CLASS OF 1956CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $17,500ANNUAL FUND $7,925Mr. David K. Case<strong>The</strong> Honorable Colin C.ColstonMr. Richard H. HessMr. Dean W. MatthewsMr. Burrows Morley, Jr.Dr. David J. NashelMr. Richard N. Tager #CLASS OF 1957 55thCAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $1,600ANNUAL FUND $6,326Mr. Louis P. AllynDr. Thomas C. BramanMr. W. Cotton Damon IIMr. Frederick S. FieldsMr. Gordon W. HallMr. Richard H. HartProfessor Norman P. HinesMr. Robert P. JohnsonMr. P. Severin MarstedDr. William H. MaxwellMr. Barry S. ProtageMr. Wallace H. Rowe IIIMr. H. David ScovilleMr. Charles F. SmithProfessor Peter H. SmithMr. William N. Smyth #CLASS OF 1958CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT$100,300ANNUAL FUND $7,075Mr. Thomas F. ArchbaldMr. Russell P. ChubbMr. and Mrs. Michael H. DiemMr. Charles C. EdgarMr. Allan B. GreenwoodMr. William D. LackeyMr. Ronald E. Lipetz #Mr. Robert M. McCollomMr. James F. McKernonDr. A. Fenner MiltonProfessor George B.Moseley IIIMr. William L. MunsonDr. Daniel B. PennerMr. John H. SchwabacherMr. George V. SheffieldMr. James S. Tucker, Jr.CLASS OF 1959CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $99,300ANNUAL FUND $37,513Mrs. Jean B. BallMr. Stephen P. Bent #Mr. Robert W. Butler, Jr.Mr. J. Edward DavisMr. Wilfred O. Easter, Jr.Dr. Meyer D. LifschitzMr. Nicholas F. Munson #Mr. B. William PlotkinMr. Michael S. RenkertMr. Daniel M. SpragueMr. George S. Sullivan, Jr.<strong>The</strong> Honorable Thomas F.UpsonMr. James J. Von GalCLASS OF 1960ANNUAL FUND $12,950Mr. J. Bruce Butler, Jr.Mr. Richard C. Colton, Jr. #Mr. Stephen J. FarringtonMr. Reginald A. FawcettMr. James M. GilbertMr. Lawrence R. GrayMr. William R. GussmanMr. George W. HainesDr. Edward G. HornMr. James A. HughesMr. William R. KaehrleMr. Thomas R. KingMr. Gus H. Koven IIIMr. Jeffrey G. Marsted #Mr. L. Henry Platt, Jr.Mr. Robert R. Richmond #Mr. Michael H. Smith*CLASS OF 1961CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $5,000ANNUAL FUND $17,832AnonymousMr. Alexander AuerbachMr. Edward E. Baker, Jr.Professor Walter J.BlogoslawskiMr. Vinton Freedley IIIMr. Tristram C. GaillardLt. Colonel Charles J. Gaspar,Jr., Ph.D.Mr. Stephen A. GrayMr. Louis I. MargolisDr. Thomas L. Robbins, Ph.D.Mr. Andrew Y. Rogers, Jr.Mr. Walter R. Seibert, Jr.Mr. Gerrit VreelandCLASS OF 1962CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT$165,31450thANNUAL FUND $39,475Mr. Roderick L. BrantMr. Christopher T. HallMr. Battle M. HamiltonMr. John C. HarrisMr. Joseph M. Juhas #Mr. Jonathan S. Linen #Mr. Frederick W. LongMr. Philip R. Magnuson #Mr. David J. Mathewson, Jr.Mr. John C. Moore, Jr.Mr. T. Sergeant PepperMr. H. L. Perry Pepper #Mr. Samuel F. Posey, Jr.Mr. John M. Sartorius, Jr.Mr. Adrian Van Sinderen III #Mr. Charles H. SpencerMr. Nicholas P. Veeder, Jr.Mr. Tom S. Ward, Jr.Mr. Howard T. Ware IIIMr. W. Holt Whiting ## <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized 13
All Giving by Class (continued)Mr. William G. Wrightson IIIMr. Thomas S. ZavorskasCLASS OF 1963ANNUAL FUND $4,960Mr. John R. Chandler, Jr.Mr. Charles A. CohenMr. Donald N. Ethier, Jr.Mr. Thomas B. HamburyMr. William C. HornMr. Paul H. KingMr. Otto Kinzel IIIDr. Leonard W. KramMr. Robert L. Rosenwald, Jr.Mr. James J. Slocum #Mr. William F. SnydackerMr. David B. SwanMr. George P. Wanty IIIMr. Geoffrey R. WebsterMr. Robert M. ZavorskasCLASS OF 1964ANNUAL FUND $12,255Dr. Donald H. BrushMr. Robert F. Brush #Mr. George E. CookmanMr. Robert N. Fountain II #Mr. William T. GasparMr. George H. J. GrandeMr. John A. HarrisonMr. Gregory S. Slater, Jr.Mr. Richard D. LillestonMr. John H. LongmaidMr. Stuart J. McCampbellMr. Frank H. MooreMr. Thomas C. R. Proctor #Mr. Alfred O. Reynolds, Jr.Mr. Bayard M. Stevens, Jr.CLASS OF 1965ANNUAL FUND $6,950Mr. William O. AthertonMr. Peter P. Case<strong>The</strong> Reverend Peter G. CheneyMr. David CohenMr. David L. CraneMr. Bradley W. DutcherMr. William M. Preston IIIMr. John A. Sturges, Jr. #Mr. Lawrence D. TuckMr. Roy S. WalzerMr. John C. WehnerCLASS OF 1966ANNUAL FUND $2,975Mr. Leonard L. Abess, Jr.Dr. Roberto E. ChaskelMr. Paul M. CummingsDr. Christopher J. DunfordMr. Paul J. FerlaMr. John B. GimbelMr. Christian GotfredsonMr. Frederick D. LazarMr. Richard H. MerrillMr. William N. PostMr. Ralph Singh RakietenMr. Gregory S. Slater, Jr.Mr. Andrew E. SmithCLASS OF 1967CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT$665,00045thANNUAL FUND $10,850Mr. Ian J. CohnMr. Andrew H. GlantzMr. Alfred B. Mencuccini, Esq.Mr. William H. MorrisonMr. William M. Oman, Jr.Mr. Steven E. TischDr. Alan M. ToddCLASS OF 1968CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT$541,912ANNUAL FUND $33,050Mr. Christopher H. Babcock #Mr. Stephen W. BairdMr. John P. BellingerMr. Frederick G. BernardReverend David B. BorthwickMr. David M. Coburn #Mr. Edsel B. Ford IIMr. Dale KestenMr. John M. ReynoldsEsquire #Mr. Robert H. SavareseDr. Peter C. SuttonMr. Joel L. WalzerMr. E. Laurence White IIICLASS OF 1969CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $12,500ANNUAL FUND $14,100Mr. Walter R. AddicksMr. Kenneth H. ForemanMr. Stephen D. HoytDr. Robert K. KritzlerMr. H. Allan LoweMr. Val J. PrevediniCLASS OF 1970CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $700ANNUAL FUND $2,750Mr. James L. Buttenwieser #Mr. David L. deCourcyMr. Stephen K. Galpin, Jr.Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan #Commander Charles A.Miletich USN (Ret.)Mr. Edward S. Noble, Jr.Mr. William S. RoseMr. Frederick D. Zonino, Jr.CLASS OF 1971CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $4,500ANNUAL FUND $4,339Mr. Charles H. BaumMr. Thomas G. BoileauMr. G. Frederick DicksonMr. James L. E. DixonMr. John M. GreenwoodMr. Stuart D. LevitanMr. Charles Y. MeadCLASS OF 1972CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT$600,775ANNUAL FUND $44,250Mr. Charles D. CoeMr. DeWitt P. DavenportMr. Peter T. DawkinsMr. Frederic W. HarderMr. Gary W. LordMr. Nicholas Molnar #Mr. Brian C. Nickerson #Mr. Stephen E. PostMr. Sean Sutton40thMr. Jonathan M. TischMr. R. Mark Van AllenMr. Robert Christopher I.YoungCLASS OF 1973CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $16,139ANNUAL FUND $34,215Dr. David M. AlbalaMr. Jeffrey S. BruemmerMr. Douglas C. Greene #Mr. Charles W. HeavenMr. Robert F. HilgendorffMr. Peter A. HowellMr. Jay B. SheehyMr. Peter B. SloneMr. Stephen T. StultzCLASS OF 1974CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $10,000ANNUAL FUND $11,135Mr. Bruce C. Baird #Mr. Kenneth B. GouldCommander Michael G.MataczMr. Gregory F. RhinowMr. Gregory H. SmithMr. Peter S. Twombly #CLASS OF 1975CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $5,000ANNUAL FUND $6,116Mr. Gregory ChaseMr. Jeffrey A. LaCroixMr. David B. MoensMr. Martin T. Tiernan, Jr.Mr. Robert A. WiesenbergCLASS OF 1976ANNUAL FUND $2,863Mr. Dutch BarhydtMr. Roderick M. Brush, Jr.Mr. William L. DeGroffMr. Christopher FultonMr. Christopher C. HealyMr. William T. O’ConnorMr. Jonathan W. SimmsMr. Allen C. Steiger #CLASS OF 1977 35thCAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $1,790ANNUAL FUND $19,475Mr. Richard M. Barre, Jr.Mr. Steven T. CornellMr. Richard B. FlanaganMr. Thomas A. Gorman IVMr. Francis X. Macary, Jr.Mr. Terrence W. McFarlandMr. Martin R. PittsMr. Daniel J. TroianoCLASS OF 1978ANNUAL FUND $2,686Mr. Steven H. DworkinMr. David P. HardyMrs. Nicki McDonaldMr. Royce W. Miller IIMr. William M. SamuelsonMr. Donovan W. WilsonCLASS OF 1979CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $5,250ANNUAL FUND $3,900Mr. Matias K. BonnierMr. Mark P. DibbleMr. Joseph H. Farnham IIIMr. George R. Fryer, Jr.Ms. Heidi A. Rowe-SpeersMr. Scott W. WynnCLASS OF 1980CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $475ANNUAL FUND $2,600Ms. Geraldine E. BaldwinMr. Paul R. BoillotMr. Robert G. GryceMr. Scott C. HouldinMs. Melanie T. Klein-RobbenhaarMr. Christopher A. LuftMs. Lisa MatthewsMr. Michael K. MeadowMr. John M. RobardsMr. Jonathan D. WhittleCLASS OF 1981ANNUAL FUND $3,385Ms. Julia B. AllingMr. Philip M. DuttonMr. Perry C. GreshMr. Martin G. JohnsonMr. David E. KaplanMs. Pamela R. Kleber-ShadMr. Albert E. Lussier IIIMr. David H. Means, Jr.Mr. Thomas B. Meek IIIMs. Elizabeth H. SchoenMr. Peter R.D. Schultze-RhonhofMr. Brian K. StrandesMr. Sui L. SungCLASS OF 1982 30thCAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $24,032ANNUAL FUND $6,100Mr. Edgar S. Auchincloss VMr. Peter S. BrodskyMr. John M. CatheyMrs. Sarah Scheel CookMrs. Sarah Houldin CornellMs. Kim T. CullertonMs. Deanna L. FainelliMr. Douglas K. FrancisMs. Diana F. HartMr. Michael J. KirbyMr. Leland J. KurfessMr. Mark H. LazarusMrs. Kathleen WhiteNiedmannMs. Tracy J. Hayes SchwarzMr. William S. SmilowMr. Kent C. B. SmithMr. Jonathan L. WaechterMr. Leif K. Wigren14 # <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized
