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Download full report - Digital Empowerment Foundation

Download full report - Digital Empowerment Foundation


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ChanderiyaanProjectCS:Layout 1 10/12/2012 5:29 PM Page 12stakeholdersmarketseparationspatialseparationtemporalseparationinformationalseparationFinancialseparationKnowledge/Capabilityseparation(new)ChanderiCommunitythey arepresent inretail outlet.Customers aredirectlyreaching tothemChanderiweavers areproducingapparel fasterthan everbefore. Alsotime requiredto reach thelatest designs/products tomarket isreducedsharinginformationaboutexhibitionsspending theirincomes intobuyingraw-materialshown eagernessto learnnew techniquesand skills.digitalempowerment<strong>Foundation</strong>(deF)e-Commercewebsite andretail shop inraja ranimahalintroduced iCtbased servicesmarket relatedinformationthrough thesupply chain.ex – motherCraft, BFC,sewAequally distributeprofitsamong theweaverstraining programon clothdesign, appareldesign, finishproduct designmedia labAsia (mlA)if earlier Chanderiweaverswent to otherplaces for designing,thenmlA helped toreduce theseparationCard punchingmachine, ChiC,CArpet andCAd softwaretool is helpingreduce designingtimesetting up andrunningresource center.proving fundsfor technicalset uptraining andsupply theequipments.Card punchingmachine, ChiC,CArpet andCAd software.departmentofinformationtechnologygovt. of indiano direct help, but financial support to deF and mlAgovt. of india providing fund through the deFFigure 4: CWICTRC Market Separations12From Market Separation to Market Development at Bottom of India’s Socio-Economic PyramidA CAse study on digitAl empowerment FoundAtion’s ChAnderiyAAn projeCt

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