HALLOWEEN RIDDLES - Mother Goose Caboose

HALLOWEEN RIDDLES - Mother Goose Caboose

HALLOWEEN RIDDLES - Mother Goose Caboose

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<strong>HALLOWEEN</strong> <strong>RIDDLES</strong>.<strong>Mother</strong><strong>Goose</strong><strong>Caboose</strong>.comhttp://www.apples4theteacher.com/crossword-puzzles/halloween/riddle8.html#answer1. What type of dog do vampires like best?p.1.2. How does a ghost cry? ___ Hoo!3. What does a skeleton always say before eating? ____ Appétit.4. What kind of key should you always take to a haunted house?5. Why do vampires need mouthwash? Because they have ___ breath.6. What kind of streets do zombies like? ___ ends.7. What do you get when you cross a vampire with a snowman?8. What was the witch's favorite subject in school?9. What did the dead Egyptian say when he got lost? I want my ____.10. Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? Because he had no ____.11. What do witches put in their hair? ____ Spray.12. How does a monster score a touchdown? He runs over a ____ line.13. What kind of music do mummies listen to?14. What did the ghost say when it bumped it's head? _____ _____.15. How can you tell when Dracula has a cold? When he starts _______.16. Why couldn't the mummy answer the phone? Because he was all_______ up.17. Why didn't the ghost go to the party? Because he had ___ - ______ to gowith.18. Why are vampires Democrats? They wanted _____ in 2000!

<strong>HALLOWEEN</strong> <strong>RIDDLES</strong>.<strong>Mother</strong><strong>Goose</strong><strong>Caboose</strong>.comhttp://www.apples4theteacher.com/crossword-puzzles/halloween/riddle8.html#answer19. Why did the headless horseman go into business for himself? Hewanted to get _______ in life?20. How did the ghost patch his sheet? With a _____ patch.submitted by Kyle - age 621. What kind of rocks does Frankenstein have in his collection?22. What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?23. What does a vampire fear most? _____ Decay.24. Who did the Zombie invite to his party? Anybody he could ____ up.25. How do vampires get around on Halloween night? With ______ vessels.26. Why are there fences around cemeteries? Because people are _____ toget in.27. What did the mommy ghost say to the baby ghost? Don't ____ untilyou're spooken to.28. What do you call a monster chasing a train full of people?29. Why did the cyclops quit teaching? He had only one ____.30. Why do witches use brooms to fly on? Because ____ cleaners are tooheavy.31. What did the daddy ghost say to his family when they went out for adrive? Fasten your _____ belts.32. What is a ghouls favorite drink? ____ juice.33. What did the Black cat call the mouse on roller skates? _______ onwheels.34. What does a vampire never order at a restaurant? A ____ Sandwich.p.2.

<strong>HALLOWEEN</strong> <strong>RIDDLES</strong>.<strong>Mother</strong><strong>Goose</strong><strong>Caboose</strong>.comhttp://www.apples4theteacher.com/crossword-puzzles/halloween/riddle8.html#answer35. What's it like to be kissed by a vampire? It's a pain in the ____.36. Why did the witch stand in front of the podium? To give a _______!37. What does a ghost have for desert? I-_______.38. What is a skeleton's favorite instrument? A _______.39. What kind of dog does a mad scientist have? A _____.p.3.

<strong>HALLOWEEN</strong> <strong>RIDDLES</strong>.ANSWERS.<strong>Mother</strong><strong>Goose</strong><strong>Caboose</strong>.comp.4.1. What type of dog do vampires like best?A: Bloodhounds2. How does a ghost cry? ___ Hoo!A: Boo3. What does a skeleton always say before eating? ____ Appétit.A: Bon4. What kind of key should you always take to a haunted house?A: Skeleton5. Why do vampires need mouthwash? Because they have ___breath.A: “bat”6. What kind of streets do zombies like? ___ ends.A: Dead7. What do you get when you cross a vampire with a snowman?A: Frostbite (You get 'frost' from the snowman and 'bite' fromthe vampire.)8. What was the witch's favorite subject in school?A: Spell-ing9. What did the dead Egyptian say when he got lost? I want my____.A: I want my Mummy.10. Why didn't the skeleton cross the road? Because he had no____.A: Because he had no guts.11. What do witches put in their hair? ____ Spray.A: Scare spray.

<strong>HALLOWEEN</strong> <strong>RIDDLES</strong>.ANSWERS cont’d.<strong>Mother</strong><strong>Goose</strong><strong>Caboose</strong>.comp.5.12. How does a monster score a touchdown? He runs over a____ line.A. He runs over a ghoul line.13. What kind of music do mummies listen to?A. Wrap (Pun on rap)14. What did the ghost say when it bumped it's head? __________.A. Boo Hoo - submitted by Sally - age 715. How can you tell when Dracula has a cold? When he starts_______.A. When he starts coffin.16. Why couldn't the mummy answer the phone? Because hewas all _______ up.A. Because he was all wrapped up.17. Why didn't the ghost go to the party? Because he had ___ -______ to go with.A. Because he had no - body to go with.18. Why are vampires Democrats? They wanted _____ in 2000!A. They wanted Gore in 2000!19. Why did the headless horseman go into business forhimself? He wanted to get _______ in life?A. He wanted to get a-head in life?20. How did the ghost patch his sheet? With a _____ patch.submitted by Kyle - age 6A. With a pumpkin patch.21. What kind of rocks does Frankenstein have in his collection?A. Tombstones

<strong>HALLOWEEN</strong> <strong>RIDDLES</strong>.ANSWERS cont’d.<strong>Mother</strong><strong>Goose</strong><strong>Caboose</strong>.comp.6.22. What do you get when you drop a pumpkin?A. Squash23. What does a vampire fear most? _____ Decay.A. Tooth decay.24. Who did the Zombie invite to his party? Anybody he could____ up.A. Anybody he could dig up.25. How do vampires get around on Halloween night? With______ vessels.A. With blood vessels.26. Why are there fences around cemeteries? Because peopleare _____ to get in.A. Because people are dying to get in.27. What did the mommy ghost say to the baby ghost? Don't____ until you're spooken to.A. Don't spook until you're spooken to.28. What do you call a monster chasing a train full of people?A. Hungry29. Why did the cyclops quit teaching? He had only one ____.A. He had only one pupil.30. Why do witches use brooms to fly on? Because ____ cleanersare too heavy.A. Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy.31. What did the daddy ghost say to his family when they wentout for a drive? Fasten your _____ belts.A. Fasten your sheet belts.32. What is a ghouls favorite drink? ____ juice.A. Slime juice.

<strong>HALLOWEEN</strong> <strong>RIDDLES</strong>.ANSWERS cont’d.<strong>Mother</strong><strong>Goose</strong><strong>Caboose</strong>.comp.7.33. What did the Black cat call the mouse on roller skates?_______ on wheels.A. Meals on wheels.34. What does a vampire never order at a restaurant? A ____Sandwich.A. A stake sandwich.35. What's it like to be kissed by a vampire? It's a pain in the____.A. It's a pain in the neck.36. Why did the witch stand in front of the podium? To give a_______!A. To give a screech!37. What does a ghost have for desert? I-_______.A. I - scream.38. What is a skeleton's favorite instrument? A _______.A. A trombone.39. What kind of dog does a mad scientist have? A _____.A. A lab.

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