CLASS OF 1983ANNUAL FUND $2,950Mr. Jonathan R. BennettMr. Andrew S. JeskeMs. Katherine B. LyonsMs. Nell Hardee NicholasMr. Craig S. PressmanMr. K. Fabian SkibinskiMrs. Wendy B. Milas ZulloMr. Todd M. RubsamenMs. Laura Sherwin #Mrs. Meredith Walsh SmithMs. Page H. WallerCLASS OF 1988ANNUAL FUND $2,400Mr. Robert J. BetesMs. Susan FrauenhoferMr. Christopher S. MeehanMr. Richard B. Murphy IIIMrs. Rachel Wynne WilshireCLASS OF 1989ANNUAL FUND $4,300Mr. Patrick V. BakerMr. Andrew M. CrawfordMrs. Whitney L. BinghamCrosbyMr. Benjamin J. EricsonMr. L. Michael HersomMr. Stephen LindquistMr. Scott A. SchwindMr. Kurt A. SoderbergMr. Van Wilshire, Jr.CLASS OF 1990ANNUAL FUND $6,350Mr. John H. Anning IIMr. Lawrence T. BaldwinMrs. Norma E. CummingsMr. and Mrs. Michael N.Eanes H’90 ’91 #Mr. Gregory W. EllisMs. Elizabeth A. FischbeinMs. Lori G. GallettoMrs. Nina L. Sylvester HealyMrs. Tina FitzGeraldHollemanMr. David S. KingCLASS OF 1984CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $75,025ANNUAL FUND $4,930Ms. Kari BensonMr. Peter J. Bergen, Jr.Ms. Shell J. Edwards-HechtMr. Gregory P. GellerMr. Snowden M. HenryMr. Michael R. HesposMrs. Jane Botsford JohnsonMs. Irene J. MooreMr. Joe C. MylesMr. Brian R. SaltzmanMr. Randolph C. Smith #Mr. Christian L. WaechterMr. Arnd WehnerCLASS OF 1985ANNUAL FUND $1,450Mr. Alexander G. FieldsMs. Janine Alexander FierbergMr. Thomas S. Knowles, Jr.Mr. Thomas D. PallazolaMr. John E. PapamechailReunion Class Gifts & PledgesA reunion year is a great opportunity to celebrateyour commitment. Below you will see the top fivegifts at landmark reunions of various classes.60th $ %1951 $17,275 54%1946 $14,611 31%1948 $10,455 54%1944 $8,452 60%1947 $4,543 34%1952 $27,870 65%45th $ %55th $ %1952 $71,266 45%1956 $38,900 23%1953 $36,625 48%1951 $25,925 56%1955 $15,875 38%1957 $7,926 50%40th $ %65th $ %1946 $3,140 50%1944 $2,150 83%1943 $1,523 43%1945 $770 67%1942 $500 25%1947 $5,044 42%50th $ %1960 $228,575 66%1952 $199,554 47%1961 $81,742 41%1953 $61,180 58%1957 $51,815 56%1962 $204,752 52%35th $ %CLASS OF 1986CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $37,500ANNUAL FUND $39,050Mrs. Elizabeth Anne BarhydtMr. Malcolm G. Chace, Jr.Mr. Patrick M. DortonMs. Eleanor A. Dix FieldsMr. R. Paul MeissnerMrs. Dara Henry SchlesingerMr. Jacques C. <strong>The</strong>riotMrs. Anna Smith <strong>The</strong>usMr. Robert M. TirschwellCLASS OF 1987 25THCAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $550ANNUAL FUND $29,065Mr. Ian N. ArnofMrs. Judith Gruen AverbachMr. Peter H. BarhydtMr. Pietro A. BelluschiMs. Carey A. BodenheimerMr. W. Read CoughlinMr. Stephen J. CurryMrs. Deborah L. JordanGarrityMr. Robert GordonMrs. Tiffany L. Kurtz HillkurtzMr. Spencer M. HouldinMs. Meredith L. InfeldMr. Paul M. McManus, Jr. #Mrs. Silvia Mayo Molina1960 $57,960 32%1959 $43,910 48%1962 $28,050 31%1965 $24,445 29%1958 $19,969 30%1967 $675,850 16%30th $ %1972 $67,503 25%1974 $47,573 18%1973 $47,525 17%1980 $12,035 18%1977 $6,110 11%1982 $30,132 38%15th $ %1990 $18,120 14%1988 $6,159 11%1994 $4,400 5%1987 $4,025 10%1989 $1,800 15%1997 $1,850 12%1963 $117,197 39%1968 $103,852 33%1962 $68,675 28%1965 $32,070 21%1967 $20,810 15%1972 $645,025 18%25th $ %1986 $90,525 22%1984 $16,801 20%1979 $15,753 22%1982 $8,990 21%1981 $8,545 21%1987 $29,515 24%10th $ %1996 $5,425 7%1999 $4,090 20%1992 $2,400 17%1998 $1,015 7%2000 $920 13%2002 $2,840 11%1968 $176,813 23%1969 $160,925 17%1972 $123,800 23%1967 $51,345 13%1973 $48,340 12%1977 $21,265 16%20th $ %1991 $54,69531%1984 $37,17823%1990 $16,79521%1986 $13,78019%1988 $11,12213%1992 $3,40020%5th $%1999 $2,320 8%2002 $2,145 5%2006 $710 5%2000 $540 9%2004 $460 8%2007 $410 9%# <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized 15
All Giving by Class (continued)Mrs. Laura E. MartinMr. William E. McIntosh IV #Ms. Rebecca J. WeisbergMr. Kenneth M. WolffCLASS OF 1991ANNUAL FUND $27,380Ms. Sheila M. BoydMr. Adam K. ClarkMr. Gyl GrinbergMs. Nao HattoriMr. Anthony M. MartinoMr. James D. PerseMr. Christopher J. PescatelloMrs. Elizabeth von SeggernSoderbergMr. Aaron S. TillmanCLASS OF 1992 20thANNUAL FUND $3,400Mr. Matthew D. CohenMr. James B. DruryMs. Vanessa E. FrosiniMr. Paul J. GutenMr. Peter R. HouldinMs. Kathryn H. KaneMrs. Elizabeth A.Meyer KelleyMrs. Sonia W. KohrsMr. Jack B. McIntoshMr. David M. SonesCLASS OF 1993ANNUAL FUND $450Mrs. Holly I. Fuchs SorocaMr. Lamar G. VillereCLASS OF 1994ANNUAL FUND $3,525Mr. Charles W. AllenMr. Peter G. GoldsteinMr. Geoffrey R. ZampielloCLASS OF 1995ANNUAL FUND $200Mr. Derek J. BushMs. Danielle E. Sass ByrnettCLASS OF 1996ANNUAL FUND $3,300Major Douglas A. BakerUSMCLCDR Nancy B. Gaal EdelenMr. James V. Grant and Mrs.Miranda D. Pasch-GrantMr. Spencer R. MeyerMrs. Courtney B. BorsackMorgadoMs. Krystalynn M. SchlegelMr. Clark R. WierdsmaMs. Emily F. WierdsmaCLASS OF 1997 15thCAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $300ANNUAL FUND $1,550Ms. Alessandra L. Noto CarlinMr. and Mrs. Daniel C. CaloreMr. E. Camden FisherMr. Dean J. ScherzaMr. Omar SloweMr. Jesse M. TerryCLASS OF 1998ANNUAL FUND $3,030Mr. Joel K. ClarkMr. Joshua B. FeilMr. R. Whit Matthews #Mr. Shaun C. McGintyMr. Michael I. OkunMs. Ariel D. PaschMr. Jonathan P. SullivanMr. Jin Young YangCLASS OF 1999ANNUAL FUND $650Mr. Samuel E. BarberMs. Kathleen A. ClementsMr. Peter N. Feen #Ms. Samantha A. HitchinsMr. Kristopher D. MatthewsCLASS OF 2000ANNUAL FUND $1,785Mr. Michael D. Angelicola, Jr.Mr. John R. ErenMr. Tyler W. FarmenMr. Dawson J. HunterMs. Alexandra N. KaganMr. Michael R. KimMr. Jeffrey C. MooreMr. William T. MullaneyMs. Amanda E. SeitzMr. Michael S. SetzerMrs. Crystal A. Taylor-JuliusMr. James H. Van DykeMr. Ryan J. WolfCLASS OF 2001ANNUAL FUND $100Lieutenant Stephen C. GayMr. Philip C. HollingerCLASS OF 2002 10thANNUAL FUND $2,840AnonymousMr. Ethan E. BlaszczakMr. Leigh BuckensMr. Brandon J. DufourMs. Elizabeth K. PetersMr. Jason A. RapoportMr. W. Jed StuartMr. Kevin T. Thompson, Jr.CLASS OF 2003ANNUAL FUND $400Mr. Adam R. CriscuoloMs. Tara J. FriedmanMs. Kathleen G. GedneyMr. Kristopher C. KauffmanMr. Peter S. LorenzMs. Bevin E. TitcombCLASS OF 2004ANNUAL FUND $445Mr. Garner R. BlumeMr. Barton H. ConantMs. Jackie L. EffrenMr. Charles HollingerMr. Kevin M. LindMs. Andrea L. MarronMr. David F. TamaroffMr. Aaron J. M. TownsendMr. Matthew T. VredenburghCLASS OF 2005ANNUAL FUND $485Mr. Daniel G. Agius, Jr.Ms. Caitlin A. BridgesMr. Ryan P. BroderickEnsign Katherine G. DanzigerMr. Caleb T. ElstonMs. Sara D. FeldmanMs. Allison I. GrillMr. Thomas J. KesslerMr. Mark R. LauretanoMs. Kate A. MarekMr. Nolan M. TitcombCLASS OF 2006ANNUAL FUND $850Mr. Cameron T. AhouseMr. Hardy D. Butler, Jr.Mr. Michael D. CorbelleMr. Patrick A. DePeters2nd Lt Colin J. EdwardsMr. James L. EstreichMs. Noelle C. HawthorneMs. Emma H. N. KellyMs. Elizabeth S. McKennaMs. Kirsten A. SpelmanMs. Amye V. WaterhouseCLASS OF 2007 5thANNUAL FUND $410Ms. Alyse J. DufourMr. Benjamin L. GreenfieldMr. Paul M. HenneMs. Alyson S. HillMs. Sarah E. MacaryMr. Christopher M. MyersMr. Michael P. O’BrienCLASS OF 2008ANNUAL FUND $410Mr. Jay S. BauerMr. Patrick J. BrennanMr. Jeffrey B. BuvinowMs. Erin A. KellyMs. Lindsay D. LincolnMs. Lindsey C. OrszulakMs. Laura E. SchmidtMs. Priyanka J. ShettyCLASS OF 2009ANNUAL FUND $1,365Mr. Matthew N. AllenMs. Tara E. ConnollyMs. Christina H. CornellMr. James P. GouldMr. Jared C. KlothMs. Margaret