“She is to have a son and you are to name him Jesus.” Matthew 1:21

“She is to have a son and you are to name him Jesus.” Matthew 1:21

“She is to have a son and you are to name him Jesus.” Matthew 1:21


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from the principalOur celebration of Thanksgiving seems like a holy day <strong>to</strong> me because we <strong>have</strong> somuch <strong>to</strong> be grateful for at Mercy. The strong <strong>and</strong> vibrant h<strong>is</strong><strong>to</strong>ry of the school,the strength of the values taught from the beginning <strong>to</strong> the present, the alumnaethat bring those values <strong>and</strong> their talents <strong>to</strong> professions all over the country <strong>and</strong> theworld, our students <strong>and</strong> their p<strong>are</strong>nts who bring us daily blessings, <strong>and</strong> the faculty<strong>and</strong> staff current <strong>and</strong> past who <strong>are</strong> wonderful examples of the spirit of faith <strong>and</strong> excellence,all cause me <strong>to</strong> rejoice in the wonderful gifts the Lord has bounteously bes<strong>to</strong>wed on Mercy.May God preserve <strong>and</strong>bless <strong>you</strong> <strong>and</strong> grant <strong>you</strong>all the graces <strong>and</strong>precious gifts reservedfor th<strong>is</strong> holy sea<strong>son</strong>.Catherine McAuley,Foundress of the S<strong>is</strong>ters of MercyWith the beginning of Advent, I think of our focus on the role each of us plays in makingGod present in the lives of the people we meet daily. As little children, we learned of God’spresence at Chr<strong>is</strong>tmastime, <strong>and</strong> now we as students <strong>and</strong> adults must help one another knowGod’s presence again. At Mercy th<strong>is</strong> takes many forms, <strong>and</strong> one of great importance <strong>is</strong> ourspiritual life. We celebrate our gratitude <strong>and</strong> our desire <strong>to</strong> help those in need at theThanksgiving Prayer Service. At the “Feast of the Immaculate Conception,” we celebrateMary’s example of a woman of great faith, strength, <strong>and</strong> c<strong>are</strong> for others. As we prep<strong>are</strong><strong>to</strong> leave for the Chr<strong>is</strong>tmas break, we pray <strong>to</strong>gether as a school for God’s blessing on eachMercy family, that it might be a time of joy <strong>and</strong> peace for all.No less important <strong>is</strong> our focus on service throughout the year, <strong>and</strong> particularly during th<strong>is</strong>sea<strong>son</strong> of giving. These days, we <strong>are</strong> immersed in collecting food <strong>and</strong> our hope <strong>is</strong> <strong>to</strong> enlivenin the hearts of our students the realization that without the food that they generouslyprovide, someone will go hungry. The faculty <strong>and</strong> staff continue their commitment <strong>to</strong>prep<strong>are</strong> <strong>and</strong> serve dinner once a month at Epic House, a sh<strong>are</strong>d living facility for lowincome elderly in the inner city. The basketball teams will also v<strong>is</strong>it Epic House <strong>and</strong> inaddition <strong>to</strong> the meal will provide yard clean-up <strong>and</strong> other services. The Art <strong>and</strong> ConsumerScience students will paint windows <strong>and</strong> decorate doors at Mountain Crest Nursing Home.A variety of students will entertain adolescents who <strong>have</strong> special needs at the Starfire Party.These <strong>are</strong> a just few examples of the many projects carried out here at Mercy. The student<strong>and</strong> faculty commitment <strong>to</strong> develop a strong aw<strong>are</strong>ness of the needs of others <strong>is</strong> whatimpels us <strong>to</strong> be involved in so many service activities.Our theme for the year <strong>is</strong> “Focus” <strong>and</strong> that <strong>is</strong> certainly v<strong>is</strong>iblein the prayer <strong>and</strong> service opportunities we embrace. Pleasejoin us in prayer for all members of the Mercy family <strong>and</strong> letus know <strong>you</strong>r own commitment <strong>to</strong> service so that we mightsh<strong>are</strong> <strong>you</strong>r good example with our students.May God bless each of <strong>you</strong> th<strong>is</strong> Chr<strong>is</strong>tmas,Sr. Nancy Merkle RSM ‘62PrincipalFALL/WINTER 2009| 9

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