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ORTHODONTICSproduct catalogue2013twenty-seventhItalian editiontwelfthEnglish editionORTHODONTICS and IMPLANTOLOGY<strong>Leone</strong> S.p.a. Via P. a Quaracchi, 50 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze) ItalyPhone +39.0553044620 Fax +39.055304405 info@leone.it www.leone.it

ORTHODONTICS and IMPLANTOLOGYLEONE COMPANYRESEARCHMost of the remarkable investments of the company are reserved to the Centre forBiotechnological Research “Marco Pozzi”, which is located inside the company.Studies on materials, surfaces and technical analysis for new products are carriedout here. The collaboration with either Italian or foreign Universities and theFaculty of Engineering and Medicine and Surgery - Master of Science in Dentistryand Dental Prosthesis - in Florence is very close. Training stages and scientificalresearch are developed for the preparation of graduation thesis.PRODUCTIONEngineers, mechanical and technical experts are making part of the manufacturingstaff. Working side by side with the Centre for Biotechnological Research“Marco Pozzi” and making use of the most advanced technology, they are able tocarry out the components of the two product ranges: orthodontics and implantology.All the innovations introduced in the production steps and the features offinished products are the result of consistent and in-depth studies as well as ofremarkable investments.QUALITY - PRODUCT CONTROLThe high quality of the <strong>Leone</strong> products is the result of sophisticated manufacturingtechniques and accurate quality control conforming to UNI EN ISO 9001,ISO 13485, USA-FDA 21 CFR Part 820 rules and Japanese Ministerial OrdinanceMHLW no. 169.2 2

In 1934 the history of <strong>Leone</strong> originated from a small handicraft activity andtoday it is an industrial reality of high technological and commercial level. Theproductive and industrial area spreads out over a surface of around 10.000 sq.m., where 125 people operate.CUSTOMER SERVICE<strong>Leone</strong> is working non stop to satisfy the customer’s expectations and is representedwith dealers in 60 countries. A careful pre-sale and post-sale customerassistance is provided by qualified technical and commercial staff to meet anyrequirement.WAREHOUSEFinished and semi-finished products are stocked and organized by vertical liftautomatic cabinets allowing a rationalization of the space and a fully computerbased processing of the orders.Standard orders are shipped within 24 hours in Italy and 5-6 working days in theforeign country.EDUCATION - TRAINING - UPGRADINGEquipped with every multimedia device, the facility of 1000 sq.m is entirely dedicatedto lectures and to the spreading of new therapeutic techniques. Trainingcourse, hands-on demonstrations and cultural events are being held for eitherItalian or foreign specialists.In this catalogue you can find QR codes storing multimedia contents which can be downloaded directly on your smartphone.You can download free QR reader applications (e.g. www.i-nigma.com) except for the connecting charges.Videos are also available on our web-site: www.leone.it/english/ortodonzia/qr-code/3 3

www.leone.itOUR HANDSIn 1934 <strong>Leone</strong> company originated as a small handicraft activity in Florence. From the very beginning, the company has tuned into atechnological industry where high precision machines are employed, featuring the highest standards of automation and control.Like at the time of the small workshop, we are very proud to see the skilled hands of our operators still working today at those productionprocesses that require skill and care. People working at <strong>Leone</strong> got a thorough know-how of any secret which is hidden behind each productin our catalogue, following each manufacturing steps with care. Today, the <strong>Leone</strong> company differentiates from lots of other competingindustries mostly thanks to these hands carrying on the quality of the products, made “by hand”, made in Italy.Expansion screwspages5-24Wire and wire formspages25-42Bandspages43-58Direct bondingpages59-108Brackets and tubespages109-118Elastics and ligaturespages119-128Mini implants orthodontic and intra-extraoralpages129-140Pliers and instrumentspages141-160Office and laboratory suppliespages161-168Diagnostic and laboratory equipmentpages169-1764

Assembly of rapid expandersExpansion screws

www.leone.itExpansion screws standardThe <strong>Leone</strong> expansion screw range is developed on the basis of comprehensive studies and is manufactured using modernhigh tech and computer monitored machinery. All <strong>Leone</strong> orthodontic screws are made of biocompatible stainless steeland screw thread with a centesimal tolerance. The thread surface is completely smooth; the bodies and the guidedpins are being manufactured with a tolerance of +/-0.01 mm thus ensuring absolute stability and precision. Expansionscrews have been always used as the active part of any removable appliance. The range includes several types in varioussizes with variable expansion capability and different technical properties: each type is provided with double guided pinsand a directional arrow to indicate the direction of activation.stainlesssteel bodysaferetentioninto acrylicbuilt-inscrew stopat the stroke endrectifiedguided pinsdirectional arrowwell visibleanti-slippagescrew6

expansion screws standardwww.leone.itSTANDARD SCREW FOR UPPER APPLIANCESpkg.11 mm0,8 mm 7 mmA0805-11A0805-95101000,8 mm 9 mmA0805-14A0805-9610100MEDIUM SCREWpkg.11 mm0,8 mm 7 mmA0803-11A0803-95101000,8 mm 9 mmA0803-14A0803-9610100UNIVERSAL SCREWpkg.10 mm0,7 mm 6 mmA0800-10A0800-951010012 mm0,7 mm 8 mmA0800-12A0800-9610100SUPER MICRO SCREWpkg.0,7 mm 6 mmA0890-11A0890-95101007

www.leone.itexpansion screws standardMICRO SECTIONAL SCREWpkg.0,4 mm 4 mmA0801-10A0801-9510100MICRO SECTIONAL SCREW WITH STRAIGHT U-SHAPED GUIDE PINpkg.12 mm0,4 mm 4 mmA0801-12A0801-961010014 mm0,4 mm6 mmA0801-13A0801-981010014 mm0,4 mm4 mmA0801-14A0801-9710100MICRO SECTIONAL SCREW WITH BENT U-SHAPED GUIDE PINpkg.13 mm0,4 mm 4 mmA0802-00A0802-951010013 mm0,4 mm 4 mmA0802-13A0802-9610100SUPER MICRO SECTIONAL SCREWpkg.9 mm0,35 mm 3 mmA0891-09A0891-951010010 mm0,35 mm 3 mmA0891-10A0891-96101008

www.leone.itThe assortment of special expansion screws proposed by <strong>Leone</strong> derives from over 30 year experience in the manufactureof expansion screws.The screw selection ranges from the Pagani’s classical fan type screw to the Bertoni’s three directional one, or screwswith acrylic friction.The special purpose expansion screws are made of biomedical stainless steel with a mechanical tolerance superior to1/100 mm.The thread parts are absolutely smooth and they ensure great sturdiness, good friction and prevent from any unwantedturning back.Special purpose expansion screws9

www.leone.itspecial purpose expansion screwsTHREE DIRECTIONAL SCREW ANATOMICALpkg.14 mm0,4 mm3 mm3 mm3 mmA0930-14A0930-93153 activation points16 mm0,4 mm4 mm4 mm4 mmA0930-16A0930-9415THREE DIRECTIONAL SCREW ANATOMICALpkg.0,4 mmprotrusive3 mmA0931-14114 mm0,8 mmtransversal6 mmA0931-9350,4 mmprotrusive4 mmA0931-1612 activation points16 mm0,8 mmtransversal8 mmA0931-945THREE DIRECTIONAL SCREW ANATOMICAL FOR LOWER ARCHpkg.0,4 mmprotrusive2,5 mmA0932-1310,8 mmtransversal4 mmA0932-9352 activation pointsTRAPEZOIDAL SCREWpkg.14 mm11 mm9 mm0,8 mm 5 mmA0813-00A0813-951010010

special purpose expansion screwswww.leone.itFAN-TYPE SCREWpkg.0,8 mm 9 mmA0515-14A0515-951100ASYMMETRIC FAN-TYPE SCREWpkg.0,8 mm 9 mmA0516-14A0516-951100FAN-TYPE SCREW 2 PIECESpkg.14 mm0,8 mm 9 mmA0815-14A0815-951100MANDIBULAR BOW SCREWpkg.20 mm0,8 mm 5 mmA0517-25A0517-951100BI-FAN-TYPE SCREWpkg.14 mm0,8 mm 9 mmA0518-14A0518-95110011

www.leone.itspecial purpose expansion screwsTRACTION SCREWpkg.15 mm0,4 mm 4 mmA0812-00A0812-951100SCREW WITH ACRYLIC FRICTION FOR UPPER APPLIANCE STANDARDpkg.0,8 mm 7 mmA0672-15A0672-9510100SCREW WITH ACRYLIC FRICTION FOR LOWER APPLIANCE STANDARDpkg.15 mm0,8 mm 7 mmA0671-15A0671-9510100MICRO SCREW WITH ACRYLIC FRICTIONpkg.11 mm0,8 mm 5 mmA0670-11A0670-951010012

www.leone.itFrom over 40 years <strong>Leone</strong> palatal expanders have been widely used by orthodontists in the world with success.The experience obtained with million of patients treated with the A0620 <strong>Leone</strong> expanders has brought us to themanufacture of new versions to satisfy the different clinical demands.laser-etchedexpansion limit,directional arrow,lot numbermade entirely ofbiomedicalstainlesssteelnewExpanders• The rapid expander A2620, more compact, allows high expansion limit with the aid of telescopic guides.• The anatomical rapid expander A0630 with orthogonal arms allows for the fabrication of devices with smalldimensions, high stability, comfort, and safety.• Micro rapid palatal expanders A0621, with extra-long arms, are characterized by a body significantly smallerthan other available expanders.• The “Ragno” device solves treatment cases where higher expansion in the anterior zone is required.• The spring activated expander which allows an amortized expansion.laser welding ofthe extension armsinto the screw’s bodynew13

www.leone.itexpandersRAPID EXPANDERMade entirely of biomedical stainless steel.The housing design is completely smooth, with no rough areas for a securehygiene. The expander limit, a directional arrow and the lot number are laserengraved on the expander‘s body.Packs of 1Key with safety ring leashincluded in the packageactivation turns11 mm 4 mmarmsbodyfor maximumexpansion limitA0620-081,5 mm12 mm8 mm 0,8 mm35A0620-091,5 mm14 mm9 mm 0,8 mm40A0620-111,5 mm16 mm11 mm 0,8 mm50A0620-131,5 mm18 mm13 mm 0,8 mm60newT3370-02DEMONSTRATION ANATOMICAL MODEL WITH RAPID EXPANDERMade of resin, two materials: transparent and white. Demonstration anatomicalmodel with the bone and open suture in transparent resin and thesensitive dental structures (roots, impacted teeth, mandibular nerve) arehighlighted in white resin.14

expanderswww.leone.itRAPID EXPANDER WITH TELESCOPIC GUIDES (patented)The innovative telescopic guides assure a constant friction throughout theexpansion movement, a perfect stability and small sizes. It self deactivateswhen maximum expansion capacity has been achieved preventing from overtreatment.The 7 mm expander is ideal to treat very narrow palates.The 10 and 12 mm expanders, featuring a compact design, allow for ease ofarm bending thus reducing the encumbrance of the device.Supplied with swivel key with handle to facilitate the endoral activation.Packs of 1Key included in the package11 mm 4 mmactivation turnsarms body for maximumexpansionA2620-071,5 mm11 mm7 mm0,8 mm 35A2620-101,5 mm14 mm10 mm0,8 mm 50A2620-121,5 mm16 mm12 mm0,8 mm 6015

www.leone.itexpandersnewRAPID EXPANDER WITH ORTHOGONAL ARMSThis new <strong>Leone</strong> anatomical expander is the ideal solution for patients whoneed an orthopaedic maxillary expansion, as it allows the fabrication of deviceswith limited dimensions, high stability, comfort, and safety. The smallsizes of the body and the orthogonal position of the bending arms allow anoptimal positioning of the expander even in case of very narrow palates, thuspromoting the biomechanical control of the expansion. The swivel key allowsfor an easy intraoral activation by the patient.Packs of 1Key included in the package• The orthogonal position of the arms reduces the overall size of the device• The arms are housed within a through-hole into the body and the laserwelding makes them to form an integral part of the screw, thus ensuringmaximum safety and comfort for the patient.• Two different placements are possible thanks to the marking of the arrowson both sides of the screw.• Available in three expansion capacities for every therapeutic needs.• The ends of the guide pins are micro-machined to provide a mechanicalfriction throughout treatment.• The end-stop limits the possibility of over-treatment.6 mm 4,5 mmactivation turnsarms body for maximumexpansion limitA0630-081,5 mm12 mm8 mm0,8 mm 40A0630-101,5 mm14 mm10 mm0,8 mm 50A0630-121,5 mm16 mm12 mm0,8 mm 6016

expanderswww.leone.itnewMICRO EXPANDER FOR PALATAL SUTUREFeatured by a significantly smaller body bulk than other competing expanders.It features two extra-long arms also performing support for anteriors andensuring excellent stability and comfort for the patient.The micro expander can also be used for the expansion of the mandible.Packaged with a swivel key for endoral activation.Packs of 1Key included in the package• It can be positioned in the standard way, i.e. with the markings of the arrowand maximum expansion visible• or It can also be positioned upside down with the two arrows visible, in caseof very narrow palates, to minimize the bulkiness of the arms once they arebent.activation turns4,95 mm 4,05 mmarms1,5 mm0,8 mmbodymmfor maximumexpansion limitA0621-0812835A0621-1116115017

www.leone.itexpandersnewBABY RPE EXPANSION SCREW (patented)Developed with the assistance and clinicalexperience of Prof. Nicola Veltri, the RPE babyexpansion screw is intended for the rapid expansionof the palate suture, and is available witheither 2 or 4 arms. The model with 4 arms maybe an alternative to the expander A0620, whilethe model with 2 arms may be an alternative tothe expander A0621.Packs of 1Key with safety ring leashincluded in the packageactivation turns6 mm 4,5 mmarms1,5 mmbodyfor maximumexpansion limitA3620-1116 mm11 0,8 mm50activation turns6 mm 4,5 mmarms1,5 mmbodyfor maximumexpansion limitA3621-1116 mm11 0,8 mm50A0625-09RAGNO FAN-TYPE RAPID EXPANDER (patented)Conceived with the cooperation of Dr. Eleonora Schellinoand Prof. Remo ModicaEntirely made of biomedical stainless steel. The expanding arms are laserwelded to the screw body. Laser engraved directional arrows.it is a device for the rapid expansion of the palate that allows you to get awidening of the single anterior sector of the maxillary arch, still maintainingthe expansion at the molar level.Packs of 1Key with safety ring leashincluded in the packageactivation turnsfor maximumexpansion limit9 mm0,9 mm 4018

expanderswww.leone.itnewMEMORIA ®LEAF SPRINGACTIVATED EXPANDERKey with safety ring leashincluded in the packageThis device is an evolution in the design ofthe previous spring-loaded expander, designedwith technical and scientific collaborationof Dr. Claudio Lanteri and Mr. FilippoFrancolini. This new expander features asmall size body, and it is equipped with twoNickel Titanium MEMORIA ® leaf springsallowing the release of calibrated and continuousforces to promote the dental expansionof the maxillary arch. Re-loading isneeded when the two opposing leaf springsmove apart: the intraoral activation will putthe springs in contact again allowing therelease of the chosen force.The expander is available in two modelsreleasing either 500 g or 800 gPacks of 1activation turns11 mm 4 mmarms body for maximumexpansion limitA2703-06light spring500 g approxA2704-06medium spring800 g approx1,5 mm 12 mm 6 mm0,4 mm 35EXPANDER FOR LOWER ARCHPacks of 1activation turns7,5 mm4 mmarms1,5 mmbodyfor maximumexpansion limitA0623-0812 mm8 mm 0,8 mm35A0623-1116 mm11 mm 0,8 mm50Key with safety ring leashincluded in the package19

www.leone.itdistalizersRAPID MOLAR DISTALIZER®A1730-91 1 caseA1730-99 10 cases<strong>Leone</strong> First Class is the perfect appliance to get a rapid controlled distalizationof the upper molars, conceived with the technical and scientific cooperationof Drs. Arturo Fortini, Massimo Lupoli and Mr. Massimiliano Parri.The vestibular and lingual tubes are made with MIM ® technology for maximumcomfort and precision. The bicuspid tube is a little higher to compensatethe non perfect alignment of molars that may be found in some patients.One turn a day activation produces a distal movement of 0,1 mm sufficient toget molar distalization with a minimum loss of anchorage.The package is supplied with all the components necessary for the constructionof the appliance.Key with safety ring leashincluded in the packageREFILLS FOR FIRST CLASS LEONEpkg.Male screwsThreaded tubesA1730-01A1730-02MIM ® vestibular tubesA1730-03MIM ® palatal tubesA1730-04MIM ® vestibular tubes, highFixing ringsA1730-05A1730-0610Palatal wiresA1730-07KeysA1730-08MEMORIA ® springsA1730-09P1730-91PARALLELING DEVICE FOR FIRST CLASS LEONESpecific device for the visualization and the maintenance of a parallel position between thevestibular screw and the lingual bar during soldering.The package is composed of 2 paralleling male screws, 2 paralleling devices and instructionsfor use.20

distalizerswww.leone.itDISTALIZER FAST BACK LEONEA1760-91 1 caseFast Back is a device for the distalization of upper molars, developed throughthe cooperation of Dr. C. Lanteri and Mr. F. Francolini. The Fast Back deviceprovides a translation movement of the molars using a pre-determinedamount of pressure. There is no need for the cooperation of the patient thusmaintaining a good anchorage control. The principle of the Fast Back distalizationprocess is based on the compression of a MEMORIA ® coil spring, availableeither in 200 g or 300 g, which exerts a constant force on the molar. Thespring can be re-activated each month through the expansion of the screwsin the device. The tube pre welded on the molar band, enables the screw armto slide smoothly with total control of the direction of distalisation.The Fast Back kit contains all the elements needed for the construction of abilateral Fast Back deviceKey with safety ring leashincluded in the packageREFILLS FOR FAST BACK LEONEactivation turnspkg.for maximumexpansion limitDistalizer 9 mm URDistalizer 9 mm UL400,8 mmA1760-09A1761-091MIM ® palatal tubesA1730-04Spherical endsA1763-00Ends with hole for ligatureA1763-05Spring-compression stopA1763-01paksof 10MEMORIA ® coil spring 200 gA1763-02MEMORIA ® coil spring 300 gA1763-03KeysA1763-04P1622-00ARM BENDING INSTRUMENT FOR FAST BACKIt facilitates the job of the technician during the construction of the device.It allows to maintain the linearity of the arm which has to slide on the palatal tube.The aluminium handle joined to the tempered steel tube assures a firm grip to get accuratebends.21

www.leone.itmultifunctional orthodontic screws and micro spring screwsnewMULTIFUNCTIONALORTHODONTIC SCREWS (patented)Developed with the assistance and clinical experienceof Prof. Nicola Veltri, these screws areexclusively used to distalize the upper molars ina unilateral configuration only.Available either with 3 or 4 arms.Packs of 1Key with safety ring leashincluded in the packageactivation turns6 mm4,5 mmarms1,5 mmbodyfor maximumexpansion limit1611 0,8 mm50A3626-111611 0,8 mm50A3628-11 R1611 0,8 mm50A3629-11 LSTAINLESS STEEL MICRO SPRING SCREWSMicro spring screw 4mmpkg.A0650-04 A0650-95pkg.14Micro spring screw 6A0650-06 A0650-9625Micro spring screw 8Positioning screw 12A0650-08 A0650-9710A0653-12100Serrated housing nut 3A0654-0336Solderable plain sleeve 3A0655-03One-tooth screw with round edge 6A0665-06 A0665-95One-tooth screw with round edge 9A0665-09 10 A0665-96100Micro screw 6A0660-06 A0660-95A0668-95MICRO SPRING SCREW KITIncluding 15 micro spring screws, 10 housing nuts, 15 positioning screws, reamer and screwdriver22

accessorieswww.leone.itA0558-00EXPANSION SWIVEL KEYPack of 10P1620-01ARM BENDING INSTRUMENTFOR EXPANDERSIdeal to bend the expander arms withease and precision.P1621-00INSTRUMENTFOR ENDORAL ACTIVATIONSuggested for use with multifunctionalorthodontic screws.STAINLESS STEEL KEYSMade of stainless steel.A0557-00 StraightA0557-01 45° bent tipPaks of 100A0666-01REAMERIt is used to tap holes into acrylics.Suitable for all expansion screws with0,4 mm pitch.Refill tip A0669-00.MIM ®ACTIVATOR TUBEFOR EXTRAORAL FACEBOWManufactured with Metal InjectionMoulding technology, it allows highretention into acrylics. Comfortabledesign.A0557-02SAFETY RING LEASHPaks of 100P1520-00SCREWDRIVERFor micro spring screws.Tip: 1,5 mm.A0761-45 .045”A0761-51 .051”Paks of 1023

www.leone.itaccessories for functional platesPLATE HOLDERSManufactured from non toxic, unbreakable plastic.With inner socket for key and one space for patient’s name.PLATE HOLDER KIT ASSORTED COLORSPacks of 200:30 white, 30 pink, 40 yellow, 40 blue, 30 green, 30 orangeA3038-99 Small A3039-99 Largesmalllargepkg.COLOURsmalllargepkg.A3038-00A3039-00whiteA3038-93A3039-93A3038-00SA3039-00SpinkA3038-93SA3039-93SA3038-00GA3039-00GyellowA3038-93GA3039-93GA3038-00AA3039-00A10blueA3038-93AA3039-93A200A3039-00FfluorescentA3039-93FA3038-00VA3039-00VgreenA3038-93VA3039-93VA3038-00EA3039-00EorangeA3038-93EA3039-93EBITE PLANES FOR FUNCTIONAL PLATESA full stainless steel range of products giving the chance of manufacturing high quality functionalplates.Packs of 10STANDARD BITE PLANEA0720-00 Hard - 0,5 mmA0720-10 Soft - 0,5 mmA0722-00DOUBLE BITE PLANEPLATE LATERAL LEVELSA0721-00 Hard - 0,5 mmA0721-10 Soft - 0,5 mmANATOMICAL DOUBLE BITE PLANEDouble bite planein spring hard stainless steel.A0596-00 Hard - 0,6 mmA0596-10 Soft - 0,5 mmANATOMICAL BITE PLANEA0595-00 Hard - 0,6 mmA0595-10 Soft - 0,5 mm24

Rolling of laboratory orthodontic wiresWire and wire forms

www.leone.itWire and wire forms<strong>Leone</strong> orthodontic wires are available in a range of alloys and different grades of elasticity and hardness to meet any therapeuticrequirements. The mechanical properties of the wires are constantly checked to ensure consistent quality.All <strong>Leone</strong> wires are supplied in a practical packaging either in rolls or in straight wire sections.The range includes laboratory wires made of stainless steel, chromium cobalt alloy, which can be heat-treated, andBIOSTEEL ® with a low nickel content.The numerous forms of archwires available are manufactured from various alloys:• stainless steel with different mechanical properties to meet all orthodontic requirements;• nickel titanium alloy, available as MEMORIA ® , THERMOMEMORIA ® and MEMORIA ® NATURA ® ,releasing gentle but constant forces, it can be formed into a large variety of shapes;• nickel-free titanium molybdenum alloy, available as Beta MEMORIA ® ,featuring exceptional pliability and elasticity as well as low friction.The <strong>Leone</strong> packages for wires feature a special accurate design.Clasp and Crozat wires are packaged in anti-rolling coiled spools while straight wiresare packaged in triangular shaped tubes to prevent rolling out from the table.All <strong>Leone</strong> archwires are packaged in little envelopes that clearly show the part number,the dimensions, the product features and the lot number.26

clasp wirewww.leone.itCLASP WIRELEOWIRE ®ROUND SPRING HARD WIREChromium stainless steel alloy.Diamond drawn to obtain highly resistant and stainlesslevelled surfaces. Suitable for all orthodontic applications.BIOSTEEL ®ROUND SPRING HARD WIRELOW NICKEL CONTENTStainless steel alloy purposely made to prevent anynickel allergic reactions (Cr 18%, Mn 18%, Mo 2%,N 1%, Ni 0,2%, balance Fe).Suitable for all orthodontic applications.standard spoolLEOWIRE ® BIOSTEEL ®spring hard spring hardmm inch 1800/2000 N/mm 2 1800/2000 N/mm 2 m0,5 .020 C0400-05500,6 .024 C0400-06 C0401-06 400,7 .028 C0400-07 C0401-07 250,8 .032 C0400-08 C0401-08 200,9 .036 C0400-09 C0401-09 101,0 .040 C0400-10 C0401-10 101,1 .044 C0400-11101,2 .048 C0400-12101,3 .052 C0400-13101,4 .055 C0400-148laboratory rollLEOWIRE ® BIOSTEEL ®spring hard spring hard1800/2000 N/mm 2 1800/2000 N/mm 2C0450-05C0450-06 C0451-06C0450-07 C0451-07C0450-08 C0451-08C0450-09 C0451-09C0450-10 C0451-10C0450-11C0450-12C0450-13C0450-14g500In our Centre for Biotechnological Research “Marco Pozzi”, theShimadzu micro hardness tester and the Instron testing machineare used for the verification of the mechanical properties ofthe wires.27

www.leone.itCrozat wireCHROMIUM-COBALT WIREHeat-treatable chromium cobalt alloy, stainless and tough.Its tensile strength allows clasps, even difficult ones to beeasily shaped, without breakage.It is self tempering during soldering or heating at 450° C.Necessary for any Crozat wire technique.hard heat-treatablepkg.mm inch 1350/1500 N/mm 2 mg0,6 .024C0410-060,7 .028 C0410-07 220,80,91, 701,1 .044 C0410-11 91,2 .048 C0410-12 81,3 .052 C0410-13 63028

ound and rectangular wire in straight lengthwww.leone.itSTRAIGHT ROUND WIREAn alloy properly designed for forming arches and springs in fixed orthodontic appliances.It is diamond drawn to obtain resistant surfaces.Available in three tempers: hard, spring hard and extra spring hard in order to be adapted to any therapeutic application.springhardextra springhardhardinch 1400/1600 N/mm 2 1800/2000 N/mm 2 2200/2400 N/mm 2 pkg.. C8180-14C8380-14C8080-16 C8180-16C8380-16C8080-18 C8180-18C8380-18C8080-20 C8180-20C8380-20C8080-32C8080-36C8080-40C8080-45C8080-5120wiresSTRAIGHT RECTANGULAR WIREAn alloy properly designed for orthodontic applications.Diamond drawn to obtain perfectly square angles and levelled surfaces.Available in two tempers: spring hard and extra spring hard, it is tested and quality controlled in the laboratory.springextra springhardhardinch 1800/2000 N/mm 2 2200/2400 N/mm 2 pkg..016x.016.016x.022.017x.017.017x.022.017x.025.018x.022.018x.025.019x.025.021x.025.0215x.028C8016-16 C8116-16C8022-16 C8122-16C8017-17 C8117-17C8022-17 C8122-17C8025-17C8022-18C8125-17 10wiresC8025-18 C8125-18C8025-19 C8125-19C8025-21 C8125-21C8028-21 C8128-2129

www.leone.itLEOLOY ® - “Australian” wire and archwiresLEOLOY ®SQUARE AND RECTANGULARHEAT-TREATABLE WIREChromium-cobalt base alloy, heat-treatable.Highly stainless and resistant to breakage.Available in two tempers.Packs of 10 wires1400/1600 N/mm 2 1700/1900 N/mm 2 inch.018.012.014soft heatspring heattreatabletreatable.016C8216-16C8222-16C8225-17.016x.016.016x.022.017x.025C8416-16C8422-16C8425-17.020“AUSTRALIAN” WIRE SPOOLSIt is diamond drawn for perfect levelling of surfaces.The two tempers are laboratory tested and qualitycontrolled.Spools, 8 mextra spring hardsuper hard heat-treatedinch 2200/2400 N/mm 2 2500/2700 N/mm 2C0420-12C0420-14C0420-16C0420-18C0420-20C0430-14C0430-16C0430-18C0430-20BLUE LEOLOY ®- soft heat treatableIt is initially the softest of the two tempers. It is intendedfor construction of archwires which require considerablebending. After heat-treating (480° C), it willbecome so hard as stainless steel wires. Recommendedfor Ricketts technique.YELLOW LEOLOY ®- spring heat treatableWith slight springer qualities than blue. It is intendedfor construction of archwires which require considerablebending. It can be used as furnished or can be heattreated (480° C) if greater springback is required.AUSTRALIAN ARCHWIRES SPECIAL PLUSPacks of 10medium uppermedium lowerinchC2010-16C2010-20.016.020C2050-16C2050-2030

twist and flex wire and archwireswww.leone.itSTRAIGHT TWIST WIREinch.015.0175.0195.0215C8580-15C8580-17C8580-19C8580-21pkg.10 wiresSTRAIGHT FLEX WIREinch.015.0175.0195C8880-15C8880-17C8880-19pkg.10 wiresROUND PREFORMED TWIST AND FLEX ARCHWIREStwistflexinchpkg.inchpkg..0155C5540-15.0155C5440-15.0175.0195C5540-17C5540-1910.0175.0195C5440-17C5440-1910.0215C5540-21.0215C5440-21RECTANGULAR PREFORMED TWIST ARCHWIREStwist 3 wirestwist 8 wiresinchpkg.inchpkg..016x.016C5541-16.017x.025C5745-17.016x.022.017x.025C5542-16C5545-1710.018x.025.021x.025C5745-18C5745-2110.018x.025C5545-1831

www.leone.itpreformed round and rectangular archwires in stainless steelPREFORMED ROUND AND RECTANGULAR ARCHWIRESStandard preformed. Made out of extra spring hard wire for higher resiliency.Marked at the midline, black for upper and red for lower.Packs of 10upperinchlowerupperinchlowerC5110-12.012C5150-12C5111-16.016x.016C5151-16C5110-14.014C5150-14C5112-16.016x.022C5152-16C5110-16.016C5150-16C5115-17.017x.025C5155-17C5110-18.018C5150-18C5115-18.018x.025C5155-18C5110-20.020C5150-20C5115-19.019x.025C5155-19C5115-21.021x.025C5155-21PREFORMED ARCHWIRESIn extra hard spring wire, round or rectangular, diamond drawn for levelling ofsurfaces. They are available in a small, medium or large shape, both for upperand lower, they represent the ideal answer to visualize the treatment problem.C5950-00PREFORMED ARCHWIRE SELECTORLay the selector on the model and select the right arch form.inchsmall medium largeupper lower upper lower upperlower pkg..014C3110-14C3150-14.016.018C3010-16C3010-18C3050-16C3050-18C3110-16C3110-18C3150-16C3150-18C3210-16C3210-18C3250-16C3250-1810.020C3110-20C3150-20.016x.016C3111-16C3151-16.016x.022C3012-16C3052-16C3112-16C3152-16C3212-16C3252-16.017x.025.018x.025C3012-18C3052-18C3112-17C3112-18C3152-17C3152-18C3212-18C3252-1810.019x.025C3012-19C3052-19C3112-19C3152-19C3212-19C3252-19.019x.025 T20°C4112-19C4152-19.021x.025C3112-21C3152-2132