M. <strong>The</strong>obaldMr. Yen-Hao WangCLASS OF 2010CAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $60ANNUAL FUND $1,670Mr. Christopher R. DePaolaMr. Matthew E. EllisonMr. Sean N. GroganMs. Frances B. HallMs. Jessica L. L’HeureuxMiss Natalie P. MerinMr. Matthew P. MilanaMs. Natalie P. MerinMs. Amelia C. OrtegaMr. Alden B. ReedMr. Alexandro W. VazzanoCLASS OF 2011ANNUAL FUND $250Mr. Jackson H. PayneMs. Laura L. ReckdenwaldMr. Andrew P. RochaCLASS OF 2012ANNUAL FUND $313Mr. Daniel J. BarkerMr. Jameson F. BontiMs. Madeleine J. BoudreauMr. Timothy P. BurnsMs. Miriam Canut SeguraMs. Victoria L. CassoneMs. Mackenzie L. ChaseMr. John L. CostelloMr. Jibrail M. CoyMr. John C. Cullen Jr.Mr. Charles E. DavolMr. Andrew P. De PaulisMr. Anthony P. D’EliaMs. Allison L. DesaulniersMr. Jack V. DouglasMs. Taylor R. DubeMs. Katherine L. EldridgeMs. Alexa R. FrageauMs. Cassandra L. FrageauMr. John M. GeorgeMs. Frederike J. GoldschmidtMr. Arthur S. GordonMr. John L. GouldMr. Andrew N. GrahamMs. Sara L. HaestadMr. Thomas E. HartMr. Raeburn O. HathawayMr. Daniel C. HayMr. Benjamin HjalmarssonMr. Patrick J. HigginsMr. Pedro A. S. SouzaMs. Lindsay A. Jerry-CollinsMr. Fan JiangMr. Maxwell J. KaufmanMs. Melanie H. KellstromMr. Harrison R. KempMs. Rhiana I. KestenbaumMs. Yea Weon KimMr. Zachary G. LarsonMs. Sarah M. LombardMs. Darby E. MacKayMr. Cameron P. MacKayMr. Frederick P. Marks IIMs. Veronica M. McStockerMr. Christopher M. Olson Jr.Mr. MacKenzie D. PeelerMs. Ashley M. PiresMs. Erin R. PotterMr. Graham H. PoughMr. Jarrid M. PriviteraMs. Charlotte M. ReillyMs. Tyffany R. RichardsMr. Hugh M. RinaldiMr. Cameron C. RomoffMs. Emily A. SeguinMs. Sarah O. ShulmanMr. Hayden M. SmithMs. Soo-Jin SoMr. Alexander L. SprovieroMr. Joseph S. StevensMs. Elizabeth M. SutherlandMr. Jaren M. TaenakaMs. Alessia De VitisMs. Renee S. WallerMs. Brooke M. WilliamsMr. Jake C. WoodMr. Yui Ham YanMs. Li-Ting YuCLASS OF 2013ANNUAL FUND $25Ms. Jessie G. Kaplan ’13CLASS OF 2014ANNUAL FUND $155Mr. Skyler T. ClarkMr. Luke M. Perda16 # <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized
Current Parents Support – All FundsWe are especially grateful to all our parents who not only give of theirresources but also provide home hospitality for international students,food and many other gifts-in-kind throughout the year that recognizeand honor the students and faculty.CLASS OF 201249% participationCAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $43,350ANNUAL FUND $20,936Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Auchincloss VMr. and Mrs. Paul G. BarkerMr. and Mrs. Richard BontiMr. Kenneth R. Boudreau andDr. Karen BoudreauMr. and Mrs. John C. BurnsMr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Capece, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. John A. CassoneMr. and Mrs. Gregory ChaseMr. and Mrs. J. M. CostelloMr. Benjamin D. DavolMr. and Mrs. Michael D’EliaMr. and Mrs. K Gregg DouglasMr. and Mrs. Marc A. DubeMr. and Mrs. Scott A. EldridgeMr. and Mrs. John M. GouldMr. and Mrs. Edward A. HartDr. Phyllis HattisMr. and Mrs. David M. HayMr. and Mrs. Chester J. HojnickiMs. Hilaire T. IaniMr. and Mrs. Todd A. KaufmanMs. Eileen Kelly-AguirreMr. and Mrs. Eric KempMr. Dean C. L. Larson andMs. Catherine GravelMr. Daniel LevyMr. and Mrs. John W. LombardMr. and Mrs. Paul M. MacKayMr. and Mrs. Stephan F. MackellMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Manville, Sr.Ms. Michele PlanteMr. and Ms. Tristram H. PoughMr. and Mrs. Siegfried E. ProkschaMr. and Mrs. Thomas K. ReillyMr. and Mrs. Marc L. RinaldiMr. and Mrs. Christopher M. SeguinMr. Harry G. Shulman andMs. Mary L. HaskinsMr. and Mrs. Louis SprovieroMr. and Mrs. R. Craig Sutherland, Jr.Mr. and Ms. Yoshi TaenakaMr. James E. WallerMs. Pauline C. WebsterMr. Kim Po Yan and Ms. Kwan LamMr. Sheng-Chung Yu andMs. Hui Chuan WengCLASS OF 201355% participationCAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $8,820ANNUAL FUND $32,375Mr. and Mrs. Eric AndersonDr. and Mrs. Cedo BagiMr. and Mrs. Michael R. BeckMr. and Anthony M. Bird, Sr.Ms. Elizabeth M. BurgerMr. Thomas A. Burger, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. CameronMr. and Mrs. Earl R. CarlinMr. and Mrs. Daniel CaronMr. and Mrs. Steven F. CibelliMr. and Mrs. Frederic M. ClarkMr. and Mrs. Kevin DarrarMr. and Mrs. Timothy G. DavisDr. David D. Frankville andDr. Kathleen M. KayaMr. and Mrs. Brad J. GoldsteinDr. and Mrs. Mark S. GroganMr. and Mrs. Jon G. HagopianMr. and Mrs. Eric J. HillDr. and Mrs. Ross KaplanMr. David E. Kaplan ’81 andMs. Terri L. SteinMr. and Mrs. Patrick KishonisMr. and Mrs. William C. LamoreauxMr. and Mrs. Albert E. Lussier III ’81Mr. Michael J. LuzziMr. and Mrs. Johnny MarseilleVi and Reese OwensMr. Ronald A. Paiva, Jr.Mr. Thomas C. Paron andMs. Ann Hamilton HertbergMs. Joleen A. PicconeMr. and Mrs. William J. QuinlanMr. and Mrs. Ira N. RossMr. and Mrs. William H. Silengo, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Kerry D. SolomonMr. and Mrs. John A. StevensMr. and Mrs. Douglas S. SwanMr. and Mrs. Guy WilliamsCLASS OF 201459% participationCAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $1,980ANNUAL FUND $39,876Mr. Anthony S. BattagliaMrs. Carolin Raleigh ButtrickMr. and Ms. Scott J. ComptonMr. and Mrs. Steven T. CornellMr. and Mrs. Anthony R. DominicusMr. and Mrs. James R. GallopMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. HedleyMr. and Mrs. Gary J. HemmingstadMr. Willie HirshMr. and Mrs. Guy A. HughsonMr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Judd IIIMr. Ronald J. KemperleMs. Jeanne E. KemperleMr. and Mrs. Jae Sub KimMr. and Ms. Fred R. LevinMr. and Mrs. Robert A. MandlMs. Melissa L. McCoy-GarzioneMr. and Ms. William D. McNamaraMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey MilletteMr. and Mrs. Carl A. MinicucciMr. and Mrs. Douglas J. NolanMr. and Mrs. Stephen D. PalmerMr. and Mrs. Todd E. PayneMr. and Mrs. Michael J. PerdaMr. and Mrs. Gregory M. PlanteMr. and Mrs. Scott E. PottbeckerMr. John V. RaleighMr. and Mrs. Mark ReitmanMr. and Mrs. Lewis P. SalernoMr. In Soo Seo andMs. Hye Young KimMr. and Mrs. John A. SiemonMr. and Mrs. Roderick M. <strong>The</strong>obaldMr. and Mrs. William T. TolleyMr. and Mrs. John WaltherMs. Lindsey WeinsteinMr. Qinzhong Yang and Ms. Yimin XuMr. Jian Cen and Ms. Zhenfeng XuCLASS OF 201555% participationCAPITAL/ENDOWMENT $1,450ANNUAL FUND $28,110Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. BarbieriDr. and Mrs. James S. BauerMs. Karen CataniaMr. David J. CookeMrs. Lorrenna CookeMr. and Mrs. Mario DarosaMr. and Mrs. Frederick DlugokeckiMr. and Mrs. William C. Dodenhoff,Jr.Dr. Hyegul Hong and Dr. Esther LyuhMr. and Mrs. Daniel C. JoslinMr. Philip H. Kantor andDr. Andrea Joy KantorMr. and Mrs. William KneiselDr. Ashish Singh andMs. Laveena MalikMr. and Mrs. Francis X. Macary, Jr.Mr. Mark Iannone andMs. Marylou Walsh-IannoneMr. and Mrs. Mark MichalikMr. and Mrs. Antonio NogaraMr. Gang Liu and Ms. Qing HongMr. Brian W. RingMr. Charles F. Senich and Ms.Christine A. SullivanMrs. Barbara S. SullivanMr. and Ms. Robert TopkaevMr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Zawislak, Jr.All Funds – Giving of Parents ofAlumni, Grandparents and FriendsPARENTS OF ALUMNIMr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Agius, Sr.Mr. David R. AhouseMr. Samim Anbarcioglu andMs. Erin McLoughlinMr. and Mrs. Robert R. AtwoodMr. and Mrs. Paul G. AustinMrs. Gordon W. BabcockMr. and Mrs. Steven E. BaileyMr. and Mrs. James D. BakerMr. and Mrs. Walter L. Barber IIDr. and Mrs. James S. BauerMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. BeckMrs. Helen Risom BelluschiMr. and Mrs. Kevin BodnarMr. and Mrs. Thomas G. BoileauDr. and Mrs. Harald BommhardtMr. and Mrs. John R. E. BookerMs. Rosemary BoswellMs. Cheryl A. BrennanMr. and Mrs. Leo D. BretterMr. H. Styles Bridges IIIMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. BriggsMs. Victoria Brooks StaffordMrs. Margaret A. BucklinMr. Michael R. CaroeMr. and Mrs. Alexander R. CastaldiMr. and Mrs. Stephen A. ClaibornMr. and Mrs. Paul J. ClapisMr. Ian J. CohnMr. and Mrs. P. Lincoln Cornell, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. CornellMr. and Mrs. Joseph E. DavisDr. and Mrs. William F. DeForgeMr. and Mrs. John T. Dougherty, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Eanes H ’90and ’91Mrs. Rebekah H. EcksteinMr. Lloyd W. ElstonMr. and Mrs. Alexander T. ErcklentzMr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. EstreichMr. and Mrs. Philip M. FarmerMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey FeilMrs. S. Joseph FerlaMr. Frederick S. FieldsMr. and Mrs. Peter J. FitzGeraldMr. and Mrs. Robert G. FletcherMr. and Mrs. Elon Foster IIIDr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foster IIIMr. and Mrs. Richard W. FriedmanMr. and Mrs. Stephen P. FunkMr. and Mrs. Joseph G. GheringMr. and Mrs. John M. GouldDr. and Mrs. Scott H. GreensteinMr. Donald R. GrodyDr. and Mrs. Mark S. GroganMr. and Mrs. Clayton T. Hardon, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Hill# <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized 17
