CURRICULUM VITAE Robert Craig Platenberg, M.D. ... - NationalRad

CURRICULUM VITAE Robert Craig Platenberg, M.D. ... - NationalRad

CURRICULUM VITAE Robert Craig Platenberg, M.D. ... - NationalRad


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4. <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Blease S, Open MRI imaging of the Brain; Clinical MRI, The PracticalJournal of Magnetic Resonance Vol 10. No 2, Summer 2000.5. Blease S, <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Open MRI Scanning-A Crucial Evolution; ; Clinical MRI, ThePractical Journal of Magnetic Resonance Vol 10. No 2, Summer 2000.6. <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Advanced Neuroimaging moves to low-field units; Diagnostic ImagingOctober 2000.7. Starbuck VN, Kay GG, <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Lin CS, Zielinski BA, Funtional MagneticResonance Imaging Reflects Changes in Brain Functioning with Sedation. HumanPsychpharmacology 15, 613-618, 2000.8. <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Hubbard GB, Ehler WT, Hixson CJ, Spontaneous disc degeneration inthe baboon model: Magnetic Resonance Imaging and histopathologic correlation; Journalof Medical Primatology 30:268-272, May 20019. Borenstein DG, O’Mara JW, Boden SD, Lauerman WC, Jacobson A, <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC,Schellinger D, Wiesel SW, The Value of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the LumbarSpine to Predict Low Back Pain in Asymprtomatic Subject, A Seven-Year Follow-UpStudy: The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Vol 83-A, No 9, September 2001.10. <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Rees JH, Blum SM, MRA finds its way to open systems; DiagnosticImaging October 2002 p.50-52.11. Mun SK, Tohme WG, <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Choi I, Teleradiology and Emerging Business Models:Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2005; 11:271-275Book Chapters1. Feigenbaum F, Manz HJ, <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Martuza RL, Primary Intrinsic Tumors of theBrain. Principles of Neurosurgery 2nd Edition Lippincott-Raven 1999.2. Davis BT, <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Neuroradiology, Neurosurgical Issues in Otolaryngology;Principles and Practice of Collaboration, Edited by Moises Ariaga M.D. Lippincott 1999.3. <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Open MRI of the Brain, Open MRI, Edited by Peter Rothschild M.D.Lippincott 2000.4. <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Prasad R, Teleradiology in Open MRI, Open MRI, Edited by PeterRothschild M.D. Lippincott 2000.Presentations/Abstracts1. Transient Mutism after Medulloblastoma Removal - Significance of Vermial Lobule Size,<strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Neff SR, Wolpert SM, American Society of Neuroradiology 27th AnnualMeeting, Orlando FL, March 1989.2. MR of Cerebellar Vermial; Hypoplasia Anderson ML, Wolpert SM, <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC.American Society of Neuroradiology 27th Annual Meeting, Orlando FL, March 1989.3. SPGR Imaging in Children; Klucznik RP, <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, American Society ofNeuroradiology 29th Annual Meeting. Washington DC June 1991.4. Posterior Sacroiliac Fixation using a Sacropedicular Targeting Device -Anatomic Study,Cain JE, Miller MD, Lauerman WC, <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Wilson MR, Littlefield WG. AmericanSociety of Orthopedics National Residents Meeting, March 1991.5. Anatomic Analysis of the Spinal Perithecal Epidural Space and Patterns of DiseasePropagation within this Space. Schellinger D, Levy LM, Davis BT, <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC,American Society of Neuroradiology 33rd Annual Meeting, Chicago Illinois, March 1995.6. Functional MRI of Attention in Normal Volunteers using a Modified PASAT Test: Effect ofTest Difficulty on Activation; <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Starbuck VN, Lin CS, Ward K, Rajan SS,Schellinger D. American Society of Neuroradiology 34th annual Meeting, SeattleWashington, June 1996.7. Both Positive and Negative BOLD Signals Detected in Brain Tumor Patients Lin CS, LevyLM, <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Ward K, Rajan SS, Schellinger D. Society of Magnetic ResonanceImaging Annual Meeting, New York Spring 19968. Functional MRI of Attention in Normal Volunteers using a Modified PASAT Test withAuditory and Visual Stimuli. <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Starbuck VN, Lin CS, Ward K, Rajan SS,Schellinger D. American Society of Neuroradiology 34th Annual Meeting, SeattleWashington, 25 June 1996.