nickel titanium archwireswww.leone.itstainless steelloadmemorydeflectionMEMORIA ®PREFORMED ARCHWIRESIn a superelastic nickel-titanium base alloy, these archwires generate light andcontinuous forces, reduce treatment time and improve patient comfort. The highlypolished surface eliminates any bracket slot friction. Their non-deformability andsuperelasticity, which are expressed in the continuous force delivery over a widedeflection range, have been tested on thousands of treatments. Available in a small,medium or large shape, both for upper or lower, they represent the ideal answer toindividual treatment problems.C5950-00PREFORMED ARCHWIRE SELECTORLay the selector on the model and selectthe right arch shape.inchsmall medium largeupper lower upper lower upperlower pkg..012C5910-12C5950-12.014.016C5913-14C5913-16C5953-14C5953-16C5910-14C5910-16C5950-14C5950-16C5916-14C5916-16C5956-14C5956-1610.018C5913-18C5953-18C5910-18C5950-18C5916-18C5956-18.020C5910-20C5950-20.016x.016C5911-16C5951-16.016x.022C5914-16C5954-16C5912-16C5952-16C5917-16C5957-16.017x.025.018x.018C5914-17C5954-17C5912-17C5911-18C5955-17C5951-18C5917-17C5957-1710.018x.025.019x.025C5914-18C5914-19C5954-18C5954-19C5915-18C5915-19C5955-18C5955-19C5917-18C5917-19C5957-18C5957-19.021x.025C5915-21C5955-2133

www.leone.itnickel titanium archwiresMEMORIA ®ANATOMICAL ARCHWIRESSuperelastic nickel titanium base alloy archwires which deliver biologicalforces over a wide deflection range.MEMORIA ® archwires are available in five arch forms developed after extensiveresearch and represent the ideal answer to individual treatment problems.Using the special arch selector, the best suited arch shape can be easily found.C6250-00MEMORIA ®ANATOMICAL ARCHWIRE SELECTORLay the selector on the model and select the right arch shape.inchA B C D Epkg..014C6040-14C6140-14C6240-14C6340-14C6440-14.016.018C6040-16C6040-18C6140-16C6140-18C6240-16C6240-18C6340-16C6340-18C6440-16C6440-1810.016x.016C6041-16C6141-16C6241-16C6341-16C6441-16.016x.022.017x.025C6042-16C6042-17C6142-16C6142-17C6242-16C6242-17C6342-16C6342-17C6442-16C6442-1710.019x.025C6045-19C6145-19C6245-19C6345-19C6445-19MEMORIA ®ARCHWIRES REVERSE CURVE OF SPEESuperelastic nickel titanium archwires for levelling movements and closure ofspaces. They are also indicated for the correction of bite closure alterations.Packs of 10upperinchlowerupperinchlowerC6910-16.016C6950-16C6912-16.016x.022C6952-16C6910-18.018C6950-18C6912-17.017x.025C6952-17C6912-19.019x.025C6952-1934

nickel titanium archwireswww.leone.itMEMORIA ®ANATOMICAL ARCHWIRES “V” BENDA V bend on midline avoids any unwanteddisplacement of the archwire by ensuringthe therapeutical treatment previouslyforeseen with the selected archwireshape.inchA B C D Epkg..014C6040V14C6140V14C6240V14C6340V14C6440V14.016C6040V16C6140V16C6240V16C6340V16C6440V1610.018C6040V18C6140V18C6240V18C6340V18C6440V18.016x.016C6041V16C6141V16C6241V16C6341V16C6441V16.016x.022.017x.025C6042V16C6042V17C6142V16C6142V17C6242V16C6242V17C6342V16C6342V17C6442V16C6442V1710.019x.025C6045V19C6145V19C6245V19C6345V19C6445V19MEMORIA ®PREFORMED ARCHWIRES “V” BENDmedium upperinchmedium lowerpkg.C5910V12.012C5950V12C5910V14C5910V16.014.016C5950V14C5950V1610C5910V18.018C5950V18medium uppermedium lowerupperlowerC5911V16inch.016x.016C5951V16pkg.C5912V16C5912V17.016x.022.017x.025C5952V16C5955V1710C5915V18.018x.025C5955V1835

www.leone.itnickel titanium archwiresTHERMOMEMORIA ®ARCHWIRESAn innovation in nickel titanium alloy archwires. According to room or bodytemperature, these archwires have a different behaviour.These archwires can be permanently bent with a plier at room temperature, butafter insertion, at mouth temperature of about 37° C, they revert to their initialprogrammed shape, delivering light and continuous forces to teeth.This particular feature makes their insertion into misaligned bracket slotseasier and reduce patient’s trauma while permitting the use of rectangularwires during early treatment and gaining good torque control of roots duringtooth movements.Packs of 10upperinchlowerupperinchlowerC5930-16 .016 C5970-16 C5931-16 .016x.016 C5971-16C5930-18 .018 C5970-18 C5932-16C5935-18C5935-19.016x.022.018x.025.019x.025C5972-16C5975-18C5975-19C5935-21 .021x.025 C5975-21upperlowerC6100-12ARCHWIRE KIT STEP SYSTEMComposition of the kit:The package contains 12 archwires, 6 upper and 6lower, necessary for the execution of one-case treatmentfor STEP technique. Each archwire is singlepackaged. The packages are identified with a referencenumber and a tooth sketch which respectively indicatethe standard application sequence and the arch wirefunction.36

special wires and archwireswww.leone.itBETA MEMORIA ®WIRES AND ARCHWIRESIn a titanium molybdenum alloy, they feature high elasticityand good bendability with pliers. Highly finishedto minimize friction between wire and slot. Nickel free.They are suitable for patients with allergic reactions.LINGUAL ARCHWIRES FOR IDEA-L BRACKETSSections .012” and .014” are made of a special NickelTitanium alloy allowing light adaptations necessary in caseof treatment extension to first bicuspids, thus keeping highelasticity. Section .016” Beta MEMORIA ® is ideal to optimizethe alignment and levelling values obtained.Packs of 2BETA MEMORIA ®ARCHWIRESupperinchmediumC7110-16 .016C7110-18 .018upperinchlowerC7150-16C7150-18lowerpkg.10pkg.MEMORIA ®LINGUAL ARCHWIRESsmallmediumlargeinch.012.014C4950-12C4950-14C4951-12C4951-14C4952-12C4952-14BETA MEMORIA ®LINGUAL ARCHWIRES.016 C4970-16 C4971-16 C4972-16smallmediumC7012-21C7112-16C7112-17.021x.027.016x.022.017x.025C7015-21C7115-16C7115-17C7112-19C7112-21.019x.025.021x.027C7115-19C7115-21BETA MEMORIA ®STRAIGHT ROUND WIRE10C4950-00LINGUAL ARCHWIRESELECTORLay the selector on the modeland choose the correct archshape.inch.016.032.036C7900-16C7900-32C7900-36pkg.10 wires35 cm long.016x.022.017x.025C7922-16C7925-1737

www.leone.itaesthetic archwiresMEMORIA ®MIMETIC ARCHWIRESWITH RHODIUM COATINGThanks to an innovative surface treatment, these MEMORIA ® mimeticarchwires are used in combination with aesthetic brackets, are minimallyvisible and promote compliance and satisfaction of the patient. The rhodiumcoating of the surface facilitates sliding into the slot and, differently fromthe standard aesthetic coated archwires, it does not peel off with treatment.Packs of 10newupperinchlowerpkg.upperlowerC5919-12 .012 C5959-12C5919-14 .014 C5959-14 10C5919-16 .016 C5959-16MEMORIA ® NATURA ® PREFORMED ARCHWIRESThey combine high elasticity and resistance to deformation of superelasticnickel titanium archwires with the best aesthetics. The tooth coloured coatingis very stiff and resistant to oral liquid absorption, therefore a reducedfriction is obtained when used with metal and cosmetic brackets.Available round or rectangular.Packs of 10upperinchlowerupperinchlowerC5982-16.016x.022C5992-16C5918-14.014C5958-14C5985-18.018x.025C5995-18C5918-16.016C5958-16C5985-19.019x.025C5995-19C5918-18.018C5958-18upperlowerC5985-21.021x.025C5995-21C5918-20.020C5958-2038

special wires and archwireswww.leone.itC8922-16MEMORIA ®RECTANGULAR STRAIGHT WIRENickel titanium base alloy wire which maintains high elasticity and allows sectionals andsprings to be easily shaped. Available in .016”x.022”.Pack of 10 wires, 18 cm longARCHWIRES WITH HOOKSMedium arch form.Made of spring hard wire .019”x.025”.Packs of 10mm343638upperC3112-34C3112-36C3112-38mm242628lowerC3152-24C3152-26C3152-2840C3112-4030C3152-3042C3112-42The size expressed in mm indicates the distancebetween the hooks.T1212-00STANDARD ARCHWIRE HOLDERT3608-00MARKING PENCIL WHITEFor marking archwires, bite planes, etc.Pack of 139

www.leone.itnickel titanium coil springsMEMORIA ®COIL SPRINGSIn superelastic nickel titanium alloy, theyhave always been used in orthodontictreatments. These springs combine thecharacteristics of coil spring design withthe non-deformable properties of superelasticMEMORIA ® alloy. Available openfor compressions and gain in space, closedwith wound ends for use with hooks oftubes and brackets.The type with a ligature wire allows spaceswider than 15 mm to be linked.MEMORIA ®CLOSED COIL SPRINGSWITH WOUND ENDSMEMORIA ®OPEN COIL SPRINGSPacks of 2 springs, 18 cm longgpkg.springwireslightmedium150 C1230-00200 C1230-01 10superlight. bumper. ®CLOSED COIL SPRING WITHWOUND ENDS AND LIGATURE WIRElightmediumheavyg150C1231-00200 C1231-01 10250C1231-02pkg.C1230-95MEMORIA ®COIL SPRING KITFor crimping of surgical hooks use plierP1911-00.The package includes:3 open coil springs, 15 closed coil springswith wound ends, 15 closed coil springswith wound ends and ligature wire, 10stops, 10 MIM ® surgical hooks.40

palatal barswww.leone.itPALATAL BARSPalatal bars allow controllable movements of rotation, expansion and contractionof upper first molars. Made of heat-treated wire, 0,9 mm in diameter,to increase their tensile strength, they are easy to remove from the tubes foractivation.ROTATIONEXPANSIONPALATAL BARREVERSE LOOP PALATAL BARmmpkg.mmpkg.34C0570-3434C0576-3436C0570-3636C0576-3638C0570-3838C0576-3840C0570-4040C0576-404244C0570-42C0570-4454244C0576-42C0576-44546C0570-4646C0576-46485052C0570-48C0570-50C0570-52485052C0576-48C0576-50C0576-52C0570-96PALATAL BAR KITAssorted kit of 50C0576-96REVERSE LOOP PALATAL BAR KITAssorted kit of 50CAUTION:the palatal bar should be securely ligated into the lingual sheaths with steel or elastic ligatures. Improper use may result in injury byaspiration or ingestion. Recommended for use with MIM ® lingual tubes:WITH BALL HOOKG2846-02 RightG2846-03 LeftWITH BALL HOOK ROTATION -8°G2847-02 RightG2847-03 Left41

www.leone.itclasps and arches for platesSTANDARD ADAMS CLASPSSpring hard stainless steel.BALL HOOKSStainless steel.STANDARD LABIAL ARCHESSpring hard stainless steel.mmpkg.mminchpkg.mmpkg.5,0C0580-050,7.028C1610-1725C0585-255,5C0580-0550,8.032 C1610-18 10028C0585-286,0C0580-060,9.036C1610-1931C0585-316,5C0580-06534C0585-347,08,00,7mmC0580-07C0580-081037400,8mmC0585-37C0585-40109,0C0580-0943C0585-4310,011,012,0C0580-10C0580-11C0580-12464850C0585-46C0585-48C0585-50C0580-95STANDARD ADAMS CLASP KITAssorted kit of 100C0585-95STANDARD LABIAL ARCH KITAssorted kit of 10042

Welding of bands and tubesBands

www.leone.itmade of hard heat-treated stainless steelCALIBRA ® anatomical bandsgraduated thicknessby variation in tooth sizefreeprewelding servicecustomized prewelding to any tube,bracket or accessory of the section “G”.Ready delivery of standard prewelded bandsfor the techniques most in useanatomicallycorrectwide range of sizesinnersurfacerough finishfor maximum stabilityand increased retentionlaser etchedsizingit allows the sterilization at hightemperatures and a durablegood view of sizingwide choiceof assortments in autoclavable trays44

CALIBRA ®bicuspid bandswww.leone.itUPPER AND LOWER BICUSPIDSE5101-00 Upper with lug - UE5501-00 Lower with lug - LE5100-00 Upper without lug - UE5500-00 Lower without lug - LE5151-00 Upper with lug - UE5551-00 Lower with lug - LE5105-00 Upper without lug - UE5505-00 Lower without lug - LPacks of 10Packs of 5Available in 32 sizes either for maxillary or mandibular arch, with LASER marked identification number. Their anatomical shape with contourededges is designed for use either right or left. Thickness of 0,15 mm and seating lug. The hard temper and a rough inner surfacefinish considerably improve cement retention.Always specify the size when ordering e.g.: E5101-11ASSORTMENTSassorted kit of 92 bands on average usequantityeach size5 4 4 5Uwith lugE5101-92U without lugE5100-92sizesassorted kit of 92 bands on average usequantityeach size5 4 4 5L with lug E5501-92L without lug E5500-92sizes45

www.leone.itCALIBRA ®anatomical molar bandsUPPER AND LOWER 1 st MOLAR BANDSE1200-00 Upper right - URE1300-00 Upper left - ULE1600-00 Lower right - LRE1700-00 Lower left - LLPacks of 10E1205-00 Upper right - URE1305-00 Upper left - ULE1605-00 Lower right - LRE1705-00 Lower left - LLPacks of 5Available in 36 right sizes and 36 left sizes either for maxillary or mandibular arch, with LASER marked identification number.The hard temper, the anatomical design, the diversified thickness and the rough inner surface finish make the band selection easy andimprove cement retention.Always specify the size when ordering e.g.: E1200-06ASSORTMENTSassorted kit of 78 bands on average use6 UR RE1200-92quantityeach size6ULLE1300-926LRRE1600-92sizes6LLLE1700-92assorted kit of 156 bands on average use6 UR RE1200-94quantityeach size66ULLRLRE1300-94E1600-94sizes6LLLE1700-9446

CALIBRA ®anatomical molar bandsUPPER AND LOWER 2 nd MOLAR BANDSwww.leone.itE2200-00 Upper right - SURE2300-00 Upper left - SULE2600-00 Lower right - SLRE2700-00 Lower left - SLLE2205-00 Upper right - SURE2305-00 Upper left - SULE2605-00 Lower right - SLRE2705-00 Lower left - SLLPacks of 10Packs of 5Available in 32 right sizes and 32 left sizes, either for maxillary or mandibular arch, with LASER marked identification number. The hardtemper, the anatomical design, the diversified thickness and the rough inner surface finish make the band selection easy and improvecement retention.Always specify the size when ordering e.g.: E2300-08All trays can be autoclaved to avoid crossinfections.ASSORTMENTSassorted kit of 78 bands on average use7 SURRE2200-92quantityeach size7SULLE2300-927SLRRE2600-92sizes7SLLLE2700-9247

www.leone.itCALIBRA ®anatomical molar bands prewelded to MIM ® tubesEDGEWISE TECHNIQUE - UPPERTube .022”x.028”. Round tube .051”. (G8025-02 - G8025-03)E1420-00 Right UR E1425-00 Right URE1430-00 Left UL E1435-00 Left ULPacks of 10 Packs of 5EDGEWISE TECHNIQUE - LOWERTube .022”x.028”. Round tube .051”. (G8025-03 - G8025-02)E1460-00 Right LR E1465-00 Right LRE1470-00 Left LL E1475-00 Left LLPacks of 10 Packs of 5Always specify the size when ordering e.g.: E1430-12ANDREWS ROTH BOSTON ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE - UPPERTube .022”x.028”. Torque -10°, rotation +8°. Round tube .051”.(G8325-02 - G8325-03)E1520-00 Right UR E1525-00 Right URE1530-00 Left UL E1535-00 Left ULPacks of 10 Packs of 5ANDREWS ROTH BOSTON ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE - LOWERTube .022”x.028”. Torque -25°, rotation +8°. Round tube .051”.(G8325-06 - G8325-07)E1560-00 Right LR E1565-00 Right LRE1570-00 Left LL E1575-00 Left LLPacks of 10 Packs of 5Always specify the size when ordering e.g.: E1520-1748

CALIBRA ®anatomical molar bands prewelded to MIM ® tubesRICKETTS TECHNIQUE - UPPERTubes .018”x.025”. Round tubes .045”. (G8084-12 - G8084-13)www.leone.itE1820-00 Right UR E1825-00 Right URE1830-00 Left UL E1835-00 Left ULPacks of 10 Packs of 5RICKETTS TECHNIQUE - LOWERTubes .018”x.025”. (G8070-16 - G8070-17)E1860-00 Right LR E1865-00 Right LRE1870-00 Left LL E1875-00 Left LLPacks of 10 Packs of 5Always specify the size when ordering e.g.: E1865-12CALIBRA ® PREWELDED BANDS - ASSORTMENTSPrewelded CALIBRA ® bands for Edgewise, Andrews,Roth, Boston, Alexander, Ricketts techniques are availablein assortments of 25 or 78 bands.All trays can be autoclaved to avoid cross infections.assorted kit of 25 prewelded bandsEdgewiseAndrewsRoth BostonAlexanderRickettsquantity each sizesizes6 UR R6 UL L6 LR R6 LL LE1420-90E1430-90E1460-90E1470-90E1520-90E1530-90E1560-90E1570-90E1820-90E1830-90E1860-90E1870-90assorted kit of 78 prewelded bandsEdgewiseAndrewsRoth BostonAlexanderRicketts6 UR RE1420-92E1520-92E1820-92quantity each sizesizes666ULLRLLLRLE1430-92E1460-92E1470-92E1530-92E1560-92E1570-92E1830-92E1860-92E1870-9249

www.leone.itmade of biomedical stainless steelWEB ® anatomical bandsdevelopedtooth anatomyaccording to Dr. Washbon’s study in awide selection of sizesadjusted thicknessto the tooth sizefreeprewelding servicecustomized prewelding to any tube, bracketor accessory of the section “G”.Ready delivery of standard prewelded bandsfor the techniques most in use“uniform stress”system shapingoptimal elastic propertiesover the entire area of the bandlaser etchingstrong retention on the tooth.Ideal for REP, Herbst, First Classapplianceslaser etchedsizingit allows the sterilization athigh temperatures and a durablegood view of sizingwide choiceof assortments in autoclavable trays50

WEB ®anatomical bands - Washbon Etched BandUPPER AND LOWER 1 st MOLAR BANDSwww.leone.itE8200-00 Upper right - URE8300-00 Upper left - ULE8600-00 Lower right - LRE8700-00 Lower left - LLPacks of 10E8205-00 Upper right - URE8305-00 Upper left - ULE8605-00 Lower right - LRE8705-00 Lower left - LLPacks of 5Made of biomedical stainless steel with graduated thickness upon tooth size and LASER marked identification number.Fitting anatomy, reduced height and increased retention due to the “laser etched” treatment make cementation perfect.Always specify the size when ordering e.g.: E8300-13All trays can be autoclaved to avoidcross infections.ASSORTMENTSassorted kit of 78 bands on average use6 URRE8200-92quantityeach size6ULLE8300-926LRRE8600-92sizes6LLLE8700-9251

www.leone.itWEB ®anatomical bands prewelded to MIM ® tubesEDGEWISE TECHNIQUE - UPPERTube .022”x.028”. Round tube .051”. (G8025-02 - G8025-03)E8420-00 Right URE8430-00 Left ULPacks of 5EDGEWISE TECHNIQUE - LOWERTube .022”x.028”. Round tube .051”. (G8025-03 - G8025-02)E8460-00 Right LRE8470-00 Left LLPacks of 5Always specify the size when ordering e.g.: E8430-21ANDREWS ROTH BOSTON ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE - UPPERTube .022”x.028”. Torque -10°, rotation +8°. Round tube .051”. (G8325-02 - G8325-03)E8520-00 Right URE8530-00 Left ULPacks of 5ANDREWS ROTH BOSTON ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE - LOWERTube .022”x.028”. Torque -25°, rotation +8°. Round tube .051”. (G8325-06 - G8325-07)E8560-00 Right LRE8570-00 Left LLPacks of 5Always specify the size when ordering e.g.: E8560-1852

WEB ®anatomical bands prewelded to MIM ® tubeswww.leone.itRICKETTS TECHNIQUE - UPPERTubes .018”x.025”. Round tube .045”. (G8084-12 - G8084-13)E8820-00 Right URE8830-00 Left ULPacks of 5RICKETTS TECHNIQUE - LOWERTubes .018”x.025”. (G8070-16 - G8070-17)E8860-00 Right LRE8870-00 Left LLPacks of 5Always specify the size when ordering e.g.: E8860-25STEP SYSTEM TECHNIQUE - UPPERConvertible tube .022”x.028”. Torque -14°, rotation +10°. Round tube .045”.(G8424-32 - G8424-33) Lingual hook. (G2820-00)E8920-00 Right URE8930-00 Left ULPacks of 5STEP SYSTEM TECHNIQUE - LOWERConvertible tube .022”x.028”. Torque -20°, rotation +8°.(G8421-16 - G8421-17) Lingual hook. (G2820-00)E8960-00 Right LRE8970-00 Left LLPacks of 5Always specify the size when ordering e.g.: E8970-19newConvertible tube .022” x .028”. Torque -20°, rotation +8°. Round tube .045”(G8424-16 – G8424-17) Lingual hook. (G2820-00)E8961-00 Right LRE8971-00 Left LLPacks of 5Always specify the size when ordering e.g.: E8971-1853

www.leone.itWEB ® anatomical bands prewelded to MIM ® tubes - cementsWEB ® PREWELDED BANDS - ASSORTMENTSPrewelded WEB ® bands for Edgewise, Andrews, Roth, Boston, Alexander, Ricketts, STEP system prescriptions are available in assortmentsof 25 or 78 bands. All trays can be autoclaved to avoid cross infection.assorted kit of 25 prewelded bandsEdgewiseAndrewsRoth BostonAlexander Ricketts STEP systemquantity each sizesizes6 UR6 UL6 LR6 LLRLRLE8420-90E8430-90E8460-90E8470-90E8520-90E8530-90E8560-90E8570-90E8820-90E8830-90E8860-90E8870-90E8920-90E8930-90E8960-90E8961-90E8970-90E8971-90newassorted kit of 78 prewelded bandsEdgewiseAndrewsRoth BostonAlexander Ricketts STEP system6 URRE8420-92E8520-92E8820-92E8920-92quantity each sizesizes666ULLRLLLRLE8430-92E8460-92E8470-92E8530-92E8560-92E8570-92E8830-92E8860-92E8870-92E8930-92E8960-92E8961-92E8970-92E8971-92newE3161-00GLASS IONOMER CEMENTPurposedly developed for orthodontic applications. When mixing the powder with water a very smoothand fluid mixture is obtained with a high bond strength both to enamel and stainless steel ofbands. A release of fluoride ions enhances the protection of enamel from caries.Pack of 35 gE3163-00LIGHT-CURING BAND CEMENT WITH FLUORIDE RELEASEOptimal consistency for application and cementation of bands. The yellow colour indicates theexcess material before polymerization and eventual residuals after band removal.Pack of 3 syringes, 5 g each54

free prewelding servicewww.leone.itFREE PREWELDING SERVICEHigh quality service processed with spot welding industrial units.Here below an illustration of standard prewelding service of our tubes and brackets is provided.All brackets, tubes and accessories included in section “G” may be prewelded to <strong>Leone</strong> bands.standard preweld vestibular positionstandard preweld lingual positionbicuspidsBracket is perfectlymesio-distal andocclusal-gingivalcenteredCentral positionslightly offsetto occlusalmolarsThe rectangulartube of bracketis always perfectlycenteredCentral positionVariation in weld position may be requested if clearly specified when ordering.To fulfil the execution of each individual welding requirement, we invite you to closely follow the specifications required, by indicatingthe part number of bands, brackets or tubes desired.THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS ARE NECESSARY TO ORDER PREWELDED BANDS:- type of band: bicuspid, 1st or 2nd molar, upper, lower, right or left- band size- type of bracket or band- rectangular tube or bracket’s slot size- torque, rotation adjustments of tube or bracket- round tube diameter- round tube preweld position reflecting the specific prescriptions of the selected tube.Ready prewelded bands for the most used techniques most in use are available for a prompt delivery (pages 48, 49, 52, 53, 54).SEATING LUGIt assists in seating the band.Choose a bicuspid band without a seating lug to preweld any bracket or accessories.CAUTION:NO RETURNS OF CUSTOM PREWELDED MATERIAL WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON.55

www.leone.itaccessories for bands - conversion chartsEMPTY TRAYS FOR BAND STORAGEAutoclavable. Packs of 1Z0110-22 CALIBRA ® I molar upper right URZ0110-23 CALIBRA ® I molar upper left ULZ0110-24 CALIBRA ® I molar lower right LRZ0110-25 CALIBRA ® I molar lower left LLZ0110-26 CALIBRA ® II molar upper right SURZ0110-27 CALIBRA ® II molar upper left SULZ0110-28 CALIBRA ® II molar lower right SLRZ0110-29 CALIBRA ® II molar lower left SLLZ0110-30 CALIBRA ® upper bicuspid UZ0110-31 CALIBRA ® lower bicuspid LZ0110-32 WEB ® I molar upper right URZ0110-33 WEB ® I molar upper left ULZ0110-34 WEB ® I molar lower right LRZ0110-35 WEB ® I molar lower left LLZ0100-01EMPTY KIT BOX FOR BRACKETAND BAND STORAGEMade of ABS plastic resin.With clear plastic cover. Stackable.Pack of 1BAND CONVERSION CHARTSCALIBRA ® BANDSUPPER BICUSPIDSCALIBRA ® BANDSLOWER BICUSPIDS5 4 4 5as indication only5 4 4 5LEONE CALIBRA - E5101/E5100-00DENTAURUMA. COMPANYAMERICAN ORTHODONTICSG.A.C.LANCERORMCOR.M.O.UNITEK - ContouredUNITEK - General purposeUNITEK - ProportionalFORESTADENTLEONE CALIBRA - E5501/E5500-00DENTAURUMA. COMPANYAMERICAN ORTHODONTICSG.A.C.LANCERORMCOR.M.O.UNITEK - ContouredUNITEK - General purposeUNITEK - ProportionalFORESTADENT1 1 1 00 1 1 1 12 1 2 1 1 1 23 2 1 2 1 G 2 2 3 1 0 1 34 3 3 2 0 3 3 4 2 2 2 F 1+ 4 45 4 2 4 2 3 G+ 0+ 1 4 4 5 3 3 1 2 5 56 5 1 2 5 5 6 4 5 3 4 F+ 2+ 6 67 6 3 5 1 3 4 H 1+ 6 6 7 5 6 4 6 3+ 8 78 7 4 7 6 H+ 2+ 4 7 7 89 8 5 8 2 5 2 5 8 810 9 6 9 3 6 7 3 6 9 9 8 6 9 1 6 7 G 5 10 811 10 7 4 7 9 4 10 9 7 7 8 G+ 11 912 11 11 10 I+ 4+ 8 11 10 8 10 2 9 H 5 5+ 12 1013 12 8 12 5 8 11 4 9 12 10 11 9 11 3 8 10 6+ 1114 13 9 14 6 9 12 J 5 10 13 11 12 9 11 H+ 7 7 14 1215 14 10 15 7 10 13 J+ 6 12 14 12 13 10 13 4 10 8 16 1316 15 11 17 8 11 14 6 6+ 15 13 14 11 14 11 12 I 9 8+ 17 1417 16 K 7 13 16 1418 17 12 19 9 12 15 7 14 17 15 15 15 5 12 I+ 9+ 1519 18 13 20 10 13 16 8 7+ 15 18 16 16 13 16 6 13 14 11 10 19 1620 19 14 14 17 K+ 8 16 19 17 17 14 14 15 J 12 11 21 1721 21 18 18 17 7 15 17 12 1822 22 19 19 16 19 9 16 K 14 12+ 23 1923 20 15 24 12 15 19 L 10 9+ 20 2024 21 16 25 13 16 20 10 19 21 21 20 17 20 10 19 15 13+ 25 2025 22 17 14 17 21 L+ 20 22 22 21 18 21 11 17 K+ 14+ 27 2123 27 15 22 M 11 10+ 21 23 23 22 19 23 12 18 21 17 15 2226 24 18 28 18 23 11 22 24 24 23 24 19 L 18 15+ 28 2327 25 19 16 19 24 12 11+ 23 25 25 24 20 13 20 22 L+ 16 29 2428 29 26 2629 26 20 30 20 25 M+ 12+ 24 26 27 25 21 28 21 M 17 31 2530 27 21 17 21 26 13 13 25 27 28 26 22 29 14 22 25 18 33 2631 31 14 2932 28 22 32 18 22 28 N 13+ 27 28 30 27 23 30 23 26 M+ 19 34 2729 23 23 29 N+ 14 28 29 31 28 24 16 27 22 19+ 35 2830 24 19 24 31 15 29 30 32 29 25 31 17 24 28 20 36 2931 25 32 30 31 30 26 32 25 29 3032 20 32 31 26 30 38 3132 27 27 3256

