840 Series Air Rifles

840 Series Air Rifles - Daisy Outdoor Products

840 Series Air Rifles - Daisy Outdoor Products


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STEP 4. LOADLOADING BBs: To load a BB from the magazine, raise themuzzle 45 degrees to 60 degrees and pull the bolt handlefully to the rear. (Fig. 5) A BB is gravity fed onto the magnetictip of the bolt (Fig. 5) When raising the muzzle, be sure thefront sight isMAGNETICTIPFIG. 5FIG. 64pointedupward,because thegun will notfeed properlyif it is on itsside.(Fig. 6) TheBB can beseen on themagnetic tip(after the bolthandle isreleased) bylooking intothe feed track.If a BB did notfeed onto themagnetic tip,shake the gunslightly andrepeat the“LOADINGBBs” instructions.WARNING: BBs feed from the magazine by gravitywhich requires that the muzzle be raised. NEVER ASSUMETHE MAGAZINE OR CHAMBER IS EMPTY, even if the gundoes not fire a projectile.MAGNETICTIPFIG.&BBBARRELFEED TRACKMUZZLEFEEDTRACKBOLT HANDLETOWARD REARPELLET(SOLID ENDFORWARD)RIGHTWRONGLOADING PELLETS:With BBs removedfrom the magazine(See “EMPTY BBMAGAZINE, Page 5),lower muzzle slightlyand pull bolt handlerearward. Then placea pellet (solid end forward)in feed track.(Fig. 7)IMPORTANT: Caremust be exercised when shooting pellets while the magazinecontains BBs. Loading a BB and pellet at the same time mayresult in a jammed or obstructed barrel.IMPORTANT: Do not allow a pellet to fall into the rear ofthe feed track and become jammed in the BB feed hole. Ifthis occurs, have a qualified gunsmith remove the left receiverand clear the feed track, or return the gun to Daisy. DO NOTload pellets in the BB loading door.STEP 5. CLOSE BOLTCAUTION: Gun must always be pointed in a safedirection.Push bolt handle forward. The gun is now loaded and shouldbe handled with care.CAUTION: Always view the BB or pellet when closingthe bolt and loading port.STEP 6. AIM AT SAFE TARGETCAUTION: Pick targets that cannot be penetratedand that will not cause a ricochet because of their hard surface.Do not shoot at water. Never point a gun, loaded orunloaded, at anyone.To be a consistent marksman, use the correct sight pictureeach time you fire the gun. (Fig. 8)PROPER SIGHT PICTURE FOR <strong>840</strong> <strong>Series</strong> <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Rifles</strong>:BLADEFRONTSIGHTFIG. 8SIGHTADJUSTMENTYour 845 Target BBgun is equipped with ahooded front sight withfour interchangeableinserts, and a precisionrear peep sight. (Seeinstructions packedwith the sight.)You will have toexperiment with theinterchangeable frontinserts to determinewhich is best for you.BULLSEYEREARSIGHTBULLSEYEREARSIGHTFIG. 9FIG. 10FIBER OPTICFRONTSIGHTThe Model <strong>840</strong>/841 is equipped with a rear sight that isadjustable for elevation. Raise the rear sight to make the gunshoot higher. Lower the rear sight to make the gun shootlower. (Fig. 9 & 10)STEP 7. TAKE “OFF”SAFETY “OFF”TRIGGER SAFETYWhen you are certain the target,backstop and surrounding area issafe, push the trigger safety fromright to left until red band isexposed. (Fig. 11)STEP 8. FIREFIG. 2After completing the operationsteps, your gun may be fired by gently, but firmly, squeezingthe trigger. NOTE: The bolt must be completely closed, asindicated in Step 5. IMPORTANT: Do not leave the gunpumped up for more than one hour or damage to the guncould result.WARNING: If a BB or pellet does not fire after completingthe operation steps, the gun is jammed. This is a dangerouscondition. Keep gun pointed in a safe direction andrepeat all operation steps except Step 4. If a projectile stilldoes not fire, do the following:1. Put the trigger safety “ON SAFE” (no red showing).2. Open bolt.3. Clear barrel by running a cleaning rod through from themuzzle end. Be careful not to damage the bolt tip by pushingthe rod through too hard. Do not reuse this BB or pellet.4. Repeat operation steps.If after following the firing procedure the BB or pellet stilldoes not fire, your gun should be returned to the factory (See“Repair of Daisy Guns” section).EMPTY BB MAGAZINEPut “ON” trigger safety. Open BB loading door, cup yourhand under it and turn gun fully to its left side. Shake gun untilall BBs are removed. To make sure no BBs remain in the feedsystem, raise the muzzle, shake gun, and work the bolt forwardand all the way back several times, removing any BBsthat appear.CAUTION: Never assume the gun is empty of projectiles.Always point the gun in a safe direction.5RAISEFRONTSIGHTLOWER

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