Volume 12 - Issue 9 - June 2007

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Festival Listings: <strong>June</strong> 1-July 7du Mal. Marc Boucher, baritone; Olivier Godin,piano; Jean Marchand, actor; Lorraine Pintal,stage director. $35.23 8:00: Kuerti Visits Chopin. Anton Kuerti,piano. $35.29 8:00: Oliver Jones and Friends. Oliver Jones,piano; Ranee Lee, voice; Eric Lagace, bass; JimOoxas, drum set. $35.30 8:00: Grand Reunions. Anne Robert, SoniaCoppey, violins; Bertrand Robin, viola; MichelStrauss, cello; John Perry, piano; James Camp·bell, clarinet. $32.July6 8:00: Tsutsumi, Cello Passion. TsuyoshiTsutsumi, cello. $32.7 8:00: La Oolce Vita: A Tribute to Italian Film.Drchestre Leonardo da Vinci, Paolo Bellomia,conductor. $35.Free concerts by students of theOrford Academy of Music<strong>June</strong> 21, 28, July 3, 5 8:00pm; <strong>June</strong>24,July 111 :OOam. $5 GLJuly 4 8:00: St-Patrice Church, 115 rue MerryNord, MagogClassic Blue Tuesdays: Students from the OrfordArts Centre's AcademyJun 26-Aug 28<strong>12</strong>:00 noon, $5(incl guided tour)Bleu Lavande, 891, chemin Narrow (route 247),Standstead (Fitch Bay)819-876-5851, 888-876-5851FrancoFolies de Montreal514-876-8989, 888-444-9114www.francofolies.comJuly 26 ·August 5World's biggest francophone block party. Internationalrhythms, from rock to electronica to hiphop. See website for details.Glimmerglass Opera607-547-2255www.glimmerglass.orgCooperstown, New York, USAJuly 7 - August 28Opera $20.50 · $117.00 (discounts available).Grand River Baroque Festival519-578-1570, 800-265-8977www.grbf.caSee website for receptions, brunches, picnics.BB Buehlow Barn, Township Road <strong>12</strong> (exit RegionalRd. 97 from401, left on Trussler Rd., righton Township Rd. <strong>12</strong>), near Ayr, ONWU Wesley United Church, 6 Cambridge St.,Cambridge<strong>June</strong>15 8:00: Welcome to All the Pleasures: IncidentalMusic from the Plays. Aradia Ensemble,Kevin Mallon, director. $35; $22(sl). BB16 3:00: Extra Virgin: Trio sonatas from thegreat centres of music. Kevin Mallon, GenevieveGilardeau, violins; Katie Rietman, cello; PaulJenkins, harpsichord, organ; Lucas Harris, lute.$ 25; $15(st). BB; 5:00: Baroque Ain't Broke.Gordon Greene, lecturer. $25; $15(st). BB;8:00: Bacchana/e. Guy Few, trumpet; NadinaMackie-Jackson, bassoon; Toronto ChamberOrchestra; Kevin Mallon, director. $35; $22(sl).BB17 10:30am: Glories of the Grand Siecle. KevinMallon, Genevieve Gilardeau, violins; LauraJones, viola da gamba; Paul Jenkins, harpsi·chord; Teri Dunn, soprano. $25; $15(sl). BB;3:00: Handel· Israel in Egypt. Jennie Such,soprano; Jennifer Enns Modolo, mezzo-soprano;Nils Brown, tenor; Sean Watson, bass; Ensem-40ble Choir and Orchestra, Kevin Mallon, conduc·tor. $35; $22(st). WUHarbourfront Centre <strong>June</strong> Festivals <strong>2007</strong>416-9734000www.harbourfrontcentre.comMost events free; ticketed events indicated.<strong>June</strong>4- 8: Masters of World Music (w/ Lumina TO).Shows at 8:00 & 9:30pm; see daily concertlistings for details.8 - 10: Carnivalissima (w/ Lumina TO). See dailyconcert listings for details.15-17: Barbados on the Water. York Quay Cen·Ire, 235 Queens Quay West. Barbadian music(calypso, jazz &soul) & dance by local and islandgroups, film programme, theatre, cultural work·shops, visual art exhibition, literary arts, activitiesfor young audiences, traditional Bajan cuisine andactivities for the whole family. See website fordetails.ncketed events:<strong>June</strong>15 7:00: Pampa/am: satirical revue of Bajan life.Brigantine Room. $15; 9:00pm: The BridgetownFestival Short Films. Mahmood Patel, festivaldirector. Studio Theatre. $15; 9:00pm: Rupee;opening: Neu Jenarashun. Harbourfront CentreConcert Stage. $35; $50(Rupee & Monarch);11 :OOpm: Monarchs, w/ Boogie Knights Band.Brigantine Room. $30; $ 50(Rupee & Mon·archs).16 7:00: Pampa/am: satirical revue of Bajan life.Brigantine Room. $15; 9:00pm: BritgetownFestival Short Films. Mahmood Patel, festivaldirector. Studio Theatre. $15; 11 :OOpm: Monarchs,w/Boogie Knights Band. Brigantine Room.