All Giving by Parents of Alumni, Grandparents and Friends (continued)Mr. Thomas H. Hollinger andMs. Kathryn E. CoeMr. Scott C. HouldinMr. and Mrs. William M. Houldin, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Solomon HouliMr. Gesheng Huang and Ms. Qian WuMr. and Mrs. Allen Hudson, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. HussMr. and Ms. Ammar JadallahMr. and Mrs. Mark T. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Robert S. JohnsonMr. Harry T. Jones IIIMr. and Mrs. Donald F. Julich, Jr.Mr. Philip H. Kantor andDr. Andrea Joy KantorMr. and Mrs. E. Thomas KatzenbachMr. and Mrs. John A. Kelly, Jr.Mr. Tal Kerret andMs. Lisa H. SilversteinMrs. Patricia P. KerstenMr. and Mrs. John C. KingMr. and Mrs. Ross T. KirkMrs. Monique V.L. KosarMr. Steven L. KroleskiMs. LouAnn LangeMr. Sylvester P. Larkin, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth LaymanMrs. Jacqueline M. LesniakMr. and Mrs. David H. L’HeureuxMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Lilley, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Clyde LincolnMr. and Mrs. Joseph N. LoglisciMs. Susan E. LoydMr. and Mrs. Albert E. Lussier IIIMr. and Mrs. Francis X. Macary, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. MandlMs. Kim ManocherianMs. Laura Mansur andMr. Cesar GuerraMr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Marchand PDr. Joseph C. Marron andMs. Rebecca E. KendallDr. and Mrs. Burt M. MashburnMr. and Mrs. Dean W. MatthewsMr. Hugh A. McCandlessMr. and Mrs. John W. McHaleMr. and Mrs. James B. McKennaMr. and Mrs. John N. McVeighMr. Neil MerinMr. and Mrs. Edward J. MessinaMr. Peter J. MichelMr. and Mrs. Curtiss H. MilesMrs. Jane C. MillerMrs. Rullina MontesMrs. Miriam K. MoranMr. and Mrs. David L. MorganMr. and Mrs. Robert MorrisDr. and Mrs. Robert M. MurphyDr. and Mrs. Frederick MuschenheimDr. and Mrs. Elbert J.T. NelsonMr. and Mrs. Peter G. NilssonMr. and Mrs. Douglas J. NolanMr. and Mrs. William NolanMr. and Mrs. Lucio A. NotoMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Gary A. O’BrienMr. and Mrs. William B. Ogden IVMr. and Mrs. James L. O’NeillMr. and Mrs. Frank J. Orszulak IIIVi and Reese OwensMr. Peter A. Pasch andMrs. Denise D. PaschMr. and Mrs. George J. PayneMr. and Mrs. T. Sergeant PepperMr. and Mrs. Eugene A. PinoverMr. and Mrs. Warren MurrayMr. Rory P. Read andMrs. Mary A. Savoy-ReadMr. and Mrs. Thomas K. ReillyMr. Carl L. RinaldiMr. and Mrs. Marc L. RinaldiMr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Robinson, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Silvestre RochaMr. and Mrs. Robert RosenMr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Rowe IIIMrs. E. Ann SaabMr. Michael Schlegel andMs. Marcella LeatonMr. John H. Schmidt andMrs. Mary Ermish-SchmidtMr. In Soo Seo andMs. Hye Young KimMr. Vincent P. ShanleyMr. and Mrs. Bryan D. ShaughnessyDr. and Mrs. Joel A. ShermanMs. Nancy C. ShoberMr. Peter B. SloneMr. and Mrs. Andrew E. SmithMr. and Mrs. Nicholas N. SolleyMr. Stephen P. Squinto andMs. Adrienne L. BlockMr. and Mrs. Richard S. StewartMr. Frank L. StolzenbergMr. and Mrs. George N. StonbelyMr. Mark L. Sullivan andDr. Toni Roth SullivanMr. and Mrs. Lenny J. SuskindMr. and Mrs. R. Craig Sutherland, Jr.Mrs. Deborah H. SwigartMrs. Emily H. TaylorMr. Robert J. Terenzi, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. <strong>The</strong>obaldMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. TillmanMrs. Preston Robert TischMr. and Mrs. William T. TolleyMrs. Berenice C. Toomey-WelchMr. and Mrs. Robert K. UllramMr. and Mrs. John J. VazzanoFran and George Villere FundMr. and Mrs. Michael F. WallinMr. and Mrs. John A. WalshMrs. Audrey F. WalzerMr. and Mrs. Roy S. WalzerMr. and Mrs. George P. Wanty IIIMr. and Mrs. Erhart WernerMr. and Mrs. Jack WertheimMr. and Mrs. Edmund J. WhiteMr. and Mrs. Ronald G. WhittleMr. and Mrs. Raymond J. WilsonGRANDPARENTSMr. and Mrs. James AdamsDr. and Mrs. Jay M. BeckMr. and Mrs. Erich BommhardtMr. and Mrs. Richard BozzutoMr*. and Mrs. Joseph E. BrooksMr. Michael R. CaroeMr. and Mrs. P. Lincoln Cornell, Jr.Mrs. Sylvia DistefanoMr. and Mrs. Anthony DominicusMr. Lloyd W. ElstonMr. and Mrs. Owen O. Freeman, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Ronald GosselinMrs. Leslie M. HardyMr. and Mrs. Henry W. HartMrs. Robert HooperMr. and Mrs. L. Stoddard HornMr. and Mrs. William M. Houldin, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Vivian JackMrs. Dorothy S. KantorMrs. Rose KeaneDr. and Mrs. Richard KempDr. Pushpa LataMr. and Mrs. Edwin Deane LeonardMr. and Mrs. Sanford LibowMr. and Mrs. Henry L. Long, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Henry LuzziMr. William R. MaloneDr. William H. MaxwellMr. Robert J. MazaikaMr. Serge L. MillerMs. Mary MilletteMr. and Mrs. Arnold MinicucciMs. Merle MitsuyoshiMr. and Mrs. Thomas MoseleyMr. and Mrs. John P. O’BrienMr. Maurice PlanteMrs. Bebe PrinceMr. John RadatovichMrs. Florence RichardsMr. and Mrs. John B. RileyMr. and Mrs. Richard RoderMr. and Mrs. Michael P. RyerMr. Gary SteinMr. and Mrs. Peter StrianoMr. and Mrs. Robert C. SutherlandMr. and Mrs. Herbert E. ThomasMr. Edward J. ThompsonFRIENDSMrs. J. Sinclair ArmstrongMr. and Mrs. William G. BardelMr. and Mrs. Edward S. BentMr. and Mrs. John BoyerMr. Carlos M. Canal, Jr. andMrs. Gay E. Vincent-CanalMr. Coleman H. Casey, Esq.Mr. Todd B. CatlinMr. and Mrs. Ronald K. ChuteMr. Jared Clark and Ms. Jessica RoseMr. and Mrs. James J. ClarkeMr. and Mrs. Michael A. CondonMr. and Mrs. Bob CostasMr. and Mrs. Frederick J. CostelloMr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. DexheimerMrs. Elisha DyerMr. and Mrs. Lee J. EinbinderMr. and Mrs. John H. FieldMr. and Mrs. Paul R. FrankMr. and Mrs. John M. Friedman, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. GastonMrs. Beth W. GlynnMr. and Mrs. James C. GoodaleMr. and Mrs. Zachary GoodyearMs. Judith GorraMr. and Mrs. Steven HaasMr. and Mrs. Murray HaberMr. and Mrs. Robert HambletMr. and Mrs. William E. HavemeyerMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. HedleyMr. and Mrs. John A. Herrmann, Jr.Mr. Dennis J. HusseyMr. and Mrs. A. Eugene KohnMr. and Mrs. Wayne R. LeoneMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey LinesMr. and Mrs. John B. Long IIIMrs. Cathy MacCarthy ReynoldsMr. and Mrs. Philip MarkertMrs. William M. MaterneMr. David M. MattesonMr. and Mrs. Michael PaolucciMr. and Mrs. John H. Payne IIIMr. and Mrs. Phillips H. PaysonMrs. Kirsten M. PeckermanMr. and Mrs. Henry B. Pennell IIIMs. Elizabeth K. PetersMr. Robin PorterMrs. LaVerne PragerMs. Shellie ReadeMr. and Mrs. Raymond W. ReichTom and Beth RickartMr. MacGregor RobinsonMr. and Mrs. James M. Rose, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. RowanMr. and Mrs. Neil RublerMr. and Mrs. Craig G. SchoonMr. Andrew O. Shapiro andMs. Carolyn SetlowMrs. Charles A. SmithMr. and Mrs. John Strawbridge IIIMr. Richard M. Ticktin andMs. Frances E. KuminMr. and Mrs. Peter P. TowerMr. and Mrs. William WeldMr. and Mrs. Russell E. WheelerMs. Janet M. WildmanMr. and Mrs. Harry Wright18 # <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized
