AP PIP final - RRC-NE

AP PIP final - RRC-NE

AP PIP final - RRC-NE


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2001-50005000+4 Number of towns5 Total Population(2001)26 (Census-2001)3 (Census-2001)171097968 (Census-2001)Urban227881 (Census-2001)Rural870087 (Census-2001)6 Sex Ratio (F/M*1000)901• Population Sex RatioPopulation Sex Ratio 893789101112131415161718 MMR19Child Sex Ratio 964Decadal growth rate 26.21Density- per sq. km 13Literacy Rate (6+ Pop) 54.74Male 64.07Female 44.24%SC population 0.507%ST population 67.77 (2001Census)No. of schools 538No. of AnganwadiCentresLength of road per100 sq. km.% of villages havingaccess to safedrinking water facility% of householdshaving sanitationfacility (Specify Type –sewer, septic tank)% of population belowpoverty lineHealth StatusMorbidity Male FemaleChildIMRHealth Resources-Facilities (Specify level38621535670.466.433.47 (SRS BulletinApril 2001)30661Will be givenseparately34

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