AP PIP final - RRC-NE

AP PIP final - RRC-NE

AP PIP final - RRC-NE


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SchoolThere may not be direct scheme / activities linked to the health indicators butas a major Department having capacities and establishment across the state, it willbe ensured that there resources are being utilized for improving health indicators.This includes using of students in health programs, school health programs in theschools in sensitizing the students etc to health needs. Teachers may also beutilized for propagation of health information to the students in turn who willdisseminate the messages to the parents and community.PHEDUnder NRHM it is to help and to promote sustainable and equitable access to water,particularly safe drinking water and sanitation facilities in urban and rural areas. Italso promotes effective management in order to reverse unsustainable exploitationof water resources.The Community seeks to promote knowledge sharing and inter-agency collaborationas the means to achieve this end. By tapping into the collective knowledge of diversepractitioners across the sector, the Community helps members increase theeffectiveness of water and environmental sanitation operations and developmentinitiatives. There are issues which is covered• Access, quality and effectiveness of water and sanitation service delivery• Responsible management of water as a natural resource• Unsustainable use of water• Water pollution and contamination• Inadequate delivery mechanisms and infrastructure• Inefficient institutional and governance structures• Financial resource constraints• Socio-economic and cultural barriers to water accessThe facility survey also indicates that majority of the households are notprovided with potable and safe drinking water. Similarly, sanitation facilities are alsovery scarce. Under the convergent efforts of the line departments, it is hoped thatthese issues also would be sddressed during the program period.VH&ND is another area where convergence has started. The committee willoversee under the aegis of SHM & DHM. This committee will not only address thehealth need but also covering all the aspects of sanitation.AdministrationInvolvement of General Administration in RCH and NRHM activities isindispensable to the success of the programme, beginning from the State level downto the village level. Active participation of the district administration in required inmobilizing manpower and arranging transport facilities during IPPI campaigns andother health camps. At the decision making level, Chief Secretary is the chairman ofSHS governing body and the Secretary(H) is the chairman of executive body of SHS.26

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