Giving of Current Faculty and StaffMr. and Mrs. Craig R. BadgerMr. and Mrs. Steven E. BaileyMr. and Mrs. James D. BakerMr. James W. BalbenMr. and Mrs. Christopher M. BaudoMr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Boileau ’71Ms. Ann P. BrennanMrs. Margaret A. BucklinMr. and Mrs. E. Terry ClarkMr. Mark E. ConklinMs. Caitlyn C. CottonMr. Brian J. Daniels andMs. Karen Cassery-DanielsMr. and Mrs. Joseph E. DavisMr. Matthew W. DaylorMr. and Mrs. Brian DoodyMr. and Mrs. Scott A. EldridgeMr. W. Russ ElginMs. Emily E. FitzHughMs. Alison C. FryeMrs. Susan Graham H ’02 andMr. James A. Graham, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Geary, Jr.Ms. Robyn A. GiordanoMs. Lauren R. GullyMr. David HargadonMs. Patricia HargadonMiss Jennifer C. HartMr. Thomas H. Hollinger andMs. Kathryn E. CoeMrs. Alexandra V. InceMr. and Mrs. Loren B. KahnMs. Eileen Kelly-AguirreMs. Anna K. KjellsonMr. and Mrs. Clyde R. LincolnMr. and Mrs. Seth C. LowMs. Kate A. Marek ’05Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Martin ’90Dr. and Mrs. Burt M. MashburnMr. Bartholomew W. McMannMs. Katherine MerrittMr. and Mrs. Edward J. MessinaMrs. Carolyn L. MinicucciMr. Jesse C. PerkinsMr. and Mrs. Thomas P. PettinicchiMr. and Mrs. Andrew RichardsMr. Todd C. Santa MariaMr. and Mrs. Jarrod M. SiskMr. and Mrs. Edward C. SmallMr. William H. SmithMr. Ryan D. StebbinsMr. and Mrs. W. Jed Stuart ’02Ms. Pamela C. TaylorMr. and Mrs. Roderick M. <strong>The</strong>obaldMr. Jeffrey E. TrundyMr. and Mrs. Robert K. UllramMs. Kaitlin P. VargaMr. and Mrs. Richard WandermanJennifer, Jerry and Serafina WojcikMr. Jian WuWashington Club Scholarship FundSince 1973, members of the Washington Club annually contributeto support a qualified student from the local community. Since itsinception, $280,000 has been raised, benefitting 45 students.Mr. and Mrs. John BoyerMr. and Mrs. Leo D. BretterMrs. Barry D. Burr ’39Mr. Carlos M. Canal, Jr. andMrs. Gay E. Vincent-CanalMr. Jared Clark and Ms. Jessica RoseMr. and Mrs. James J. ClarkeMr. and Mrs. Michael A. CondonMr. and Mrs. P. Lincoln Cornell, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. CostelloMr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. DexheimerMr. Bradley W. Dutcher ’65Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. EinbinderMr. and Mrs. Philip M. FarmerMs. Emily E. FitzHughMr. and Mrs. Paul R. FrankMr. and Mrs. John M. Friedman, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Murray HaberMr. and Mrs. Robert HambletMr. and Mrs. William E. HavemeyerMr. and Mrs. Peter R. Houldin ’92Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey LinesMr. and Mrs. John B. Long IIIMr. and Mrs. John H. Payne IIIMr. and Mrs. Phillips H. PaysonMr. and Mrs. Eugene A. PinoverMs. Shellie ReadeTom and Beth RickartDr. and Mrs. Joseph E. RowanMr. Richard M. Ticktin andMs. Frances E. KuminMr. and Mrs. Edmund J. WhiteGiving of FormerFaculty & StaffAnonymousMs. Julia B. Alling ’81Mr. F. Bruce Bradshaw ’51Mr. John R. Chandler, Jr. H ’63Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Eanes H ’90,H ’91Mr. Alexander G. Fields ’85 andMs. Eleanor A. Fields ’86Ms. Melanie T. Klein-Robbenhaar ’80Mr. Serge L. Miller ’51Mr. Frank H. Moore ’64Ms. Elizabeth K. Peters ’02Mr. William M. Posey ’50Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. ReichMr. MacGregor RobinsonMr. Wallace H. Rowe III ’57Mrs. Tracy J. Hayes Schwarz ’82Mr. William N. Smyth ’57Mrs. Deborah H. SwigartMr. and Mrs. Peter P. Tower<strong>The</strong> Honorable Thomas F. Upson ’59Mr. Roy S. Walzer ’65Mr. Howard T. Ware III ’62Ms. Amye V. Waterhouse ’06Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. WhittleGiving of Corporations, Foundations andMatching Gift Companies<strong>The</strong> Jayne and Leonard AbessFoundationAdvisors Charitable Gift FundAetna Foundation<strong>The</strong> Alderman Family FoundationAll-Star Driver, LLCAmerican Refrigeration Company, Inc.Anadarko Petroleum CorporationB & D Controlled Air Corporation<strong>The</strong> Boeing Gift Matching Program<strong>The</strong> Cleveland FoundationConnecticut Community FoundationDunkin Donuts Inc.Edsel B. Ford II Fund<strong>The</strong> William Russ Elgin RevocableTrust AgreementWilliam H. Ellsworth Foundation<strong>The</strong> Fred L. Emerson FoundationExxonMobil FoundationF&M Electric Supply Co., Inc.Fidelity Charitable Gift FundFraydun Foundation Inc.<strong>The</strong> Deane A. and John D. GilliamFoundation<strong>The</strong> Greater New Orleans Foundation<strong>Gunnery</strong> Boy’s Hockey Program<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong> FacultyH S Roofing SystemsH.D. Segur Insurance<strong>The</strong> Harken Foundation<strong>The</strong> Heller FoundationHess Companies<strong>The</strong> Harvey Hubbell FoundationHWH Builders Group LLCIndependent Financial AgentsIngersoll-Rand Charitable FoundationJ.P. Morgan Chase Foundation<strong>The</strong> Jane Botsford Johnson FoundationJay Porter BruemmerCharitable Lead TrustJewish Communal FundJewish Endowment Foundationof LouisianaKoven FoundationLionheart Display Inc.<strong>The</strong> Mabee Family FoundationMarandola Fuel Service LLCMicrosoft Matching Gift ProgramMilliken & Company<strong>The</strong> Mnuchin FoundationMorgan Stanley Matching Gift ProgramMorley FoundationMRB FoundationNason Partners, LLC.Network for Good<strong>The</strong> New York Community TrustNew York Life FoundationNew York Life InsuranceOffice of Government AffairsNew York Life United Way CampaignPenske Automotive Group, Inc.Pfizer FoundationMatching Gifts Program<strong>The</strong> Ryer Family Charitable TrustSchwab Charitable FundShipman & Goodwin LLP<strong>The</strong> Peter D. & Margaret F. SmithRevocable Trust<strong>The</strong> William N. Smyth Trust of 1998Standard Life InvestmentsStonbely Family FoundationMartha Washington Straus &Harry H. Straus Foundation, Inc.Teddy Ebersol’s Family FoundationTisch Foundation, Inc.Union Savings BankUnited Way of Orange CountyWashington Food MarketWieber, Powell & Grunigen, Inc.Winters Bros. Waste System, LLC<strong>The</strong> David, Helen and MarianWoodward FundYourCause, LLCYum! Brands Foundation# <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized 19
<strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel JacksonUnderhill Society<strong>The</strong> Underhill Society was created to honor the following for theirforesight in choosing to include the school in their estate plans.New members are listed in bold.THE UNDERHILL SOCIETYMr. Seibert G. Adams, Jr. ’53*Mr. Freedom H. Ainsworth ’34*Mr. Christopher H. Babcock ’68Mr. <strong>The</strong>odore D. Bacon ’50*Mr. Alan L. Bain ’55Mr. Bruce C. Baird ’74Mr. David P. Bancroft ’55Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bauer ’48Mr. Stephen P. Bent ’59Mr. Malcolm W. Bird ’54Mr. Thomas A. Blumenthal ’50Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Bretter ’52Mrs. Howard M. BronsonMr. Howard M. Bronson ’40*Mr. Paul C. Bruning ’59Mr. Robert F. Brush ’64Mr. James L. Buttenwieser ’70Mr. Eustace B. Chapman ’26*Mr. David M. Coburn ’68Mr. Richard F. Collver ’52*Mr. Richard C. Colton, Jr. ’60Miss Mary P. Cooney WRMr. W. Thomas Cross ’67Mr. C. Ross Daniels, Jr. ’48Mr. Benjamin C. Davis ’54Mrs. Virginia deCourcy*Mr. Raymond B. DeRidder ’52Mr. John W.F. Dulles ’31*Mr. Michael Eanes ’90Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Emerson ’58Mrs. Ralph C. Erskine, Jr.Mr. Ralph C. Erskine, Jr. 32*Mr. Peter N. Feen ’99Mr. Robert N. Fountain II ’64Dr. Donald G. Fox ’55Mr. Stephen Bond Garvan ’70Mr. John P. Ghering ’78Dr. Harry GoldgarMr. Douglas C. Greene ’73Mr. Donald R. Grody ’44Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Guida ’53*Mr. Carroll B. Harris ’72Ms. Diana F. Hart ’82Mrs. Seth P. Holcombe ’37Mr. Sherman R. Hotchkiss ’63Mr. Harry T. Jones III ’53Mrs. Hugh Jones*Mr. Joseph M. Juhas ’62Mr. Richard S. Klingenstein ’64*Mr. Jonathan S. Linen ’62Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz ’58Mr. Andrew A. Littauer ’60Mr. Philip R. Magnuson ’62Mr. Henry Allen Mark*Mr. Jeffrey G. Marsted ’60Mr. R. Whit