2002 - Canadian Museum of Civilization

2002 - Canadian Museum of Civilization

2002 - Canadian Museum of Civilization


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Research and Collections Branch• The Division dealt withnumerous copyright requestsagain this year — primarilyfor photographs. Two requestswith noteworthy results wereL’art du Grand Nord, a newbook by Citadelles andMazenod Publishers (Paris),which used 39 CMCCimages, and a documentaryfilm to be aired on theFrench-German Arte Networkabout two related Tsimshianmasks which — althoughusually kept at two differentinstitutions — were reunitedfor a special event in Paris.• An initiative designed torescue over 65,000 waterdamagedslides wasundertaken by a team <strong>of</strong>volunteers, taking two yearsto complete. In this process,each slide was transferredfrom a glass mount to aplastic mount, in order toensure adequate ventilation.The slides will now be keptunder optimal conservationconditions.• During 2001, librarycataloguing backlogs weregreatly reduced, with almost1,000 books from 11 specialcollections catalogued andintegrated into the collection.• The Corporation’s Libraryand Archives system (GEAC)successfully migrated to anew server, resulting inenhanced performance, speedand disk space for futureexpansion <strong>of</strong> the database.There are currently almost270,000 catalogueddocuments available throughthe Internet. A growingnumber <strong>of</strong> digitizeddocuments have been addedto the catalogue, thusallowing clients to seeimages, full-text documents,etc.• In conjunction with theexhibition Lifelines:Canada’s East CoastFisheries, the Archives andthe Library sections jointlyprepared a display on theAtlantic fisheries theme,which was presented in thepublic area <strong>of</strong> the CMCLibrary. It included books,bibliography, videos,manuscripts and a photoexhibit that attracted manyvisitors. A book display tosupport the exhibition KichiSibi also was presented in theLibrary.46Mr. Claude Bugslag, one <strong>of</strong> 11 volunteers involvedin the slide restoration project, is demonstratingone step <strong>of</strong> the procedure. Photos: S. Darby.

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