conversion chartswww.leone.it6 6CALIBRA ® AND WEB ® BANDSUPPER 1 st MOLARas indication onlyCALIBRA ® AND WEB ® BANDSLOWER 1 st MOLAR6 6LEONE CALIBRA - E1200/E1300-00LEONE WEB - E8200/E8300-00DENTAURUM - StandardDENTAURUM - DentaformA. COMPANYAMERICAN ORTH. - General purposeAMERICAN ORTH. - ContouredG.A.C.LANCERORMCO - Mark IIORMCO - OriginalORMCO - Paragon general purposeORMCO - UltimaORMCO - WashbonR.M.O.TP - LabsUNITEK - ContouredUNITEK - General purposeFORESTADENTORTHO ORGANIZ. - General purpose1 3 1 2 28,52 1 1 2 32 5 29 1 3 3 29,51 3 2 1 1 1 1 29,5 2 1 4 4 1 43 1 1 3 2 1 5 1 1 22 4 4 1 2 2 2 2 6 1 4 3 2 5 1 6 3 303 5 2 2 3 3 3 3 7 30 2 2 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 5 14 1 6 5 3 3 1 30,5 3 5 4 4 6 7 2 2 4 15 2 6 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 6 5 7 2 3 8 3 3 3 5 6 30,5 27 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 3 3 26 3 7 5 5 4 6 6 6 3 8 1 31 4 8 4 1,5 4 4 4 4 7 38 6 6 6 7 9 2 31 5 7 6 6 9 4 9 5 5 5 6 1 31 317 4 8 6 5 7 7 7 8 4 10 31,5 31,5 7 10 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 8 2 4 39 9 7 1,5 8 7 8 8 3 32 32 6 5 68 5 7 2 6 5 8 7 8 11 10 7 7 7 7 7 9 31,5 5 410 10 8 8 9 9 9 9 11 5 7 6 12 7 7 7 8 8 10 4 32 69 6 11 9 9 3 7 10 10 10 6 6 33 8 9 8 9 8 2 11 8 8 8 8 5 32 710 7 11 12 10 8 10 10 11 11 11 7 7 33 9 512 10 11 11 12 8 33,5 33,5 10 7 10 13 8 9 9 9 11 6 32,511 8 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 8 9 34 34 8 9 612 9 14 11 13 4 9 12 13 13 13 9 13 10 11 9 11 14 9 10 3 9 9 10 10 7 32,5 813 10 14 12 10 13 13 14 14 14 10 14 11 34,5 34,5 12 10 9 12 12 10 11 11 10 9 12 8 33 9 715 15 13 14 15 15 15 12 13 15 11 3314 4,5 10 11 11 12 12 12 1314 11 16 16 14 11 14 15 11 16 13 35 35 14 11 10 13 11 12 13 12 13 13 12 10 14 10 33,5 815 12 12 12 12 11 14 17 12 13 3,5 14 13 14 14 13 11 15 11 34 34 1116 13 17 17 15 15 5 13 15 16 16 13 17 14 35,5 35,5 15 11 918 16 16 17 17 17 18 15 16 12 13 12 15 18 14 14 15 14 14 14 12 16 12 34,5 34,5 1318 16 17 17 17 16 36 36 13 14 13 19 4 16 15 16 16 15 13 17 13 35 3517 14 19 17 6 14 18 18 18 18 14 17 36,5 17 15 14 16 15 17 15 14 14 14 1018 15 19 18 15 18 19 15 19 18 14 16 15 20 15 16 16 17 17 16 15 18 15 35,5 35,5 1519 16 20 20 18 19 6,5 16 19 19 19 19 20 16 20 19 36,5 18 17 21 16 16 5 17 17 16 16 1120 17 21 7 17 21 20 37 37 15 17 16 18 17 17 18 17 18 18 18 16 19 1721 18 21 19 20 17 20 20 20 20 21 18 22 21 19 22 5,5 18 18 20 18 36 36 17 1222 21 22 23 22 37,5 37,5 16 18 17 19 23 18 20 19 19 19 19 17 21 1922 19 22 20 18 21 21 21 19 24 20 19 18 20 187,5 17 20 19 20 6 21 19 19 19 22 20 36,5 36,5 18 1323 20 23 23 8 19 22 22 22 20 25 23 38 21 18 21 20 21 24 19 21 6,5 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 23 21 1424 21 24 24 21 22 20 23 22 23 23 23 21 26 24 38 22 19 25 7 21 24 37 37 1925 22 23 27 25 23 20 22 21 22 26 20 23 23 21 21 21 21 22 21 22 1525 22 23 8,5 21 22 23 22 27 7,5 24 22 22 22 22 37,5 37,5 2025 26 23 24 24 24 24 28 38,5 39 24 21 23 28 21 22 23 23 23 25 23 21 1626 27 24 24 9 25 24 25 25 29 27 25 22 24 23 29 22 8 25 23 23 24 23 26 24 38 38 2226 23 25 22 23 24 30 23 24 24 24 24 24 27 25 23 1728 25 27 26 31 29 39,5 26 23 25 24 8,5 25 25 25 26 29 27 38,5 24 1827 24 27 29 26 10 23 26 27 27 27 24 32 30 39,5 27 24 25 24 26 26 26 26 26 26 24 30 28 39 39 2530 26 27 28 27 28 28 28 33 31 40 26 1928 28 29 29 34 40 40,5 28 25 27 31 25 28 9 27 31 39,5 26 2026 26 25 27 27 27 27 27 25 32 39,5 2728 25 29 31 27 10,5 28 29 29 25 35 32 40,5 29 27 27 26 28 26 29 9,5 28 28 28 28 28 26 33 40 2129 11 28 2229 26 30 32 29 24 31 29 30 30 31 26 30 29 28 27 29 32 27 30 29 29 29 29 29 30 27 34 40 28 2330 30 29 28 30 28 10 30 30 30 31 28 40,5 40,5 29 2430 27 31 31 25 30 31 31 32 27 36 41 31 31 11 2531 28 26 28 30 29 31 29 31 31 30 30 29 35 30 2632 29 32 30 32 12 32 32 29 41,5 32 32 31 30 32 30 31 11,5 32 31 33 30 36 41 41,5 31 2733 30 27 30 32 31 31 12 31 32 2834 31 13 28 31 33 32 32 2935 32 29 32 34 32 32 3036 30 35 3136 32LEONE CALIBRA - E1600/E1700-00LEONE WEB - E8600/E8700-00DENTAURUM - StandardDENTAURUM - DentaformA. COMPANYAMERICAN ORTH. - General purposeAMERICAN ORTH. - ContouredG.A.C.LANCERORMCO - Mark IIORMCO - Paragon general purposeORMCO - OrignalORMCO - UltimaORMCO - WashbonR.M.O.TP - LabsUNITEK - ContouredUNITEK - General purposeFORESTADENTORTHO ORGANIZ. - General purpose57

www.leone.itconversion charts7 7CALIBRA ® BANDSUPPER 2 nd MOLARCALIBRA ® BANDSLOWER 2 nd MOLARas indication only 7 7LEONE CALIBRA - E2200/E2300-00DENTAURUM - DentaformA. COMPANYAMERICAN ORTH.G.A.C.LANCERORMCOR.M.O.TP - LabsUNITEK1 12 23 28 1 3 11 4 41 1 28,5 22 5 5 282 2 29 3 2 28,53 6 6 3 29,5 293 4 44 3 1 29,5 1 7 5 30 1 29,54 65 7 1 5 2 8 2 305 9 30,5 30,56 2 30 6 3 36 8 4 3 2 7 4 10 31 1 317 7 9 30,5 8 5 1,5 7 4 28 8 10 5 4 3 11 8 31,5 5 3 31,59 9 5 31 2 32 710 10 11 6 4 1 31,5 9 6 12 9 6 4 3211 11 7 6 5 2 1012 1,5 7 7 32 7 2,5 7 512 12 8 6 3 1113 2 9 8 7 4 32,5 8 13 10 32,5 6 32,513 13 14 9 5 122,5 10 8 8 6 33 9 11 8 8 714 14 15 3 11 10 9 7 1316 11 10 9 8 33,5 14 10 14 3 33 9 8 3315 15 17 3,5 12 9 15 3,5 12 10 918 12 11 10 10 34 15 11 16 33,5 9 33,516 16 4 13 13 12 11 13 10 1019 14 13 12 34,5 16 12 17 14 34 11 11 3420 4,5 15 14 11 13 17 13 18 4 15 34,5 1217 17 15 14 12 19 4,5 16 13 11 12 34,518 18 21 5 16 15 13 14 35 18 14 12 1319 19 15 20 17 35 14 13 14 3519 17 16 16 14 15 20 21 5 18 15 14 1520 16 22 5,5 35,5 16 15 16 35,520 22 18 17 15 16 35,5 21 1721 5,5 17 17 17 23 6 36 17 16 18 3621 23 6 18 16 18 36 2222 18 6,5 19 36,5 17 1922 19 19 18 17 19 2323 24 6,5 20 18 20 36,5 19 7 20 37 18 18 20 36,523 7 21 20 19 19 21 2424 25 20 24 19 2124 25 21 20 22 37 7,5 21 19 20 3725 26 21 25 37,5 21 22 37,525 7,5 22 20 21 26 22 20 2226 26 22 21 22 23 37,5 27 22 8 38 21 23 3827 26 27 8 23 23 22 24 28 23 27 23 22 23 2424 23 25 38 29 24 28 24 38,5 23 24 25 38,528 27 28 24 23 24 24 25 2629 28 29 8,5 25 25 24 25 26 38,5 30 25 29 25 39 25 27 3926 25 27 31 26 8,5 26 39,5 26 26 2830 29 30 9 26 26 26 28 39 27 30 27 2731 30 27 27 27 27 29 32 9 28 39,531 9,5 28 30 39,5 31 9,5 27 28 2932 31 28 28 28 29 31 28 10 28 30 4032 29 30 40 29 32 29 3132 10 29 31 32 30 30 29 40,530 30 29 40,5 10,5 3210,5 31 30 32 31 30 4111 31 41 11 3132 33 3211,5 32 323435LEONE CALIBRA - E2600/E2700-00DENTAURUM - DentaformA. COMPANYAMERICAN ORTH.G.A.C.LANCERORMCOR.M.O.TP - LabsUNITEK58

Assembly of self-ligating bracketsDirect bonding

www.leone.itvestibular direct bonding systemsDamon#StandardDamon#Super torqueEdgewiseSuper EdgewiseTweedAndrewsRothSTEP systemBidimensionalBostonMBT*AlexanderRickettsBurstonepage page page page page page page page page page page page pageSTAINLESS STEELF100063 63Standard6565 67 6768 816968 69MINI Edgewise66MINI Diagonali73 7272MIDI Diagonali7475 76 76MIDI Diagonaliwith vertical slot74 75NO-Nickel EXTREMO7878Logic line85SILICEOUS COPOLYMERLogic line90 88NaturaCERAMICS9596 95AQUALogic lineFIBER GLASS9293 93 9490 899294MAXILLARY ARCHtorq. ang. torq. ang. torq. ang. torq. ang. torq. ang. torq. ang. torq. ang. torq. ang. torq. ang. torq. ang. torq. ang. torq. ang. torq. ang.1 12 23 34 45 5centrallateralcuspid1° bicuspid2° bicuspid+12° +5° +17° +5° 0° 0° 0° +7° +5° +12° +5° +17° +4° +12° +5° +17° +4° +14° +5° +22° 0° +12° +5°+8° +9° +10° +9° 0° 0° 0° +3° +9° +8° +9° +9° +8° +8° +9° +10° +8° +7° +8° +14° +8° +8° +9°0° +6° +7° +6° 0° 0° 0° -7° +11° -2° +13° -7° +11° 0° +7° -7° +8° -3° +10° +7° +5° -7° +5°-7° +2° -7° +2° 0° 0° 0° -7° 0° -7° 0° -7° +2° 0° -7° 0° -7° 0° 0° -7° 0°-7° +2° -7° +2° 0° 0° 0° -7° 0° -7° 0° -7° +2° 0° -7° 0° -7° 0° 0° -7° 0°MANDIBULAR ARCH1 1central-1° +2° -6° +2°0° 0° 0° 0° 0° -6° 0° 0° -6° 0° -5° 0°0° 0°2 2lateral-1° +2° -6° +2°0° 0° 0° 0° 0° -6° 0° 0° -6° 0° -5° 0° 0° 0°3 34 45 5cuspid1° bicuspid2° bicuspid0° +5° +7° +5° 0° 0° 0° -11° +5° -11° +7° -6° +5° 0° +6° -6° +3° -7° +6° +7° +5° -11° +6°-12° +2° -12° +2° 0° 0° 0° -17° 0° -17° 0° -12° +2° 0° -12° +2° -11° 0° 0° -17° 0°-17° +2° -17° +2° 0° 0° 0° -22° 0° -22° 0° -17° +2° 0° -17° +2° -17° +0° -15° 0° -22° 0°TORQUEANGULATION(+) = lingual torque of root (+) = distal angulation of root(-) = buccal torque of root (-) = mesial angulation of rootThe orthodontic brackets illustrated in this catalogue are not intended to be a duplication of any other existing system nor does<strong>Leone</strong> SpA imply that they are endorsed by the above mentioned doctors or Schools in any form.On request, all direct bonding brackets are also available in bulk packages of 100, with the exception for those with plastic positioner,in ceramics and self-ligating.# Damon is a Trademark of Ormco Corporation* MBT is a Trademark of 3M Unitek60

www.leone.itBrackets F1000 are designed to meet the most sophisticated biomechanical requirements, to allow an easy clinicalmanagement avoiding the noted deficiencies of other self-ligating systems.Brackets F1000 provide all advantages of the most recent clinical scientific evidence on low friction and the applicationof light forces which reduce treatment time for maximum comfort and patient compliance.Brackets F1000 are available in the torque and angulation values according to Dr. Damon # ’s standard and super torqueprescriptionspentagonalpad designwith laser markedFDI identification (patented)in/outminimized overall bracket profilemaximum comfortPassive self-ligating bracketeasy to open and closeversatile biomechanicscomfortable for the patienteasy to openand closethanks to the engagementof the sliding fourth wallunder bracket tie wingstie wingsdesigned to allowthe application of anyligatures availableslot withcirculardesignto further minimizefrictionD.B. metal brackets self-ligatingwith FDI identification (patented)hygieneenhanced by the special shape of thesliding cover and the side openings# Damon is a Trademark of Ormco Corporation61

www.leone.itD.B. metal brackets self-ligating with FDI identification (patented)The sliding mechanism covers the slot on the whole mesio-distal width of the bracket: differently from other self-ligating systems, it enablesa good control of rotation even with the application of light wires in a low friction environment. The unique circular design of the centralarea of the slot results in a lower contact with the wire that further minimizes friction, while maintaining a full biomechanical control.Opening and closingVersatile biomechanicsand low frictionA patented self-ligating mechanism features a slidingcover to the slot, which frees wire movement in the slotand thereby gets full biomechanical advantages.In addition, the design of the tie wings allows for theapplication of conventional elastic or metallic ligatures,elastic chains or wires making the managementof friction and anchorage possible, to get the bestbiomechanical control.The F1000’s self-ligating mechanism is achieved through the use of a patented super-elastic, nickel titanium flaps which branch out at theend of the sliding cover and snap under the tie wings to easily open or close access to the bracket’s slot. The unique properties of the nickeltitaniumalloy give the flaps the flexibility to snap under the tie wings with gentle force, and the strength to keep them in place securely.The slots of the F1000 brackets are accessed with instruments commonly available in the dental office, such as a utility instrument or aprobe. The brackets are opened and closed occlusally by exerting gentle pressure on one of two different points, either on a small hole in thefacial side of the cover or on the gingival side of the cover’s edge. This mechanism is identical for both upper and lower brackets: just pulldown the cover to open the upper brackets and push up to open the lower ones. Once open, the sliding cover stays in place under its ownforce of gravity, allowing for the hassle-free insertion of the archwire. F1000 brackets can be closed using the same tool or with a dedicatedinstrument, which simultaneously holds the archwire in place while gently pushing the bracket’s sliding cover to a complete close.OPENINGCLOSINGHygiene, safety and comfortThe cover snaps under the tie wings: the F1000 brackets do not therefore require any complexsystem of closing.Cleaning the area below the sliding cover (always critical) is favored by the side openings thatfacilitate the action of the water jet. Based on simple mechanics, the bracket’s sliding coveris extremely safe as well as easy to utilize in the patient’s mouth. The sliding cover is stronglybounded in two sites, completely preventing accidental disconnection (such as archwire pressure orunintentional operations). The brackets feature rounded edges and minimal in/out thickness, whichmake the F1000 as comfortable as any conventional bracket.P1506-00INSTRUMENT FOR F1000 SELF-LIGATING BRACKETSIt allows for arch wire engagement by holding the wire into the slot.With a gentle pressure it also drives the appendix of the ligation cover to full closing.62

D.B. metal brackets self-ligating with FDI laser marking (patented)www.leone.itD.B. SELF-LIGATING BRACKETS WITH FDI LASER MARKING (patented)Courtesy of Dr. L. FranchiUniversity of FlorenceThe bracket’s diagonal configuration and pentagonal base allow for an easyand intuitive alignment with the crown-long-axis; the bracket is positionedon the tooth just like a conventional bracket. Torque-in-base ensures thedelivery of the single forces and torque movements on the desired area of thecrown for more predictable orthodontic results. Cuspid and bicuspid bracketsfeature a ball hook to facilitate the application of intra- and inter-maxillarytractions such as elastics, chains and springs.Packs of 5.022”3.3Dr. DAMON # standardprescription3.33.3with FDI laser marking (patented)3.3 3.3 332.7332.73333333torqueang.F1000-91 3F1001-913.3Dr. DAMON # super torqueprescription3.3with FDI laser marking (patented) ”x.030” torque ang..022 ”x.030”3.32.71 F1000-11+12° +5° +17° +5°1 F1000-212.732 F1000-12+8° +9° +10° +9°2 F1000-223 F1000-130° +6° +7° +6°3 F1000-234 F1000-14-7° +2° -7° +2°4 F1000-245 F1000-15-7° +2° -7° +2°5 F1000-252.71 F1000-412.73-1° +2° -6° +2°1 F1000-312.732 F1000-422.7 3-1° +2° -6° +2°2 F1000-3233 F1000-4332.70° +5° +7° +5°3 F1000-333-12° +2° 4 F1000-443 -12° +2°4 F1000-3435 F1000-453-17° +2° -17° +2°5 F1000-35Dr. DAMON # standardprescription20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 cases.022”2.72.732.72.732.72.72.7333311223344551122334455Dr. DAMON # super torqueprescriptionF1001-11F1001-21F1001-12F1001-22F1001-13F1001-23F1000-14F1000-24F1000-15F1000-25F1001-41F1001-31F1001-42F1001-32F1001-43F1001-33F1000-44F1000-34F1000-45F1000-3520 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 casesF1000-92 F1001-92new# Damon is a Trademark of Ormco Corporation.The orthodontic brackets illustrated in this catalogue are not intended to be a duplication of any other existing systemnor does <strong>Leone</strong> SpA imply that they are endorsed by the above mentioned doctors or Schools in any form.MEMORIA ®PREFORMED ARCHWIRES “V” BENDFOR F1000 SELF-LIGATING BRACKETSMade of special superelastic nickel-titanium, theyrelease a specifically calibrated force range for usewith F1000 self-ligating brackets. The ideal shapeperfectly fits the in/out values of the brackets andpresents a “V” bend to avoid undesired dislocations.upperC3911V13C3911V14lowerinchpkg..013.014C3951V13C3951V14 10upperlowerinchpkg.C3912V14 .014x.025 C3952V14C3912V16 .016x.025 C3952V16C3911V16 .016 C3951V16 C3912V17 .017x.025 C3952V17 10C3912V18 .018x.025 C3952V18C3912V19 .019x.025 C3952V1963

www.leone.itD.B. metal brackets standard<strong>Leone</strong> offers a wide selection of D.B. brackets with all the options for traditional techniques.Standard metal brackets are brazed with a special palladium base alloy to 80 gauge mesh sintered pads to assurehigh bond strength to the tooth with any kind of adhesive.Bonding pads are anatomically contoured for a perfect fit to the tooth.Brackets with hook are manufactured with MIM ® (Metal Injection Moulding) technique which <strong>Leone</strong> is a leader of.All the other types of standard metal brackets are manufactured from stainless steel profiles medical degree bymeans of computer aided machines. Smooth and rounded contours to guarantee the maximum comfort for thepatient and to facilitate the elimination of the plaque. The pre adjusted brackets feature a distal-gingival identificationdot to simplify the application in the mouth. All <strong>Leone</strong> brackets are supplied in pleasant and ergonomic packages.disto-gingivalidentification dotfeatured on the pre adjusted bracketsto simplify the application in the mouthanatomical bonding basedesigned to match the anatomy of the toothTHE IDENTIFICATION OF LEONE STANDARD BRACKETS IS EASY:A colour dot identifies the disto-gingival edge on standardbrackets pre adjusted with torque and angulation values.Caution! The colour dot must be always disto-gingival positioned.roundededgesto ensure the bestpatient comfortbracketswith hookmanufactured with MIM ®(Metal Injection Moulding)technologyA bevel may be present on lower anteriors which has to bealways positioned to the incisal side to minimize occlusalinterference.Ball hooks have to be always positioned to the gingival side.High tie wings on bicuspids have to be positioned to thegingival side for ease of ligation and to prevent gingivalimpingementThere is no difference in the placement for brackets withoutangulation or torque adjustments and not colour coded.64

D.B. metal brackets standardwww.leone.itEdgewise standardsystemSuper Edgewise systemwith vertical slottorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”torqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”0°11F2081-21F2021-210°11F2081-21F2021-210°22F2082-31F2022-310°22F2082-21F2022-210°33F2083-04F2023-040°33F2183-04F2123-040°33F2073-02F2073-03F2013-02F2013-030°33F2173-02F2173-03F2113-02F2113-030°44F2089-04F2029-040°44F2189-04F2129-040°55F2089-04F2029-040°55F2189-04F2129-040°55F2079-02F2079-03F2019-02F2019-030°55F2179-02F2179-03F2119-02F2119-030°11F2080-05F2020-250°11F2080-35F2020-050°22F2080-05F2020-250°22F2080-35F2020-050°33F2083-04F2023-040°33F2183-04F2123-040°33F2073-03F2073-02F2013-03F2013-020°33F2173-03F2173-02F2113-03F2113-020°44F2089-04F2029-040°44F2189-04F2129-040°55F2089-04F2029-040°55F2189-04F2129-040°55F2079-03F2079-02F2019-03F2019-020°55F2179-03F2179-02F2119-03F2119-02Packs of 10Packs of 10Edgewise standard system20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 cases 500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 caseswith hookwith hook.018”.022”F2080-91 F2070-91 F2081-91 F2071-91 F2083-91 F2085-91F2020-91 F2010-91 F2021-91 F2011-91 F2023-91 F2025-91Super Edgewise system with vertical slot.018”.022”F2180-91 F2170-91 F2181-91 F2171-91 F2183-91 F2185-91F2120-91 F2110-91 F2121-91 F2111-91 F2123-91 F2125-9165

www.leone.itD.B. metal brackets standardEdgewise Mini systemtorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”0°11F2281-01F2221-010°22F2282-01F2222-010°33F2283-04F2223-040°44F2289-04F2229-040°55F2289-04F2229-04Packs of 10.018”.022”0°0°0°0°0°1122334455F2280-05F2280-05F2283-04F2289-04F2289-04Edgewise Mini systemF2220-05F2220-05F2223-04F2229-04F2229-0420 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 casesF2280-91 F2281-91F2220-91 F2221-91PACKAGESAll brackets are exclusively sold in original <strong>Leone</strong> packaging:kits of 1, 10, 25, 50 cases and refill packages of 10.Each single-case kit is sealed closed, providing a guaranteeof hygiene and cleanliness when opened in the presenceof the patient. The back label displays the product code,description, lot number and product symbols.The 10-case kits are made with ABS plastic. A large label onthe kit cover displays the product code, description and lotnumber; the same information is also clearly displayed onthe front drawers of the conveniently stackable <strong>Leone</strong> kits.Inside the trays, a clear plastic cover protects the brackets,as well as provides information pertaining to their correctplacement..018”.022”500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 casesF2283-91 F2285-91F2223-91 F2225-9166

D.B. metal brackets standardwww.leone.itTweed systemAndrews systemtorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”torqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”0°11F2080-11F2020-11+7° +5°11F2481-12F2481-13F2421-12F2421-130°22F2080-11F2020-11+3° +9°22F2482-32F2482-33F2422-12F2422-130°33F2083-24F2023-24-7° +11°33F2483-22F2483-23F2423-42F2423-430°44F2089-14F2029-14-7° +11°33F2473-12F2473-13F2413-12F2413-130°55F2089-14F2029-14-7° 0°44F2484-05F2429-11220°0°1122F2080-15F2080-15F2020-04F2020-04-7° 0°-7° 0°5555F2484-05F2479-02F2479-03F2429-11F2419-12F2419-132.50°33F2083-24F2023-240°11F2080-35F2020-05Packs of 10220°0°4455F2089-14F2089-14F2029-14F2029-140°-11° +5°-11° +5°223333F2080-35F2483-26F2483-27F2473-16F2473-17F2020-05F2423-36F2423-37F2413-16F2413-17-17° 0°44F2489-25F2429-05-22° 0°55F2489-15F2429-15-22° 0°55F2479-06F2479-07F2419-16F2419-17Packs of 10Tweed system20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 cases 500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 caseswith hookwith hook.018”.022”F2080-93 F2081-93 F2083-93 F2085-93F2020-93 F2021-93 F2023-93 F2025-93Andrews system.018”.022”F2480-92 F2470-93 F2481-92 F2471-93 F2483-92 F2485-92F2420-93 F2410-93 F2421-93 F2411-93 F2423-93 F2425-9367

www.leone.itD.B. metal brackets standardRoth systemRicketts systemtorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”torqueang..018”x.030”+12° +5°11F2481-22F2481-23F2421-22F2421-23+22° 0°11F2481-32F2481-33+8° +9°22F2482-42F2482-43F2422-22F2422-23+14° +8°22F2482-02F2482-03-2° +13°33F2483-32F2483-33F2423-52F2423-53+7° +5°33F2483-02F2483-03-2° +13°33F2473-22F2473-23F2413-22F2413-23+7° +5°33F2473-02F2473-03-7° 0°44F2484-05F2429-110°44F2084-04-7° 0°55F2484-05F2429-110°55F2085-01-7° 0°55F2479-02F2479-03F2419-12F2419-130°55F2075-02F2075-030°11F2080-35F2020-050°11F2080-350°22F2080-35F2020-050°22F2080-35-11° +5°33F2483-26F2483-27F2423-36F2423-37+7° +5°33F2483-06F2483-07-11° +5°33F2473-16F2473-17F2413-16F2413-17+7° +5°33F2473-06F2473-07-17° 0°44F2489-25F2429-050°44F2084-04-22° 0°55F2489-15F2429-15-15° 0°55F2485-06F2485-07-22° 0°55F2479-06F2479-07F2419-16F2419-17-15° 0°55F2475-06F2475-07Packs of 10Packs of 10Roth system20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 cases 500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 caseswith hookwith hook.018”.022”F2480-95 F2470-95 F2481-95 F2471-95 F2483-95 F2485-95F2420-94 F2410-94 F2421-94 F2411-94 F2423-94 F2425-94Ricketts system.018” F2480-94 F2470-94 F2481-94 F2471-94 F2483-94 F2485-9468

D.B. metal brackets standardwww.leone.itBoston systemBurstone systemtorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”torqueang..022”x.030”+12° +5°11F2481-22F2481-23+12° +5°11F2421-22F2421-23+8° +9°22F2482-42F2482-43+8° +9°22F2422-22F2422-230° +7°33F2123-02F2123-03-7° +5°33F2623-02F2623-030° +7°33F2113-12F2113-13-7° 0°44F2429-110°44F2129-04-7° 0°55F2429-110°55F2129-04-7° 0°55F2419-12F2419-130°11F2180-050°11F2020-050°0° +6°0° +6°0°22333344F2180-05F2123-06F2123-07F2113-06F2113-07F2129-040°-11° +6°-17° 0°-22° 0°22334455F2020-05F2623-06F2623-07F2429-05F2429-150°55F2129-04-22° 0°55F2419-16F2419-17Packs of 10Packs of 10Boston system20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 cases 500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 caseswith hook with hook with hook with hookF2120-95 F2110-95 F2121-95 F2111-95 F2123-95 F2113-95 F2125-95 F2115-95Burstone system.022” F2620-91 F2610-91 F2621-91 F2611-91 F2623-91 F2625-9169

www.leone.itD.B. metal brackets standardD.B. BRACKETS WITH PLASTIC POSITIONERAvailable in the Edgewise, Super Edgewise, Tweed, Ricketts, Andrews, Boston, Roth only forprescriptions of metal brackets.The vertical shape of the plastic positioner facilitates the alignment of the bracket with thetooth long axis while the incisal edge gives the exact occlusal-gingival position.Packs of 5IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMOF EACH SINGLE TOOTHThe mouth is color coded by quadrant likethe pre adjusted brackets.Each plastic positioner is marked with anumber identifying each tooth.URLRColour of positionerBLACK GREENRED WHITEULLLHOW TO ORDER BRACKETS WITH PLASTIC POSITIONERPart numbers are the same of the corresponding D.B. regular brackets.In replacement of the hyphen, a letter identifying the single tooth has been inserted.The part numbers of the kits are the same as the equivalent kits without plastic positioner,but in replacement of the hyphen, the letter “J” has been inserted.Upper right blackUpper left greenlettera code letter codiceI G E C A B D F H K5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5toothExample:5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5W T R P N O Q S U XLower right redLower left white2 2Edgewise.022F2022-31 =F2022C31black positionerF2022D31green positioner2270

www.leone.itWith one single idea, protected by numerous patents throughout the world, <strong>Leone</strong> has put an end to the possibility ofpositioning errors.An FDI (Fédération Dentaire Internationale) identification number is laser marked on the mesh pad of every bracket, clearlyindicating the tooth to which a specific bracket will be attached. This method identifies each tooth with a two-digitArabic number: the first digit indicates the quadrant, the second identifies the tooth according to Palmer’s notation.For example: the bracket for the upper right central incisor has got number 11 laser-marked on the mesh pad.The number, permanently etched and free of toxic substances, is immediately recognizable and easily readable withoutthe aid of magnifying lenses.The laser-etched pad with FDI identification also increases the retention of the adhesive.ball hookMIM ® injection moldedand integrated oncuspids and bicuspidsanatomical80 meshpadfor excellent bond strength with the useof any adhesive, bicuspids feature a bondingpad extended to occlusal to minimize interferencescentralscribe linelaser marked betweentie wings and identificationdisto-gingival dot for easeof placementFDIsystem markingon the mesh padD.B. metal bracketswith FDI identification (patented)15 14 13 1211 21 22 23 24 2545 44 43 42 4131 32 33 34 3571

www.leone.itD.B. brackets MINI DIAGONALI ®MINI DIAGONALI ®Roth systemMINI DIAGONALI ®Ricketts systemtorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”torqueang..018”x.030”+12° +5°11F7281-02F7281-03F7221-02F7221-03+22° 0°11F7081-02F7081-03+8° +9°22F7282-02F7282-03F7222-02F7222-03+14° +8°22F7082-02F7082-03-2° +13°33F7283-02F7283-03F7223-02F7223-03+7° +5°33F7083-02F7083-03-2° +13°33F7273-02F7273-03F7213-02F7213-03+7° +5°33F7073-02F7073-03-7° 0°44F7184-02F7184-03F7124-02F7124-030°44F7084-02F7084-03-7° 0°44F7274-02F7274-03F7214-02F7214-030°44F7074-02F7074-03-7° 0°55F7185-02F7185-03F7125-02F7125-030°55F7085-02F7085-03-7° 0°55F7179-02F7179-03F7119-02F7119-030°55F7079-02F7079-030°11F7081-06F7081-07F7021-06F7021-070°11F7081-06F7081-070°22F7082-06F7082-07F7022-06F7022-070°22F7082-06F7082-07-11° +7°33F7283-06F7283-07F7223-06F7223-07+7° +5°33F7083-06F7083-07-11° +7°-17° 0°-17° 0°-22° 0°-22° 0°3344445555F7273-06F7273-07F7184-06F7184-07F7274-06F7274-07F7185-06F7185-07F7175-06F7175-07F7213-06F7213-07F7124-06F7124-07F7214-06F7214-07F7125-06F7125-07F7115-06F7115-07with FDI identification (patented) F7215-91+7° +5°0°0°-15° 0°-15° 0°3344445555F7073-06F7073-07F7084-06F7084-07F7074-06F7074-07F7085-06F7085-07F7075-06F7075-07Brackets not available into kitsPacks of 10 Packs of 10MINI DIAGONALI ® Roth system20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 cases 500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 caseswith hook with hook with hook with hook.018”.022”F7280-91 F7270-91 F7281-91 F7271-91 F7283-91 F7273-91 F7285-91F7220-91 F7210-91 F7221-91 F7211-91 F7223-91 F7213-91 F7225-91 F7215-91MINI DIAGONALI ® Ricketts system.018” F7080-91 F7070-91 F7081-91 F7071-91 F7083-91 F7073-91 F7085-91 F7075-9172