Matthews ’98Mr. William E. McIntosh IV ’90Mr. Paul M. McManus, Jr. ’87Mr. Lawton B. Miller*Mr. James F. Millinger ’53Mr. Nicholas Molnar ’72Mr. Alexander J. Morrison ’46Mr. Nicholas F. Munson ’59Mr. and Mrs. Michio Nakano ’53Mr. Brian C. Nickerson ’72Mr. and Mrs. William B. Ogden IVMr. Michael Ohl ’47Mrs. G. Gordon OsborneMr. G. Gordon Osborne ’22*Mrs. Kirsten PeckermanMr. H. L. Perry Pepper ’62Mr. Clifford D. Perkins ’18*Mr. David M. Philips ’44Mr. Thomas C. R. Proctor ’64Mr. Robert B. Radnitz ’43*Mr. Edgar Reeve ’20*Mr. David P. Renkert ’52Mr. John M. Reynolds Esquire ’68Mr. Robert R. Richmond ’60Mr. Leonard R. Sargent ’33*Dr. Lawrence C. Schine ’52Mr. Arthur L. Scott 32*Mr. Lacy H. Seabrook ’42*Ms. Laura Sherwin ’87Mr. James J. Slocum ’63Mr. and Mrs. James P. Smith, Jr. ’37*Mr. Peter D. Smith ’48Mr. Randolph C. Smith ’84Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Smith ’39*Mr. William N. Smyth ’57Mr. John C. Speaks III ’43Mr. Allen C. Steiger ’76Mr. Al Stiles ’48Mr. Russell B. Stoddard ’32*Mr. John A. Sturges, Jr. ’65Mrs. Deborah H. SwigartDr. Edmund K. Swigart*Mr. Richard N. Tager ’56Mr. Roger K. Tillson, Jr. ’70Mr. Peter S. Twombly ’74Mr. H. Willets Underhill ’31*Mrs. Margaret Maitland Underhill*Mr. Adrian Van Sinderen III ’62Mrs. Richard E. VilaMr. Richard E. Vila ’50*Mr. Robert H. Wake ’64Mr. Roger A. Walters ’52Mr. and Mrs. James F. Ward ’48Mr. Andrew J. Waring ’37*Mr. William B. Webb ’74Mr. W. Holt Whiting ’62Mrs. Piper G. Woods ’90Mr. Richard T. Wright ’48If your name is not listed but you haveincluded the <strong>Gunnery</strong> in your estateplans, please notify the AdvancementOffice so we can welcome you into thebequest society.Memorial and Honorary GivingMEMORIAL GIFTS<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong> has received giftsin memory of the following:Mrs. Margaret P. Addicks H ’02Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kelley ’92Mr. Baxter F. Ball, Jr. ’65Mr. Ralph Singh Rakieten ’66Mr. Blakeslee H. Botsford ’82Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S.Auchincloss V ’82Mr. and Mrs. Steven T. Cornell ’77Miss Kim T. Cullerton ’82Ms. Shell J. Edwards-Hecht ’84Ms. Deanna L. Fainelli ’82Mr. Douglas K. Francis ’82Ms. Diana F. Hart ’82Mr. Leland J. Kurfess ’82Ms. Katherine B. Lyons ’83Mrs. Kathleen White Niedmann ’82Mrs. Sarah Scheel Cook ’82Mrs. Tracy J. Hayes Schwarz ’82William and Kathy Smilow ’82Mr. Kent C. B. Smith ’82Mr. Leif K. Wigren ’82Mr. Richard F. Collver ’52Ms. Ann C. Elliott ’52Captain Charles D. Davol, Jr. ’36Mr. Thomas J. Dwyer ’70Mr. William N. Post ’66Mr. Edward B. Ebersol ’08Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. LeoneMr. Lawrence G. Foster ’09Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foster IIIMr. William C. Juram III ’75Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. WheelerMr. Jerome F. MacCarthy ’70Mrs. Cathy MacCarthy ReynoldsMrs. Trudi RadowMr. Louis I. Margolis ’61Mr. Henry W. Seeley, Jr. ’35<strong>The</strong> deCourcy and Seeley FamiliesMr. Richard E. Vila ’50Mrs. Richard E. Vila ’50HONORARY GIFTS<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong> has received giftsin honor of the following:Mr. Daniel BarkerMr. and Mrs. Paul G. Barker<strong>The</strong> Class of 2012Mr. and Mrs. Michael D’EliaMr. and Mrs. Paul M. MacKayMr. and Mrs. R. Craig Sutherland, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Dick EbersolMr. and Mrs. Bob CostasDr. Harry GoldgarMr. Stuart D. Levitan ’71Mrs. Susan G. GrahamMs. Julia B. Alling ’81Mr. Alexander Auerbach ’61Mr. Patrick J. Brennan ’08Mr. Leigh Buckens ’02Mr. James L. Buttenwieser ’70Mr. David M. Coburn ’68Miss Mary P. Cooney WR ’73<strong>The</strong> William Russ Elgin RevocableTrust AgreementMr. Kenneth H. Foreman ’69<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong> FacultyMr. Thomas H. Hollinger and Ms.Kathryn E. CoeMr. and Mrs. Robert S. JohnsonMs. Alexandra N. Kagan ’00Miss Erin A. Kelly ’08Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kelly, Jr.Mr. Frederick W. Long ’62Mr. Stuart J. McCampbell ’64Mr. William L. Munson ’58Ms. Ariel D. Pasch ’98Mr. Peter A. Pasch and Mrs. DeniseD. PaschMr. and Mrs. George J. PayneMr. and Mrs. James M. Rose, Jr.Ms. Danielle E. Sass Byrnett ’95Mr. and Mrs. W. Jed Stuart ’02Mrs. Patricia A. KellyMs. Caitlin A. Bridges ’05Mr. Water Seth Logan, Jr. 1906Mr. Alden B. Reed ’10Mr. Jonathan M. MarchandMr. and Mrs. Gordon M. MarchandMiss Alexa C. Stafford ’13Mr.* and Mrs. Joseph E. BrooksMs. Victoria Brooks StaffordMr. and Mrs. W. Jed Stuart ’02Mr. James A. Graham, Jr.Ms. Pamela C. TaylorMr. Dutch Barhydt ’76Mrs. Roderick M. <strong>The</strong>obaldMr. Tyler W. Farmen ’0020 # <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized
Gifts-in-KindMr. and Mrs. Thomas W. AdamsMr. and Mrs. Eric AndersonMiss Ja-Hyun Baek ’01Ms. Davina E. Beacham ’86Ms. Heidi Boardman WR ’69Ms. Victoria Brooks StaffordMs. Dana Buckley WR ’72Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. CarlinMr. and Mrs. Frederic M. ClarkMr. Richard C. Colton, Jr. ’60Mr. Peter B. Cook and<strong>The</strong> John F. Folinsbee Art TrustMs. Polly Cook WR ’75Mr. David J. CookeMs. Lorrenna CookeMr. and Mrs. Timothy G. DavisMr. and Mrs. Steven B. DuleyMr. and Mrs. Leroy F. EckenrodMr. and Mrs. Scott A. EldridgeMr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. EstreichMr. Tyler W. Farmen ’00Dr. David D. Frankville andDr. Kathleen M. KayaMr. and Mrs. James R. GallopMs. Joan Goodbody WR ’67Dr. and Mrs. Scott H. GreensteinMr. and Mrs. Edward J.Gustenhoven Jr.Mr. John C. Harris ’62Professor Norman P. Hines ’57Mr. Thomas H. Hollinger andMs. Kathryn E. CoeMs. Joan W. HookerMr. and Mrs. Michael HoulihanMr. Mark Iannone andMs. Marylou Walsh-IannoneMr. and Mrs. P. Todd KellstromMrs. Carolyn KlemmMr. and Mrs. George A. Krimsky ’60Ms. Dale V. KurtenMr. and Mrs. Francis X. Macary, Jr. ’77Mr. and Mrs. Stephan F. MackellMr. Philip R. Magnuson ’62Mr. Frederick P. MarksMr. and Mrs. Sean C. Marks, Sr.Mrs. Marcia MarstedMr. and Mrs. William D. McNamaraMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey MilletteMr. and Mrs. Carl A. MinicucciMr. Roger D. Netzer ’71Mr. Thomas C. Paron andMs. Ann Hamilton HertbergMr. and Mrs. George J. PayneMrs. Kirsten PeckermanMs. Joleen A. PicconeMr. and Mrs. Gregory M. PlanteMr. Samuel F. Posey, Jr. ’62Mrs. Carolin Raleigh ButtrickMr. and Mrs. Ricardo R. RoveroMr. Charles F. Senich andMs. Christine A. SullivanMr. and Mrs. John A. SiemonMr. and Mrs. William H. Silengo, Jr.Mr. Curtiss B. Smith ’70Mr. and Mrs. W. Bruce StaeblerMs. Diana Stauffer WR ’68Jonathan and Lizzie Tisch ’72Mr. and Mrs. William T. TolleyMrs. Joyce Gardner ZavorskasCapital and Endowment Gifts and PledgesAnonymousMr. Louis P. Allyn ’57Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Auchincloss VMr. Stephen W. Baird ’68Ms. Geraldine E. Baldwin ’80 andMr. John M. Robards ’80Mr. Stephen P. Bent ’59Mr. Kenneth R. Boudreau andDr. Karen BoudreauMr. F. Bruce Bradshaw ’51Mr. Roderick L. Brant ’62Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. BretterMr.