$30.Free music events:CS Concert StageTS Toronto Star Stage<strong>June</strong>15 7:00:Michae/Forde. TS; 8:00: Voix Antillaises.TS16 2:00: Marisa Lindsay & Eddie Bullen. CS;5:00: Oavid, Ziggy, Walcott. CS; 1:00: MichaelForde. TS; 4:30: Ouintessential Boys. TS17 1 :00: Andy Earle. TS; 2:00: Michael Forde.TS; 4:30: Voix Antillaises. TS; 3:30: TamaraMarshaU, Arturo Tappin & Boogie Knights Band.CS; 5:30: Oavid, Ziggy, Walcott. CS23: Franco-Fete. Celebration of French-Canadianculture through various artistic disciplines &music, with artists from Quebec, Ontario andAfrica. 25th Anniversary in Toronto celebratesSt. Jean Baptiste Day. See website for details.Harbourfront Centre/RBC World RoutesSummer Festivals <strong>2007</strong>416-973-4000www.harbourfrontcentre.comThemed music weekends <strong>June</strong> 29 to September3, in and around York Quay Centre, 235 QueensQuay West. 200 + concert performances com·plemented by dance, film, food, theatre, visualarts, craft sales, workshops & fun-filled hands-onactivities for festival lovers of all ages.All events free. For all festivals, see Harbourfrontwebsite for details.<strong>June</strong> 29 -July 2: Generations: Canada DayGlobal performances by emerging creators &established artists explore our diversity.July 6- 8: Beats, Breaks & CultureElectronic music & culture festival, latest currentsof modern musical expression. The CinematicOrchestra; experimental electronica &WWW .THEWHOLENOTE.COMlegendary drumming with Kieran Hebden (akaFour Tel) & Steve Reid, experimental band DoMake Say Think, dance music with Shout OutOut Out Out, Brazilian dancefloor-friendly DJDolores (full band), Rock the Bells (documentary),breakdancing competition Pop, Lock & Load IV.Indian River Festival902-836-3733, 866-856-3733www.indianriverfestival.comSt. Mary's Church, Indian River, PEIUnless otherwise noted: 7:30; $24; $22160 +/st); $15(under <strong>12</strong>).July1 Opening Night Extravaganza: Canada Oay Celebration.Nathalie Paulin, soprano; Robert Kortgaard,piano; Indian River Festival Chorus & SummersideCommunity Choir.6 Patricia Murray and Friends.Lanaudiere Festival450-759- 7636, 800-561-4343www.lanaudiere.orgAmphitheatre subscriptions: 4-concert 15% off;7-concert 20% off; 15-concert 30% off.See website for Mon/Tue/Thu concerts at localchurches, outdoor movies, pre-concert talks.Featured concerts at Lanaudiere Amphitheatre,1575 boul. Base-de-Roe, Joliette POJuly7 8:00: Colossal 30th-Anniversary Opening Concert.Drchestre Symphonique de Quebec; DrchestreMetropolitain du Grand Montreal; threechoirs; Frederic ANTOUN, tenor; Yoav Talmi,conductor. $15-$ 50.LuminaTO416-872-1111, 866-577-4277www.luminato.comSee <strong>June</strong> 1-10 daily concert listings for details& daily summary of primary musical events; seewebsite for additional events.LuminaTO, Live@Courthouse416-214-9379www.liveatcourthouse.comThe Courthouse, 5 7 Adelaide St. East, TorontoDoors: 7:00<strong>June</strong>1-3 Susie Arioli Band. $15.4-5 William Sperandei I David Braid Quintet, w/Doug Wamble. $15.6-7 Kevin Clark Quartet. $<strong>12</strong>.8-10 Jake Langley w/ Joey Defrancesco & TerryClarke. $2D.Mariposa