D.B. brackets MINI DIAGONALI ®with FDI identification (patented)www.leone.itMINI DIAGONALI ®Andrews systemtorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”+7° +5°11F7181-02F7181-03F7121-02F7121-03+3° +9°22F7182-02F7182-03F7122-02F7122-03-7° +11°33F7183-02F7183-03F7123-02F7123-03-7° +11°33F7173-02F7173-03F7113-02F7113-03-7° 0°-7° 0°-7° 0°0°0°-11° +5°-11° +5°-17° 0°4455551122333344F7184-02F7184-03F7185-02F7185-03F7179-02F7179-03F7081-06F7081-07F7082-06F7082-07F7183-06F7183-07F7173-06F7173-07F7184-06F7184-07F7124-02F7124-03F7125-02F7125-03F7119-02F7119-03F7021-06F7021-07F7022-06F7022-07F7123-06F7123-07F7113-06F7113-07F7124-06F7124-07PACKAGESAll brackets are exclusively sold in original <strong>Leone</strong> packaging:kits of 1,10,25,50 cases and refill packages of 10.Each single-case kit is sealed closed, providing a guaranteeof hygiene and cleanliness when opened in the presenceof the patient. The back label displays the product code,description, lot number and product symbols.The 10-case kits are made with ABS plastic. A large label onthe kit cover displays the product code, description and lotnumber; the same information is also clearly displayed onthe front drawers of the conveniently stackable <strong>Leone</strong> kits.Inside the trays, a clear plastic cover protects the brackets,as well as provides information pertaining to their correctplacement.-22° 0°55F7185-06F7185-07F7125-06F7125-07-22° 0°55F7175-06F7175-07F7115-06F7115-07Packs of 10MINI DIAGONALI ®Andrews system20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 caseswith hookwith hook.018”.022”F7180-91 F7170-91 F7181-91 F7171-91F7120-91 F7110-91 F7121-91 F7111-91.018”.022”500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 casesF7183-91 F7185-91F7123-91 F7125-91 F7115-9173

www.leone.itD.B. brackets MIDI DIAGONALI ®with FDI identification (patented)newMIDI DIAGONALI ®Roth systemMIDI DIAGONALI ®Roth systemwith vertical slottorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”torqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”+12° +5°11F4281-02F4281-03F4221-02F4221-03+12° +5°11F4280-11F4280-21F4220-11F4220-21+8° +9°22F4282-02F4282-03F4222-02F4222-03+8° +9°22F4280-12F4280-22F4220-12F4220-22-2° +13°33F4273-02F4273-03F4213-02F4213-03-2° +13°33F4270-13F4270-23F4210-13F4210-23-2° +13°33F4283-02F4283-03F4223-02F4223-03-7° 0°44F4270-14F4270-24F4210-14F4210-24-7° 0°44F4274-02F4274-03F4214-02F4214-03-7° 0°55F4270-15F4270-25F4210-15F4210-25-7° 0°44F4284-02F4284-03F4224-02F4224-030°11F4280-41F4280-31F4220-41F4220-31-7° 0°55F4275-02F4275-03F4215-02F4215-030°22F4280-42F4280-32F4220-42F4220-32-7° 0°55F4285-02F4285-03F4225-02F4225-03-11° +7°33F4270-43F4270-33F4210-43F4210-330°0°1122F4281-06F4281-07F4282-06F4282-07F4221-06F4221-07F4222-06F4222-07-17° 0°-22° 0°4455F4270-44F4270-34F4270-45F4270-35F4210-44F4210-34F4210-45F4210-35-11° +7°33F4273-06F4273-07F4213-06F4213-07Packs of 10-11° +7°33F4283-06F4283-07F4223-06F4223-07-17° 0°-17° 0°4444F4274-06F4274-07F4284-06F4284-07F4214-06F4214-07F4224-06F4224-07Brackets not available into kits-22° 0°55F4275-06F4275-07F4215-06F4215-07-22° 0°55F4285-06F4285-07F4225-06F4225-07Packs of 10.018”.022”MIDI DIAGONALI ® Roth system20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 cases 500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 casesF4270-91 F4271-91 F4273-91 F4275-91F4210-91 F4211-91 F4213-91 F4215-91MIDI DIAGONALI ®Roth system with vertical slot.018”F4270-92F4271-92F4273-92.022”F4210-92F4211-92F4213-9274

newD.B. brackets MIDI DIAGONALI ®with FDI identification (patented)newwww.leone.itMIDI DIAGONALI ®MBT * systemMIDI DIAGONALI ®Bidimensional systemwith vertical slottorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”torqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”Packs of 10+17° +4°+10° +8°-7° +8°-7° +8°-7° 0°-7° 0°-7° 0°-7° 0°-6° 0°-6° 0°-6° +3°-6° +3°-12° +2°-12° +2°-17° +2°-17° +2°.018”.022”11223333444455551122333344445555F4480-11F4480-21F4480-12F4480-22F4470-13F4470-23F4480-13F4480-23F4470-14F4470-24F4480-14F4480-24F4470-15F4470-25F4480-15F4480-25F4480-41F4480-31F4480-42F4480-32F4470-43F4470-33F4480-43F4480-33F4470-44F4470-34F4480-44F4480-34F4470-45F4470-35F4480-45F4480-35F4420-11F4420-21F4420-12F4420-22F4410-13F4410-23F4420-13F4420-23F4410-14F4410-24F4420-14F4420-24F4410-15F4410-25F4420-15F4420-25F4420-41F4420-31F4420-42F4420-32F4410-43F4410-33F4420-43F4420-33F4410-44F4410-34F4420-44F4420-34F4410-45F4410-35F4420-45F4420-35Packs of 10+12° +5°+8° +9°0° +7°0°0°0°0°0° +6°0°0°Brackets not available into kitsMIDI DIAGONALI ® MBT * systemF4210-93 F4211-93 F4213-9311223344551122334455F4280-11F4280-21F4280-12F4280-22F4280-41F4280-31F4280-42F4280-32F4211-13F4211-23F4211-14F4211-24F4211-15F4211-25F4211-43F4211-33F4211-44F4211-34F4211-45F4211-35*MBT is a Trademark of 3M UnitekThe orthodontic brackets illustrated in this catalogue are not intended tobe a duplication of any other existing system nor does <strong>Leone</strong> SpA implythat they are endorsed by the above mentioned doctors or Schools inany form.20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 cases 500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 casesF4470-91F4471-91F4473-91F4475-91F4410-91F4411-91F4413-91F4415-91MIDI DIAGONALI ®Bidimensional system with vertical slot75

www.leone.itD.B. brackets MINI DIAGONALI ®with FDI identification (patented)MIDI DIAGONALI ®Ricketts systemMIDI DIAGONALI ®Alexander systemtorqueang..018”x.030”torqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”+22° 0°11F4381-02F4381-03+14° +5°11F4580-11F4580-21F4520-11F4520-21+14° +8°22F4382-02F4382-03+7° +8°22F4580-12F4580-22F4520-12F4520-22+7° +5°33F4373-02F4373-03-3° +10°33F4580-13F4580-23F4520-13F4520-23+7° +5°33F4383-02F4383-03-3° +10°33F4570-13F4570-23F4510-13F4510-230°44F4374-02F4374-03-7° 0°44F4580-14F4580-24F4520-14F4520-240°44F4384-02F4384-03-7° 0°55F4580-15F4580-25F4520-15F4520-250°55F4375-02F4375-03-5° 0°11F4580-41F4580-31F4520-41F4520-310°55F4385-02F4385-03-5° 0°22F4580-42F4580-32F4520-42F4520-320°0°+7° +5°+7° +5°11223333F4281-06F4281-07F4282-06F4282-07F4373-06F4373-07F4383-06F4383-07-7° +6°-7° +6°-11° 0°-17° 0°33334455F4580-43F4580-33F4570-43F4570-33F4580-44F4580-34F4580-45F4580-35F4520-43F4520-33F4510-43F4510-33F4520-44F4520-34F4520-45F4520-350°44F4374-06F4374-07Packs of 100°44F4384-06F4384-07-15° 0°55F4375-06F4375-07-15° 0°55F4385-06F4385-07Brackets not available into kitsPacks of 10.018”MIDI DIAGONALI ® Ricketts system20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 cases 500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 casesF4370-91 F4371-91 F4373-91 F4375-91MIDI DIAGONALI ® Alexander system.018”F4580-94F4581-94F4583-94F4585-94.022”F4520-92F4521-92F4523-92F4525-9276

www.leone.itExtremo nickel-free* brackets are entirely biocompatible. They are CAD designed to get anatomical fits and MIM ®moulded in single piece, without any soldering point. The anatomical base features highly retentive micro cavities for aperfect bond strength and rounded edges to provide patient compliance. The base on Roth prescription brackets is lasermarked with FDI number for immediate identification.E TREMOSingle piece bracket MIM EXTREMO®FDIsystem markingon the mesh pad (for Roth prescription)highretention basewith micro cavities to ensurestrong retention to the toothPrecisionConstant qualityNo soldering pointsComputer designedanatomical bond basesExcellent bond strengthBiocompatibilityPatient comfortMIM® technologyperfectly rounded edgesfor maximum comfortD.B. brackets EXTREMO no-nickel*In accordance with ISO 2267477

www.leone.itD.B. brackets EXTREMO No-NickelEXTREMOEdgewise StandardsystemEXTREMORoth systemwith FDI identification (patented)torqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”torqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”0°11F9081-11F9021-11+12° +5°11F9280-11F9280-21F9220-11F9220-210°22F9081-12F9021-12+8° +9°22F9280-12F9280-22F9220-12F9220-220°33F9088-14F9028-14-2° +13°33F9270-13F9270-23F9210-13F9210-230°44F9088-14F9028-14-7° +0°33F9280-14F9280-24F9220-14F9220-240°55F9088-14F9028-14-7° 0°44F9270-14F9270-24F9210-14F9210-24Packs of 100°0°0°0°0°1122334455F9080-15F9080-15F9088-14F9088-14F9088-14F9020-15F9020-15F9028-14F9028-14F9028-14-7° 0°-7° 0°0°0°-11° +7°-17° 0°555511223333F9280-15F9280-25F9270-15F9270-25F9280-41F9280-31F9280-42F9280-32F9270-43F9270-33F9280-44F9280-34F9220-15F9220-25F9210-15F9210-25F9220-41F9220-31F9220-42F9220-32F9210-43F9210-33F9220-44F9220-34-17° 0°44F9270-44F9270-34F9210-44F9210-34-22° 0°55F9280-45F9280-35F9220-45F9220-35-22° 0°55F9270-45F9270-35F9210-45F9210-35Packs of 10EXTREMO Edgewise Standard system20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 cases 500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 caseswith hook with hook with hook with hook.018”.022”F9080-92 F9081-92 F9083-92 F9085-92F9020-92 F9021-92 F9023-92 F9025-92EXTREMO Roth system with FDI identification (patented).018”F9280-91F9270-91F9281-91F9271-91F9283-91F9273-91F9285-91F9275-91.022”F9220-91F9210-91F9221-91F9211-91F9223-91F9213-91F9225-91F9215-9178

www.leone.itLogic Line brackets combine the most recent evidence-based studies on lowfriction biomechanics with the reliability and ease of use of the tried andtested twin brackets. The possibility of using either Slide * low friction ligaturesor conventional ones, enhances a versatile therapeutic option not allowedby other methods.Logic Line brackets are available in metal, ceramics or micro-filledcopolymer in the Roth and Step prescriptions.housing inthe wingsintegrated in the bracketprofile for easy placementof Slide ligatures*PatentedtecnologyMIM ®with the use of biomedicalgrade stainless steelWhen used with the Logic Line brackets, Slide ligatures are keptsafely in place and integrated in the bracket profile due to the housingin the bracket labial side.The Slide low friction ligatures can be easily applied to the new LogicLine brackets using a simple, two-stage procedure:1 Apply Slide ligature in the open 2position and arch wire inside the slotA new design foroptimum use with Slidelow friction ligatures80 mesh padensures ideal retention withany adhesive available;FDI identification (patented)without the use of special instruments, close Slide ligature downon the lower wings.D.B. brackets Logic LineThe Logic Line brackets, due to the large mesio-distal dimensions and the twin tiewings,can be used with conventional ligatures, for maximum biomechanical controlduring the appropriate phases of therapy. Further options are available to the clinicianseeking optimum anchorage and biomechanics. It is now possible to use low and highfriction in selected areas of the arch, upper and lower, or independently..79

www.leone.itD.B. metal brackets Logic Line STEP system<strong>Leone</strong>’s STEP system is a straight wire-type of technique developed by internationally-knownorthodontists, Drs. A. Fortini and M. Lupoli.Their clinical experience, combined with <strong>Leone</strong>’s productive capability, madepossible the development of a unique system that would be able to managefriction depending on the phase of treatment.The clinician can now choose the most advantageous biomechanics simply byapplying Slide ligatures, in total freedom to choose where, in what directionand for how long to use light orthodontic forces that stimulate tooth movement,for example only in the upper arch, only in the anterior region.This will allow the orthodontist to benefit from advantages normally offered onlyby a self-ligating type of bracket system (like getting full three-dimensionalcontrol of forces, achieved by using normal ‘O’ rings), without the hassle ofusing complicated, bulky brackets that can be difficult to manage with success.STEPsystemDeriving from the MBT* technique, <strong>Leone</strong> STEP prescription employs a specific archwire sequence based on the amount of friction generatedby the interaction of wire and bracket slot. The selection of archwires includes:MEMORIA ® SUPER-ELASTICNICKEL-TITANIUM ARCHWIRESAUSTRALIANARCHWIRESBETA MEMORIA ®RECTANGULAR ARCHWIRESSTAINLESS STEELEXTRA-SPRING HARD ARCHWIRESDuring alignment and levellingphases, these wires deliver onlylight orthodontic forces. To beused with Slide low frictionligatures.Ideal to maintain what wasachieved during the initial phaseof treatment, while at the sametime fully expressing Tip values.Can be used with both Slideand conventional ligatures.These are medium elasticityrectangular wires, used to graduallyexpress three-dimensionalcontrol over teeth. To be usedwith conventional ‘O’ ring-typeelastics.For ideal sliding mechanics,detailing and finishing of eachcase.REFERENCES• Franchi L, Baccetti T, Camporesi M, Lupoli M. Maxillary arch changes during leveling and aligning with fixed appliances and low-friction ligatures. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130:88-91.• Franchi L, Baccetti T. Forces released during alignment with a preadjusted appliance with different types of elastomeric ligatures. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;129:687-690.• Baccetti T, Franchi L. Vantaggio Biomeccanico di nuove legature a bassa frizione in fase di allineamento ortodontico. Ortodonzia Clinica 2005;4:17-20.• Fortini A, Lupoli M, Cacciafesta V. A new low-friction ligation system. J Clin Orthod 2005;39:464-470.• Demicheli M, Migliorati MV, Baldoni C, Silvestrini Biavati A. Confronto tra differenti sistemi bracket/filo/legatura. Misurazione in vitro dell’attrito su un’intera arcata. Mondo Ortodontico 2006;4:273-289.• Baccetti T, Franchi L. Friction produced by types of elastomeric ligatures in treatment mechanics with the preadjusted appliance. Angle Orthod 2006;76:211-216.• Baccetti T, Franchi L, Camporesi M. Forces in the presence of ceramic versus stainless steel brackets with unconventional vs conventional ligatures. Angle Orthod 2008;78:114-119.• Camporesi M, Baccetti T, Franchi L. Forces released by esthetic preadjusted appliances with low-friction and conventional elastomeric ligatures. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2007;131:772-775.• Fortini A, Lupoli M, Fortini G. Ridurre la frizione, diminuire il tempo di trattamento, aumentare l’efficienza. Orotognatodonzia Italiana 2007;1:35-41.• Tecco S, Di Iorio D, Cordasco G, Verrocchi I, Festa F. An in vitro investigation of the influence of self-ligating brackets, low friction ligatures, and archwire on frictional resistance. Eur Journ Orthod 2007;29: 390-397.• Baccetti T, Franchi L. La “frizione differenziale” durante la terapia ortodontica: una soluzione “logica”. Bollettino <strong>Leone</strong> 2007 N. 79.• Fortini A, Lupoli M. SLIDE: Low Friction System. The phenomenon of Low Friction Techniques: State of the Art. SIDO. Ed. Ariesdue s.r.l., 2006.• Gandini P, Orsi L, Bertoncini C, Missironi S, Franchi L. In vitro frictional forces generated by three different ligation methods. Angle Orthod. 2008;78:917-921• Franchi L, Baccetti T, Camporesi M, Barbato E. Forces released during sliding mechanics with passive self-ligating brackets or nonconventional elastomeric ligatures. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008;133:87-90• Baccetti T, Franchi L, Camporesi M, Defraia E, Barbato E. Forces produced by different nonconventional bracket or ligature systems during alignement of apically displaced teeth. Angle Orthod 2009;79:533-539• Tecco S, Tetè S, Festa F. Friction between archwires of different sizes, cross-section and alloy and brackets ligated with low-friction. Angle Orthod 2009;79:111-116• Jones P S, Bihi S B. Static frictional resistance with the Slide low-friction elastomeric ligature system. Australian Orthod J 2009;25:136-141*MBT is a Trademark of 3M Unitek80

D.B. metal brackets Logic Line STEP systemwww.leone.itstandardSTEP SYSTEMtorqueang..022”x.030”new3.63.1+17° +4°+9° +8°1122F6122-11F6122-21F6122-12F6122-22STEP SYSTEMwith vertical slot3.° +11°-7° +11°-7° +2°-7° +2°-7° +2°-7° +2°-6° 0°-6° 0°-6° +5°-6° +5°-12° +2°-12° +2°-17° +2°-17° +2°3333444455551122333344445555F6112-13F6112-23F6122-13F6122-23F6112-14F6112-24F6122-14F6122-24F6112-15F6112-25F6122-15F6122-25F6122-41F6122-31F6122-42F6122-32F6112-43F6112-33F6122-43F6122-33F6112-44F6112-34F6122-44F6122-34F6112-45F6112-35F6122-45F6122-35Brackets not available into kitsPacks of 10.022” 33.1 33.3 3.13.1 SYSTEM with vertical slot3.1torqueang.+17° +4°+9° +8°-7° +11°-7° +2°-7° +2°-6° 0°-6° 0°-6° +5°-12° +2°-17° +2°11223344551122334455.022”x.030”F6122-11F6122-21F6122-12F6122-22F6113-13F6113-23F6113-14F6113-24F6113-15F6113-25F6122-41F6122-31F6122-42F6122-32F6113-43F6113-33F6113-44F6113-34F6113-45F6113-3520 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 casesF6120-92 F6121-92Packs of 10standard STEP SYSTEM.022”.022”20 brackets - 1 caseF6120-91500 brackets - 25 casesF6123-91200 brackets - 10 casesF6121-911000 brackets - 50 casesF6125-9181

www.leone.itarch wires recommended for technique STEP systemARCHWIRESALIGNMENT AND LEVELLINGinch upper lower pkg.MEMORIA ® with “V” bend archwires.014C5910V14C5950-V14MEMORIA ® with “V” bend archwiresAustralian special plus.016.016C5910V16C2010-16C5950V16C2050-1610Australian special plus.020C2010-20C2050-20SPACE CLOSUREinchupperlowerpkg.Beta MEMORIA ®.019x.025C7112-19C7115-19Extra spring hard.019x.025C3112-19C3152-1910Super hard heat-treated torque 20°.019x.025C4112-19C4152-19K6461-00TIE-BACKFor the application of elastic tractions on treatments with STEP technique. Easy insertionon molar tube. The four anterior holes allow a perfect dosage of force on the archwire hook.Packs of 10G9019-25CRIMPABLE CLOSED HOOKSOn treatments with STEP technique it is used for the application of intra and extraoral forceson .019”x.025” arch-wires in extra spring hard and super hard heat-treated stainlesssteel. Crimp it with a large cutter or P1911-00 plier.Packs of 1082

MIM ® tubes recommended for technique STEP systemwww.leone.itMIM ®TUBESconvertibletorquerotat.roundtubediam.rect.tubeslotweldabletubesWEB ®bandwith tube6 6-14° +10°.045”occl..022”RLG8424-32G8424-33E8920-00E8930-006 6-20°+8°.022”RLG8421-16G8421-17E8960-00E8970-006 6-20°+8°.045”ging..022”RLG8424-16G8424-17E8961-00E8971-00torquerotat.rect.tubeslotweldabletubesD.B. tubesExtremono-nickel7 7-14° +8°.022”RLG8321-12G8321-13F8621-32F8621-337 7-20°+8°.022”RLG8321-16G8321-17F8621-26F8621-27Prewelded bands: packs of 5Tubes: packs of 10F6120-81STEP SYSTEM STANDARD STARTER KITThe kit contains all the components necessary to test STEP Logic Line system in the initial alignment and levelling phases of treatment.Kit content:- 1 case (20 pcs), metal brackets .022” STEP system standard Logic Line- 1 MEMORIA ® upper round archwire with “V” bend Ø .014”- 1 MEMORIA ® lower round archwire with “V” bend Ø .014”- 4 Slide ligature modules (24 pcs) medium silver- 2 Slide ligature modules (12 pcs) small silver83

www.leone.itone patient kit Logic Line STEP systemF6100-02ONE PATIENT KIT STEP SYSTEM LOGIC LINEIt contains all the material necessary for one treatment with STEPsystem Logic Line. The package is endowed with a pocket thatallows the filing of the radiographies and the documents of thepatient.Kit content:- 1 case (20 pcs) STEP system Logic Line Standard brackets- 4 pcs D.B. Extremo No-Nickel tubes- 4 pcs crimpable closed hooks- 4 pcs tie back- 1 kit (12 pcs) STEP system archwires- 60 pcs Slide ligatures medium silver- 60 pcs Slide ligatures small silver- 100 pcs ligatures mini modules medium silverORDERING INFORMATIONBRACKET KIT LOGIC LINE STANDARD STEP SYSTEMF6120-91 1 case - 20 bracketsD.B. EXTREMO TUBES NO-NICKELPacks of 10URULF8621-32F8621-33LRLLCRIMPABLE CLOSED HOOKSfor arch .019”x.025”G9019-25 Packs of 10F8621-26F8621-27TIE-BACKK6461-00 Packs of 10LIGATURES Slide MEDIUMK6262-10Pack of 10 modules, 6 ligatures eachLIGATURES Slide SMALLK6261-10Pack of 10 modules, 6 ligatures eachLIGATURES MINI MODULES MEDIUMK7362-13Pack of 20 modules, 10 ligatures eachARCHWIRE KIT STEP SYSTEMC6100-12 Packs of 12 (page 36)Ordering of single archwires. Packs of 101 SUPMEMORIA ® .014” with “V” bendC5910V144 SUPAustralian Special Plus .020” C2010-201 INFMEMORIA ® .014” with “V” bendC5950V144 INFAustralian Special plus .020” C2050-202 SUPMEMORIA ® .016” with “V” bendC5910V165 SUPBeta MEMORIA ® .019”x.025” C7112-192 INFMEMORIA ® .016” with “V” bendC5950V165 INFBeta MEMORIA ® .019”x.025” C7115-193 SUPAustralian Special Plus .016” C2010-166 SUPExtra spring hard steel .019”x.025” C3112-193 INFAustralian Special Plus .016” C2050-166 INFExtra spring hard steel .019”x.025” C3152-1984

D.B. metal brackets Logic Line Roth systemwww.leone.itRoth system Logic Linetorqueang..022”x.030”° +5°+8° +9°-2° +13°-7° 0°11223344F6221-11F6221-21F6221-12F6221-22F6212-13F6212-23F6212-14F6212-24Z0110-17EMPTY TRAY FOR BRACKET STORAGEIt holds up to 2 through 50 cases or more.With clear plastic cover to protect brackets.References for positioning of brackets are clearly indicated.Pack of 13.1-7° 0°55F6212-15F6212-2530°11F6221-41F6221-3130°22F6221-42F6221-323.3-11° +7°33F6212-43F6212-333.1-17° 0°44F6212-44F6212-343.1-22° 0°55F6212-45F6212-35Packs of 10Z0100-01EMPTY KIT BOX FOR BRACKET AND BAND STORAGE.022”.022”Roth system Logic Line20 brackets1 caseF6220-91500 brackets25 casesF6223-91200 brackets10 casesF6221-911000 brackets50 casesF6225-91Made of ABS plastic resin. To hold up trays for <strong>Leone</strong> bracketsand bands. With clear plastic cover. Stackable.Pack of 185

www.leone.itEleganceandaestheticsin orthodonticsPure aesthetics andlogic management of friction86

www.leone.itSpeed of treatment, aesthetical result and comfort are the ideal requisites forcosmetic orthodontics.The special features of the Logic Line aesthetic brackets, combined with the LowFriction Slide * ligatures, fully comply with these requirements. The Logic Lineaesthetic brackets are available in one range made of micro-filled copolymer:a clear coloration assuring a complete aesthetic look on every tooth shade,with high mechanical properties, and biocompatibility, without being subject tostaining by oral liquids; one range of brackets in ceramics manufactured witha specific sintering process to achieve the maximum purity of the alumina anda polycrystalline structure with an average uniform grain.The result is a translucent bracket with a superior mechanical resistance thusassuring a naturally aesthetic look to match every tooth shade.Available in the Step and Roth prescriptions.*PatentedMICRO-FILLED COPOLYMERmaking the bracket mimeticwith any tooth colour shademicro-cell pad designthe special design ensures a wider contactarea with the adhesive for a better clinical efficiencyhousing in the wingsintegrated in the bracket profilefor easy placement of Slide ligaturesPure aestheticsand logicmanagementof frictionCERAMICStranslucence and resistance smooth edges,low profile, superior in comfortbase with specialmechanic retentionno specific primers are requiredD.B. aesthetic brackets Logic Line87

www.leone.itD.B. aesthetic brackets Logic Line STEP systemD.B. BRACKETS LOGIC LINE STEP SYSTEMIN MICRO-FILLED COPOLYMERJust brush a thin coat of Primer F3107-00 on the base to get a perfect bondretention between the adesive and the bracket base: bond with the usual adesiveimmediately afterwards.Packs of 10Courtesy of Dr. A. FortiniF5410-81STEP & Slide LOGIC LINE STARTER KITSTEP SYSTEM Logic Linein copolymertorqueang..022”x.030”The kit contains all the components necessary to test STEP Logic Line system inthe initial alignment and levelling phases of treatment.Kit content:1 case (20 pcs), .022” Step Logic Line copolymer brackets, 1 MEMORIA ® upperround archwire with “V” bend Ø .014”, 1 MEMORIA ® lower round archwire with“V” bend Ø .014”, 4 Slide AQUA ligature modules (24 pcs) medium, 2 SlideAQUA ligature modules (12 pcs) small, 4 pcs D.B. aesthetic tubes3.6+17° +4°11F5421-22F5421-233+9° +8°22F5422-22F5422-233.3-7° +11 °33F5413-22F5413-233.3-7° +2°44F5419-02F5419-033.3-7° +2°55F5419-02F5419-032.8-6° 0°11F5420-06F5420-072.8-6° 0°22F5420-06F5420-073.33.3-6° +5°-12° +2°3344F5413-26F5413-27F5414-06F5414-07D.B. AESTHETIC TUBES WITHOUT HOOKPacks of 103.3-17° +2°55F5415-06F5415-07torquerotat.slot.022”STEP SYSTEM Logic Line R F8721-0220 brackets1 case200 brackets10 casesF5410-92 F5411-927 6 6 77 6 6 7-14°-20°+8°+8°.022”LRLF8721-03F8721-06F8721-0788