* and Mrs. Joseph E. BrooksMr. Jeffrey S. Bruemmer ’73Mrs. Jean BurkeMr. James L. Buttenwieser ’70Mr. and Mrs. Daniel CaronMr. Malcolm G. Chace, Jr. ’86Mr. and Mrs. Gregory ChaseMr. and Mrs. Steven T. CornellMiss Kim T. CullertonMr. Peter T. Dawkins ’72Mr. and Mrs. Michael D’EliaMr. Christopher R. DePaola ’10Mr. Raymond B. DeRidder ’52Mr. and Mrs. Dick EbersolMr. Patrick M. Dorton ’86Ms. Shell J. Edwards-HechtMr. Lloyd W. Elston ’44Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. EstreichMs. Deanna L. Fainelli ’82Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. FarmerMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey FeilMr. E. Camden Fisher ’97 andMs. Dianna BarosMs. Lynne M. FlandersMr. and Mrs. Edsel B. Ford II ’68Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Foster IIIMr. Douglas K. Francis ’82Mr. George R. Fryer, Jr. ’79Ms. Sara GibsonMrs. Beth W. GlynnMr. and Mrs. Zachary GoodyearMr. and Mrs. Ronald GosselinMr. and Mrs. John M. GouldMr. John M. Greenwood ’71Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. GroganMr. Sean N. Grogan ’10Mr. Christopher T. HallMr. John C. HarrisMs. Diana F. Hart ’82Mr. and Mrs. David M. HayMr. David N. Hoadley ’51Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. HojnickiMr. Mark Iannone andMs. Marylou Walsh-IannoneMrs. Jane Botsford Johnson ’84Mr. Joseph M. Juhas ’62Mr. David E. Kaplan ’81 andMs. Terri L. SteinMrs. Pamela R. Kleber-Shad ’81 andMr. Rees E. Shad ’80Mr. Leland J. KurfessMr. Mark H. Lazarus ’82Mr. Jonathan S. Linen ’62Mr. Ronald E. Lipetz ’58Mr. Frederick W. Long ’62Ms. Katherine B. Lyons ’83Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Macary, Jr. ’77Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. MacKayMr. Philip R. Magnuson ’62Mrs. Maria M. MasonMr. Robert J. MazaikaMr. Paul M. McManus, Jr. ’87Mr. and Mrs. William D. McNamaraMs. Mary MilletteMr. and Mrs. Carl A. MinicucciMr. Nicholas Molnar ’72Morgan Stanley Matching Gift ProgramMr. Burrows Morley, Jr. ’56Mr. Nicholas F. Munson ’59Mrs. Kathleen W. NiedmannMr. and Mrs. Lucio A. NotoMr. Michael Ohl ’47Vi and Reese OwensMr. and Mrs. Michael PaolucciMr. Peter A. Pasch andMrs. Denise D. PaschMr. and Mrs. Todd E. PayneMrs. Kirsten M. PeckermanMr. H. L. Perry PepperMr. and Mrs. T. Sergeant Pepper ’62Mr. Martin R. Pitts ’77Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. PottbeckerMr. and Ms. Tristram H. PoughMr. Val J. Prevedini ’69Mr. Rory P. Read and Mrs. Mary A.Savoy-ReadMr. John M. Reynolds Esq. ’68Mr. and Mrs. Marc L. RinaldiMr. John M. Robards ’80 and Ms.Geraldine E. Baldwin ’80Mrs. Rachel RowanMr. John M. Sartorius, Jr.Mrs. Sarah Scheel Cook ’82Mrs. Tracy J. Hayes Schwarz ’82Ms. Elizabeth Serrell NordMr. Peter B. Slone ’73Ms. Susan D. Smilow ’84William and Kathy Smilow ’82Mr. Charles F. Smith ’57Mr. Kent C. B. SmithProfessor Peter H. Smith ’57<strong>The</strong> Peter D. & Margaret F. SmithRevocable TrustMr. William N. Smyth ’57Dr. and Mrs. Kerry D. SolomonMr. and Mrs. Louis SprovieroMr. and Mrs. George N. StonbelyMr. and Mrs. R. Craig Sutherland, Jr.Mr. Richard N. Tager ’56Mr. and Mrs. Roderick M. <strong>The</strong>obaldJonathan and Lizzie Tisch ’72Mrs. Preston Robert TischMr. Steven E. Tisch ’67Mr. Peter S. Twombly ’74Mr. Nicholas P. Veeder, Jr.Fran and George Villere FundMr. Gerrit Vreeland ’61Mr. James F. Ward ’48Mr. Tom S. Ward, Jr. ’62Mr. W. Holt Whiting ’62Mr. Leif K. Wigren ’82<strong>The</strong> David, Helen and MarianWoodward FundMr. Kim Po Yan and Ms. Kwan LamMr. Sheng-Chung Yu and Ms. HuiChuan Weng# <strong>The</strong> H. Willets and Samuel Jackson Underhill Society | *Deceased | Class Agents Italicized 21
Named Scholarships and Endowed Faculty ChairsTHE BLAKESLEE H.BOTSFORD ’82MEMORIAL FUNDEstablished in 2012, the fund willprovide valuable resources to be usedat the Head’s discretion to offer counselingservices and health and wellnessprograms for students.THE BRINSMADE BRAMANMEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPIn memory of Hunnewell Braman, Sr.and Eleanor Brinsmade Braman (’11and ’03 respectively) established bytheir children, and in the memory ofHunnewell Braman, Jr. ’33 establishedby his children.THE THEODORE L. BRONSON ’08MEMORIAL AWARDPresented to the student who bestexemplifies those qualities of lastingfriendship, enthusiastic leadership andlove of life.THE CLARENCE AND HELENEBUTTENWIESER SCHOLARSHIPTo be awarded for outstanding creativityand achievement in the fields ofdrama, art, music and the humanities.Established by James L.Buttenwieser’70 in memory of his parents.THE ENDOWED FUND FOR THEVISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS:This fund recognizes retiring Head ofSchool, Susan G. Graham, for her commitmentto the teaching and appreciationof the Arts during her twenty-oneyear tenure and will provide fundingto support artistic expression at <strong>The</strong><strong>Gunnery</strong>.WYKEHAM RISE CAPITALFUND FOR THE VISUAL ANDPERFORMING ARTSEstablished by the Wykeham RiseAlumnae to provide capital support toprojects and/or programs to enhancethe students experience with an appreciationfor the arts.THE OGDEN D. MILLERSCHOLARSHIPTo commemorate the Ogden D. Millers’24 years at <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>, this scholarshipwas established by alumni andfriends upon “Oggie’s” retirement toenable students to live as full lives asthe namesake of the scholarship.THE MARION NEERGAARDSCHOLARSHIPAwarded each year to that studentwho is most likely in future years to beof the greatest helpfulness to his/hercommunity.THE QUEST SCHOLARSHIP INMEMORY OF ADRIAN VANSINDEREN ’06Awarded annually to the student forpossessing to a high degree thosequalities of heart and mind which sostrongly characterized the man it seeksto honor.THE SECOND MILE SCHOLARSHIPIN MEMORY OF HENRY B. VANSINDEREN ’07Awarded annually to a student, preferablyfrom Connecticut,who best exemplifiesthe qualities of tenacity, will tosucceed, personal integrity, unselfishness,and goodwill to men.THE WASHINGTON CLUBSCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 1973 to assist a qualifiedWashington student to attend <strong>The</strong><strong>Gunnery</strong>.THE READER’S DIGEST ENDOWEDSCHOLARSHIPPermits partial scholarships to two orthree qualified students.THE LUIGI M. BALESTROSCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 1984 by Mr. Balestro ’18for a worthy student.THE JOHN F. SCHERESCHEWSKY,JR. AND JOHN F.SCHERESCHEWSKY IIISCHOLARSHIPAwarded to that student who mostgenuinely tries to maximize his/her talents and potential and whomost ardently has tried to utilize theresources of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong> for bothschool and self-improvement.THE NORMAN R. LEMCKE, JR.SCHOLARSHIPPresented to the sophomore who hasshown consistent personal growth,academic improvement, and, above all,has demonstrated a tenacious will tosucceed.THE LEO D. BRETTER ’52SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in 1984 by the HoraceW. Goldsmith Foundation to assist aqualified student of color to attend <strong>The</strong><strong>Gunnery</strong>, it is named in honor of LeoD. Bretter ’52 & P ’88 and his serviceto the Board.THE CHARLES M. GITTSCHOLARSHIPThis scholarship goes to a student who,like Charles M. Gitt ’34, shows interestand enthusiasm for understandingworld affairs, demonstrates courage inspeaking the truth, and evidences greatlove for his/her School.THE SUSAN G. GRAHAMENDOWED FUND FOREDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE:This endowed fund established in2012 by Edsel and Cynthia Fordrecognizes the Ford’s commitment toeducational excellence by specificallyhonoring Susan Graham’s distinguishedleadership and provides a format forher continued involvement with <strong>The</strong><strong>Gunnery</strong> in support of programs thatbenefit the school community.THE HENRY ADAMS MEMORIALSCHOLARSHIPAwarded to the student deemeddeserving and having a record of highscholastic performance.THE EDWARD G. BUXTONMEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPFrom 1937 until his death on December30, 1970, teacher of Latin – and inearly years Greek, French and German– and long-time varsity baseball coach.THE HAZELL GOLEMBESKEMEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPEstablished by friends as a memorial toa long-time faculty wife and teacher at<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>.REED RUBIN SCHOLARSHIP TOHONOR J. SINCLAIR ARMSTRONGH ’65Established to honor J. SinclairArmstrong H ’65 former President of<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>’s Board of Trustees, whoserved as chairman of the U.S. Securitiesand Exchange Commission from1955-1957 and served as a memberfrom 1957-1961.THE GUY RICHARDS MCLANEMEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPAwarded annually to that student whodeserves it by his/her academic recordat <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>.THE ANTHONY OLIN MEMORIALSCHOLARSHIPEstablished by friends in memory ofMr. Olin, former superintendent ofgrounds and an employee of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>for 63 years from 1902 to 1965.THE