Volume 20 Issue 1 - September 2014

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The WholeNote listings are arranged in four sections:A.GTA (GREATER TORONTO AREA) covers all of Torontoplus Halton, Peel, York and Durham regions.B.BEYOND THE GTA covers many areas of SouthernOntario outside Toronto and the GTA. In the currentissue, there are listings for events in Barrie, Brantford,Collingwood, Dundas, Guelph, Hamilton, Kingston, Kitchener,London, Midland, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Peterborough, Port Hope,St. Catharines, Stratford and Waterloo. Starts on page 49.C.IN THE CLUBS (MOSTLY JAZZ)is organized alphabetically by club.Starts on page 52.D.THE ETCETERAS is for galas, fundraisers, competitions,screenings, lectures, symposia, masterclasses, workshops,singalongs and other music-related events (exceptperformances) which may be of interest to our readers.Starts on page 56.A GENERAL WORD OF CAUTION. A phone number is providedwith every listing in The WholeNote — in fact, we won’t publisha listing without one. Concerts are sometimes cancelled or postponed;artists or venues may change after listings are published.Please check before you go out to a concert.HOW TO LIST. Listings in The WholeNote in the four sections aboveare a free service available, at our discretion, to eligible presenters.If you have an event, send us your information no later than the8th of the month prior to the issue or issues in which your listing iseligible to appear.LISTINGS DEADLINE. The next issue covers the period fromOctober 1, <strong>20</strong>14 to November 7, <strong>20</strong>14. All listings must be receivedby 6pm Monday <strong>September</strong> 8.LISTINGS can be sent by e-mail to listings@thewholenote.com orby fax to 416-603-4791 or by regular mail to the address on page 6.We do not receive listings by phone, but you can call 416-323-2232x27 for further information.LISTINGS ZONE MAP. Visit our website to see a detailed versionof this map: thewholenote.com.LakeHuron6GeorgianBay72 15Lake Erie3 48City of TorontoLISTINGSLake OntarioA. Concerts in the GTAIN THIS ISSUE: Brampton, Etobicoke, Markham, Mississauga,Oakville, Oshawa, Scarborough and Whitby.Tuesday <strong>September</strong> 2●●8:00: AIMToronto. James Bailey CurationSeries. Musideum, Suite 133 (main floor),401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $10/PWYC.Wednesday <strong>September</strong> 3●●6:00: Cathedral Church of St. James. Cantatasin the Cathedral. J.S. Bach: Du solltGott, deinen Herrn, lieben BWV77. ShannonMercer, soprano; Rebecca Claborn, mezzo;Rob Kinar, tenor; James Baldwin, baritone.65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x224. PWYC.●●7:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheMusic Man. A classic Broadway musical andfamily favourite. Book, music and lyrics byMeredith Wilson. Joe Cascone (Harold Hill);Judy Gans (Marian Paroo); David Haines(Marcellus Washburn); Barbara Boddy (Mrs.Paroo); Larry Westlake (Mayor Shinn); LouiseCascone (Eulalie Mackecknie Shinn); andothers. Zion Cultural Centre, 1650 Finch AveE. 416-755-1717. $28. Also Sep 3-7; 10-14; 17-21;start times vary.●●7:30: CelloPhone. Boats and Balloons.Featuring four world premieres and threeCanadian works. Thornborrow: Boats andBalloons; Baldwin: Armless Clock UnderstandsTime; King: Four Movements for SopranoSaxophone and Cello; Lemay: Red ShiftBlue Shift. Chelsea Shanoff, saxophone; NadiaKlein, cello. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave.416-922-3618. $15; $10(st).Thursday <strong>September</strong> 4●●1:00: Encore Symphonic Concert Band. InConcert with John Edward Liddle. Classics/jazz featuring 50 musicians and guest soloists.John Edward Liddle, conductor. EncoreHall, Wilmar Heights Centre, 963 PharmacyAve., Scarborough. 416-346-3910. $10.Includes coffee and snack. Concerts firstThursday of every month.