D.B. aesthetic brackets Logic Line STEP systemwww.leone.itD.B. BRACKETS LOGIC LINE STEP SYSTEMIN CERAMICSJust brush a thin coat of Primer F3107-00 on the base to get a perfect bondretention between the adesive and the bracket base: bond with the usual adesiveimmediately afterwards.Packs of 10Courtesy of Dr. A. FortiniSTEP SYSTEM Logic Linein ceramics43.° +4°+9° +8°-7° +11 °-7° +2°-7° +2°-6° 0°-6° 0°-6° +5°-12° +2°-17° +2°11223344551122334455.022”x.030”F5921-02F5921-03F5922-02F5922-03F5913-02F5913-03F5919-02F5919-03F5919-02F5919-03F5920-06F5920-07F5920-06F5920-07F5913-06F5913-07F5914-06F5914-07F5915-06F5915-07F5920-81STEP & Slide LOGIC LINE STARTER KITThe starter kit features all the components needed to test the efficiency of thenew STEP Logic Line system in the initial alignment and levelling stages oftreatment.Composition of the kit:1 case (20 pcs) Logic Line STEP system ceramic brackets .022”, 1 MEMORIA ®archwire “V” bend round Ø .014” upper, 1 MEMORIA ® archwire “V” bend round Ø.014” lower, 4 modules (24 pcs) Slide AQUA ligatures medium, 2 modules (12pcs) Slide AQUA ligatures small, 4 tubes D.B. Extremo no-nickelD.B. TUBES EXTREMO NO-NICKELPacks of 10STEP SYSTEM Logic Line6 brackets 10 brackets.022”.022”3 2 1 1 2 35 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5F5906-20 F5910-2012 brackets 20 brackets3 2 1 1 2 35 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 53 2 1 1 2 3 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5F5912-20 F5920-207 6 6 77 6 6 7torque-14°-20°rotat.+8°+8°slot.022”RLRLF8621-32F8621-33F8621-26F8621-2789

www.leone.itD.B. aesthetic brackets Logic Line Roth systemD.B. BRACKETS LOGIC LINE ROTH SYSTEMIN CERAMICSManufactured with a sintering process to achieve the purestalumina and a polycrystalline structure with an average uniformgrain. The result is a bracket combining the best translucencewith a superior mechanical resistance thus assuring a naturallyaesthetic look to match every tooth shade.Packs of 1D.B. BRACKETS LOGIC LINE ROTH SYSTEMIN MICRO-FILLED COPOLYMERManufactured using a micro-filled copolymer, that makes thebracket mimetic with any tooth colour shade. Just brush a thincoat of Primer F3107-00 on the base to get a perfect bond retentionbetween the adesive and the bracket base: bond with usualadesive immediately afterwards.Packs of 10Roth system Logic Linein ceramicsRoth system Logic Linein copolymertorqueang..022”x.030”torqueang..022”x.030”43.4+12° +5°+8° +9°1122F5921-12F5921-13F5922-12F5922-133.63+12° +5°+8° +9°1122F5421-32F5421-33F5422-32F5422-333.33.3-2° +13°-7° 0°3344F5913-12F5913-13F5919-12F5919-133.33.3-2° +13°-7° 0°3344F5413-32F5413-33F5419-12F5419-133.3-7° 0°55F5919-12F5919-133.3-7° 0°55F5419-12F5419-°0°-11° +7°-17° 0°-22° 0°1122334455F5920-05F5920-05F5913-16F5913-17F5914-16F5914-17F5915-16F5915-°0°-11° +7°-17° 0°-22° 0°1122334455F5420-05F5420-05F5413-36F5413-37F5414-16F5414-17F5415-16F5415-17Roth system Logic Line in ceramics6 brackets 10 brackets3 2 1 1 2 35 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5.022” F5906-21 F5910-2112 brackets 20 brackets3 2 1 1 2 35 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 53 2 1 1 2 3 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5.022”Roth system Logic Linein copolymer20 brackets1 case200 brackets10 casesF5410-94 F5411-94.022”F5912-21 F5920-2190

www.leone.itDuring the last few years increased demand for aesthetic brackets has launched a revolution in new materials andconstruction technologies. Always being sensitive to the demands of professionals, <strong>Leone</strong> has introduced a complete rangeof aesthetic brackets made of ceramics, fiber glass, and siliceous copolymer.For an optimal aesthetic result, the use of mimetic archwires with Rhodium coating is recommended (page 96).CeramicsFiber glassSiliceous copolymerAQUA ceramic brackets are manufactured with a sinteringprocess to achieve the purest alumina and apolycrystalline structure with an average uniform grain.The result is a bracket combining the best translucencewith a superior mechanical resistance thus assuring anaturally aesthetic look to match every tooth shade.AQUA brackets are free of any metal slot and totallyanti-allergenic. No specific primers are required since thebase has got a new design providing a special mechanicalretention, thus allowing the use of any orthodontic adhesiveavailable. Polished surface, smooth edges and lowprofile design make the AQUA ceramic brackets superiorin comfort.Fiber glass brackets, available in the most commonprescriptions: Andrews, Edgewise, Ricketts and Roth,are injection moulded with smooth surfaces and roundededges. The slot size is precise and allows for ease of archwire sliding. Deep under tie-wing area keeps any ligationin position.NATURA ® brackets in siliceous copolymer are manufacturedto meet any aesthetic demand and to enhance aperfect clinical performance. They are made of a specialtranslucent siliceous copolymer, enamel-like with highmechanical and hardness properties, biocompatible andresistant to oral liquids. Diagonal round angulation,torque-in-base, archwire low friction and reduced dimensionoptimize biomechanics thus reducing treatment time.D.B. aesthetic bracketsThe identification of <strong>Leone</strong> aesthetic brackets is easy:A colour dot identifies the disto-gingival edge on aesthetic brackets preadjusted with torque and angulation values.Caution! The colour dot must be always disto-gingival positioned.On standard aesthetic brackets a colour dot is positioned centrally.Caution! The colour dot must be always disto-gingival positioned.91

www.leone.itD.B. aesthetic bracketsD.B. AQUA CERAMIC BRACKETSPacks of 1AQUA Roth systemAQUA Ricketts systemtorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”torqueang..018”x.030”4+12° +5°11F5781-02F5781-03F5721-02F5721-034+22° 0°11F5881-02F5881-033.7+8° +9°22F5782-02F5782-03F5722-02F5722-033.7+14° 0°22F5882-02F5882-033.7-2° +13°33F5773-02F5773-03F5713-02F5713-033.7+7° +5°33F5883-02F5883-033.4-7° 0°44F5779-02F5779-03F5719-02F5719-033.40°44F5889-02F5889-033.433333.° 0°0°0°-11° +7°-17° 0°-22° 0°551122334455F5779-02F5779-03F5780-05F5780-05F5773-06F5773-07F5774-06F5774-07F5775-06F5775-07F5719-02F5719-03F5720-05F5720-05F5713-06F5713-07F5714-06F5714-07F5715-06F5715-073.4333.°0°0°+7° +5°0°-15° 0°551122334455F5889-02F5889-03F5780-05F5780-05F5883-06F5883-07F5884-06F5884-07F5885-06F5885-07AQUA Roth systemAQUA Ricketts system6 brackets 10 brackets 12 brackets 20 brackets 6 brackets 10 brackets 12 brackets 20 brackets3 2 1 1 2 3 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 3 2 1 1 2 3 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 3 2 1 1 2 3 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 3 2 1 1 2 3 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 53 2 1 1 2 3 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 3 2 1 1 2 3 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5.018” F5706-80 F5710-80 F5712-80 F5720-80 .018” F5806-80 F5810-80 F5812-80 F5820-80.022”F5706-20 F5710-20 F5712-20 F5720-2092

D.B. aesthetic bracketswww.leone.itD.B. FIBER GLASS BRACKETSIt is sufficient to brush a thin coat of Primer F3107-00on the base to get a perfect bond retention betweenthe adhesive and the bracket base: bond with usualadhesive immediately afterwards.Packs of 10Edgewise standard systemAndrews systemtorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”torqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”0°11F5080-01F5020-01+7° +5°11F5481-12F5481-13F5421-02F5421-030°22F5080-01F5020-01+3° +9°22F5482-12F5482-13F5422-02F5422-030°33F5088-04F5028-04-7° +11°33F5483-12F5483-13F5423-02F5423-030°33F5078-04F5018-04-7° +11°33F5473-12F5473-13F5413-02F5413-030°44F5088-04F5028-04-7° 0°44F5489-12F5489-13F5429-02F5429-030°55F5088-04F5028-04-7° 0°55F5489-12F5489-13F5429-02F5429-030°0°0°0°0°0°1122333344551F5080-15 F5020-15 0°F5080-15 F5020-151F5080-15 F5020-1520°F5080-15 F5020-152F5088-04F5078-04F5088-04F5088-04F5028-04F5018-04F5028-04F5028-04-11° +5°-11°-20°-20°+5°0°0°33334455F5483-16F5483-17F5473-16F5473-17F5489-16F5489-17F5489-16F5489-17F5423-06F5423-07F5413-06F5413-07F5429-06F5429-07F5429-06F5429-07Edgewise standard system20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 cases 500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 caseswith/hookwith/hook.018”.022”F5080-93 F5070-93 F5081-93 F5071-93 F5083-93 F5085-93F5020-93 F5010-93 F5021-93 F5011-93 F5023-93 F5025-93Andrews system.018”F5480-91F5470-91F5481-91F5471-91F5483-91F5485-91.022”F5420-91F5410-91F5421-91F5411-91F5423-91F5425-9193

www.leone.itD.B. aesthetic bracketsD.B. FIBER GLASS BRACKETSIt is sufficient to brush a thin coat of Primer F3107-00on the base to get a perfect bond retention betweenthe adhesive and the bracket base: bond with usualadhesive immediately afterwards.Packs of 10Roth systemRicketts systemtorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”torqueang..018”x.030”+12° +5°11F5481-22F5481-23F5421-12F5421-13+22° 0°11F5481-02F5481-03+8° +9°22F5482-22F5482-23F5422-12F5422-13+14° +8°22F5482-02F5482-03-2° +13°33F5483-22F5483-23F5423-12F5423-13+7° +5°33F5483-02F5483-03-2° +13°33F5473-22F5473-23F5413-12F5413-13+7° +5°33F5473-02F5473-03-7° 0°44F5489-12F5489-13F5429-02F5429-030°44F5089-02F5089-03-7° 0°55F5489-12F5489-13F5429-02F5429-030°55F5089-02F5089-030°11F5080-15 F5020-150°11F5080-150°22F5080-15 F5020-150°22F5080-15-11° +7°33F5483-26F5483-27F5423-16F5423-17+7° +5°33F5483-06F5483-07-11° +7°33F5473-26F5473-27F5413-16F5413-17+7° +5°33F5473-06F5473-07-20° 0°44F5489-16F5489-17F5429-06F5429-070°44F5084-06F5084-07-20° 0°55F5489-16F5489-17F5429-06F5429-07-15° 0°55F5485-06F5485-07Roth system20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 cases 500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 caseswith hookwith hook.018”.022”F5480-92 F5470-93 F5481-92 F5471-93F5420-92 F5410-93 F5421-92 F5411-93Ricketts system.018” F5480-94 F5470-94 F5481-94 F5471-94 F5483-94 F5485-9494

D.B. aesthetic bracketswww.leone.itD.B. NATURA ® BRACKETS IN SILICEOUS COPOLYMERIt is sufficient to brush a thin coat of Primer F3107-00 on the base to get a perfect bond retention between theadhesive and the bracket base: bond with usual adhesive immediately afterwards.Packs of 10NATURA ® Edgewise systemtorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”0°11F5381-01F5321-010°22F5382-01F5322-010°33F5388-04F5328-040°33F5378-04F5318-040°44F5388-04F5328-04NATURA ® Ricketts system0°44F5378-04F5318-04torqueang..018”x.030”0°0°5555F5388-04F5378-04F5328-04F5318-04+22° 0°+14° +8°1122F5281-02F5281-03F5282-02F5282-030°11F5180-05F5120-05+7° +5°33F5273-02F5273-030°22F5180-05F5120-050°44F5279-02F5279-030°33F5388-04F5328-040°55F5279-02F5279-030°33F5378-04F5318-040°11F5180-050°44F5388-04F5328-040°22F5180-050°44F5378-04F5318-04+7° +5°33F5273-06F5273-070°55F5388-04F5328-040°44F5274-06F5274-070°55F5378-04F5318-04-15° 0°55F5275-06F5275-07NATURA ® Edgewise system20 brackets - 1 case 200 brackets - 10 cases 500 brackets - 25 cases 1000 brackets - 50 caseswith hook with hook with hook with hook.018”.022”F5380-93 F5370-93 F5381-93 F5371-93 F5383-93 F5373-93 F5385-93 F5375-93F5320-93 F5310-93 F5321-93 F5311-93 F5323-93 F5313-93 F5325-93 F5315-93NATURA ® Ricketts system.018” F5270-91 F5271-91 F5273-91 F5275-9195

www.leone.itD.B. aesthetic bracketsD.B. NATURA ® BRACKETS IN SILICEOUS COPOLYMERIt is sufficient to brush a thin coat of Primer F3107-00 on the base to get a perfect bond retention between theadhesive and the bracket base: bond with usual adhesive immediately afterwards.Packs of 10NATURA ®Roth systemtorqueang..018”x.030”.022”x.030”+12° +5°11F5181-02F5181-03F5121-02F5121-03+8° +9°22F5182-02F5182-03F5122-02F5122-03-2° +13°33F5173-02F5173-03F5113-02F5113-03-7° 0°44F5179-02F5179-03F5119-02F5119-03-7° 0°55F5179-02F5179-03F5119-02F5119-030°11F5180-05F5120-05NATURA ®Roth system0°-11° +7°2233F5180-05F5173-06F5173-07F5120-05F5113-06F5113-07.018”.022”20 brackets1 caseF5170-91F5110-91200 brackets10 casesF5171-91F5111-91-17° 0°-22° 0°4455F5174-06F5174-07F5175-06F5175-07F5114-06F5114-07F5115-06F5115-07.018”.022”500 brackets25 casesF5173-91F5113-911000 brackets50 casesF5175-91F5115-91newMEMORIA ®MIMETIC ARCHWIRES WITH RHODIUM COATINGThanks to an innovative surface treatment, these MEMORIA ® mimetic archwires areused in combination with aesthetic brackets, are minimally visible and promote complianceand satisfaction of the patient. The rhodium coating of the surface facilitatessliding into the slot and, differently from the standard aesthetic coated archwires, it doesnot peel off with treatment.Packs of 10upperinchlowerpkg.upperlowerC5919-12 .012 C5959-12C5919-14 .014 C5959-14 10C5919-16 .016 C5959-1696

ecommended tubes for the treatment of molarsEdgewise, Super Edgewise, Edgewise mini, Tweed systemMIM ®TUBESwww.leone.ittorquerotat.roundtubediam.rect.tubeslotweldabletubesdirectbondingtubesmolar band with tubeCALIBRA ® WEB ®packs of 10 packs of 5 packs of 10 packs of 56 60°.051”ging.R G8085-02 F8085-22.018” on request on request on requestL G8085-03 F8085-23R G8025-02 F8025-22 E1420-00 E1425-00.022”on requestL G8025-03 F8025-23 E1430-00 E1435-00on requestE8420-00E8430-006 60°.051”ging..018”.022”RLRLG8085-03G8085-02G8025-03G8025-02F8085-23F8085-22F8025-23F8025-22on request on request on request on requestE1460-00E1470-00E1465-00E1475-00on requestE8460-00E8470-00CONVERTIBLE MIM ®TUBEStorquerotat.roundtubediam.rect.tubeslotweldabletubesdirectbondingtubes6 66 60°0°.051”ging..051”ging..018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8185-02G8185-03G8125-02G8125-03G8185-03G8185-02G8125-03G8125-02on requeston requeston requeston requestMolar bands CALIBRA ® or WEB ® with preweldedconvertible tube in packages of 5 or 10 on requestBRACKETStorquerotat.slotweldablebracketsdirectbondingbrackets6 66 60°.018”.022”RLRLG2086-14 F2086-14G2026-14 F2026-14Molar bands CALIBRA ® o WEB ® with preweldedbracket in packages of 5 or 10 on request6 66 60°.018”.022”RLRLG2080-44G2020-44F2081-01F2021-01Packs of 10Packs of 100 on request97

www.leone.itrecommended tubes for the treatment of molarsAndrews, Roth, Boston, Alexander systemMIM ®TUBEStorquerotat.roundtubediam.rect.tubeslotweldabletubesdirectbondingtubesmolar band with tubeCALIBRA ® WEB ®packs of 10 packs of 5 packs of 10 packs of 56 6-10° +8°.051”ging.R G8385-02 F8385-02.018” on request on request on requestL G8385-03 F8385-03R G8325-02 F8325-02 E1520-00 E1525-00.022”on requestL G8325-03 F8325-03 E1530-00 E1535-00on requestE8520-00E8530-006 6-25° +8°.051”ging..018”.022”RLRLG8385-06G8385-07G8325-06G8325-07F8385-06F8385-07F8325-06F8325-07on request on request on request on requestE1560-00E1570-00E1565-00E1575-00on requestE8560-00E8570-00CONVERTIBILE MIM ®TUBEStorquerotat.roundtubediam.rect.tubeslotweldabletubesdirectbondingtubes6 66 6-10° +8°-25° +8°.051”ging..051”ging..018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8485-02G8485-03G8425-02G8425-03G8485-06G8485-07G8425-06G8425-07F8485-02F8485-03F8425-02F8425-03F8485-06F8485-07F8425-06F8425-07Molar bands CALIBRA ® or WEB ® with preweldedconvertible tube in packages of 5 or 10 on requestPacks of 10Packs of 100 on request98

MIM ® TUBESrecommended tubes for the treatment of molarsRicketts, Burstone systemwww.leone.ittorquerotat.roundtubediam.rect.tubeslotweldabletubesdirectbondingtubesmolar band with tubeCALIBRA ® WEB ®pack of 10 pack of 5 pack of 10 pack of 56 60°.045”ging..018”.022”RLRLG8084-12G8084-13G8024-12G8024-13F8084-12F8084-13F8024-12F8024-13E1820-00E1830-00on requestE1825-00E1835-00on requeston requeston requestE8820-00E8830-00on requestnew6 6-10° +8°-14° +8°.045”ging..018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8384-12G8384-13G8324-12G8324-13G8070-02G8070-03G8010-02G8010-03F8384-12F8384-13F8324-12F8324-13F8070-02F8070-03F8010-02F8010-03E1521-00E1531-00E1522-00E1532-00on requeston requeston requeston requeston requeston requeston requeston requesta richiestaon requeston requeston requeston requeston request6 60°.018”.022”RLRLG8070-16G8070-17G8010-16G8010-17F8570-02F8570-03F8510-02F8510-03E1860-00E1870-00on requestE1865-00E1875-00on requeston requeston requestE8860-00E8870-00on request-25°+8°.018”.022”RLRLG8070-06G8070-07G8010-06G8010-07F8070-06F8070-07F8010-06F8010-07E1561-00E1571-00E1562-00E1572-00on requeston requeston requeston requeston requeston requestExtremo no-nickelCONVERTIBLE MIM ®TUBEStorquerotat.roundtubediam.rect.tubeslotweldabletubesdirectbondingtubes6 66 60°-10°-14°+8°+8°.045”occl..045”occl..018”.022”.018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLRLRLG8184-22G8184-23G8124-22G8124-23G8484-22G8484-23G8424-22G8424-23G8470-02G8470-03G8410-02G8410-03F8184-22F8184-23F8124-22F8124-23F8484-22F8484-23F8424-22F8424-23F8470-02F8470-03F8410-02F8410-03Molar bands CALIBRA ® or WEB ® with preweldedconvertible tube in packages of 5 or 10 on requestnew6 60°.018”.022”RLRLG8170-16G8170-17G8110-16G8110-17F8170-16F8170-17F8110-16F8110-17-25°+8°.018”.022”RLRLG8470-06G8470-07G8410-06G8410-07F8470-06F8470-07F8410-06F8410-07Packs of 10Packs of 100 on request99

www.leone.itD.B. MIM ®tubesD.B. MIM ®TUBESrect.tubetorquerect.tuberot.roundtubediam.direct bonding tubesrect. tube.018”x.025”rect. tube.022”x.028”6 66 6double0°.051”ging.RLF8085-22F8085-23F8025-22F8025-236 6double-10° +8°.051”ging.RLF8385-02F8385-03F8325-02F8325-036 6double-25° +8°.051”ging.RLF8385-06F8385-07F8325-06F8325-076 66 6double0°.045”occl.RLF8084-32F8084-33F8024-32F8024-336 66 6double0°.051”occl.RLF8085-42F8085-43F8025-42F8025-436 6double-10° +8°.045”occl.RLF8384-32F8384-33F8324-32F8324-336 6double-10° +8°.051”occl.RLF8385-22F8385-23F8325-22F8325-236 66 6triple0°.045”ging.RLF8084-12F8084-13F8024-12F8024-136 6triple-10° +8°.045”ging.RLF8384-12F8384-13F8324-12F8324-136 66 6triple0°.045”occl.RLF8084-22F8084-23F8024-22F8024-236 66 6triple0°.051”occl.RLF8085-32F8085-33F8025-32F8025-336 6triple-10° +8°.045”occl.RLF8384-22F8384-23F8324-22F8324-236 6triple-10° +8°.051”occl.RLF8385-12F8385-13F8325-12F8325-136 6rectangulardoublewith ball hook-14 +8°RLF8070-02F8070-03F8010-02F8010-03 new6 6rectangulardoublewith ball hook-25° +8°RLF8070-06F8070-07F8010-06F8010-077 7partiallyerupted-15° 0°RLF7980-01 F7920-01Packs of 10Packs of 100 on request100

D.B. MIM®tubesno-nickelwww.leone.itD.B. TUBES E TREMO NO-NICKELSingle piece tubes manufactured with MIM ® technology in a biocompatible nickel free* alloy.The Extremo No-Nickel base, anatomical with micro highly retentive cavities, perfectly fits the tooth and ensures an excellent bond withthe use of any kind of adhesives.Packs of 10Packs of 100 on requestfunneledentry wayfor ease of wireinsertionlow profiledesignthat helps reduceocclusal interferenceanatomicalmesh basewith micro cellinternal surfaceocclusal indentfor a perfect anatomical fitto molarstorquerotat.slotdirect bonding tubes7 6 6 77 6 6 70°.018”.022”RLRLF8581-12F8581-13F8521-12F8521-137 6 6 7-10° +8°.018”.022”RLRLF8681-12F8681-13F8621-22F8621-237 6 6 7-14° +8°.022”RLF8621-32F8621-337 6 6 7-20° +8°.022”RLF8621-26F8621-277 6 6 7-25° +8°.018”.022”RLRLF8681-16F8681-17F8621-36F8621-376 66 60°.018”RLF8570-02F8570-036 66 60°.022”RLF8510-02F8510-03*In accordance with ISO 22674101

www.leone.itD.B. MAXI mesh padF2800-00D.B. MAXI MESH PADEach <strong>Leone</strong> MIM ® tube is available soldered on the anatomical direct bondingMAXI mesh pad. Made of biomedical stainless steel, the anatomical MAXI padis combined with the mesh through a sintering process allowing a perfect joint,without any variation in dimensions and geometry or any reduction in the mechanicalretention strength. The selected tube is solder brazed on the mesh pad witha precious alloy under controlled atmosphere to obtain a perfect metal sealedjoint and to avoid oxidation in the mouth. These features maximize the bondstrength and make this product as an alternative to orthodontic bands.Hygiene and health of the soft tissues are improved, besides, the positioning ofthe tube will be more precise.Packs of 1080 gauge meshoptimal with either self/light-cure,or variable densityorthodontic adhesivesbonding surfaceapprox. 50% largerthan mesh pads currently usedwith direct bonding tubes1 st molaranatomical contouredwith positioning “indent”When ordering for customized tubes soldered on the MAXI mesh pad F2800-00, the right code number of the tube and the solderposition* of the round tube shall be indicated (*which however must combine with the prescriptions of the selected tube).Minimum quantity per order: packs of 10.High quality free soldering service made with an industrial process.CAUTION: NO RETURNS OF CUSTOM PREWELDED MATERIAL WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON.102

IDEA-L lingual bracketswww.leone.itIDEA-L lingual brackets feature small mesio-distal sizes, 1.4 mm depth and a specialbracket design which make the application of Slide ligatures easy. In most cases, theuse of a round wire MEMORIA ® .012 is sufficient to get the solution of overcrowding andthe aesthetical improvement of smile. In cases of dental rotations and/or major misplacements,wires of higher diameter, like MEMORIA ® or Beta MEMORIA ® , and conventionalligatures may also be used to gain biomechanical control. To get perfect alignment andlevelling of the anterior teeth, an accurate position of the bracket is necessary; it is thereforeadvisable to use an indirect bonding technique with arch transfer trays made inthe laboratory or with the special “Jigs” conceived for this technique.profile of1,4 mm depthfor patient acceptance andminimal speech issuesSlide ligatureembodies the profile of the bracket,making it smooth and comfortablecustom designmakes the application of the Slide ligatureeasy and keeps it in place during treatmenSPECIAL PLASTIC JIGAssemble jig on thebracket with the Slideligature hooked underthe gingival wingMeasure of the heightof the selected jig onworking cast and selectcorrect size for the bestbracket positionPosition in the mouthand polymerizationof the adhesiveRemoval of the jigwith a rotarymovementBracket with theSlide ligature underthe gingival wingBracket with wireand the Slideligature in place103

www.leone.itIDEA-L lingual bracketsIDEA-L system1.41.6torqueang..018”x.030”0°11F4980-040°22F4980-040°33F4980-04Packs of 50°0°0°0°0°4411223344F4984-04F4980-04F4980-04F4980-04F4984-04Courtesy of Dr. F. GiuntoliMEMORIA ® AND BETA MEMORIA ® LINGUAL ARCHWIRESSections .012” and.014” are made of a special Nickel Titaniumalloy allowing light adaptations necessary in case of treatmentextension to first bicuspids, thus keeping high elasticity.Section .016” Beta MEMORIA ® is ideal to optimize the alignmentand levelling values. The selector C4950-00 is available (page 37)to select the correct archwire shape.Packs of 2F4980-91IDEA-L LINGUAL BRACKET KITComposition of the kit: 8 brackets (one arch) and 12Slide ligatures extra-small, silver colour.inch.012.014.016MEMORIA ® lingual archwiressmall medium largeC4950-12 C4951-12 C4952-12C4950-14 C4951-14 C4952-14Beta MEMORIA ® ingual archwiresC4970-16 C4971-16 C4972-16F4900-60KIT OF ASSORTED JIGSSix sizes for the selection of the proper position accordingto the anatomy of the lingual surface of the tooth.Assorted pack of 120 pcsJIGS - REFILL Packs of 20F4900-01 size 1F4900-02 size 2F4900-03 size 3F4900-04 size 4F4900-05 size 5F4900-06 size 6104

direct bonding accessorieswww.leone.itD.B. LINGUAL ACCESSORIESF2860-00 F2870-00F2860-00 Flat buttonF2870-00 Curved buttonF2893-00F2890-00F2893-00 Curved lug for elasticsF2890-00 Flat lug for elasticsF2820-00 Gull winged cleatF2822-00 Cleat low profileF2820-00 F2822-00F2824-00 Low profile cleat for molarF2824-00F2810-00F2810-00 EyeletPacks of 10Packs of 100 on requestD.B. BUTTONS E TREMO NO-NICKELSingle piece buttons manufactured with MIM ® technology in a biocompatible nickel free*alloy. The Extremo no-nickel base, anatomical and with micro highly retentive cavities,perfectly fits the tooth and ensures an excellent bond with the use of any kind of adhesives.Packs of 10F9060-00Low flatF9070-00Deep curvedD.B. NATURA ®HOOKSDesigned by Dr. Massimo Ronchin. Made of siliceous copolymer.Packs of 10F5060-00FlatF5060-01Curved*In accordance with ISO 22674105

www.leone.itdirect bonding techniqueF3140-01NO-MIX ORTHODONTIC ADHESIVE IN SYRINGESNo mix of components is required. It saves much valuable chairtime. Theapplication is simple and fast. The dense etching gel avoids contact of theacid with soft tissues.The position of the bracket on the tooth can be adjusted on by 20 seconds fromapplication. A light archwire can be inserted 5 minutes after bonding of thelast bracket. Advantages: hygiene, ease of dispensing and handling.Package includes:- adhesive in 3 syringes of 5 g each,- 1 activator of 14 g,- 1 etching gel of 9 g,- 40 brushes,- mixing pads and plastic spatulasREFILLSActivatorF3141-0114 gAdhesive in syringesEtching gelF3142-01F3143-013x5 g9 gF3107-00PRIMER FOR D.B. AESTHETIC BRACKETSNecessary for bonding fiber glass, micro-filled copolymer and NATURA ® brackets to enamelwith <strong>Leone</strong> orthodontic adhesive or any other type of adhesive.Apply a thin layer on to the bracket base prior to usual bonding procedure.Pack of 8 gUNIVERSAL BONDING MESHF2811-00 Thick Fine thread F2812-00 Large threadPacks of 1 strip, 10 cm long106

direct bonding techniquewww.leone.itF3170-01LIGHT-CURE ORTHODONTIC ADHESIVEIt allows a precise placement of brackets with easy removal of excess materialfrom bracket base without curing and giving the clinician a prolonged workingtime. Once bracket is in the right position, just put it under light for 30 secondsto obtain the complete curing process.Package includes:- 4 preloaded syringes of 5 g each,- 1 liquid primer of 7 g,- 1 etching gel of 9 g,- 40 disposable brushes,- mixing pads and plastic spatulasREFILLSPrimerF3171-017 g4 SyringesEtching gelF3172-01F3143-014x5 g9 gF3161-01ETCHING GELA 33% orthophosphoric acid gel filled into a convenient syringe of 12 g, provided with thin tipapplication sticks for ease of dispensing and dosage. Ideal for any type of bonding system.Its gelatinous solidity and the green colour prevent acid from spreading in unwanted areas.Package includes: 1 syringe and 25 disposable tipsF3110-01PRIMER FOR BONDING ON CERAMIC CROWNSNecessary for bonding metal brackets to ceramic prosthesis.Pack of 6 ml107

www.leone.itdirect bonding retainers and accessoriesUPPER RETAINERCENTRAL TO CENTRALmmpkg.F3812-93UPPER RETAINER CENTRAL TO CENTRAL KITAssorted kit of 20469F3812-04F3812-06F3812-0910UPPER RETAINERLATERAL TO LATERALmmpkg.14F3822-14F3822-93UPPER RETAINER LATERAL TO LATERAL KITAssorted kit of 20161820F3822-16F3822-18F3822-2010LOWER RETAINER CUSPID TO CUSPIDTooth shaped pads allow the maximum retentionstrength. Small thickness for a perfect adjustment tothe lingual surface, with ease of hygiene and lowerpatient discomfort.mm29F3836-29pkg.31F3836-31newF3836-93LOWER RETAINER CUSPID TO CUSPID KITAssorted kit of 10F3810-27FLAT WOVEN WIRE FOR RETAINER333537F3836-33F3836-35F3836-372Ideal to get minimally invasive and resistant splinting.The high plasticity of the wire permits the exact fit tothe anatomy of the tongue while its woven geometryfavors the union with the composite.Coil of 1.5 mF3940-95DIASTEMA KITPack: 20 tubes and 10 springsREFILLSF3941-00 SpringsF3942-00 TubesPacks of 10108