RICHARD S. KLINGENSTEINSCHOLARSHIPEstablished by Richard S. Klingenstein’64, to be awarded to a qualified anddeserving student whose attendance atthe <strong>Gunnery</strong> requires financial aid.THE ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIPEstablished by <strong>Gunnery</strong> reunionclasses to assist a qualified student toattend <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>.THE DAVID, HELEN ANDMARIAN WOODWARD FUNDSCHOLARSHIPEstablished to assist a qualified studentfrom the greater Waterbury area toattend <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>.THE SARA SCRANTON LINENSCHOLARSHIPEstablished by Jonathan S. Linen ’62and the family of Sara Scranton Linenin memory of Mrs. Linen who servedas <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>’s first female trusteefrom 1967-1976.THE CLASS OF 1952SCHOLARSHIPEstablished by the Class of 1952 inhonor of their 55th reunion, thisscholarship is to be awarded to aqualifying student who, in the estimationof the Admissions Office, deservesto be selected for <strong>The</strong> Class of 1952Scholarship.THE CLASS OF 1957 GUNNSCHOLAR RESEARCH FUNDEstablished by the Class of 1957 inhonor of their 50th reunion, this fundwas established to endow the publicationof <strong>The</strong> Gunn Scholar Research.<strong>The</strong> Gunn Scholar Program involvesoriginal research on an aspect ofschool history. Research is coordinatedthrough the school’s archives andunder the sponsorship of the HistoryDepartment and the Archivist.THE CLASS OF 1960 SENIORBOOK LIBRARY FUNDGiven by the Class of 1960 in honorof their 50th Reunion for the purposeof endowing the purchase of a bookfor the library in the name of eachgraduating senior.THE CLASS OF 1962 ENDOWEDSCHOLARSHIP FUND:Established by the class in honor oftheir 50th reunion. Recognizing thatmany of them benefitted from thegenerosity of others, they celebratedthis great tradition by creating the fundto help future students enjoy <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>experience.THE TISCH FAMILY CHAIR FOREXCELLENCE IN TEACHINGEstablished in 1990 by Mr. and Mrs.Preston R. Tisch, parents of Steven ’67and Jonathan ’72.THE W. HAMILTON GIBSONCHAIR IN THE HUMANITIESEstablished by an anonymous donorin honor of W. Hamilton Gibson, thirdHeadmaster of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>.THE WALLACE H. ROWE III CHAIRIN CRITICAL EXPRESSIONEstablished by Carol and Roy S.Walzer ’65 & P ’86 to honor WallaceH. “Wally” Rowe and the tremendousimpact he has had on <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>’sstudents.THE NOTO FAMILY CHAIR FORDEDICATED SERVICE<strong>The</strong> Noto Family Chair for DedicatedService given by Joan and Lucio Noto,parents of Ali Noto, class of 1997, torecognize the hard work and dedicationof a faculty or staff member whohas exhibited a high degree of professionalismthroughout his or her time at<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>.THE ANNE AND HENRY ZARROWCHAIR IN MATH AND SCIENCES<strong>The</strong> Anne and Henry Zarrow Chair inMath and Sciences given by the ZarrowFamily to acknowledge the importanceof math and science in the curriculumand to recognize a dedicated teacher ineither math or science.
Named and Endowed Prizes Honoring Alumni and Friends<strong>The</strong> following are the prizes which have been endowed and named to honor alumni and friends at <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>.<strong>The</strong>y are awarded to students on Prize Night which is held on the evening before Commencement.THE HAROLD A. ANSONMEMORIAL AWARDDarby Elizabeth Mackay ’12For the senior who, in the judgmentof the faculty, demonstrates an acuteethical awareness, a sensitivity to theaffairs of his/her community, and a senseof service to his/her fellow men andwomen.THE ROBERT J. BENHAM AWARDJo-Anna Rose Jacobs ’13Awarded for effective public speaking.THE BOURNE ADVISORY COUNCILLEADERSHIP AWARDCameron Paul Mackay ’12Awarded to that senior who hasdemonstrated distinguished leadershipqualities throughout his/her years at <strong>The</strong><strong>Gunnery</strong>.THE CHACE AWARD FOREXCELLENCE IN LEADERSHIPSamuel James Aguirre-Kelly ’12Awarded to the senior who, in the estimationof the Head and the Faculty, hasdeveloped in a significant way his/herleadership potential during his/her yearsat <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>.THE CLASS OF 1955DISTINGUISHED TEACHINGAWARDKevin M. Garrity ’99<strong>The</strong> Class of 1955 Distinguished TeachingAward given to a faculty memberof the Head of School’s choosing, whoin the estimation of the Head bestexemplifies excellence in teaching andinspiration to learning. <strong>The</strong> award is inmemory of <strong>Gunnery</strong> masters Anderson,Beebe, Buxton, Golembeske, Post andRaymond who were significant influenceson the members of the Class of 1955in the best tradition of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>.THE DEAN’S PRIZEChester Andrew Hojnicki ’12Awarded to the senior student who hasmade the most progress in learning fromhis or her masters while at <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>,and who has shown the same abidingconcern for people that characterizedDean Norman Lemcke.THE MICHAEL N. EANES AWARDSarah Marie Lombard ’12Awarded for greatest scholastic improvementTHE EDWARD FULLER BARNESMEMORIAL AWARDSimeon Ferdinand Giraldo ’14Presented to the sophomore who inthe estimation of the Faculty bestexemplifies those qualities of cheerfulness,courtesy, and friendliness whichwere characteristic of the boy in whosememory the award is made.THE HILLMAN AWARD INAMERICAN HISTORYDawson Charles Sprigings ’13THE THOMAS ALEXANDERLANGFORD MEMORIAL PRIZEJibrael Meekaiel Coy ’12 and MelanieHulme Kellstrom ’12Awarded to the male senior who is “alwaysa gentleman” and awarded to thefemale senior who is “always a lady.”THE KATHERINE KYES LEABHISTORY PRIZE FOR MORALLEADERSHIPAndrey Yuzvik ’14Awarded to a 9th or 10th grade studentwho demonstrates ability inthe areas of research, writing and therecognition of strong moral character.This prize established by Mr. DanielLeab in honor of his wife’s 65thbirthday.THE JEROME F. MACCARTHY ARTSAWARDThomas Edward Hart ’12Given in memory of Jerry’s dedication toartistic expression and in remembranceof his achievements in the arts.THE MCCLELLAN CITIZENSHIPPRIZELindsay A. Jerry-Collins ’12Awarded to the senior who in theestimation of the Head and Faculty hasshown the greatest progress while at <strong>The</strong><strong>Gunnery</strong> in relating today’s studies andexperience to tomorrow’s responsibilitiesas an adult citizen.THE JOHN WARNER MOOREAWARDRachel Kaplan ’13Established by Orrin Sage Wightman,MD, as a tribute to his friend ReverendJohn Warner Moore, Chaplain at <strong>The</strong><strong>Gunnery</strong> 1949-1954 and in 1959 forconcern in things of the spirit duringthe school year.THE ROBERT B. MORTELL ’55 PRIZESarah Olivia Shulman ’12Awarded for Excellence in the PerformingArtsTHE “TEDDY AWARD”Logan Allan Adams ’15<strong>The</strong> “Teddy Award” is given in lovingmemory of Edward “Teddy” BrightEbersol beloved member of the Class of2008 who died tragically on November28. 2004 at the age of 14 in a privateplane crash near Telluride, Colorado.<strong>The</strong> “Teddy Award” is given to thatmember of the freshman class whoembodies Teddy’s finest qualities:generosity, enthusiasm, respect,responsibility, perseverance, optimismand loyalty. It is awarded to a youngman/woman of great hope and greatpromise.THE VREELAND-ROGERS ATHLETICAWARDSAnthony Paul D’Elia ’12 andElizabeth Mary Sutherland ’12Given to the male and female athleteswho have contributed most in spirit,discipline, responsibility, and teamworkto the success of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Gunnery</strong>’s athleticprogram this year.We have carefully compiled this listing of donors in the Annual Report.If there is an error or omission, we apologize and ask that you notify Joan Hayes Davis at 860-868-7334, ext 203.
99 Green Hill RoadWashington, Connecticut