Exhibits1. MRI with histopathologic correlation in a naturally occurring primate model of diskdegeneration; <strong>Platenberg</strong> RC, Hubbard GB, Ehler WT, Hixson CJ, Klucznik RP,Lauerman WC, Cain, JE. American Society of Neuroradiology 29th Annual Meeting,Washington, DC June 1991.Major Invited Speeches/Grand Rounds/Professorships1. An Overview of Telemedicine Today, British Institute of Radiology, Teleradiology, Is ItNeeded? London, England 3 February 1999.2. Teleradiology, Royal Society of Medicine, 20 October 2000, London, England.3. Clinical Brain Imaging on Open Systems, Closed vs Open Imaging of the Brain, APhysicians View of Teleradiology, OPEN MRI 2000, 31 May- 4 June 2000 Las Vegas,Nevada, U.S.A.4. Practical Teleradiology in a Non-Combat Role and its Application to the Military, CombatMedicine, 22-23 May 2000, The Hatton, London England.5. Neuroradiology Applications of Open MRI, British Institute of Radiology, OPEN MRI, 8November 2001, London, England.6. Failed Back Syndrome, High Resolution Imaging of Cranial Nerves on Open systems,Routine Brain Imaging, Implementing a PACS-Teleradiology System, OPEN MRI 2001,13-15 May 2001 Las Vegas, Nevada U.S.A.7. Open MRI of Failed Back, MR of Soft Tissues of the Neck, Open MRI: Overview ofCurrent Capabilities and Future Developments, Physics of MRI for Open systems, OpenMRI in Clinical Practice, 19-22 September 2002, Orlando Florida, USA8. MRI of Failed Back Syndrome, Head and Neck MR: Anatomy and Pathology, NeuroMRA: Anatomy and Pathology, MR Clinical Symposia for Technologists, 17-19 May 2002Columbus Ohio, USA9. Standard Brain Examinations:Tips and Advice, A technical Assesment of OPEN MRI,Open MRI of Failed Back Syndrome, Using PACS and Teleradiology Successfully, OPENMRI 23-26 April 2002, Las Vegas, Nevada USA.10. Open MRI of Failed Back, MR of Soft Tissues of the Neck, Using PACS andTeleradiology Successfully, Open MRI in Clinical Practice, 2-5 October 2003, OrlandoFlorida, USA11. Standard Brain Anatomy and Pathology, OPEN MRA of the Head and Neck-CurrentStatus, Open MRI Cost Effective Use Issues, OPEN MRI 8-11 April 2003, Las Vegas,Nevada USA.12. Comprehending Brain Anatomy and Pathology, Comprehending Lumbar Spine Anatomyand Pathology. Advanced MR Imaging Techniques, 7-9 March 2003, Houston Texas.13. Invited Lecture Langkawi Malaysia. Siemens User meeting. 16-20 January 2003.14. Cranial Nerves I-VI on OPEN MRI Systems, Cranial Nerves VII-XII on OPEN MRISystems, OPEN MRA of the Head and Neck, Using PACS and TeleradiologySuccesfully, Open MRI in Clinical Practice, 28 September-2 October 2004, BellagioHotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Course Moderator.15. Cranial Nerves I-VI, Cranial Nerves VII-XII, Spine Lexicon: Definitions, Pitfalls, UsingPACS and Teleradiology Successfully, ESI sponsored National MRI Symposium, 26-30April 2004, Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada.16. A Practical Look at Lower Field MR Physics, Lower Field Imaging of Failed Back Surgery,Defining the Difference Between Lower Field and Higher Field Open MR Systems, SpineImaging at Higher Field Open, Brain Imaging on Higher Field Open Systems, OPEN MRI13-16 April 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada USA. Conference Co-Chairman.17. Spine Lexicon, Brain Tumors on Open MRI Systems, Update of Using PACS andTeleradiology Successfully, Open MRI in Clinical Practice 2005, 6-9 October 2005, WynnHotel, Las Vegas Nevada.18. Overview of Open MRI Neuro Imaging Capabillities, Open MRI Today and Tomorrow,Cervical Spine Open Imaging, Open MRI Technology: Purchasing and Operational

Considerations, OPEN MR 2005I 12-15 April 2005, Luxor Hotel, Las Vegas, NevadaUSA. Conference Co-Chairman.19. Pitfalls of the Spine Lexicon, MRI of Soft Tissues of the Suprahyoid Neck, ESI sponsoredNational MRI Symposium, 18-22 April 2005, Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada.20. Open MRI Imaging in 2006, Intra-axial Brain Tumors on Open MRI systems, Extra-axialBrain Tumors on Open MRI systems, Cervical Spine Open Imaging, Open MRITechnology: Purchasing and Operational Considerations, OPEN MR for Technologists2006 23-24 April 2005, Grand Old Opry Hotel, Nashville Tennessee USA. ConferenceCo-Chairman.21. Spine Lexicon, Cervical Spine Imaging, Musculoskeletal MRI 2006, 12-17 March 2006,Vail Cascade, Colorado.22. Everything you wanted to know about the Rad in Teleradiology but were too afraid to ask.Distributed Diagnosis and Home Healthcare (D2H2) Arlington Virginia 2-4 April 2006.23. Cranial Nerves I-VI, Cranial Nerves VII-XII, Cervical Spine Imaging, ESI sponsoredNational MRI Symposium, 25-28 April 2006, Wynn Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada.24. Imaging for Deep Brain Stimulation, Failed Back Syndrome, Cervical Spine MRI withattention to the Cord, ESI sponsored National MRI Symposium, 16-18 April 2007,Venetian Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada.25. MRI of Failed Back Syndrome, Brain Tumor Imaging, MR Clinical Symposia forTechnologists, 8-10 October 2007, Daytona Beach Florida, USA.26. Spine Imaging on Higher Field Open MRI Systems, Cervical Spine Imaging, Failed BackSyndrome, Musculoskeletal MRI 2008, 2-8 November 2008, La Vegas, Nevada USA..

The enclosed curriculum vitae is a currentand accurate statement of my professional record._____________________________________________<strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Craig</strong> <strong>Platenberg</strong>, M.D. Date

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