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ChanderiyaanProjectCS:Layout 1 10/12/2012 5:29 PM Page 6The e-choupal is an internet-based informationkiosk purveying updates onweather, agri-inputs, cropping patterns,and other relevant information to thesmall and marginal farmers at BOPhelping them increase their farm productivitywhile building a relationshipwith ITC as an agriculture advisor. Thefarmer who sells produce at ITC’schoupal sagar fetches a better pricecompared to one who sells to the government-ownedmandi (wholesale foodgrain market). Adjacent to grain procurementpoint is the choupal sagar retail-storewhere the farmer can go andshop using the cash that he or she acquiredfrom selling the farm produce.This choupal initiative from the ITC atBOP in India illustrates how companiescan profitably treat BOP individuals asboth producers as well as consumers.In this article we have used the Bartels’(1968) theory of market separations toargue that markets can be developed atthe bottom of the pyramid if market separationsbetween producers and consumersin the markets are reduced, ifnot removed altogether. Bartel proposedthat new markets could be developed ifthe following four kinds of market separations(between producers and consumers)were reduced:1) Spatial separation or the physicaldistances between producers andconsumers.2) Temporal separation or the time differencebetween production and consumption.3) Informational separation or the informationalasymmetry between producersand consumers related toproducts and market conditions, and4) Financial separation or the lack ofconsumers’ purchasing power whenthey are willing to fulfill their needs.Bartel also theorized that marketing iscontextualized in society and sincemembers in the society are interdependenton each other such market separationsare not sustainable. Bartel furtherargued that one of the primary roles ofmarketing is to reduce or remove theseseparations and facilitate the process ofconsumption. The nature of marketingactivities would depend, therefore,“upon the character of the market separationsfound in the particular social environment”(Bartel, 1968; p.32).We find Bartel’s theoretical perspectiveof reducing market separations for developingnew markets at BOP to be bothmanagerially and theoretically elegant.We have developed and extended thetheory to explain how <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Empowerment</strong><strong>Foundation</strong> (DEF), our case organization,success<strong>full</strong>y helped to develop amarket for traditional handloom weavingproducts like saris, fabrics, and apparelsfor women at Chanderi, a village inMadhya Pradhesh’s Ashok Nagar district.We also extend the Bartel’s marketseparation perspective by exploring afifth new market separation-knowledge/capabilityseparation that isequally important for poor producers/consumers at BOP to participate in themarket, and help it to develop further.We used a case study approach to studyDEF’s Chanderiyaan initiative. Ourmethodology primarily involved collectingand analyzing secondary data, followedby site visits to Chanderi, andconducting in-depth interviews ofweavers, master weavers, customers,and employees of DEF, besides interviewingDEF founder, Mr. Osama Manzar,and Chanderiyaan project head, Mr.Shahid, and his team members. All interviewswere audio-recorded and transcribedfor analysis purposes.DEF set up Chanderi Weavers ICT ResourceCentre (CWIRC) in 2009 as aself-sufficient community informationresource center, primarily for the poorChanderi weavers to save the dying traditionalhandloom weaving art form in6From Market Separation to Market Development at Bottom of India’s Socio-Economic PyramidA CAse study on digitAl empowerment FoundAtion’s ChAnderiyAAn projeCt

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