●●7:00: Summer Music in the Garden. JewishMusic from the Carpathian Bow. Jewishmelodies from Ukraine, Carpathian Ruthenia,Bessarabia and Rumania. Veretski Pass Trio.Toronto Music Garden, 475 Queens Quay W.416-973-4000. Free.●●8:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheMusic Man. See Sep 3; Also Sep 5-7; 10-14;17-21; start times vary.Friday <strong>September</strong> 5●●8:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheMusic Man. See Sep 3; Also Sep 6, 7; 10-14;17-21; start times vary.●●8:00: Contact Contemporary Music.INTERsection: music from every direction.Intersection takes over the Tranzac. ToyPiano Composers Ensemble; Thin Edge NewMusic Collective; Kyle Brenders Quartet;junctQín keyboard collective. Tranzac Club,292 Brunswick Ave. 416-902-7010. $10.●●8:00: Gallery 345/Consulate General ofPoland. Opening Night: Bridge Between theArts: A Move Towards Peace. A multidisciplinaryexploration of the struggle betweenpeace and war. Works by J.S. Bach, Shostakovich,Szymanowski, Strauss and Lutosławski.Catherine Gardner, soprano; DobrochnaZubek, cello; Adam Zukiewicz, piano; JordanaDeveau, dance. Gallery 345, 345 SoraurenAve. 416-822-9781. $<strong>20</strong>; $10(st).●●8:00: Music Gallery. Battle Trance and KingWeather. Array Space, 155 Walnut Ave. 416-<strong>20</strong>4-1080. $10; $8(members). 7:00: doorsopen.●●8:00: Susanna Hood and Scott Thomson.The Muted Note: Songs & Dances Basedon Poems by P.K. Page. Ellen Furey, AlannaKraaijeveld, Bernard Martin and SusannaHood, dancers; The Disguises (Susanna Hood,voice; Nicolas Caloia, bass; Yves Charuest,alto saxophone; Pierre Tanguay, drums; ScottThomson, trombone); Susanna Hood, choreographer;Scott Thomson, composer. TheCitadel, 304 Parliament St. 416-364-8011.$<strong>20</strong>. Also Sep 6(eve); Sep 7(mat); Sep 27(GerrardArt Space).Saturday <strong>September</strong> 6●●2:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheMusic Man. See Sep 3; Also Sep 6(eve), 7;10-14; 17-21; start times vary.●●2:00: Contact Contemporary Music.INTERsection: music from every direction.New Music Marathon and Musicircus. A dayof performances and interactive installationson stage and spread throughout the square.Yonge-Dundas Square, 1 Dundas St. E. 416-902-7010. Free.●●8:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheMusic Man. See Sep 3; Also Sep 7; 10-14; 17-21;start times vary.●●8:00: Musideum. Iskwé. Indigenouspop and trip-hop. Suite 133 (main floor),401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. $<strong>20</strong>.●●8:00: Susanna Hood and Scott Thomson.The Muted Note: Songs & Dances Basedon Poems by P.K. Page. See Sep 5(eve); AlsoSep 7(mat); Sep 27(Gerrard Art Space).Sunday <strong>September</strong> 7●●2:00: Civic Light-Opera Company. TheMusic Man. See Sep 3; Also Sep 10-14; 17-21;start times vary.●●2:00: Susanna Hood and Scott Thomson.The Muted Note: Songs & Dances Basedon Poems by P.K. Page. See Sep 5; AlsoSep 27(Gerrard Art Space).●●4:00: Church of St. Mary Magdalene.Organ music by Wood, Willan and Walton.Andrew Adair, organ. 477 Manning Ave. 416-531-7955. Free.●●4:00: Summer Music in the Garden.Soundscapades: An exploration of a city fullof sound. TorQ Percussion Quartet: RichardBurrows, Adam Campbell, Jamie Drakeand Daniel Morphy. Toronto Music Garden,475 Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000. Free.●●4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. JazzVespers. Tribute to Bill Evans. David Restivo,piano; Neil Swainson, bass; Brian Barlow,drums. 1570 Yonge St. 416-9<strong>20</strong>-5211 x22.Freewill offering.●●8:00: Contact Contemporary Music.INTERsection: music from every direction.Evan Ziporyn re-imagines Terry Riley’s PoppyNogood and the Phantom Band. Works byCameron, Adler and Ziporyn; other post-minimalistselections. Wallace Halladay, saxophone;guest: Evan Ziporyn, clarinet. Music42 | <strong>September</strong> 1, <strong>20</strong>14 – October 7, <strong>20</strong>14 thewholenote.com

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