Public reports pack Wednesday 22-Jul-2015 19.00 Council

Public reports pack Wednesday 22-Jul-2015 19.00 Council

Public reports pack Wednesday 22-Jul-2015 19.00 Council


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Page 61strengthened approach needs to include an aggregated assessment of the applicationsof the framework.(6) that specifically in relation to the proposals for adult social care and health integrationthere be robust monitoring of implementation and evaluation of impacts on communitiesand a report back on impacts be brought to Overview and Scrutiny Committee forreview.(7) the committee notes the continuing risk of an increase in the number of households intemporary accommodation and the associated pressures on the budget. Temporaryaccommodation spend and efforts to reduce it should be considered as part of a futurescrutiny of housing issues.(8) the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (finance & budget scrutiny) should have theminutes of the Asset Management Cabinet Advisory Panel for any capital projects it isconsidering alongside the officers' report. The report should make clear why thatproposal has been chosen against other opportunities for investment across counciloperations Meeting theme: Safe and Secure (Crime and Disorder) (March <strong>2015</strong>)Neighbourhood venue: ClaphamIn March the Safer Lambeth Partnership (SLP) presented to the committee its review ofSafer Lambeth activity in 2014/15 and the emerging strategic partnership priorities for thecoming year. Having outlined performance against existing priorities, emerging priorities for<strong>2015</strong>/16 were broadly aligned to the three key areas of: Anti-social behaviour Violence, including violence against women and girls Re-offendingThe committee acts as the council’s statutory Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Committee andmembers had agreed a scrutiny themed around prevention and a specific focus on policing,community safeguarding and the night time economy. A meeting with the BoroughCommander took place in advance of the session to discuss policing matters and a visit toBrixton Police Station included a tour of the refurbished custody suite and a briefing on thenew arrangements for management of the MPS custody suites.Meeting at Clapham Library, OSC first heard from a number of residents and stakeholdersincluding the local M.P. Kate Hoey on problems associated with the night time economy andanti-social behaviour. Members questioned the SLP on how it was responding to theseconcerns and also highlighted the need to balance the benefits of the late night economyagainst public health and other impacts arising from drink related problems. Whilstrecognising the good partnership working and initiatives underway the committee identified aneed for improved SLP engagement with residents/stakeholders and empowering localcommunities e.g. through licencing reviews. Questions also focused on the statisticalincident of serious violence in Lambeth and actions underway to address levels of violenceagainst women and girls.9

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