
Tenants and Landlords - Landlord Protection Agency

Tenants and Landlords - Landlord Protection Agency


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(c)(c)(d)(d)(e)(e)(f)(f)(g)(g)(h)(h)(i)(i)(j)(j)(k)(k)Sample Residential Lease Agreement (page 2 of 5)DISCOUNTED RENT: If Landlord receives the rent on time, Tenant will be granted $_________discount.DISCOUNTEDThe discount is meantRENT:to encourageIf Landlordpromptreceivespaymentthe rentofonrent.time,LateTenantrent maywillsubjectbe grantedtheaTenant$_________discount.to evictionproceedingsThe discountandis meantliabilityto encouragefor damages.prompt payment of rent. Late rent may subject the Tenant to evictionSECURITY proceedings and DEPOSIT: liability for Tenant damages. must pay Landlord $_______ on ____________ ____, 20____, whichLandlordSECURITYholdsDEPOSIT:as securityTenantdepositmustforpayTenant’sLandlordperformance$_______ofonall____________the terms of this____,lease.20____,The securitywhichdepositLandlordmustholdsbeasdepositeda securityatdepositthe followingfor Tenant’sfinancialperformanceinstitutionofandallmaythebetermsmingledof thiswithlease.theThesecuritysecuritydepositsofdepositLandlord’smust beotherdepositedtenants:at the following financial institution and may be mingled with the security depositsof Landlord’s other tenants:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Name of Financial Institution, Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code)(Name of Financial Institution, Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code)NOTICE:You must notify your landlord in writing within 4 days afteryou move of a forwarding address where you can be reachedand where you will receive mail; otherwise your landlordshall be relieved of sending you an itemized list of damagesand the penalties adherent to that failure.NONREFUNDABLE CLEANING FEE: Tenant must pay nonrefundable cleaning fee of $________ at thebeginningNONREFUNDABLEof the lease term.CLEANING FEE: Tenant must pay a nonrefundable cleaning fee of $________ at thebeginning of the lease term.OCCUPANCY: Only the persons who sign this lease may reside at the premises. If more than ______ personsOCCUPANCY:occupy the premises,OnlythetheLandlordpersonsmaywhoterminatesign thisthisleasetenancymay resideor assessat theadditionalpremises.rentIf moreof $_________than ______eachpersonsmonth foreachoccupyadditionalthe premises,person.theOccupancyLandlord maymustterminatenot exceedthis tenancythe numberor assessmandatedadditionalby localrent ofordinance.$_________Thiseachpremisesmonth foriseachlicensedadditionalfor ____person.persons.OccupancyTenant maymustaccommodatenot exceed theguestsnumberfor reasonablemandatedperiodsby local(upordinance.to weeks);Thisotherpremises islicensed arrangements for ____ require persons. Landlord’s Tenant consent. may accommodate guests for reasonable periods (up to 2 weeks); otherarrangements require Landlord’s consent.Note: If the premises is located in the city of East Lansing, the occupancy limit must be displayed on the license andNote: posted If the premises in the premises. located The in city the city may of fine East violators Lansing, $500 the occupancy day for over-occupancy.limit must be displayed on the license andposted in the premises. The city may fine violators $500 a day for over-occupancy.SLEEPING ROOMS: Basements, attics, and other rooms must not be used as sleeping rooms if they do notcomplySLEEPINGwith theROOMS:local ordinanceBasements,for windows,attics, andminimumother roomssquaremustfootage,not be usedexits,asandsleepingventilation.roomsThisif theyis meantdo nottoprotect comply Tenant’s with the local health ordinance and safety. for The windows, following minimum areas square may not footage, be used exits, as sleeping and ventilation. rooms: This is meant toprotect Tenant’s health and safety. The following areas may not be used as sleeping rooms:__________________, __________________, __________________, __________________.__________________, __________________, __________________, __________________.Note: The city of East Lansing may fine violators $500 or they may be sentenced up to 90 days in jail..Note: The city of East Lansing may fine violators $500 or they may be sentenced up to 90 days in jail..KEYS/LOCKS: Tenant will receive ____ keys from the Landlord. On or before the termination of this lease,Tenant KEYS/LOCKS: must return Tenant all keys will or receive Tenant ____ will be keys charged from $_________ the Landlord. for On changing or before the the locks. termination If Tenant of this loses lease, thekeysTenantormustgets lockedreturn alloutkeysof theorpremises,Tenant willLandlordbe chargedwill$_________provide an extrafor changingkey to Tenantthe locks.and mayIf TenantchargelosesTenantthe$_________.keys or gets lockedTenantoutmustof theneverpremises,gain entranceLandlordtowillthe premisesprovide anbyextraforcekeythroughto Tenant windowand mayor door,chargeorTenant$_________.otherwise withoutTenant key.mustTenantnevermustgain entrancenot changeto theor addpremiseslocks withoutby forceLandlord’sthrough a windowwritten consent.or door, orotherwise without a key. Tenant must not change or add locks without Landlord’s written consent.UNAUTHORIZED USE OF MAILING ADDRESS: Only Tenant may use the mailing address of thepremises.UNAUTHORIZEDAllowing someoneUSE OFelseMAILINGto use theADDRESS:mailing addressOnlywilla Tenantincreasemaytheusemonthlythe mailingrent $_________.address of thepremises. Allowing someone else to use the mailing address will increase the monthly rent $_________.CONDITION OF PREMISES AT THE BEGINNING OF TENANT’S OCCUPANCY: TenantCONDITIONacknowledges receiptOF PREMISESof two blankATcopiesTHEofBEGINNINGan inventoryOFchecklist.TENANT’STenantOCCUPANCY:must complete bothTenantchecklistsandacknowledgesreturn onereceiptto theofLandlordtwo blankwithincopies ofdaysan inventoryafter Tenantchecklist.takes possessionTenant mustofcompletethe premises.bothExceptchecklistsforthose and return items specifically one to the Landlord noted by the within Tenant 7 days in detail after on Tenant the inventory takes possession checklist, Tenant of the premises. accepts the Except premises, forandthosetheitemsappliancesspecificallyand furnishings,noted by theinTenantgood condition.in detail onThetheinventoryinventorychecklistchecklist,isTenantused onlyacceptsto assessthe premises,damagesandandisthenotappliances warrantyandorfurnishings,promise byinLandlordgood condition.that any itemThelistedinventoryon thechecklistchecklist,is usedbut notonlypresentto assesson thedamagespremises,and is notwilla warrantybe provided.or promise by Landlord that any item listed on the checklist, but not present on thepremises, will be provided.APPLIANCES AND OTHER FURNISHINGS PROVIDED: Tenant must not remove or loan any itemprovidedAPPLIANCESwith theANDpremises.OTHERLandlordFURNISHINGSwill providePROVIDED:the following checkedTenant mustitems:not remove or loan any itemprovided with the premises. Landlord will provide the following checked items:Stove _________________________ _________________________’ Stove ’ _________________________ ’ _________________________(1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (Each tenant must initial.) MSU LAW Page of Pages(1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (Each tenant must initial.) MSU LAW © Page 2 of 5 Pages33

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