Iguana - Reading Street Texas

Iguana - Reading Street Texas

Iguana - Reading Street Texas


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Text eSelection TKeReadersDifferentiatedInstruction5DAYStrategic InterventionConcept Literacy Reader■ Model Model the fluency skillsof expression and punctuationcues for students. Ask studentsto listen carefully as you readaloud the first two pages ofWhich Way Is Better? Readonce with expression, beingcareful to pause at the end ofeach sentence. Then read thepages rapidly in a monotone,with no pauses. Have studentstell which version soundedbetter.■ Fluency RoutineBy Ellen CatalaWhich Way Is Better?1. Have students reread passages from Which Way IsBetter? with a partner.2. For optimal fluency, students should reread threeto four times.3. As students read, monitor fluency and providecorrective feedback. Have students note theexpression in your voice and how you usecommas and end punctuation as signals to pause.See Routines Flip Chart for more help with fluency.■ Retell Have students retell Which Way Is Better?Prompt as necessary.Below-Level Reader■ Model Ask students to listencarefully as you read aloud thefirst two pages of Buddy Goes toSchool, emphasizing expressionand punctuation cues.■ Fluency Routine1. Have students rereadpassages from Buddy Goesto School with a partner orindividually.2. For optimal fluency, studentsshould reread three to four times.Buddy Goesto SchoolBuddy Goes to School3. As students read, monitor fluency and providecorrective feedback. Discuss how readingexpressively and pausing for punctuation canmake a story more enjoyable and easier tounderstand.See Routines Flip Chart for more help with fluency.■ Retell For additional practice, have students retellBuddy Goes to School page by page using theillustrations. Prompt as necessary.• How does Buddy change during the book? (In thebeginning, he doesn’t behave. At the end, he’sobedient.)MONITORPROGRESSIf… students have difficulty reading fluently,then… provide additional fluency practice by pairing nonfluentreaders with fluent ones.TEKS3.3.A.1 Read aloud grade-level appropriate text with fluency.I Wanna <strong>Iguana</strong>DI•31

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