Positioning of MIM ® tubes for sinteringTubes and brackets

www.leone.it<strong>Leone</strong> buccal tubes are produced in stainless steel with Metal Injection Moulding technology for absolute precision of theslot size and a special bevelled design for maximum patient’s comfort.Every MIM ® tube and attachment may be pre welded to either CALIBRA ® or WEB ® bands with free prewelding service orsolder-brazed on the D.B. anatomical mesh pad MAXI F2800-00, which is first molar anatomical contoured.Solder-brazing service is free of charge.<strong>Leone</strong> brackets are manufactured from stainless steel with a mechanical micro machine working system to get thehighest precision of slots. General tolerance is lower than 3/100. Under edges of tie wings are rounded.All the <strong>Leone</strong> brackets may be welded on either CALIBRA ® or WEB ® bands with a free prewelding service.Tubes and brackets110

MIM ®buccal tubeswww.leone.itMIM ®BUCCAL TUBESEvery MIM ® tube may be pre welded to either CALIBRA ® or WEB ® bands with free prewelding service (page 55) or solder-brazed on theD.B. anatomical mesh pad MAXI F2800-00, which is first molar anatomical contoured (page 102). Solder-brazing service is free of charge.Also available in the direct bonding version upon request (page 100).Packs of 10Packs of 100 on requesttorquerect.tuberot.roundtubediam.rect.tubeslotweldable tubesauxiliary tube .018”x.025”6 66 66 60°0°-10° +8°-10° +8°.045”occl..051”occl..045”occl..051”occl..018”.022”.018”.022”.018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLG8084-22G8084-23G8024-22G8024-23G8085-12G8085-13G8025-12G8025-13G8384-22G8384-23G8324-22G8324-23G8385-12G8385-13G8325-12G8325-13auxiliary tube .018”x.025”6 66 66 60°-10° +8°.045”ging..045”ging..018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8084-12G8084-13G8024-12G8024-13G8384-12G8384-13G8324-12G8324-136 66 66 60°-14° +8°.018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8070-16G8070-17G8010-16G8010-17G8070-02G8070-03G8010-02G8010-03newauxiliary tube .018”x.025”6 6-25° +8°.018”.022”RLRLG8070-06G8070-07G8010-06G8010-07111

www.leone.itMIM ®buccal tubesMIM ®BUCCAL TUBESPacks of 10Packs of 100 on requesttorquerect.tuberot.roundtubediam.rect.tubeslotweldable tubes6 66 60°0°.045”occl..051”occl..018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8084-32G8084-33G8024-32G8024-33G8085-22G8085-23G8025-22G8025-236 6-10° +8°-10° +8°.045”occl..051”occl..018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8384-32G8384-33G8324-32G8324-33G8385-22G8385-23G8325-22G8325-236 66 60°0°.045”ging..051”ging..018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8084-02G8084-03G8024-02G8024-03G8085-02G8085-03G8025-02G8025-036 6-10° +8°-10° +8°.045”ging..051”ging..018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8384-02G8384-03G8324-02G8324-03G8385-02G8385-03G8325-02G8325-036 6-25° +8°-25° +8°.045”ging..051”ging..018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8384-06G8384-07G8324-06G8324-07G8385-06G8385-07G8325-06G8325-07112

MIM ®buccal tubeswww.leone.ittorquerect.tuberot.roundtubediam.rect.tubeslotweldable tubes6 66 60°.018”.022”RLRLG8081-02G8081-03G8021-02G8021-037 6 6 7-10° +8°-14° +8°.018”.022”.022”RLRLRLG8381-02G8381-03G8321-02G8321-03G8321-12G8321-13-20° +8°.022”RLG8321-16G8321-177 6 6 7-25° +8°.018”.022”RLRLG8381-06G8381-07G8321-06G8321-07MIM ®LINGUAL TUBE WITH BALL HOOKG2846-02 RightG2846-03 LeftG2847-02 Right, rotation -8°G2847-03 Left, rotation -8°The curved flanges adapt to contours of both first and second molars.For use with double wires: .036”.Packs of 10MIM ®ACTIVATOR TUBE FOR EXTRAORAL FACEBOWManufactured with Metal Injection Moulding technology, it allows high retention intoacrylics. Comfortable bevelled design.Packs of 10A0761-45 .045”A0761-51 .051”113

www.leone.itconvertible MIM ®buccal tubesCONVERTIBLE MIM ® BUCCAL TUBESThe laser welded convertible cap prevents from any detachment and it is easy removable with the special <strong>Leone</strong> instrument P1090-00.Every tube is available: in the D.B. version, prewelded to either CALIBRA ® or WEB ® bands or solder-brazed on the D.B. anatomical meshpad MAXI F2800-00 (free services see pages 55, 102).Packs of 10Packs of 100 on requesttorquerect.tuberot.roundtubediam.rect.tubeslotweldable tubesauxiliary tube .018”x.025”6 66 66 60°0°-10° +8°-10° +8°.045”occl..051”occl..045”occl..051”occl..018”.022”.018”.022”.018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLG8184-22G8184-23G8124-22G8124-23G8185-12G8185-13G8125-12G8125-13G8484-22G8484-23G8424-22G8424-23G8485-12G8485-13G8425-12G8425-136 66 66 60°-14° +8°.018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8170-16G8170-17G8110-16G8110-17G8470-02G8470-03G8410-02G8410-03newauxiliary tube .018”x.025”6 6-25° +8°.018”.022”RLRLG8470-06G8470-07G8410-06G8410-076 66 60°0°.045”occl..051”occl..018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8184-12G8184-13G8124-12G8124-13G8185-22G8185-23G8125-22G8125-236 66 6-10° +8°-10° +8°-14° +10°.045”occl..051”occl..045”occl..018”.022”.018”.022”.022”RLRLRLRLRLG8484-12G8484-13G8424-12G8424-13G8485-22G8485-23G8425-22G8425-23G8424-32G8424-33114

convertible MIM ®buccal tubeswww.leone.ittorquerect.tuberot.roundtubediam.rect.tubeslotweldable tubes6 66 60°0°.045”ging..051”ging.,.018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8184-02G8184-03G8124-02G8124-03G8185-02G8185-03G8125-02G8125-036 6-10° +8°-10° +8°.045”ging..051”ging..018”.022”.018”.022”RLRLRLRLG8484-02G8484-03G8424-02G8424-03G8485-02G8485-03G8425-02G8425-03-20°.022”RLG8424-16G8424-17-25°+8°.045”ging..018”RLG8484-06G8484-076 6-25°.022”RLG8424-06G8424-07-25° +8°.051”ging..018”.022”RLRLG8485-06G8485-07G8425-06G8425-076 66 60°.018”.022”RLRLG8181-02G8181-03G8121-02G8121-036 6-10° +8°.018”.022”RLRLG8481-02G8481-03G8421-02G8421-03-20° +8°.022”RLG8421-16G8421-176 6-25° +8°.018”.022”RLRLG8481-06G8481-07G8421-06G8421-07P1090-00CAP REMOVER FOR CONVERTIBLE TUBES* * *It makes the conversion of rectangular tube easy whenbanding of second molar is required.Autoclavable.Replaceable tips P1090-01, 2 pcs.115

www.leone.itweldable bracketsWELDABLE BRACKETSPacks of 10Packs of 100 on requestupperlowertorqueang.mmslot .018” slot .022” torque ang. mm slot .018” slot .022”2 1 1 22 1 1 22.50°2,5RLG2080-14 G2020-1420°2,0RLG2080-04 G2020-043.30°3,3RLG2080-34 G2020-342.10°2,1RLG2080-05 G2020-051 13 33.50°3,5RLG2086-14 G2026-142.50°2,5RLG2080-14 G2020-144.40°4,4RLG2080-44 G2020-442.70°2,7RLG2088-04G2028-043.3+10° +5°3,3RLG2421-02G2421-033.30°3,3RLG2088-14G2028-143.3+22° 0°3,3RLG2480-043.3+7° +5°3,3RLG2483-00G2483-082 22.72.70°+5° +10°2,72,7RLRLG2080-24 G2020-24G2422-02G2422-035 4 4 53.33.3-10°-10°+5°+10°3,33,3RLRLG2423-06G2423-07G2423-16G2423-172.7+14° +8°2,7RLG2482-02G2482-032.70°2,7RLG2088-04G2028-043 35 4 4°0°0°+7° +5°-10° +10°-10° +15°0°0°0°2,52,73,33,33,33,32,73,32,0RLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLG2080-14 G2020-14G2088-04G2088-14G2483-08G2483-00G2028-04G2028-14G2423-02G2423-03G2423-12G2423-13G2088-04 G2028-04G2088-34 G2028-34G2089-14 G2029-1466663.33.33.323.°-15°-17°-22°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°0°3,33,33,32,03,33,33,33,54,4RLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLRLG2088-34G2484-05G2485-05G2089-14G2084-01G2028-34G2029-14G2024-01G2489-15 G2429-15G2489-05 G2429-25G2086-14 G2026-14G2080-44 G2020-443.30°3,3RLG2084-01 G2024-013.3-7° 0°3,3RLG2489-01 G2429-11suggested for Andrews systemsuggested for Ricketts system116

connectors for laser welding and weldable accessorieswww.leone.itCONNECTORS FOR LASER WELDINGConnectors for laser welding are accessories to be welded on the lingual side of the bands.Manufactured with MIM ® technology, they feature a special fit geometry allowing the hold ofthe wire or the arm of the expander for laser welding of elements with a different thickness.The three models allow to make expanders, palatal bars and quad-helix with safety and solidityof the welded joints.Packs of 10G0560-00CONNECTORFOR EXPANDERSG0565-09CONNECTOR 0,9 mmFOR BICUSPIDSThe connector’s flanges ensurea good joint to the band bymeans of a welding machineThe connector’s shape enablesa correct biomechanical positionof the arm and the hygiene ofthe areaG0570-09CONNECTOR 0,9 mmFOR MOLARSDetail of the wire housing intothe connector’s seatLaser welded connector:mechanic resistance andstainlessness are guaranteedROUND TUBESTWIN ARCH SYSTEM TUBES.036”.045”.045”mm6,55,59,5G0533-36G0532-45G0535-45pkg.10G0520-24Length 28,6 mmFor double wire .011”.Outer diameter: .036”.MIM ®SURGICAL HOOKSFor intermaxillary post-surgical fixationand tractions. Round edges.Easy to place with plier P1911-00.ROUND TUBINGG0533-36For soldering. Inner diameter .036”..036”.045”G0525-36G0525-45pkg.1 pc30 cmlongPacks of 10mm for arch .018” for arch .022” pkg.2,02,0openG9620-18 G9620-22G9650-18 G9650-2210117

www.leone.itweldable accessoriesG2800-00TONGUE CRIBS MESTRE STYLEFor preventing sucking habits and tonguethrusting.Easy to adapt and ready polished.Pack of 1LINGUAL BUTTONSG2860-00Flatfor centering on molarsG2865-00Curvedfor mesial placement on molarsG2850-00LINGUAL SEATING LUGSPacks of 100G2870-00Deep curved for bicuspidsPacks of 10CRIMPABLE ARCH STOPIt can be inserted without removing thearchwire. Once placed into the mouth,crimp it with a heavy cutter or universalplier. Suggested for use with coil springstoo.ELASTIC LUGSG2893-00 Curved for posteriorsG2890-00 Flat for anteriorsPacks of 100G2810-00EYELETSPacks of 100G9225-18 arches .018”x.025”G9228-22 arches .022”x.028”Packs of 10G2820-00LINGUAL CLEATS HIGH PROFILEPacks of 100LINGUAL CLEATS LOW PROFILEG2824-00 For molarsG2822-00 For cuspidsand bicuspidsPacks of 100G9019-25CRIMPABLE CLOSED HOOKFor treatment with STEP technique, itis used for the application of intra andextraoral forces on .019”x.025” archwiresin extra spring hard or super hard heattreatedstainless steel. Crimp it with alarge cutter or P1911-00 plier.Packs of 10118

Packaging of elastic ligaturesElastics and ligatures

www.leone.it<strong>Leone</strong> offers elastics manufactured with the best quality of latex available.The innovative low friction Slide * ligatures are manufactured in a special medical grade polyurethane mix providing allthe advantage of low friction biomechanical properties with shorter therapeutic times and without the need of extractions.These ligatures are especially indicated for use with Logic Line brackets.<strong>Leone</strong> modules for ligatures are stamped from elastomer offering the best elasticity and resistance to oral liquid absorption.<strong>Leone</strong> wires for metal ligatures are manufactured out from a high vacuum annealed alloy for the best fit and highermechanical load.Elastics and ligaturesSlidelow friction system*Patented120

Slide low friction ligatureswww.leone.itSlide LOW FRICTION LEGATURESSlide is a product manufactured with a special polyurethane mix for medicaluse. It is applied similarly to conventional elastic ligatures. Once placed onthe bracket, it creates a passive ligature on the slot that makes the archwirefree to slide and to produce its effects on the dentoalveolar structures. Thisligature is especially indicated for use with Logic Line brackets (pages 79..85,87..90), which are featuring a housing to keep Slide ligature in place for integrationin the bracket profile. The particular conformation of the Slide ligatureconsiderably improves patient’s comfort during the first phases of treatment.Packs of 10 modules, 6 ligatures eachcolour extra-small small medium1 2blueK6254-10AK6251-10AK6252-10AyellowK6254-10GK6251-10GK6252-10G3 4greenK6254-10VK6251-10VK6252-10V5 6whiteK6254-10K6251-10K6252-107 8redK6254-10RK6251-10RK6252-10RblackK6254-10NK6251-10NK6252-10N910iceK6224-10K6221-10K6222-1011 12silverK6264-10K6261-10K6262-10121

www.leone.itSlide low friction ligaturesSlide COLOURED LIGATURES KITK6254-93 extra-smallK6251-93 smallK6252-93 mediumPacks of 432 pcs: 72 assorted modules, 6 ligatures each in 6 colors:(black, red, white, green, yellow, blue)K6220-95Slide LIGATURE ICE KITK6260-95Slide LIGATURE SILVER KITPacks of 432 pcs: 72 modules, 6 ligatures each:24 extra-small, 24 small, 24 mediumSlide AQUA LOW FRICTION LIGATURESThanks to an innovative manufacturing process, the new Slide low frictionligatures AQUA are not subject to corrosion by oral liquids and are now evenmore resistant to discoloration (a recurring issue with transparent elastomers).Changing ligatures frequently is no longer necessary and perfectaesthetics is guaranteed. This ligature is indicated for use with Logic Lineaesthetic brackets (pages 87..90) which are featuring a housing to keepSlide ligature in place for the integration in the bracket’s profile.Clear color.Courtesy of Dr. A. FortiniK6214-10 extra-smallK6211-10 smallK6212-10 mediumPacks of 10 modules, 6 ligatures eachK6210-93Slide AQUA LIGATURE KITPacks of 432 pcs: 72 assorted modules, 6 ligatures each:24 extra-small, 24 small, 24 medium122

elastic ligatureswww.leone.itELASTIC LIGATURESManufactured out from high elastic material with a precision injection mouldingprocess. The perfect ring section facilitates the ligature of the brackets.The use of the mini modules allows for a better control of infections.ELASTIC COLOURED LIGATURE KIT MINI MODULESK7351-93 inner diam. 1,0 mm - smallK7352-93 inner diam. 1,3 mm - mediumK7353-93 inner diam. 1,6 mm - largePacks of 840 rings, 6 mini modules of 10 rings each in 14 coloursK7320-93ELASTIC LIGATURE KITSILVER AND TRANSPARENT MINI MODULESPacks of 840 rings:84 assorted mini modules of 10 rings each: 24 small, 36 medium, 24 largeMINI MODULEScoloursmall medium largeinner diam.1,0 mminner diam.1,3 mminner diam.1,6 mmblueK7351-10AK7352-13AK7353-16Ablue fluorescentK7301-10AK7302-13AK7303-16ApinkK7351-10SK7352-13SK7353-16Spink fluorescentK7301-10SK7302-13SK7303-16SgreenK7351-10VK7352-13VK7353-16Vgreen fluorescentK7301-10VK7302-13VK7303-16VyellowK7351-10GK7352-13GK7353-16Gyellow fluorescentK7301-10GK7302-13GK7303-16Gred K7351-10R K7352-13R K7353-16R 200pcs.red fluorescentK7301-10R K7302-13R K7303-16RorangeK7351-10EK7352-13EK7353-16Eorange fluorescentK7301-10EK7302-13EK7303-16EpurpleK7351-10LK7352-13LK7353-16Lpurple fluorescentK7301-10LK7302-13LK7303-16LtransparentK7321-10K7322-13K7323-16silverK7361-10K7362-13K7363-16Packs of 20 mini modules, 10 rings each123

www.leone.itelastic chains and separatorsELASTIC CHAINS FOR LIGATURESManufactured out from high elastic materialwith a precision injection moulding process.The perfect ring section facilitates the ligatureof the brackets. The use of the minimodules allows for a better control of infections.innergreytransparentpkg.ELASTIC CHAIN KIT1,30 mmlongshortextra shortK6460-13K6465-13K6466-13K6420-13K6425-13K6426-13long short extra shortspoolsof 5 m(15 feet)K6429-93 TransparentK6469-93 GreyPacks of 6 spools:3 short, 2 closed and 1 longon a plexiglas rackK6378-00RADIO OPAQUE SEPARATORS IN MODULESTheir circular section allows an easy application with the special plier P1141-00 assuring agradual and comfortable separation of the teeth before the application of the bands. Radioopaque for a secure X-ray visualization.Pack of 100 modules, 10 rings eachK6461-00TIE-BACKFor the application of elastic tractions on treatments with STEP technique.Easy insertion on molar tube.The four anterior holes allow a perfect dosage of force on archwire hook.Colour: silver grey.Pack of 10124

elastic ligatures and ligature wirewww.leone.itELASTIC LIGATING MODULEStransparent grey pink blue greeninner1,0 mm K7825-10 K7865-10 K7855-10S K7855-10A K7855-10V1,3 mm K7825-13 K7865-13 K7855-13S K7855-13A K7855-13Vpkg.600pcs.ELASTIC WIRE FORLIGATURES AND TRACTIONSMade of highly elastic, atoxic polyurethane.The rough surface enhances thetightness of ligatures and traction loops.Packs of 30 modules, 20 rings eachmm0,60,8transparentK6125-06K6125-08pkg.8 mELASTIC LIGATURESThey may be used in replacement of metallic ligatures.Easy engagement under bracket tie wings.inner1,0 mm1,3 mm1,0 mm1,3 mmcolourtransparentgreyK6320-10K6320-13K6360-10K6360-13pkg.1000pcs.COTTON THREADFOR ELASTIC LIGATURESA special elasticized cotton thread createdfor separation, distalization, tractionmovements of non-erupted teeth, rotationand closure of spaces at the end of treatment.lightmediumstrongK4030-01K4030-02K4030-03reelsof25 m125

www.leone.itligature wire and protective tubesLIGATURE WIREELASTIC LIGATURE WIREMade of stainless steel.pkg.mminchpkg.500% elongation capacity with little fatigue.High degree of resistance to oralliquid absorption.Spools of 8 mK4050-23 0,23 .009 K4051-23spoolsof 20 gapprox.K4050-25 0,25 .010 K4051-25K4050-28 0,28 .011 K4051-28K4050-30 0,30 .012 K4051-30reelsof 500 gapprox.mm0,60transparent greyK6020-06 K6060-06K4050-36 0,36 .014 K4051-360,80K6020-08 K6060-08K6990-18THERMORETRACTILEPROTECTIVE TUBEA thermo retractile plastic tubing forcovering of labial arches and lip bumpers.It acts as a bumper to protect thebuccal mucous membrane from contactwith metal wire for better patientcomfort. For wires 1,15 mm (.045”) up to1,80 mm (.071”) in diameter.Pack of 1 mK0470-00LABIAL ARCHWIRE TUBEMade of a chemically inert material,anti-adhesive, non porous, with a verylow friction coefficient. Slightly thermoretractile when heated at 150°C.For wires 0,7 mm (.028”) up to 0,8 mm(.031”) in diameter.Pack of 5 mELASTOMERPROTECTIVE TUBEHigh flexible tube that can easily slip overthe arch wire to protect buccal mucosafrom damage or irritation. When cut toproper length, it prevents over-closureof spaces.inner transparentmm inch pkg.0,5 .018 K6940-053 m0,7 .027 K6940-07126

preformed ligature wire and ligatureswww.leone.itPREFORMED WIRE KOBAYASHIOnce ligature is ready, a traction hookmay be formed with the looped solderedend, suitable for any kind of bracket.K4680-36NATURA ®PREFORMED KOBAYASHI LIGATURESMade of wire .014” (0,36 mm) in diameter,twisted, with tooth colour coating.Pack of 100K4280-30NATURA ®PREFORMED LIGATURE WIREMade of wire .012” (0,30 mm) with toothcolour coating.Pack of 100mm inch pkg.0,30 .0120,36 .014K4610-30K4610-36100K4430-25PREFORMED LIGATURE TIESMade of wire .010” (0,25 mm) in diameter.Pack of 1000K4480-30NATURA ®PREFORMED LIGATURE TIESMade of wire .012” (0,30 mm) in diameter,with tooth colour coating.Pack of 100PREFORMED LIGATURE WIREmm inch pkg.0,23 .009 K4210-230,250,28.010.011K4210-25K4210-2810000,30.012K4210-30127

www.leone.itelasticsINTRAORAL ELASTICSCut from pure surgical latex tubing. All packages indicate the diameter size and the elasticpull which comes into force when the elastic is stretched three times its diameter. On eachbag a colored image is printed, for an immediate identification from young patients.Packs of 10 bags, 100 elastics approx. each baginnerbrown green red blue orange1/8” - 3,2 mm3/16” - 4,8 mm1/4” - 6,4 mm5/16” - 7,9 mm3/8” - 9,5 mmlight2,5 oz - 70 gK0901-02K0902-02K0903-02K0904-02K0905-02medium4,5 oz - 126 gK0906-04K0907-04K0908-04K0909-04K0910-04heavy6,5 oz - 182 gK0915-06K0911-06K0912-06K0913-06K0914-06EXTRAORAL ELASTICSCut from pure surgical latex.Packs of 1 bagwith 100 elastics approx.K0950-00APPLICATORFOR INTRAORAL ELASTICSPack of 100K0930-93EXTRAORAL ELASTIC KITPack of 10 bags, 1 each diameterand pull force, 100 elasticsinner3/16” - 4,8 mm 1/4” - 6,4 mm 5/16” - 7,9 mm 3/8” - 9,5 mm 1/2” - 12,7 mmstrong8 oz - 224 gextra strong14 oz - 392 gK0932-08 K0933-08 K0934-08 K0935-08 K0936-08K0942-14 K0943-14 K0944-14 K0945-14 K0946-14Caution: these products contain natural rubber latex that may cause allergic reactions.128

Pulling-out test on safety release modulesOrthodontic mini implants and intra-extraoral

www.leone.itMini orthodontic implants are made of stainless steel for surgical use, they don’t induce osseointegration and are easyremovable once the orthodontic movement has been achieved.The product is combined with specialized instruments and accessories.Orthodontic mini implantsgrooveto facilitate the applicationof elastic chains, elastics, etc.sterile packagelowheadhighheadimplant carrierand vial capcolour codedself-drillingtipdrill shapedself-drillingmini implant*no osseointegrationmade of surgical stainless steel,easily removableself-tappingmini implantholefor the applicationof elastic chains orcoil springsself-tappingcoilmaximum stability*These products are available in a NON-sterile packaging for the US market.130

self-drilling orthodontic mini implantswww.leone.itSELF-DRILLING MINI IMPLANTS - STERILE*The special design of mini implants makes the insertion easy without the use of anyhole pre-drilling. The endosseous portion of the self drilling mini implant featuresone apical portion (2 mm length) drill shaped to punch the bone and one threadedportion (1,75 mm in diameter and 6 mm length) with self-tapping coil for theanchorage to the bone. The head of the self-drilling mini implant is available in twotransmucosal heights, it is mushroom shaped to facilitate appliance placement andcoil springs. One stage, transmucousal and minimum invasive surgical techniqueis needed, with optimal primary stability for the immediate load of the orthodonticappliance. Self-drilling mini implants are supplied sterile, ready to use with thespecial handpiece adapter. The use of a surgical micromotor is recommended.In case of use of a contra-angle utilized in the dental office, a complete implantinsertion might not be obtained: the employment of the <strong>Leone</strong> Implant System handinstruments,such as the ratchet Cat. 156-1014-00 or the fan-type hand wrench Cat.156-1015-00 (page 133), could be necessary.Packs of 1SELF-DRILLING MINI IMPIANTSlowheadhighheadmm1,75mm88002-1708-01002-1708-02*These products are available in a NON-sterilepackaging for the US market.1 2Remove the mini implant from the sterile vial by exerting agentle traction on the implant cap and connect the handpieceadapter Cat. 080-1002-00 to the head of the mini implant.Once positioned into the adapter, remove the implant capwith a gentle counter clockwise rotary movement.3 4Lean the drilling tip of the mini implant on the attachedmucosa in the selected area. Exert a pressure gentle enoughto punch the soft tissues till the cortical bone has beenreached.Set the maximum speed on micromotor to 300 rpm andtorque value to 40 Ncm. Start to drill the mini implant whileirrigating abundantly with water. Immediately after havingreached the cortical bone and as soon as the presence of asofter bone tissue has been detected, reduce the micromotormaximum speed to 50 rpm. Complete the insertion underthese parameters.The pictures and information described in this page have informative purpose only and they are not intended to furnish any therapeutic advice for the dental surgeon, the dentist, the dental technician or thepatient. <strong>Leone</strong> Spa expressly disclaims any liability neither will furnish any warranty regarding the exactness or the conformance of the information furnished in these pages.131

www.leone.itself-tapping orthodontic mini implantsSELF-TAPPING MINI IMPLANTSMade of stainless steel for surgical use and easily removable once the orthodontic movementhas been achieved. They are available either with low or high head, in two types: one with apassing hole on the head and another with a groove and the protruding portion like an orthodonticbutton to facilitate the application of chains, elastics or springs. A clinical proceduresleaflet for the positioning of the Orthodontic Mini Implants may be downloaded from our website www.leone.itPacks of 1SELF-TAPPING MINI IMPLANTSmmmmhighheadhighheadlowheadlowhead1,521,52000-1508-02000-1510-02000-1512-02000-2008-02000-2010-02000-2012-02000-1508-01000-1510-01000-1512-01000-2008-01000-2010-01000-2012-01SELF-TAPPING MINI IMPLANTS WITH GROOVE81012810128101281012001-0001-24SELF-TAPPING MINI IMPLANT KITThe package contains: 24 mini implants, 2 pieces each length and diameteravailable with low and high head, 4 drills, 1 screwdriver.001-0002-24SELF-TAPPING MINI IMPLANT WITH GROOVE KITThe package contains: 24 mini implants with groove, 3 pieces eachlength available with low and high head, 2 drills, 1 screwdriver, 1 adapterCat. 080-1003-00, 1 circular punch, 1 adapter Cat. 080-1002-00.mmmmhighhead26810001-2006-02001-2008-02001-2010-02DRILLS FOR SELF-TAPPING MINI IMPLANTS126001-2012-02001-2006-01mm1,1mm090-1134-00lowhead2810001-2008-01001-2010-011,31,512090-1334-00090-1534-0012001-2012-011,7090-1734-00080-1000-01 SCREWDRIVER FOR SELF-TAPPING MINI IMPLANTS080-1000-22 Replaceable tip132

instruments for orthodontic mini implantswww.leone.it080-1001-00MUCOTOME FORORTHODONTIC MINI IMPIANTSCircular scalpel to be attached to thehandle of the screwdriver <strong>Leone</strong> Cat.080-1000-01 for mini implants. With adiameter slightly larger than the head ofthe mini implants, the scalpel allows toprepare a suitable hole, without the needof any suture afterwards.080-1001-01CIRCULAR SCALPELFOR CONTRA-ANGLEDesigned for the insertion of orthodonticmini implants. Made of titanium surgicalgrade. It is used with low speed contraangleallowing the creation of a suitablehole in the attached mucosa.Diameter 2,2 mm080-1002-00HANDPIECE ADAPTERFor use with the contra-angle for theinsertion of mini implants also in difficultaccess areas.080-1003-00ADAPTER FOR SCREWDRIVER AND INSTRUMENTSFor use with screwdrivers Cat. 156-1001-00, Cat. 156-1001-01and ratchet Cat. 156-1014-00 of the <strong>Leone</strong> Implant Systemin the application of mini implants in posterior or difficultaccess areas.FAN-TYPE HAND WRENCHMade of stainless steel and anodized aluminium. With hexagonal hole matching the miniimplant’s head. Sidewise it presents a hole for the insertion of a safety leash.It is necessary to complete the insertion of the mini implant into the implant site.Supplied non-sterile, sterilize under autoclave prior to initial use (Cat. 156-1015-00).133

www.leone.itlip bumperM3052-00MINI LIP BUMPER ACC. TO PROF. NICOLA VELTRIDesigned by Prof. Nicola Veltri: this device is intended for use onpatients with deciduous or mixed dentition with lack of space and / orsmall jaw with either sagittal or transversal dimension. The early applicationon deciduous molars positively stimulates the development of themandible. The mini lip bumper is made with a special inclination of thearchwire so as the anterior shield is positioned in the area where the lipis highly pushed forward and has a stop adjustable screw that makes aprecise activation possible without the need of bending the wire.The adjustment of the stop requires the screwdriver P1520-00.Pack of 5newLIP BUMPERMade of biomedical stainless steel .045” wire.Non toxic techno-polymer labial coating.M3050-00 without loopsM3051-00 with loopsPacks of 10LIP BUMPER WITH LOOPS AND BAYONET STOPSsizepkg.pkg.1M3051-01M3051-0112M3051-02M3051-0123M3051-031M3051-013104M3051-04M3051-0145M3051-05M3051-015134

