Iguana - Reading Street Texas

Iguana - Reading Street Texas

Iguana - Reading Street Texas


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eSelectionExpand ComprehensionSkill Compare and Contrast Use p. 236to review the definitions of compare andcontrast. For additional review, see Compareand Contrast on Envision It! p. EI•5. I will ask,“Whom does this character remind me of?”and “How is this like something I already knowabout?”eReadersStrategy Visualize Review the definitionof visualize and encourage students to createpictures in their minds of the characters, setting, and ideas as they read. Foradditional support, use the Extend Thinking questions during reading or referstudents to p. EI•27 of Envision It!Revisit I Wanna <strong>Iguana</strong> on pp. 240–247. As students read, have them look fordetails that will help them compare and contrast story elements.• Compare the structure of this story to that of other realistic fiction stories.(This story is told in a series of letters or notes. Most other stories are told inparagraphs with dialogue.)• What does Stinky’s house have that Alex’s house does not have? (a dog namedLurch)• Why does Alex think this difference should be important to his mom? (He wantshis mom to believe the iguana will be safer with him.)240I WannaBY KAREN KAUFMAN ORLOFFILLUSTRATED BY DAVID CATROWRealistic Fiction tells a made-up story thatcould really happen. Read this story to findout if Alex can persuade his mom to let himhave an iguana.DAY<strong>Iguana</strong>DifferentiatedInstructionQuestion of the WeekHow do you know if asolution is a good solution?2241AlikeCompare and ContrastAs you read, think about whatis alike and what is different.DifferentStudent Edition p. EI•5More <strong>Reading</strong>Use additional LeveledReaders or other texts atstudents’ instructional levelsto reinforce this week’s skillsand strategies. For textsuggestions, see the LeveledReader Database or theLeveled Readers Skills Charton pp. CL 24–CL 29.EI•5On-LevelTEKS★ Compare and contrast ideas and information.3.10.A.1 Identify language that creates a graphic visual experience.I Wanna <strong>Iguana</strong>DI•33

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