
Inmate Handbook - Arkansas Department of Correction

Inmate Handbook - Arkansas Department of Correction


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18Minor Disciplinary ProcessThe minor disciplinary report is used to initiate the minor disciplinaryprocess. The full due process considerations involved in themajor disciplinary process do not apply to minor Disciplinaries.1. The Minor Disciplinary Officer must hear the disciplinary withinseven (7) business days of the incident, discovery of incident orreceipt of final investigation report.2. You will be allowed to be present and to make a statement on yourbehalf.3. After hearing the charges against you and your defense, the MinorDisciplinary Hearing Officer will render his/her decision as to guiltor innocence and the appropriate action to be taken.4. The findings of the Minor Disciplinary Officer may be appealed tothe Chief of Security and his/her decision is final.Minor Disciplinary SanctionsThe Minor Disciplinary Committee may take any or all of thefollowing actions:1. Warning, reprimand or excuse the inmate.2. Loss of privileges.3. Extra duty.Actions taken by the Minor Disciplinary Hearing Officermust not exceed 20 days.Behavior Rules and RegulationsThe same rule violations apply to both major and minor disciplinaries.The following rules and regulations shall govern your behavior at allunits and are found in the disciplinary policy in the unit library. Notesome numbers are not in order as categories were combined, buthistorical information will be maintained; additionally, numbersreserved for historical purposes are not listed in this <strong>Handbook</strong>.The “bold” words below indicate what should display on the ADCwebsite (2015 state law requires a list and the dates) for major rule violations;in some instances it will be the category unless words in the

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