Final pip 2008-09 - RRC-NE

Final pip 2008-09 - RRC-NE

Final pip 2008-09 - RRC-NE


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Activity (ii)District-level training of 150 FHS/GNM/ANM of Districts where IMNCI is toimplementedNo.alreadytrainedNo. tobetrainedNo. ofbatches0 150 15 (inbatchesof 10)Place oftrainingDistrictHospitals ofBishnupur,Imphal West &ChurachandpurBudget per batchParticulars Amount(Rs. inlakhs)Honorarium for 5trainers @ Rs.400/- per headper day X 10daysHonorarium for15 trainees @Rs. 200 per headper day X 10daysTraining materialfor 15 trainees @Rs. 500 per head(Printing of 13modules, A-Vaids etc.)Overheadexpenditure,refreshment &othercontingenciesTotalbudgetfor allbatches(Rs. inlakhs)0.20 3.000.30 4.500.075 1.1250.30 4.500.875 13.125The total District-wise budgetary support needed for trainings (Rs. in lakhs) is shownbelow.ForStateleveltrgForDistrictleveltrgState IE IW TBL CCP BPR UKL SPT CDL TML Total5.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.000 0 4.375 0 4.375 4.375 0 0 0 0 13.125Total 5.00 0 4.375 0 4.375 4.375 0 0 0 0 18.125Manipur State Integrated NRHM PIP <strong>2008</strong>-20<strong>09</strong> 40

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