LEONEextraoral facebowsLEONEwww.leone.itEXTRAORAL FACEBOWSMade entirely of biomedical spring stainless steel wire with singlepiece inner bow. Breakage resistant laser welded bow joint, with totalabsence of solder, to prevent from eventual allergic reactions due tothe presence of two metals. Midline clearly marked. The outer bowis available in two lengths. Bright electro-polishing for maximumhygiene.Caution: all extra oral facebows have to be used with <strong>Leone</strong> safetyrelease modules M0810.midline clearly markedhooks for elasticsouter archdiameterinner archdiameterstandard facebowstandard facebowwith hooks for elasticsmm mm inchpkg.pkg.pkg.pkg.longouter archshortouter archM4800-00 M4800-001 M4801-00 M4801-0011,80 1,14 .045 1 10 110M4830-00 M4830-001 M4831-00 M4831-001M3620-01SLEEVE FOR EXTRAORAL FACEBOWS AND HEADGEARSPacks of 10135

www.leone.itextraoral facebows and accessoriesEXTRAORAL FACEBOWSMade entirely of biomedical stainless steel wire, 1,80 mm in diameter, withsingle piece inner bow, 1,14 mm (.045”) in diameter.Breakage resistant laser welded bow and bite joints, 0,5 mm thick, with totalabsence of solder, to prevent from eventual allergic reactions due to the presenceof two metals. Bright electro-polishing for maximum hygiene.Caution: all extraoral facebows have to be used with <strong>Leone</strong> safety spring releasemodules M0810.WITH PREFORMED LOOPSd = intermolar widthfrom loop to loop in millimeterLEONEdsize83 190 297 3104 4111 5long outer bowshort outer bowpkg.pkg.pkg.pkg.M4805-01 M4805-011 M4835-01 M4835-011M4805-02 M4805-021 M4835-02 M4835-021M4805-03 1 M4805-031 10 M4835-03 1 M4835-031 10M4805-04 M4805-041 M4835-04 M4835-041M4805-05 M4805-051 M4835-05 M4835-051LEONEWITH PREFORMED LOOPS AND HOOKS FOR ELASTICSd = intermolar widthfrom loop to loop in millimeterdLEONE 1size83 190 297 3104 4111 5long outer bowM4806-01M4806-02M4806-03M4806-04M4806-05pkg.1LEONEWITH BITE AND PREFORMED LOOPSd = intermolar widthfrom loop to loop in millimeterLEONEdsize83 190 297 3104 4111 5with bite planehard stainless steelpkg.M4808-01M4808-02M4808-03M4808-04M4808-051with bite planesoft stainless steelpkg.M4808-11M4808-12M4808-14M4808-151136

extraoral facebows and accessorieswww.leone.itEXTRAORAL FACEBOWS WITH SINGLE AND DOUBLE BITEMade entirely of biomedical stainless steel wire, 1,80 mm in diameter, withsingle piece inner bow, 1,14 mm (.045”) in diameter. Breakage resistant laserwelded bow and bite joints, 0,5 mm thick, with total absence of solder, toprevent from eventual allergic reactions due to the presence of two metals.Bright electro-polishing for maximum hygiene.Caution: all extraoral facebows have to be used with <strong>Leone</strong> safety releasemodules M0810.standard with hooks for elastics with hooks and elastic retractorwith bitewith double bitewith bitewith double bitewith bitewith double bitepkg.hard stainless steelbite planesoft stainless steelbite planeM4808-00 M4824-00 M4809-00 M4825-00 M4807-00 M4826-00M4808-10 M4824-10 M4809-10 M4825-10 M4807-10 M4826-101M3307-00WELDABLE STOP FOR ARCHESMade of biomedical stainless steel.It is mostly used with intra oral archesand lip bumper. Just use a spot of a weldingmachine to fix it. For use with wire1,14 mm (.045”) in diameter.Pack of 10M3714-00WELDABLE ADVANCEMENT BITEMade of biomedical stainless steel. Itsplain surface makes it to be welded toany stainless steel bite plane.Pack of 1M3309-00FACEBOW SCREW STOPMade of stainless steel. For use with wire1,14 mm (.045”) in diameter.Pack of 10M3309-95FACEBOW SCREW STOP KITIt includes: 50 stop screws and 1 screwdriver137

www.leone.itface maskssmallwith horizontaladjustmentsmallwith verticaladjustmentlargewith horizontaladjustmentbeige red yellow greenM0774-00M0774-01M0776-00M0774-00RM0776-00RM0774-00GM0776-00GM0774-00VM0776-00VFACE MASKUsed for treatment of maxillary insufficiencies,prognathism of the mandible and cleftpalate. Reverse orthopaedic pull betweenmaxilla and mandible facilitates orthodontictreatment afterwards. Made of stainlesssteel wire and non toxic acrylic, it canbe adaptable to perform any individualsize requirement with vertical or horizontaladjustment. All attachments are locked byset screws in metal housings. Face maskswith zygomatic holds feature an adjustableblue strap band.Packs of: 1 face mask, 1 screw wrench,instructions for use into a white sleeve forpatient.largewith verticaladjustmentM0776-01REPLACEMENT PARTSM0777-00 Chin padwith zygomaticholdsM0771-00M0771-00RM0771-00GM0771-00VM0778-00 Forehead padPacks of 1universaladjustableM0775-00M0775-00RM0775-00GM0775-00VM0779-00 Zygomatic hold padPacks of 2DYNAMIC FACE MASKM0772-01 BlueM0772-01R RedVertical adjustment.Packs of 1:- 1 face mask, 1 adjusting wrench,- 2 forehead pads,- 2 chin pads and instructions for useELASTICS RECOMMENDEDinner diameterstrongextrastrong8 oz - 224 g14 oz - 392 g3/18” - 9,5 mm 1/2” - 12,7 mmK0935-08 K0936-08K0945-14 K0946-14138

extraoral headgear and safety headgear systemwww.leone.itM0790-00HEADGEAR WITH CHIN CAPFor correction of Class III malocclusions withprognathism of the mandible. Headgear and elastictractions are fully adaptable; the chin cap innatural leather assures an ideal fit to any face.Colour: blue.Pack of 1REPLACEMENT PARTSM0791-00 Chin capPack of 1M0791-01 ElasticsPack of 2HEADGEAR FOR SAFETY MODULESHigh pull. Use with safety release spring modulesonly. It fits onto safety hooks of spring modules.Made of 100% cotton, hypoallergenic and washablewith comfortable padding. Available in 3 sizesand 2 colours to provide patient’s psychologicalcompliance.Packs of 1smallmediumlargesmallmediumlargeblueM0805-00M0805-10M0805-20pinkM0805-00SM0805-10SM0805-20SNECK PAD FOR SAFETY MODULESLow pull. Same as headgear both for use with safetymodules and materials.Available in 2 colours to provide patient’s psycologicalcompliance.M0800-00S PinkM0800-00 BluePacks of 10M3613-00SLEEVE FOR FACE MASKFor patient own face mask. White coloured, washable.Pack of 10139

www.leone.itsafety headgear systemSAFETY RELEASE MODULESFor use with the suitable headgear or neck pads only. Safety clasps disengagethe spring strap when a pressure pull of 2 Kg each side is exceeded.This system avoids dangerous slingshot rebound injuries of the facebow incase of disconnection from headgear tubes. Coil springs are incorporated intothe modules to provide constant traction force. Available in three colour-codedattachment straps showing the force level.Packs of 10lightmediumheavycolourtransparentyellowblueM0810-01M0810-02M0810-03stainless steelspringsrelease permanent forcessafety releasespring systemof the forcenotchnumbered strapsfor therapeutical controltotal safetyfor the patientclasps disengage the spring strap whena pressure pull of 2 Kg each side is exceededdifferentlycoloured strapsto indicate the different spring forceof modules1000blueyellowforce (g)5000000000000transparent5 10 15 20extension (mm)Traction force released by each module can be easily controlled: when 2 notchtension appears on the plastic strap under traction, 2/4 (two fourths) out ofthe total deliverable force of the spring is going to be released. Above diagramshows the pull forces released by each type of module.140

Assembly of cap removers for convertible tubesPliers and instruments

www.leone.it<strong>Leone</strong> offers a wide selection of pliers and orthodontic instruments, some of which are marked with the red symbol ***to underline their quality. These instruments are made of stainless steel of a superior strength and guaranteed againstany kind of sterilization processes. Hard metal cutting inserts and tips are gold brazed to the pliers body to afford longerinstrument life. Shape and screw joints are ergonomically designed to meet any orthodontic requirement.Pliers and instruments* * ** * *cutting inserts and tipsmade of hard metalstainless steelextremely resistant* * ** * *gold brazingfor longer instrument lifeshape and screw jointergonomically designed to meetany orthodontic requirement142

loop forming plierswww.leone.itP1900-00BIRD BEAK PLIERSANGLE STYLEP1902-00* * * * * *P1901-00LOOP FORMING PLIERSTWEED STYLELOOP FORMING PLIERSTWEED STYLE* * *Necessary for working round wires up to.032” (0,80 mm) in diameter. The beaksare .040” at the tip. A 9° angle is groundon the sides of pyramid beak to allow forwire springback. Beaks are parallel at.020” (0,51 mm) pliers opening.A pliers designed for making loops in roundor rectangular wires up to .022”x.028”(0,56x0,71 mm). The cylindrical beakshas two sections: .043” (1,09 mm) and.063” 1,60 mm).For forming loops in wires up to .022”(0,56 mm).P1450-00REPLACEMENT TIPS FOR P1901-00P1352-00FLAT-TAPERED PLIERSTWEED STYLEWith tapered beaks to form small sizedloops and springs.P1903-00YOUNG STYLE PLIERSFor wires up to .040” (1,02 mm).143

www.leone.itloop forming pliersP1904-00LIGHT WIRE PLIERSLonger and more tapered beaks thanAngle pliers. Excellent for bending smalldiameter loops. For wires up to .018” (0,46mm).* * *P1130-00HOLLOW-CHOP PLIERSFor contouring the archwire and formingcuspid offsets.P1073-00LOOP CLOSING PLIERSNANCE STYLEWith 4 sectioned tip for forming varioussize loops in rectangular and round wires.For wires up to .028” (0,71 mm).P1154-00MEDIUM WIRE PLIERSOPTICAL STYLEFor wires up to .028” (0,71 mm).P1155-00HEAVY WIRE PLIERSOPTICAL STYLEFor forming loops in hard clasp wires orlabial arch wires up to .032” (0,8 mm).144

activating plierswww.leone.itP1905-00RECTANGULAR ARCH PLIERSTWEED STYLE SHORT JAW* * *For use with square or rectangular wires.The blades are designed to be parallel at.020” (0,51 mm) pliers opening. Workingedges are carefully bevelled with a diamondhone to prevent wire scoring.P1906-00THREE JAW PLIERSADERER STYLEMEDIUMFor wires up to .036” (0,91 mm).* * *P1075-01THREE JAW PLIERSADERER STYLETHIN* * *For round wires up to .020” (0,51 mm)and rectangular up to .021”x.025”(0,53x0,64 mm).P1621-00INSTRUMENTFOR ENDORAL ACTIVATIONIndicated for multifunctional orthodonticscrews.145

www.leone.itspecialty and utility pliersP1907-00HOW STYLE PLIERS STRAIGHT* * * * * * * * *P1908-00HOW STYLE PLIERS STRAIGHTP1909-00HOW STYLE PLIERS OFFSETThe 3/32” (2,4 mm) gripping pads areserrated and shaped so that their centreline coincides with the axis of rotation ofthe pliers. Beaks are rounded to be completelylip safe.Exactly the same as P1097-00.With 1/8” (3,2 mm) gripping pads.Exactly the same as P1908-00 with tipsincorporating a 45° offset angle.P1910-00WEINGART STYLE PLIERSClassical design, the tips are carefullyrounded to make this pliers completelymouth safe. Useful for removal of ceramics.* * * P1912-00ARCH FORMINGAND CONTOURING PLIERSWith three grooves, for wires .016”, .018”and .022”.* * *P1913-00ARCH FORMING PLIERSWithout grooves.* * *146

distal end cutters and specialty pliersP1916-00DISTAL END CUTTER WITH SAFETY HOLDwww.leone.it* * *The particular design of this cutter allows distal end archwires be cut in the patient mouthsafely. It cuts the wire and then safely holds the loose distal end.Caution: maximum cutting capacity:- rectangular wire up to .022”x.028” (0,56x0,71 mm);- round wire up to .020” (0,51 mm);- twist wire up to .016” (0,41 mm).P1915-00DISTAL END CUTTER WITH SAFETY HOLD* * *The small dimensions do not interfere with quality. It cuts archwires and safely holds theloose distal end.Caution: maximum cutting capacity:- rectangular wire up to .022”x.028” (0,56x0,71 mm);- round wire up to .020” (0,51 mm);- twist wire up to .016” (0,41 mm).P1914-00MICRO DISTAL END CUTTER WITH SAFETY HOLDLONG HANDLES* * ** * *P1911-00SURGICAL HOOK AND STOP SCREWCRIMPING PLIERSThe retracted position of 10° angled hand grip affords a wider view inthe oral cavity.Caution: maximum cutting capacity:- rectangular wire up to .022”x.028” (0,56x0,71 mm);- round wire up to .020” (0,51 mm);- twist wire up to .016” (0,41 mm).A pliers designed to crimp surgical hooksin the archwire. It can also be used forfixing round or rectangular stops.10°147

www.leone.itcuttersP1917-00HARD WIRE CUTTER* * *For cutting orthodontic wires for fixed technique any size.Caution: maximum cutting capacity:- rectangular wire up to .022”x.028” (0,56x0,71 mm);- round wire up to .020” (0,51 mm).P1918-0045° OFFSET LIGATURE CUTTER* * *45° offset for easy access to posterior areas thus eliminating any cheek impingement.Caution: maximum cutting capacity:- ligature wire up to .014” (0,36 mm).P1919-00MINIATURE LIGATURE CUTTER* * *For soft wires.Caution: maximum cutting capacity:- ligature wire up to .014” (0,36 mm).P1099-00HEAVY DUTY CUTTERFor hard wires up to 1,5 mm.148

D.B. bracket and band removing plierswww.leone.itP1920-00D.B. BRACKET REMOVING PLIERS* * *P1921-00D.B. BRACKET REMOVING PLIERS* * *P1451-00METAL TIP FOR P1921-00It guarantees comfort of the patient. Thesharp beaks fit under bracket flange andremove it with ease.Designed to remove bonded bracketseasily. The sharp beak fits under bracketflange and removes it with ease. It willalso remove adhesive from the tooth.P1452-00VINYL TUBE - 15 cm FOR P1921-00P1922-00POSTERIOR BANDREMOVING PLIERS LONG* * *P1923-00POSTERIOR BANDREMOVING PLIERS SHORT* * *P1403-00WRENCHFOR CLASSIX PLIERSNecessary for removal of posterior bands.A plastic padded tip and a sharp removingbeak allow, with a slight pressure,high precision band removal.Same design and function as P1922-00but with a short beak for a better occlusalsupport.P1453-00REPLACEMENT PAD 3/16” (4,8 mm)FOR P1922-00 - P1923-00For pliers joint.149

www.leone.itlaboratory pliersP1530-00LABORATORY PLIERS ADAMS STYLEP1034-00P1099-00* * * * * *THREE JAW PLIERS ROUNDHEAVY DUTY CUTTERTungsten carbide inserted large tips.Necessary for bending wires in the laboratory.A round cone tip of 1,3 mm and apyramid beak of 1,4 mm.For wires up to 1,5 mm.Excellent for Crozat technique.Very sturdy, does not score wires.Suitable for bending the arms of expanders.For wires up to 1,5 mm.P1034-93THREE JAW PLIERS ROUNDWITH P1620-01* * *For hard wires up to 1,5 mmP1162-00UNIVERSAL PLIERSExtremely tapered design.For wires up to 0,9 mm.P1163-00UNIVERSAL PLIERSClassic design.For wires up to 0,9 mm.P1097-00ADAMS CLASPFORMING PLIERS NANCE STYLEFor forming Adams clasps and smallstops in the archwires.For wires up to 0,7 mm.150

www.leone.itClassix pliers and cutters are manufactured with the most advanced manufacturing technology available and superiorquality material. They are coming from the need to offer instruments featured by a good value for money.A range of 10 instruments has been selected to meet any orthodontic basic requirement.Classix pliers and cutters are manufactured with a special and superior hard steel to afford an optimal wire hold andresistance to corrosion of tips.All Classix instruments feature a special inner balanced joint allowing a smooth and precise, long lasting movement.Classix cutters’ cutting edges have tungsten carbide inserts, diamond honed for precise cutting of wires and pliers’ longlifetime. All cutters are entirely hard chrome finished for high resistance during sterilization.Classix instruments feature ergonomic handles and smooth rounded surfaces to allow the orthodontist for easy handlingand best operational precision.special steelsuperior hardness perfect wire holdresistance to corrosionexcellent valuefor moneybalancedarticulated jointsmooth and precise movementhard chromefinishfor high resistanceduring sterilizationClassix pliers and cutterstungsten carbidecutting insertsdiamond honed for precisewire cutting and long-lasting resultsergonomic handlessmooth edgesfor easy guidance151

www.leone.itClassix pliers and cuttersP2101-00BIRD BEAK PLIERS ANGLE STYLENecessary for working round wires up to .045” (1,14 mm).Beaks are only .025” (0,64 mm) at the tip to bend loops and omega loops, even small ones. A10° angle is ground on the sides of the rectangular beak to compensate for wire spring-backin the modelling stage. Beaks are parallel at .020” (0,51 mm) pliers opening and diamondhoned to prevent wire scoring.P2102-00OMEGA LOOP FORMING PLIERS TWEED STYLEConcave beak is contoured for making more uniform omega loops with ease. The round beakhas three sections: .045” (1,14 mm), .060” (1,52 mm), .075” (1,90 mm) and made of a hardelectro etched alloy to prevent wire slippage. Tip can be easily replaced with the use of theallen wrench.P2000-01 REPLACEMENT TIPS FOR P2102-00Pack: 2 tips and 1 wrenchP2103-00THREE-JAW PLIERSThe central beak is precision aligned and when the pliers is closed, it fits over the level of thetwo lateral beaks to form bends more acute than 90°.The tips are slightly tapered and diamond honed to prevent wire scoring.For round wires up to .036” (0,9 mm). It allows the activation of quad helix, palatal bars etc.in the oral cavity as well.P2104-00UTILITY PLIERS WEINGART STYLEThe tips are shaped to firmly hold wires and devices and perfectly angled to enhance thevisibility of the operative field.The two beaks are diamond honed to make it lip safe.P2105-00BAND REMOVING PLIERSWhen the pliers is closed, the non-padded remover tip does not get in contact with the acetalicresin pad: this allows it to make lever on the tube or the accessory, or on the edge of the bandfacilitating the safe removal from the mouth.P2000-02 REPLACEMENT PAD 3/16” (4,8 mm) FOR P2105-00152

Classix pliers and cutterswww.leone.itP2106-00D.B. BRACKET REMOVING PLIERSThe tapered tips wedge between both edges of the base of the bracket and the tooth surface:by slightly lifting off, the bracket is easily removed without any damage to the enamel. Usefulalso for removal of ceramic brackets.P2107-00RECTANGULAR ARCH FORMING PLIERS TWEED STYLEFor handling square or rectangular wires, torqueing and forming precision bends. The beaksare designed to be parallel at .020” (0,51 mm) pliers opening and diamond honed to preventwire scoring.P2108-00DISTAL END CUTTER WITH SAFETY HOLDDesigned for cutting the excess of distal wire and holding the loose archwire safely. The specialdesign and the accurate sharpening of the cutting edges make it to be functional witheither thin or coaxial wires.Caution: maximum cutting capacity: round wires .020” (0,51mm)rectangular wires .022”x.028” (0,56x0,71 mm).P2109-00HARD WIRE CUTTERThe hard structure, the quality of the cutting edge sharpening allow the use of it with any sizeand type of wires for fixed orthodontics. When closed, the working ends match at the tip onlyin order to assure a precise handling with any archwire size.Caution: maximum cutting capacity: round wires .020” (0,51mm)rectangular wires .022”x.028” (0,56x0,71 mm).P2110-00LIGATURE CUTTERThe tips are 15° angled for better field vision near the bracket’s tie wings.The cutting inserts have wide backing ledges to guarantee the maximum anchorage to thebody of the instrument.Caution: maximum cutting capacity: round wires .015” (0,38 mm)153

www.leone.itdirect bonding instrumentsUNIVERSAL BRACKET POSITIONING GAUGESMade of aluminium and stainless steel. Autoclavable.Used with either .018” or .022” slot brackets.Colour coded for immediate identification.colourgreenredbluepurpleP1601-00P1602-00P1603-00P1604-00size 2 - 2,5 mmsize 3 - 3,5 mmsize 4 - 4,5 mmsize 5 - 5,5 mmP1600-95 Assorted kit of 4P1509-00STAINLESS STEELUNIVERSAL BRACKET ALTIMETERA small device for measurement of theright height of bracket slots.P1026-00D.B. BRACKET TWEEZERSIt holds any type of bracket, from a wide twin to a single one.Self-locking of the bracket and release by pressure.Several tweezers can be pre-loaded with brackets to bond them one after the other.154

instruments and accessorieswww.leone.itP1098-00UTILITY INSTRUMENTP1520-00SCREWDRIVERFor use with micro spring screws.Tip of 1,5 mm.P1630-00MODELLING SPATULA LE CRON STYLE* * *P1090-00CAP REMOVER FOR CONVERTIBLE TUBESIt makes the conversion of rectangular tubeeasy when banding of the second molar isrequired. Autoclavable.P1090-01REPLACEABLE TIPS P1090-00Pack of 2155

www.leone.itband seating instrumentsP1001-01BAND DRIVER OFFSET TIPFully made of stainless steel.For placement and adjustment of bands. Activation is ease in all positions.Seating pressure range 80 up to 1000 g.* * *P1002-01REPLACEMENT TIPFOR P1001-01P1000-01BAND DRIVER STRAIGHT TIPExactly the same as P1001-01 but with straight tip.* * *P1003-01REPLACEMENT TIPFOR P1000-01P1077-00MERSHON BAND ADAPTERP1093-00BAND ADAPTER156

instrumentsP1025-00DYNAMOMETERwww.leone.it* * *High precision gauge for measuring tensileand compression forces exerted by springs andelastics for a maximum range of 16 oz (0,4536Kg). It is calibrated with 1 oz. single line and 4oz double line increments.DENTAL VERNIERSP1078-15 Long tipsP1560-15 Double tipsSpecific for inner and outermeasurement.P1622-00ARM BENDING INSTRUMENT FOR FAST BACKIt facilitates the job of the technician during the construction of the device.It allows to maintain the linearity of the arm which has to slide on the palatal tube.The aluminium handle joined to the tempered steel tube assures a firm grip to get accuratebends.P1620-01ARM BENDING INSTRUMENT FOR EXPANDERSIdeal to bend the expander’s arms with ease and precision.157

www.leone.itturretsTURRET FOR FORMING RECTANGULAR OR ROUND ARCHWIRESFor forming arch wires with or without torque adjustment.Available in six different versions and colour codes.The wire slotted body is made of stainless steel.P1167-00TURRETBLUE code* * *P1266-00TURRETBLACK code* * *For forming rectangular arch wires.016” up to .0215”.For forming rectangular arch wires withtorque adjustments: 0° - 10° - 16° - 23°.For use only with wire: .016”x.022”.P1168-00TURRETGOLD code* * *P1267-00TURRETPURPLE code* * *For forming rectangular arch wires withtorque adjustments: 0° - 7° - 10° - 13° - 16°.For use only with wire: .018”.For forming rectangular arch wires withtorque adjustments: 0° - 10° - 16° - 23°.For use only with wire: .016”x.016”.P1170-00TURRETSILVER code* * *For forming rectangular arch wires withtorque adjustments: 0° - 7° - 10° - 13° - 16°.For use only with wire: .022”.P1169-00TURRETGREEN codeFor forming round arch wires:.014” - .016” - .018” - .020”.* * *158

ligating instrumentswww.leone.it* * *P1505-01TWISTERFOR PREFORMED LIGATURE TIESK4430-25 AND K4480-30Fully made of stainless steel. Push theback button to insert the preformed ligaturetie. It makes position and finallegation easy.P1576-00LIGATURE AND ARCHWIRE TUCKERUseful for insertion of the arch wire intobracket slot. It is also used to tuck metalligatures and to apply elastic chains.P1506-00INSTRUMENT FOR F1000SELF-LIGATING BRACKETSIt allows for arch wire engagement byholding the wire into the slot. With a gentlepressure it also drives the appendix ofthe ligation cover to full closing.P1139-00LIGATURE TUCKERP1500-00ELASTIC LIGATURE THREADERDouble ended for placement or removalof elastics. Necessary for tucking metalligatures.It facilitates placement of elastic ligatures under bracket tie wings.Courtesy of Prof. Federico Tenti, Author of “Guida alla scelta ragionata degli apparecchiortodontici e rimovibili” distributed by Caravel.159

www.leone.itligating instruments and lip retractorsLIGATURE TYING PLIER MATHIEU STYLEP1160-00 Tips 2,5 mmP1161-00 Tips 1,5 mmP1141-00SEPARATOR PLACING PLIERSFor use with radio opaque separatorsK6378-00.P1142-00LIGATURE WIRE FORMING PLIERSFor soft wires up to .014” (0,36 mm).P1089-00MOSQUITO FORCEPS OFFSETP1088-00MOSQUITO FORCEPS STRAIGHTLIP RETRACTORP3000-01 TransparentP3000-02 Fluorescent yellowWell tolerated by patient, it allows anexcellent visibility and ease of use.The plastic retractors are connected by asturdy steel bridge which does not interferewith the field of vision. Necessarywith the direct bonding technique and fortaking oral photographs. Autoclavable.P3000-91LIP RETRACTOR KITKit content: 3 couples of transparentretractors, 2 couples of yellow retractorsand 2 bridges.160

Packaging of accessories for orthodontic platesOffice and laboratory supplies

www.leone.itOffice and laboratory suppliesOur LEOCRYL ® Arcobaleno range of products is composed of an outbreak of colours to be mixed each other, fluorescentadditive and glitters, accessories and a series of coloured motifs to be inserted in the appliance which will make thelittle patients more motivated.diversified particle size of the powderfor easy mixingprolongedprocessing timefor careful works withoutany exothermic reactionextremely reducedshrinkage of thetwo componentsaccurate fit of the prosthesis into the mouthutmost precisionexcellent friction of the expansion screwsis guaranteedlow residual offree monomerto get bubble free polymerizedacrylic platesspecial hardnessfor easy polished surfaces162

acrylic resinwww.leone.itLEOCRYL ®ORTHODONTICSELF-CURING ACRYLIC RESINSpecific for orthodontic use, either for spray-on or doughing techniques.The special composition of liquid monomer has careful processing properties,without priming of the curing process (exothermic reaction) which may causean undesired evaporation of monomer.The use of a <strong>Leone</strong> hydroflask or pressure pot for polymerization at 40° C witha pressure of 2,5 Atm for 20 minutes is suggested.Hard and perfectly finished plates are obtained as no otherwise possible withother methods.Regular kitR6222-95 A - clearA - clear liquidclear powderR6223-95 B - transparent pinkB - transp. pink liquidclear powderThe kit includes:- 1 Kg di powder- 0,5 l liquid- spray flasks forpowder/liquid- funnels- beakers- insulatorIntroductory kitNecessary in the dental office.R6202-93 A - clearA - clear liquidclear powderR6203-93 B - transparent pinkB - transp. pink liquidclear powderIt includes:- 60 g powder- 45 ml liquidLEOCRYL ®LIQUID MONOMERThe package of 6 l is composed of 3 bottles of 2 l each for better handling of productcolourpkg.cleartransparent pinkABR6122-00R6142-01R6123-00R6143-010,5 l6 l0,5 l6 lLEOCRYL ®POWDER POLYMERClear colour.R6032-00 Package of 1 KgR6042-00 Package of 10 Kg163

www.leone.itacrylic resinLEOCRYL ®“ARCOBALENO”ORTHODONTIC SELF-CURING RESIN“Arcobaleno” LEOCRYL ® method allows the constructionof coloured and customized appliances for better patientcompliance.It includes:- 1 colour guide with ten coloured plates, 1 fluorescent,1 glitters and 1 transparent. Each plate is marked with aletter for easy choice of the liquid;- ready-to-use LEOCRYL ® coloured liquids each marked bya letter;- 1 range of 28 funny motifs for use with the acrylic plate- 1 fluorescent additive which makes the appliance visiblein the dark;- coloured glitters giving a “metallic” effect to the plates.LEOCRYL ®“ARCOBALENO” - LIQUIDcolourpkg.pkg.redD R6124-00 R6134-00purple E R6125-00 R6135-00magenta F R6126-00 R6136-00orange G R6127-00 R6137-00fluorescent yellow H R6128-00 250 ml R6138-00 0,5 lgreen I R6129-00 R6139-00turquoise L R6130-00 R6140-00blue M R6131-00 R6141-00R6000-93LEOCRYL ®“ARCOBALENO” ASSORTED KITIt includes: 2 Kg clear Leocryl powder, 8 coloured liquids,8 squeeze bottles for liquid, 5 packs of glitters, 1 pack offluorescent additive, funnels, 1 coloured motifs for plateskit and 10 colour guides.R6000-00LEOCRYL ®“ARCOBALENO” COLOUR GUIDEColours shown are only indicative.Colours may slightly change compared to those obtainedwith LEOCRYL ® acrylic resin.ACCESSORIESR4401-00 Squeeze bottle for powderR4402-00 Squeeze bottle for liquidR4403-00 Large beakerR4404-00 Small beakerR4405-00 Funnel for liquidR4406-00 Funnel for powderR4407-00 BrushR4408-00 Spray nozzle for powder/liquidR4409-00 Spray needle for liquidR4410-00 Arrows164

acrylic resin accessorieswww.leone.itR4401-01R4401-02R4401-03R4401-04R4401-05R4401-06R4401-07R4401-08R4401-09R4401-10R4401-11R4401-93COLOURED MOTIF FOR PLATESASSORTED KITR4401-12R4401-13R4401-14R4401-15R4401-16R4401-17It includes 28 different motifs, one positioningtweezers and illustrated pamphletfor patient choice.Assorted kit of 280R4401-18R4401-19R4401-20R4401-21R4401-22R4401-23R4401-24R4401-25R4401-26R4401-27R4401-28REFILLS OF MOTIFS Packs of 10GLITTERSNice looking orthodontic plates are obtainedby mixing a small quantity of glitters withacrylic powder. Glitters make plates X-rayvisible.Packs of 50 g and squeeze bottlecoloursilvergoldmulticolor “Z”blueredR4300-00R4301-00R4302-00R4303-00R4304-00R4310-00“X” FLUORESCENT ADDITIVEA fluorescent effect is given by mixing just 15% approx. of product with polymer.The best result is achieved with the use of clear powder and liquid.Pack of 100 g165

www.leone.itacrylic resin accessories - plaster for orthodontic modelsR3428-00 R3427-00 R3426-00R6320-00INSULATOR LIQUID FOR RESINPack of 1 lR4550-00POLISHING FLUID FOR RESINSpread some drops on the polishingbrush.Pack of 0,5 lSILICON MOUNTED POLISHERSFor perfect polishing of plates.They do not damage hooks or arch wires.All with 2,35 mm diameter shaft.Packs of 6GLOSSFOR PLASTER MODELSEXTRA HARD PLASTERR5005-00 Bucket of 5 KgR5025-00 Bucket of 25 KgOrthodontic plaster type III, snowy white colour. Mixing ratio: 26-28 ml: 100 g.Fine detailed, smooth and hard models (over 650 Kg/cm2) are obtained.Easy to polish with R4520-00.Ideal for making study models and plaster casts for collection.R4520-00 Pack of 0,5 lR4530-00 Pack of 5 lIt is necessary to use a good ortho plasterbut also a good final model glossto obtain a well-made study model. Thismodel gloss provides polish surfaceswith fine details and protects them overthe time.166

waxeswww.leone.itR3712-00QUADRANGULAR WAX STICKSWax in 30 cm long sticks, 3x3 mm crosssection. The special adherence and highworkability make it useful to border theimpression trays to fit the edges of thefunctional impression.Pack of 90 sticksR3710-00UTILITY WAXHighly soft wax in strips which bendsat room temperature without breaking.Thanks to its good adherence andhigh workability, it serves to border theimpressions to obtain the base of themould.Pack of 24 stripsR3711-00MODELLING WAXWax in sheets. It moulds, both cold andhot, without breaking.Pack of 500 gR3730-00BITE WAXNecessary for taking accurate occlusalimpressions. Specially aluminium foillaminated, it lessens distortions.Pleasantly scented, 6 mm thick.Pack of 24R3714-00THERMOWAX FOR UNDERCUTSHigh melting point: 104° C. Particularlysuitable to eliminate undercuts. It preventsdamage to be caused to the acrylicbrightness.Pack of 100 g in stickR3713-00STICKY WAXHigh sticky power.Thanks to its extreme strength of adhesion,it allows fixing of the various elements(screws, wires etc.) to the model.Pack of 100 g in stick167

www.leone.itwax, silver solders and accessoriesR3716-00NATURAL PROTECTIVE WAXSpecially intended for orthodontic use.The natural composition of this waxmakes it to be absolutely safe and ifswallowed, it does not cause any illness.Mint flavoured.Pack of 10 boxes, 5 sticks eachSOLDERSFOR STAINLESS STEELR0220-00Plate 0,43 mm thickR0221-00Wire form,1 mm in diameterFor use with bridges and crowns.Cadmium free. Silver: 49%.Melting range: 680° - 705° C.Packs of 10 g approx.ORTHODONTIC SOLDERSR0222-00Wire form, 0,40 mm in diameterR0223-00Tape form , 1 x 0,5 mmR0224-00Rods, 1 mm in diameterFor all orthodontic brazing works.Cadmium free. Silver: 55%.Melting range: 630° - 660° C.Packs of 10 g approxR0225-00SOLDER POWDERPowder for solders R0220-00 and R0221-00.Pack of 50 g approx.R0226-00FLUXIn paste, for solders:R0222-00, R0223-00 and R0224-00.Pack of 30 g approx.R0227-01THERMO INSULATOR PASTEFOR SOLDERSIt protects plaster and resin during solderingprocedure. Excellent consistency.Easy to remove with water.Pack of 235 ml168

