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medicinska revijamedical reviewKlimo A. <strong>MD</strong>-Medical Data 2012;4(1):123-124MEDICAL DAT A/V ol.4.N O 1 / III 2012.Izve{taj/Report<strong>120.</strong> <strong>KONGRES</strong> UDRU@ENJA<strong>BALNEOLOGA</strong> MA\ARSKEHarkány, 18-20. novembar 2011.THE 120th CONGRESS OF THEHUNGARIAN SOCIETYOF BALNEOLOGISTS18th to 20th November 2011, in HarkanyAtila KlimoBanja Kanji`aU jednoj od najstarijih banjskih le~ili{ta u RepubliciMa|arskoj, u Banji Harkány, osnovane 1823.godine, odr`an je jubilarni <strong>120.</strong> Kongres Udru`enjabalneologa Ma|arske sa me|unarodnim u~e{}em. Nainicijativu njenog prvog predsednika dr VilmosTauffer-a (ginekolog-aku{er) drugo najstarije udru-`enje lekara Ma|arske (prvo je stomatolo{ko) osnovanoje 1889-te godine. Ve} maja meseca 1891. godineodr`an je prvi kongres udru`enja balneologa. Nastarom kontinentu prvo udru`enje lekara i stru~njakabalneologiji srodnih nau~nih disciplina osnovan je uBerlinu 1878. godine poznato kao BalneologischeGesellschaft sa ciljem o~uvanja i unapre|enja lekovitihvoda i banjskih le~ili{ta.Trodnevni skup sa oko 150 u~esnika, zaljubljenikabalneologije se odvijao u hotelu Thermal Harkány.Na ceremoniji otvaranja nakon pozdravne re~igeneralnog direktora Specijalne bolnice „VilmosZsigmondy“ Harkánj Tamás Kerécz-a, zatim direktoraKlinike za reumatologiju i imunologiju Medicinskogfakulteta Univerziteta u Pe-~uju prof. dr Lasla Czirják-ai predsednika Udru`enjabalneologa Ma|arske prof.dr. Tamás Bender-a otpo~eoje intenzivan radni deo kongresapo sesijama. Najnovijasaznanja i stru~na iskustvama|arskih kolega balneologa,reumatologa, specijalistarehabilitacione medicine,ginekologa, kardiologa,farmakologa i psihologao ekfektima termominer-In one of the oldest spa resorts in the Republic ofHungary, in Harkany Spa, established in 1823, the jubilee120th congress of the Hungarian balneologistswas held with international participation. On the initiativeof its first president, Dr Vilmos Tauffer (gynecologist-obstetrician),the second oldest association ofHungarian doctors (the first being the Dentists’Association) was established in 1889. Already in May1891 the first Congress of the Association of Balneologistswas held. On the old continent the first associationof balneology doctors and experts of balneologyrelated disciplines was established in Berlin in 1878,known as Balneologische Gesellschaft in order to preserveand promote healing waters and spa resorts.The three-day meeting with about 150 participants,enthusiasts of balneology, took place in theThermal Hotel in Harkany. On the opening ceremonyafter the welcoming words of Tamas Kerecz, the generalmanager of the Vilmos Zsigmondy Special Hospital,Harkany, then Prof Dr Laszlo Czirjak, the managerof the Clinic of Rheumatology and Immunologyof the Medical Faculty ofUniversity Pecs, Hungary,and Tamas Bender, the chairmanof the Association ofthe Hungarian Balneologists,the intensive work insessions started. The latestknowledge and professionalexperience of Hungarian colleaguebalneologists, rheumatologists,specialists ofrehabilitation medicine, gynecologists,cardiologists,farmakologists, and psy-Klimo A. Med Data Rev 2012;4(1) 123-124

124 <strong>MD</strong> MEDICAL DATA / Vol.4 N O 1 / Mart-March 2012.alnih voda i peloida u le~enju i rehabilitaciji pacijenataizlo`ena su putem 52 usmene i 2 poster prezentacije.Po~astvovani smo bili prisustvom predsednikame|unarodnog udru`enja balneoklimatologa (ISMH)prof. dr Müfit Zeki Karagülle-a (Turska), koji je usvom plenarnom predavanju pod nazivom „Anti agingeffect of spa and balneotherapy“ predstavio iskustvasvojih kolega iz turskih banjskih le~ili{ta. Drugog danakongresa, kao balneolog iz Srbije u svom usmenomizlaganju „Prilog prou~avanju uslova formiranja irasprostranjenosti lekovitih voda Srbije“ prezentovaosam dosada{nja saznanja dopunjena novim podacima ipristupom o genezi, kvalitetu i mogu}nostima iskori{}avanjatermomineralnih i mineralnih voda na{ezemlje. U radni deo kongresa je spadao i obilazak iupoznavanje rada u Specijalnoj bolnici „VilmosZsigmondy“ u kome se le~e reumatolo{ki, ginekolo{ki,dermatolo{ki i kardiolo{ki pacijenti. Balneoterapija sesprovodi u sulfidnoj termomineralnoj vodi (S=12mg/l) i peloidom poreklom iz mulja barskog podru~jareke Drave.Tokom kongresa odr`ana je i izborna Skup{tinaUdru`enja balneologa Ma|arske ~iji sam i ja ~lan odpo~etka 2009-te godine. Izabrani su novi ~lanovipredsedni{tva kao i predsednik udru`enja dr Pál Géher,jedan od vode}ih reumatologa Ma|arske. ProfesorGéher u narednom periodu treba da nastavi plodonosanrad balneolo{kog dru{tva koje je od 1997. godinesa velikim nadahnu}em vodio prof. dr TamásBender, a u periodu od 2002-2008. godine istovremenoje obavljao i du`nosti predsednika me|unarodnogudru`enja balneoklimatologa (ISMH).chologists concerning the effects of thermo-mineralwaters and peloids in treating and rehabilitation ofpatients were exposed through 52 oral and 2 posterpresentations. We were honored by the presence ofProf Dr Mufit Zeki Karagulle (Turkey), the chairmanof the International Society of Medical Hydrology andClimatology (ISMH), who exposed the experience ofhis colleagues from Turkish spas in his plenary lecture‘Anti aging effect of spa and balneotherapy’. On thesecond day of the congress, as a balneologist fromSerbia in my oral exposure called “Contribution to theStudy of Conditions of Formation and Distribution ofMineral Waters in Serbia”, I presented the presentknowledge supplemented with new data, and approachto the genesis, the quality and possibilities of exploitingthermo-mineral and mineral waters of ourcountry. The operating part of the congress included atour and learning about work in the Vilmos ZsigmondySpecial Hospital where rheumatological, gynecological,dermatological, and cardiac patients weretreated. Balneotherapy is implemented by sulphidethermo-mineral water (S=12 mg/l) and peloid originatingin the mud of the marsh area of the river Drava.During the congress the Electoral Assembly ofthe Association of Balneologist was held which I havebeen a member since 2009. New members of thepresidency were elected as well as the president of theassociation Dr Pal Geher, one of the leading rheumatologistsin Hungary. In the future Professor Gehershould continue the fruitful work of the Association ofBalneologists which has been led with a great inspirationby Professor Tamas Bender since 1997, and in theperiod from 2002-2008 simultaneously he held theoffice of President of the International Society ofMedical Hydrology and Climatology (ISMH).Izve{taj/Report

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