Year 7, 2013 Assessment Booklet - Inaburra School

Year 7, 2013 Assessment Booklet - Inaburra School

Year 7, 2013 Assessment Booklet - Inaburra School


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<strong>Year</strong> 7 <strong>Assessment</strong> <strong>Booklet</strong>Yr 7 EnglishStudents complete a series of common (whole year) and portfolio (class based) tasks. Both common andportfolio tasks are marked in relation to Stage 4 performance descriptors and are used to determine theA‐E grade on reports. The document <strong>Inaburra</strong> <strong>School</strong> English Faculty: Information for Parents andStudents, Stages 4 and 5 contains detailed information about grading; the document <strong>Inaburra</strong> <strong>School</strong>English Faculty: Stage 4 Performance Descriptors identifies performance criteria for each of the A – Egrades.Common: completed by all students in the yearPortfolio: class based workName of taskExploring Our World: CommonTask‘Exploring our World’Portfolio work: class based work ‐may be a series of short tasks, asubstantial project, a differentiatedtask or an extension taskLiteracy Test:Common TaskVisual Literacy: Common Task:Analysis of a visual textDue DateTerm 1,Week 7Term 1,Weeks1‐11Term 1,Week 11Term 2,Week 5Semester 1SemesterWeighting40%(semester 1)Class outcomesevaluated(semester 1)20%(semester 1)40%(semester 1)Time in classallocatedExtensive classpreparationInstruction for allportfolio pieces isgiven in classNilExtensive classpreparation andpracticeEstimated time tocomplete at home30 – 45 minutes reviewingstructure, conventions andgrammar of persuasivewriting; practising thedevelopment of ideasRegular time drafting, editing,responding to feedback andreflecting on portfolio workNil1 hour composing and learningstudy notes: visual literacytechniquesVisual LiteracyPortfolio workName of taskClose Study of Fiction Text –Essay:Common TaskClose Study of a Fiction TextPortfolio work: class based work –may be a series of short tasks, asubstantial project, a differentiatedtask or an extension taskLiteracy Test:Common TaskPublic Speaking andShakespearePortfolio and Performance work:class based oral and written work –speaking, oral presentation,performance , debatingSemester 2Due DateSemesterWeightingTerm 2, Class outcomesWeeks evaluated1–8 (Semester 2)Term 3,Weeks8 & 9Term 3,Weeks1 – 10Term 4,Week 1Term 4,Weeks1 ‐ 875%(semester 2)Class outcomesevaluated(Semester 2)25%(semester 2)Class outcomesevaluated(Semester 2)Time in classallocatedInstruction for allportfolio pieces isgiven in classExtensive time isallocated in class;the essay isprepared underteacher directionInstruction for allportfolio pieces isgiven in classNilInstruction for allportfolio pieces isgiven in classEstimated time tocomplete at homeRegular time drafting, editing,responding to feedback andreflecting on portfolio work2 – 3 hours refining essayconcepts and essay writingskillsRegular time drafting, editing,responding to feedback andreflecting on portfolio workNil1 – 2 hours composing andpractising delivery9

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