Testing of pressure potsDiagnostic and laboratory equipment

www.leone.itDiagnostic and laboratory equipmentAs a completion of the wide range of <strong>Leone</strong> orthodontic products, some equipment and essential accessories for thelaboratory and the dental office are here introduced.This range is the result of extended researches and tests effected from our technicians and a long term collaborationwith international technicians and orthodontists.entirely madeof stainless steelwith the highest precisionlockingscrewfor insertion and removalof the modelsNO undesiredlateral movementsdue to a double guided sliding movement170

anatomical modelswww.leone.itANATOMICAL MODELSMade of resin, two materials: transparent and white. Demonstration anatomical models with the bone in transparent resin and the sensitivedental structures (roots, impacted teeth, mandibular nerve) are highlighted in white resin.Packs of 1T3370-01ANATOMICAL MODEL – UPPER ARCHnewAnatomical model of the complete upper arch; within the bone are clearly visible twoimpacted canines and the roots of the natural teeth.T3370-02ANATOMICAL MODEL WITH RAPID EXPANDERAnatomical demonstration model of the complete upper arch with mixed dentition.The bone with open palatal suture is clearly visible in transparent resin, the sensitivedental structures (roots, impacted teeth, mandibular nerve) and the rapid expander arehighlighted in white resin.T3370-03ANATOMICAL MODEL WITH SUPERNUMERARY TEETHAnatomical demonstration model of the complete upper arch with mixed dentition, withinthe central incisors are deciduous teeth; two supernumerary and two permanent teethare visible inside the bone.T3370-04ANATOMICAL MODEL– LOWER ARCHAnatomical demonstration model of a complete lower arch; within the bone are clearlyvisible the mandibular nerve, the roots of the natural teeth and an impacted tooth.T3370-05ANATOMICAL MODEL - SEGMENTAnatomical model of a segment of the lower arch; within the bone are clearly visible themandibular nerve and the roots of the natural teeth.171

www.leone.itmodels bases - vertical model occluderT3061-00PLASTIC MODEL BASESThese model bases are made of impact resistant, white plastic, with posteriorhinges to keep the model in occlusion. Square corners conform to internationalstandards and uniform height makes the models to be comparable overthe time and in all perspectives. For correct diagnosis and control duringtreatment. To be used with the practical position plate T3062-02 suppliedwith the package. Ease and precision of working models, which can also beperformed directly in the dental office.Package consists of:- 100 upper bases- 100 lower bases- 2 position plates with guide rails and labelsT3062-00SPARE HINGESFOR MODEL BASESPacks of 10T3062-01SPARE LABELSFOR MODEL BASESPacks of 100T3062-02POSITION PLATESFOR MODEL BASESPacks of 10 with 20 guide-railsRUBBER MODEL BASE FORMERST3320-00 LargePacks of 2,upper and lowerT3321-00 SmallPacks of 2,upper and lowerT1121-00VERTICAL MODEL OCCLUDEREntirely made of stainless steel withhigh precision. The double sliding guidesprevent from any undesired lateral movement.Models can be disengaged fromthe occluder by loosening the lockingscrew. Locking screw T1122-00.T3355-00MODELBOXTransparent PVC model containers suppliedwith pre shaped sponges for fullprotection of models.Pack of 100172

pressure pot - typodontwww.leone.itPRESSURE POTT1330-00 Capacity 4 lT1335-00 Capacity 9 lNecessary for the polymerization of all kinds of orthodontic acrylics. T1330-00 pressure potis roomy enough to contain a model occluder or an articulator; T1335-00 pressure pot maycontain larger model occluders or articulators. Both pressure pots are supplied with a specialsafety valve tested to act at a working overpressure of 2,5 bar.REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR PRESSURE POTST1330-01 Lid sealing ring T1330-00T1335-01 Lid sealing ring T1335-00T1330-02 Safety valveT1330-03 ManometerT1330-04 Air inlet valveT1330-05 Locking leverT1330-06 Plain handle for lidT1330-07 Anatomical handleT1330-08 Posterior handholdT3330-00TYPODONTTypodont has been since long in use fortesting orthodontic appliances in theoffice. This unit is offering also ease ofhandling and accuracy of details.Fully made of aluminium, with lateraland protrusive movements. It can beeasily made to lay flat and take away ina normal case.TYPODONT WAX BASEST3332-00 Class IT3336-00 Normal occlusionT3337-00 Class II, Div. IT3338-00 Class II, Div. IIT3339-00 Class IIIPacks of 2, upper and lowerT3529-00ACRYLIC TEETHFOR TYPODONT T3330-00Purposely designed for Typodont T3330-00,they are necessary for making practicewith the direct bonding brackets.Pack of 28 teeth173

www.leone.ithydroflasksT1315-00LEONE HYDROFLASKOrthodontic cold curing acrylics require thepolymerization under pressure technique.This kind of polymerization enables thevaporization of monomer and condensing ofacrylic, which will perfectly fit the plastermodel. Plates are coming out perfectly finishedand can be immediately polished. The<strong>Leone</strong> hydroflask allows you to make use ofthe polymerization under pressure techniqueeasily and economically.Technical features:Inside dimensions: 100 x 115 mmOutside dimensions: 111 x 130 mmPressure gaugeExhaust valveMade of hard aluminiumBuilt-in thermometerT1310-00LEONE HYDROFLASKWith the same features as T1315-00,without thermometer and slightly smaller.Technical features:Inside dimensions: 100 x 88 mmOutside dimensions: 111 x 105 mmPressure gaugeExhaust valveMade of hard aluminiumREPLACEMENT PARTS FOR HYDROFLASKST2300-00 Hydroflask lidT2301-00 Rubber seal for lidT2302-00 Air valveT2303-00 Thermometer for T1315-00T2304-00 Pressure gaugeT1311-00PRESS FOR HYDROFLASKConvenient press for hydroflasks T1310-00 and T1315-00, made of pressure cast aluminium.Extremely easy to use.TRAYSFOR MODEL BASEST3360-00 BlueT3361-00 RedTwo drawers for storing six model baseseach box.Outer sizes: 250 x 200 x 80 mm.Packs of 16 boxesTRAYSFOR STUDY MODELST3350-00 BlueT3351-00 RedTwo drawers for storing eight modelseach box.Outer sizes: 285 x 190 x 55 mm.Packs of 24 boxes174

cephalometric accessorywww.leone.itT3603-00ACETATE SHEETS FORCEPHALOMETRIC TRACINGSheets with double matt and polish surface.Sizes: 203 x 254 mm.Pack of 100 sheetsT3608-00MARKING PENCIL WHITEFor marking arch wires, bite planes, etc.Pack of 1T3612-01CEPHALOMETRIC PROTRACTORThe angular measurement is facilitatedby the ruler; the cut-out tooth symbolsof incisives, molars and circular holesassist in the anatomical tracing over thex-ray film.Pack of 1SAWT1565-00 SawT1566-00 12 blades for plasterT1567-00 12 blades for metalSAW FOR SET-UPT1561-00 Saw with 1 bladeT1563-00 12 large serrated bladesEasy change of blades and perfect handiness.175

www.leone.itmaterial for duplication of models and accessoriesLEONE COPOLYMER DUPLICATION PLATESSizes: 130 x 140 mm, 2 or 3 mm thick, these plates are made of a specialmaterial getting soft and gelatinous at a temperature of 90° C.Just dip in boiling water, lay on the model and press over with the duplicatingpress: a fine detailed model impression is obtained.T0900-02 Pack of 50 plates 2 mm thickT0900-03 Pack of 50 plates 3 mm thickT0900-92 Pack of 500 plates 2 mm thickT0900-93 Pack of 500 plates 3 mm thickT1203-00PLIER RACKT1200-00PLIER RACKT1201-00PLIER RACKIt can store up to 15 pliers.T1212-00STANDARD ARCHWIRE HOLDER176

quality and assistancewww.leone.itQuality for the satisfaction of the customerThe secret to guarantee a good quality of the product is that to meet or even exceed the customer’s expectations: being aware of suchexpectations it is the first step, perhaps the most important step, to furnish a quality product as a standard. The manufacture of superiorquality products in respect of the expectations and the demands of the customer and in attendance of the legally binding directives hasalways been the philosophy of <strong>Leone</strong>. It implies that any department of the company, at any level, is called to share such goals by supportingthe Management in the fulfilment of the necessary operational strategies. The management quality system of the company <strong>Leone</strong>is conforming to UNI EN ISO 9001 and additional requirements of ISO 13485, in accordance with the 93/42/EEC Directive Annex II, withUSA-FDA 21 CFR Part 820 and Japanese Ministerial Ordinance MHLW no. 169.CUSTOMER SERVICECompetence and reliabilityThe <strong>Leone</strong> dealers worldwide are under constant professional improvementthanks to the technical assistance received by engineers and technicalexperts at <strong>Leone</strong> to get specific information on the products and solve anyeventual problems from the customers. In our website www.leone.it, underthe section “Distributors”, you will find the information to contact the<strong>Leone</strong> dealer in your country.PromptnessBy providing a careful management and a “state-of-the-art” logisticsystem, we are able to deliver standard orders with the best precisionand ship the goods very quickly.<strong>Leone</strong> newslistKeep yourself updated with the latest news of our products: click on “Services” in our website www.leone.it and fill in the registration form.Digital ServiceTECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL assistanceContact the dealer in your country as a reference.You will find the comprehensive list under the section “Distributors” in our website www.leone.it177

www.leone.itAAcetate sheets 175Adams clasps 42Adapters for instruments 133Adhesives 106-107Altimeter for brackets 154Altimeter for lingual brackets 104Applicator for intraoral elastics 128Applicator for ligatures 159Archwire holder 39-176Archwire selectors 32-34-36Archwires:“Australian” 30Beta Memoria® 37flex 31lingual 37-104Memoria® 33..38Memoria®, mimetic 38-96Memoria® Natura® 38Memoria® reverse Curve of Spee 34Memoria® with V bend 35-63preformed round and rectang. 32-33Step system 36-80Thermomemoria® 36twist 31with hooks 39Arm bending instrumentfor expanders 23-157“Australian” wire 30BBall hooks 42Band accessories 56Band adapters 156Band conversion charts 56..58Band drivers 156Band removers 149-152Bands Calibra® 44..49Bands, prewelded 48-49-52..54Bands Web® 50..54Bite planes 24-137Blades for saws 175Bonding mesh 106Bracket positioning gauges 154Brackets for welding 116Buccal tubes, convertible - MIM® 98-99Buccal tubes - MIM® 111..115Calphabetical product IndexCalibra® - bands 44..49Cap remover 115-155Cements 54Cephalometric accessories 175Cephalometric protractor 175Ceramic brackets 89..92Chromium cobalt wire, Crozat 28Circular scalpel for contra-angle 133Clasp wire, Leowire® Biosteel® 27Coil springs, Memoria® 40Connectors for laser welding 117Conversion charts 56..59Copolymer <strong>Leone</strong> plates 176Cotton thread for ligatures 125Cutters 147-148..150-153DD.B. accessories 105..108D.B. brackets - aesthetic:ceramic 89..92fiber glass 91-93-94microfilled copolymer 87-88-90siliceous copolymer, Natura® 91-95-96D.B. brackets - metal:..FDI identification 71..76-78-81-86..Logic Line 79..85-87..90..lingual, Idea-L 103-104..plastic positioner 70..self-ligating 61..63..standard 64..70D.B. brackets No-Nickel - Extremo 77-78D.B. brackets - prescription:Alexander Midi Diagonali® 76-98Andrews 67-73-93-98Andrews Mini Diagonali® 73-98Bidimensional Midi Diagonali 75Boston 69-98Burstone 69-99Damon# standard/super torque 61..63Extremo 74-75Edgewise 65-66-78-93-95-97Edgewise Mini 66-97Edgewise No-Nickel 75MBT* Midi Diagonali® 75Ricketts 68-72-76-92-94-95-99Ricketts Midi Diagonali® 76-99Ricketts Mini Diagonali® 72-99Roth 68-72-74-78-85-90-92-94-96-98Roth Logic Line 85-90-92-94-96-98Roth Midi Diagonali® 74-98Roth Mini Diagonali® 72-98Roth No-Nickel 78-98Step Logic Line 79..84-87-90Super Edgewise 65-97Tweed 67-97D.B. hooks Natura® 105D.B. Maxi mesh pad 102D.B. retainers 108D.B. tubes aesthetic 88D.B. tubes MIM® 100D.B. tubes MIM® No-Nickel 101D.B. tubes MIM® convertible 98-99Demonstration dental models 14-171Dental vernier 157Diastema appliances 108Direct Bonding systems, vestibular 60Distal end cutters 147Distalizers 20-21Drills for orthodontic mini implants 132Duplication of models 176Dynamometer 157EElastic chains 124Elastic ligature wire 125-126Elastic ligatures 123-126Elastic tubing 126Elastics, intra and extraoral 128Etching gel 106-107Expanders 13..19Expansion screws:fan-type 11fan-type “Ragno” 18Veltri type screws 22for palatal suture separation 13..19micro sectional 7-8multifunctional 22one-tooth 22special purpose 9..12standard 6..8super micro 7-8three directional 10with acrylic friction 12Extraoral facebows 135..137Extremo No-Nickel brackets 77-78Eyelets 118FFace masks 138Fan-type hand wrench 133Fast Back <strong>Leone</strong> 21First Class <strong>Leone</strong> 20Flex wire 31Flux 168Functional plate accessories 24GGlitters 165Gloss for plaster models 166HHard wire cutter 148-150Headgear for safety modules 139Headgear with chin cap 139Heavy duty cutter 148-153Hydroflasks 174Hooks for arches 82-118-137Hooks for elastics 118IIdea-L lingual brackets 103-104Implants, mini orthodontic 130..133178# Damon is a Trademark of Ormco Corporation* MBT is a Trademark of 3M Unitek

alphabetical product Indexwww.leone.itInsulator liquid for resin 166Instrument for endoral activation 23-145Instrument for self-ligating brackets 62-159KKeys for expansion screws 23Kit boxes forbands and brackets 54-82LLabial arches 42Leocryl® - acrylic 162..166Ligature cutters 148-153Ligature low-friction - Slide 120..122Ligature threader 159Ligature tucker 159Ligature wire 125-126Lingual buttons - D.B., No-Nickel 105Lingual buttons - weldable 118Lingual cleats 118Lingual MIM® tubes for welding 41-113Lip bumpers 134Lip retractor 160Logic Line-D.B. brackets 79..85-87..90Lugs for elastics 118MMarking pencil 39-175Micro expansion screws 7..8Micro spring expansion screws 22Model base formers 172Modelbox 172Modelling spatula, Le Cron style 155Models anatomical 171Model bases 172Mosquito forceps 160Motifs for plates 165Mucotome for mini implants 133NNeck pad for safety modules 139Nickel-titanium archwires 33..38OOrthodontic implants, mini 130..133PPalatal bars 41Phosphorescent additive 165Plaster 166Plate holders 24Plates lateral levels 24Plier racks 176Pliers:Adams clasp forming Nance style 150Adams style 150Aderer, three jaws 145arch forming and contouring 146band removers 149-152bird beak - Angle style 143-152cap remover for convertible tubes 115-155D.B. bracket remover 149-153D.B. bracket tweezers 154flat-tapered Tweed style 143hollow chop 144ligature tying-Mathieu style 160ligature wire forming 160light wire bending 144loop closing - Nance style 144-150loop forming - Tweed style 143-153optical style 144rect. arch forming - Tweed style 143-153separators placing plier 160surgical hook and stop crimping 147three jaw - Aderer style 145three jaw 150-152universal purpose 150utility offset and straight - How style 146utility - Weingart style 146-152Young style 143Polishing fluid for resin 166Polishers, silicon 166Positioning screws 22Powder for solders 168Preformed ligature ties 127Preformed ligature wires 127Press for hydroflasks 174Pressure pot 173Prewelding service 55Primers 106-107Protective elastomeric tubing 126RRapid expanders 13..19Reamer 23Replacement pad for pliers 149-152Replacement tips for pliers 149-152Round tubing 117SSafety modules 139-140Safety ring leash for screws 23Saws for set-up 175Screwdriver 23-155Screwdrivers for mini implants 132-133Self-curing resin Leocryl® 162..166Self-ligating brackets 61..63Separators placing plier 160Separators, radiopaque 124Sleeves for face masks, facebows 135-139Slide - no friction ligatures 120..122Solders 168Solder powder 168Spring screws 22Step system, Logic Line 79..84-87..90Straight wire Beta Memoria® 37Straight wire Leoloy® 30Straight wire Memoria® 39Straight wire, round and rect. 29Surgical hooks MIM® 117TTeeth for Typodont 173Thermo insulator paste 168Three directional expansion screws 10Tie-back 82-124Tongue cribs - Mestre design 118Trays for model base formersand study models 174Tube MIM® for activatorsfor extraoral facebows 23-113Tubes, weldable 117Turrets 158Tweezers 154Twin Arch tubes 117Twist wire 31Twister 159Typodont 173UUtility instrument 155VVeltri screws 22Vertical model occluder 172WWax bases for Typodont 173Waxes 167-168Weldable brackets 116Weldable stops for arches 118-137Weldable tubes 117Web® - bands 50..54Wire Beta Memoria® 37Wire Memoria® 37Wrench for pliers 149The orthodontic brackets illustrated in this catalogue are not intended to be a duplication of any other existing systemnor does <strong>Leone</strong> SpA imply that they are endorsed by the above mentioned doctors or Schools in any form.179


www.leone.itEDUCATION, TRAINING, UPGRADINGSince 1982 , the ISO, Istituto Studi Odontoiatrici, has been operating in Florencewith the purpose to promote new therapeutic techniques and to divulge dentistryand implant dentistry to ever higher standards. The <strong>Leone</strong>’s teaching facilityis spread out over two floors with a total surface area of 1000 square meters.During the last 30 years of activity, the ISO training center has taken lectures tomore than 40,000 attendees.COURSE TRAINING CENTERThe didactic tools available at the ISO and the high qualified lecturers makeeach event a profitable and memorable one for every participant.State-of-the art facilityWith the exception of the reception area, the first floor of the building isdedicated to the lecture rooms:a dental operatory equipped with 2 dental units for hands-ondemonstrations of both orthodontic and implantological interventions.A lecture hall seating up to 40 participants, allowsthe doctors to visually participate in the interventions.Endoral and extraoral cameras film the procedures whichare wired in to big screens in the various lecture halls at areal time.A 18-bench dental laboratory fully equipped.A multi-purpose lecture hall for 80 trainees has been recentlyendowed with the Active Classroom learning environment,providing an interactive multi-media board and learners’ active responsetools which enable the attendees to become active participantsin the course.On the second floor is the “Marco Pozzi” lecture hallseating up to 250 participants. The hall is equippedwith all multimedia devices.ISO®ISTITUTOSTUDIODONTOIATRICITHE LECTURERSAll lecturers are of national and international repute,being selected to extensively cover any culturalaspect of orthodontic and implant dentistryissues. They implement training programs withprofessionalism, so that learning hours are equallydistributed by theory and clinical practice, in orderto address in depth the issues of diagnosis, treatmentplan, clinical phase, and prosthetic rehabilitation.For detailed information on courses and eventsvisit our website: www.leone.it/corsior contact the ISO reception office:Tel. 055.304458 - Fax 055.304455 - iso@leone.itFollow us on Facebook181

www.leone.itconversion charts and symbologyCONVERSION CHARTSinch mm.001 0,03.002 0,05.003 0,08.004 0,10.005 0,13.006 0,15.007 0,18.008 0,20.009 0,23.010 0,25.011 0,28.012 0,30.013 0,33.014 0,36.015 0,38.016 0,41inch mm inch mm.017 0,43.018 0,46.019 0,48.020 0,51.021 0,53.022 0,56.023 0,58.024 0,61.025 0,64.026 0,66.027 0,69.028 0,71.029 0,74.030 0,76.031 0,79.032 0,81.033 0,84.034 0,86.035 0,89.036 0,91.037 0,94.038 0,96.039 0,99.040 1,02.041 1,04.042 1,07.043 1,09.044 1,12.045 1,14.046 1,17.047 1,19.048 1,22inch mm inch mm.049 1,24.050 1,27.051 1,30.052 1,32.053 1,35.054 1,37.055 1,40.056 1,42.057 1,45.058 1,47.059 1,50.060 1,52.061 1,55.062 1,57.063 1,60.064 1,63.065 1,65.066 1,68.067 1,70.068 1,73.069 1,75.070 1,78.071 1,80.072 1,83.073 1,85.074 1,88.075 1,90.076 1,93.077 1,96.078 1,98.079 2,01.080 2,03inchmm1/64” = .0156 0,401/32” = .0312 0,791/16” = .0625 1,591/8” = .125 3,181/4” = .250 6,353/8” = .375 9,521/2” = .5 12,705/8” = .625 15,883/4” = .75 19,057/8” = .875 22,221” = 1.0 25,40FDI SYSTEM18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2848 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 381 mg = 0,0154 grains1 g = 1000 mg = 0,0353 oz1 Kg = 1000 g = 2.2046 lb1 ounce = 28,35 g1 pound = 16 ounce = 0,4536 Kg1 inch = 25,40 mm1 mm = 0,0394 inch1 N/mmq = 145.14 p.s.i.1 p.s.i. = 0,00689 N/mmqCATALOGUE SYMBOLSOn the various tables of catalogue we used symbolsto better indicate the characteristics of our products.Below are the symbols used:dimensionsdiameterangulationrotation of tubeone turn of screw inner diameter upper rightexpansion torque of brackets upper leftlength torque of tube lower rightheight slot lower leftSafety data sheets of our products can be downloaded from our web site: www.leone.itPRODUCT LABEL SYMBOLSThe label on the package of any medical device set on the market will show the symbols in compliance with the harmonized standards.The symbols marked with a single (*) are based on the ISO 21531, ISO 15223-1 and on the 93/42EEC Directive.The symbols marked with double (**) have instead been performed by us.manufacturer’strade name and addressCE mark (made in compliancewith 93/42EEC Directiveon class IIA or IIB medical devices)(*)manufacturer’s cataloguecode number and product descriptionin different languagesexpiry date, if the productis perishable (year/month)2030-12bar code(*) (*)storage temperaturelot number(indicated by LOT mark)(*)for professional use only(**)for single use only(*)keep dry(*)this product contains Nickel-Chromium:possible allergic reactions(**)keep away from sunlight(*)CE mark (made in compliancewith 93/42EEC Directiveon class I medical devices)(*)see instructions for use(*)gamma-ray sterilized(*)titanium(*)surgical steel(*)this product contains Chromium:possible allergic reactions(**)autoclavableat temperature indicated(*) with content or presence(*) (*)non-sterileof natural rubber latex182

information and contactswww.leone.itWARNINGS<strong>Leone</strong> S.p.A. does not assume any liability resulting from the use of the products described in the present catalogue. Intended for orthodontic and odontologicaluse only, the use of these products has to be restricted to skilled and licensed professionals, who will be held the sole responsible for the construction and theapplication of any prosthetic device whether single manufactured or in combination with the aforesaid products. The herewith described indications are notclaimed to represent a substitution of the clinical knowledge of the licensed Professional. Patient’s anamnesis, diagnosis, instrumental and laboratory examsand everything is necessary for a therapy approach must be decided by the Dental Surgeon or the Dental Doctor, who will effect the surgical intervention on thepatient and who will be held the sole responsible for such intervention. The indications furnished in this catalogue are to be intended for general use only andrestricted to skilled and licensed Professionals who will be held the sole responsible for the construction of the prosthesis. It is clear and accepted by the DentalSurgeon or the Dental Doctor, that the informations contained in the present catalogue have informative purpose only and they do not claim to be a substitutionof the specific medical action, nor do they constitute legal relationship among <strong>Leone</strong> S.p.A. , the Dental Surgeon , the Dental Doctor or even the patient. <strong>Leone</strong>S.p.A. will not assume any liability nor will furnish any warranty regarding the exactness or the connection of the information described in this catalogues.As for the responsibilities of the single competence, <strong>Leone</strong> S.p.A. recommends to its direct clients, dental depots and exclusive dealers to follow and maintainthe indications, warnings, and information for the univocal identification of the medical devices, as provided by the manufacturer on the labels, during all themarketing phases. With specific regard to Class IIB implantable products, all dental depots and exclusive dealers of <strong>Leone</strong> S.p.A. are required to keep records ofthe distribution of medical devices as of traceability available for verification, in case of need to trace back a product or its user in a univocal way.INFORMATION FOR DISTRIBUTORS OF ORTHODONTIC MINI IMPLANTS, “INTENDED USE”, “RESPONSIBILITY”, “SURVEILLANCE”The 93/42EEC directive on medical devices is the official reference that dictates the regulations for marketing medical devices. The directive provides indicationsfor all the phases of existence for the device (from the project phase through the traceability system, and surveillance), and it identifies all the characters whohave to comply with the directive itself, which includes not only the manufactures, but also the distributors, the buyers, and even the users. As for the responsibilitiesof the single competence, <strong>Leone</strong> S.p.A. recommends to its direct clients, dental depots and exclusive dealers to follow and maintain the indications,warnings, and information for the univocal identification of the medical devices, as provided by the manufacturer on the labels, during all the marketing phases.With specific regard to Class IIB implantable products, all dental depots and exclusive dealers of <strong>Leone</strong> S.p.A. are required to keep records of the distribution ofmedical devices as of traceability available for verification, in case of need to trace back a product or its user in a univocal way.HOW TO REACH LEONE:BY AIRPLANEfrom the Peretola airport “A. Vespucci”,five minutes by taxi.BY CAR- from the highway “Autostrada del Sole”,exit Firenze Aeroporto, in the direction of Florence.- Along the highway A11, exit Sesto Fiorentino, onyour right side the Novotel and IBIS Hotel can be seen.- At the second traffic circle, turn on the first exit onthe right (McDonald’s).GPS coordinates: +43° 48’ 4.85” N, +11° 11’ 0.23” EVia Ponte a Quaracchi 50BY TRAINfrom the central station “Santa Maria Novella”, takebus no. 30, get off in Via Pratese near the car dealerVolkswagen.Call +39.055.3044620 or send an e-mail message to info@leone.it for further informationon <strong>Leone</strong> products or a visit to our factory.You can also browse our web-site: www. leone.it183

www.leone.itAll rights reserved. No part of this catalogue may be reproduced in any form.Due to continuing product improvements, <strong>Leone</strong> s.p.a. reserves the right to discontinue productsor change the design and materials of products without notice.All <strong>Leone</strong> products are designed and manufactured for single use and once removed from the patient’s mouth, must be disposed of properly.<strong>Leone</strong> s.p.a. disclaims any liability for the spread of disease or personal injury caused by reuse.Layout and realization by: Graphic department of <strong>Leone</strong> S.p.a - Printed by: ABC TIPOGRAFIA s.r.l. Sesto FiorentinoThe following are registered Trademarks of LEONE s.p.a.®ISOISTITUTOSTUDIODONTOIATRICIDigital ServiceBIOSTEEL ® CALIBRA ® LEOCRYL ® LEOLOY ® LEOWIRE ® MEMORIA ®MIM ® MIDI DIAGONALI ® MINI DIAGONALI ® NATURA ® THERMOMEMORIA ® WEB ®184

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