Public reports pack Wednesday 22-Jul-2015 19.00 Council

Public reports pack Wednesday 22-Jul-2015 19.00 Council

Public reports pack Wednesday 22-Jul-2015 19.00 Council


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Page 81the possibility of a Health app were young people can access relevant health informationabout themselves as they leave care. This is in its early research stages and Health willkeep the Board abreast of any developments.2.84 Due to many changes in staffing, Lambeth was unable to have its annual awardceremony, Reach for the Stars, in spring; however the event will has now beenscheduled for 5 September.2.85 The CPB continued to ensure that CLA are prioritised in all of Lambeth’s children andyoung people’s initiatives. This has included priority placements for summer universityand holiday activities. The CPB also enabled CLA to continue to have free access to allLambeth leisure centres and foster carers to have discounted membership rate. Over140 cyp and foster carers applied for a Real Lambeth leisure pass between September2014 to April <strong>2015</strong>.2.86 Members of Lambeth’s CICC were unable to attend Full <strong>Council</strong> this year however theyprovided a speech which Cllr Valcarcel read on their behalf. As with every full councilmeeting all inform elected member were asked to sign Lambeth Pledge Promises.2.87 Children and Young People continue to be a part of Lambeth’s recruitment panel andtraining staff as they are inducted in to the service.2.88 Lambeth has also developed a participation strategy; the main aim of this strategy is tosupport the above and to ensure there are consistent high levels of engagement acrossthe departments. The strategy also focuses on:Referral feedback mechanisms;Service user involvement and participation in key areas such as reviews and childprotection conferences;The development of a customer service ethos with regular feedback to teams andindividual social workers about the effectiveness of interventions with children andtheir families.Technology; new technology in the First Response Team enables the council tobetter monitor effectiveness and provide feedback in relation to initial contacts andreferrals.Lambeth’s Quality Assurance and Learning Framework2.89 Lambeth has developed a Quality Assurance and Learning Framework. The QualityAssurance and Learning Framework for Children's Social Care in Lambeth cover’s allactivity undertaken to ensure that work is carried out to the highest quality. It will help toinform the work within children social care by providing systematic monitoring andevaluation of practice, policies, and procedures, with the aim of improving ourunderstanding of whether we are supporting the right children, in the right way, at theright time, and whether we are making a difference.2.90 The Framework is designed to aid us to strive for continuous self-assessment thatresults in ongoing service improvement. The purpose of the framework is to:15

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