รายงานประจำปี 2553 - หน่วยงานอื่นๆ - มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่

รายงานประจำปี 2553 - หน่วยงานอื่นๆ - มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่

รายงานประจำปี 2553 - หน่วยงานอื่นๆ - มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่


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3818. Nattapong Nuandee, PornprapaKongtragoul, Wassamon Boonying, Iman Hidayat,Yoko Miyamoto, Chikako Miyake, Yuriko Izumi,kazuya Akimitsu, Sarunya Nalumpang. Geneticanalysis of β-tublin grne fragments fromcarbendacim-resistant Cercospora lactucae-sativaeon lettuce. CMU-KU SYMPOSIUM 2009.September 22-23, 2009. The Imperial Mae PingHotel, Chiang Mai. P.80-84.19. Nikornpun M., Sukwiwat K., ChaimokolC., Payakhapaab A., Boonyakiat D. Morphologicaldescriptors and male sterility in the genetic diversityof chillies (Capsicum annuum L.). Actahorticulturae. Vol. 809, P. 201-208, JAN 2009.20. Niruntrayakul S., Rerkasem B.,Jamjod S. Crossability between cultivated rice(Oryza sativa) and common wild rice (O. rufipogon)and characterization of F-1 and F-2 populations.SCIENCEASIA. Vol. 35, Issue: 2, P. 161-169, JUN2009.21. Osono T., Ishii Y., Takeda H.,Seramethakun T., Khamyong S., To-Anun C.,Hirose D., Tokumasu S., Kakishima M. Fungalsuccession and lignin decomposition on Shoreaobutsa leaves in a tropical seasonal forest innorthern Thailand. FUNGAL DIVERSITY. Vol. 36,P. 101-119, MAY 31 2009.22. Peoples M. B., Brockwell J., HerridgeD. F., Rochester I. J., Alves B. J. R., Urquiaga S.,Boddey R. M., Dakora F. D., Bhattarai S., MaskeyS. L., Sampet C., Rerkasem B., Khan D. F.,Hauggaard-Nielsen H., Jensen E. S. The contributionsof nitrogen-fixing crop legumes to theproductivity of agricultural systems. SYMBIOSIS.Vol. 48, Issue: 1-3, P. 1-17, 2009.ÃÒ§ҹ»ÃШíÒ»‚ <strong>2553</strong>23. Pingintha N., Leclerc M.Y., Beasley Jr., ZhangG., Senthong C., Rowland D. Hysteresis response ofdaytime net ecosystem CO2 exchange during a drought.Biogeosciences Discussions. Vol. 6, Issue 6, P. 10707-10735, 2009.24. Piyapat Trisonthi, Pittaya Sruamsiri, NarumolThongwai. Sermsakul Pojankarun, Surutwadee Pak-uthai,Hirotoshi Tamura, Atsushi Yamagami, katsumi Umano.Volatiles of Litsea cubeba, Possibility as biopesticide andmulti-functional additives. CMU-KU SYMPOSIUM 2009.September 22-23, 2009. The Imperial Mae Ping Hotel,Chiang Mai. P.21-25.25. Pornprapa Kongtragoul. Yoko Miyamoto,Chikako Miyake, Yuriko Izumi, kazuya Akimitsu, SarunyaNalumpang. Detection of carbendazim-resistantColletorichum gloeosporioides causing mango anthracnosedisease. CMU-KU SYMPOSIUM 2009. September22-23, 2009. The Imperial Mae Ping Hotel, Chiang Mai.P. 9-15.26. Potchanasin P., Sringarm K., Naphrom D.,Bangerth KF. Floral induction in longan (Dimocarpuslongan, Lour.) trees IV. The essentiality of mature leavesfor potassium chlorate induced floral induction andassociated hormonal changes. SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE.Vol. 122, Issue: 2, P. 312-317, SEP 17 2009.27. Potchanasin P., Sringarm K., Sruamsiri P.,Bangerth KF. Floral induction (FI) in longan (Dimocarpuslongan, Lour.) trees: Part I. Low temperature andpotassium chlorate effects on FI and hormonal changesexerted in terminal buds and sub-apical tissue.SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE. Vol. 122, Issue: 2, P. 288-294, SEP 17 2009.28. Prakob W., Jaimasit P., Nguen-Hom J.,Silapapongpri S., Thanunchai J. and Chaisuk P. BiologicalControl of Lettuce Root-Knot Disease by the use ofPseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis and Paecilomyceslilacinus. Journal of Agricultural Technology. Vol. 5 Issue1, P. 179-191. 2009.

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