
Inmate Handbook - Arkansas Department of Correction

Inmate Handbook - Arkansas Department of Correction


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20ed persons.A02-11. Tattooing, piercing, and self-mutilation intended to changeoneself or another’s appearance; this does not includeattempts to commit suicide or injure oneself unless solelyfor manipulation—See Administration Regulation 834,Procedure for Handling Alleged Disciplinary Infractionsof Mentally Disordered Inmates.A02-12. Failure to keep one’s person or quarters in accordancewith regulations, or failure to wear Department—issuedID, or clothing according to center/unit policy.C02-13. Breaking into, or causing disruption of, an inmate lineor interfering with operations.B02-15. Tampering with, or blocking, any lock or lockingdevice.A02-16. Refusal to submit to substance abuse testing. A02-17. Creating unnecessary noise, including disruptive oraggressive play in areas.C02-20. Unauthorized communication, contact, or conductwith a visitor or any member of the public or staff. B02-21. Running, avoiding, or otherwise resisting apprehension.B02-22. Interfering with the taking of count. B03-3. Unexcused absence from work/school assignmentor other program activity.B03-5. Out of place of assignment. B05-5. Provoking or agitating a fight. B11-1. Insolence to a staff member. A12-2. Refusal of job assignment including participating ina treatment program, boot camp, or class assignmentor violating program rules that result in dismissal froma program.B12-3. Failure to obey verbal and/or written order(s) of staff. B13-2. Lying to a staff member, including omissions andproviding misinformation.B13-3. Malingering, feigning an illness. BBATTERY CATEGORY04-4. Battery - Use of physical force upon staff. A04-5. Aggravated Battery - Use of a weapon in battery uponanother person (not an inmate). Rule violation mayresult in lost of all good time.A04-8. Battery - Use of physical force upon an inmate. A

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