Public reports pack Wednesday 22-Jul-2015 19.00 Council

Public reports pack Wednesday 22-Jul-2015 19.00 Council

Public reports pack Wednesday 22-Jul-2015 19.00 Council


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Page 65Environmental Crime Scrutiny CommissionEnvironmental crimes such as fly-tipping, litter, graffiti and dog fouling are of great concernamongst residents and is a financial burden to the council each year. Despite variousinitiatives to tackle enviro-crime the problem still persists and in some areas is increasing.The overall appearance of an area has a significant impact on the levels of crime and antisocialbehaviour generally. Chaired by Cllr John Kazantzis, the Enviro Crime Commissionwas set up in summer 2013 to examine the scale and impact of environmental crime inLambeth and make recommendations for how the council can reduce environmental crime inthe borough.In gathering its evidence the commission - Cllrs Kazantsis, Donatus Anyanwu and MartinTiedemann and former councillor Judy Best - heard from a range stakeholders, undertookstreet walkabouts and held a public meeting in Streatham to hear the views of residents.Whilst it was clear that some formerly prevalent enviro crime - such as graffiti - had beenalmost eradicated through tough enforcement action and a zero tolerance approach,residents’ biggest concern was undoubtedly fly-tipping. The commission found that thecouncil is usually very good at removing dumped items quickly, however it shouldn’t have todo this and causes its own problems as it encourages further dumping as it is seen asacceptable – “the council will just take it away”. Accordingly the commission was persuadedby the evidence that enforcement has a significant role to play in addressing environmentalcrime in the borough and calls for a much tougher approach.The commission reported its findings to the committee in December 2014 and its report andrecommendations were adopted by Cabinet in March <strong>2015</strong> along with an agreed action plan.http://moderngov.lambeth.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=<strong>22</strong>5&MId=8963&Ver=4Education Scrutiny CommissionThe education scrutiny commission reviewing issues affecting children’s education willconsider key education planning and performance information. The commission responds toboth member and officer interest that these matters be scrutinised to support the councilambition to raise education performance and educational achievements in Lambeth schools.The commission is to be co-chaired by Cllr Ed Davie and Cllr Max Deckers-Dowber and isscheduled to be held as a one-off commission session in June <strong>2015</strong>.Resident Involvement in Housing Scrutiny CommissionThe Resident Involvement in Housing Commission, co-chaired by Cllr Jacqui Dyer and CllrMary Atkins, aims to examine best practice and formulate recommendations as to how thiscan be applied in Lambeth. Its core objective is to ensure tenants and leaseholders arecentral in the decision making processes that inform improvement in the delivery of housingworks and services, as well as achieving value for money and tenant and leaseholdersatisfaction. The commission has undertaken initial scoping work and will hold its firstsessions in <strong>Jul</strong>y <strong>2015</strong>.13

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