Folk Festival7D5-329·2333www.mariposafolk.comTudhope Park, DrilliaJuly& -8Weekend pass: $89; $39117-24); free{16 &under, with adult)July 6: $49; July 7: $59; July 8: $59Markham Village Music Festival9D5-472-2022www.markham-festival.orgMarkham Village, Markham Rd. north of Hwy 117<strong>June</strong> 15 & 16; FreeRock, jazz, folk, world, children's, show tunes, &more, on 5 stagesMontreal Baroque Festival514-845-7171, 80D-845-7171www.montrealbaroque.comSee website for workshops, talks, competitions,conferences, Grand Parade.BND Chapelle du Sacre-Coeur de la BasiliqueNotre-DameCR Chiiteau RamezayDF Darling FoundryMP Maison PapineauNDBS Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours<strong>June</strong>217:30:BenefitConcert:Monteverdi'sl 'OrflJfJ,FavolainMusica. La BandeMontreal Baroque;Samantha Louis-Jean, Monika Mauch, sopranos;Charles Daniels, tenor; Nathaniel Watson, baritone;Eric Milnes, conductor. $150-$200. OF22 8:00: Gloria! Vivaldi's Angels. Monika Mauch,Shannon Mercer, Ensemble Caprice, BandeMontreal Baroque, women choir, Matthias Mau·te, conductor. $30; $25(sr); $ lO(st). NDBS;10:00: Oevil's Trills. Ensemble Ausonia; OlivierBrault, violin. $25; $2D(sr); $1 Dist). Crypt,NDBS23 2:00: Heaven or Hell? 21st Century BaroqueMusic. Baroque SaMuse Ensemble; HendrikBouman, harpsichord/director. $25; $2D(sr);$1 O(st). CR; 5:00: Inferno: An Improvisation.Ensemble Constantinople. $25; $20(sr); $ lO(st).Secret Venue; 7:30: HimmelskOnig, seiWillkommen. Bande Montreal Baroque; MonikaMauch, soprano; Charles Daniels, tenor; MatthewWhite, alto; Harry van der Kamp; EricMilnes, conductor. $30; $25(sr); $ lO(st). BNO;9:30: Life and Oeath: A Mystery. EnsembleAusonia; Davide Monti, Olivier Brault, violins.$3D; $25(sr); $ lO(sl). NDBS24 7:00am: Celestia/ Harp. Maria Cleary, harp.$25; $20(srl; $ lO(stl. Crypt, NDBS; 2:00: IIParadisoel'lnferno. BandeMontreal Baroque(sackbuts and cornettos). $25; $20(sr); $ lO(sl).MP; 5:00: Oevil in her Heart! Beatles Baroque.Les Boreades de Montreal. Free. Montreal'sOld Port; 7:00: A Frozen Heaven! Benoit Merineau,organ; Studio de musique ancienne de Montreal;Christopher Jackson, conductor. $3D;$25(sr); $10(st). NDBS; 9:30:MembraJesuNastri: Celestial Body. Suzie Le Blanc, CatherineWebster, Matthew White, Charles Daniels,Nathaniel Watson & others; Alexander Wei·mann, conductor. $3D; $25(sr); $ lO(st). NDBS25 5:00: The VirginandtheOevil. Ensemble Eya:Angele Trudeau, voice/hurdy-gurdy/percussion;Femke Bergsma, recorders/vielle/string drum/voice; Liette Remon, vielle/rebec/chalumeau/voice. $25; $2D(sr); $ lO(st). DF; 7:30: GrandFinale: Monteverdi's L'Orfeo, Favola in Musica.La Bande Montreal Baroque; Samantha Louis­Jean, Monika Mauch, sopranos; Charles Daniels,tenor; Nathaniel Watson, baritone; Eric Milnes,conductor. $4D; $35(sr); $15(st). DFMuhtadi International Drumming Festival416·5D4·3786www.muhtadidrumfest.com<strong>June</strong> 2 & 3: <strong>12</strong>:00noon-8:DO, Queen's ParkNorth at Wellesley St. West. Free.See website for schedule of 30 + performancesby local, national & international drum·ming groups representing more than twentycultures, plus ethnic cuisine, arts and crafts,workshops& other events.Performers include: Amara Kante (TraditionalMalinke West African), Samba Squad(Brazilian), Maracatu Nunca Antes (Brazilian),lsshin Oaiko (Japan), Hummingbird TassaGroup (East Indian), Northern China ProfessionalWomen's Waist Orum and Dance Groupand other international & local performers.Music at Sharon416-598-3375www.sharontemple.caJU NE 1 - J ULY 7 <strong>2007</strong>

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