
2006-07 - Indiana Council for Economic Education

2006-07 - Indiana Council for Economic Education

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PAUL SAMUELSON ENTERPRISE AWARDFOR COMMUNITY LEADERS20<strong>07</strong> LAWRENCE SENESH AWARD FORSCHOOL ADMINISTRATORSHERSCHEL’S WORLD OF ECONOMICS5Dr. Anna Rominger, Dean of theSchool of Business and Economics at IndianaUniversity, Northwest, was selected toreceive the 20<strong>07</strong> Paul Samuelson EnterpriseAward for Community Leaders for hersteadfast commitment to K-12 economiceducation, as evidenced by the strong andcontinuing institutional support to the Centerfor Economic Education and its’ K-12outreach programs. Nominated by INNorthwest Center Director John Gibson, hernomination was supported by Dr. Bala G.Arshanapalli and Vice-Chancellor MarilynVasquez.Dr. Rominger highlights the efforts of theCenter whenever possible, and has beeninstrumental in the center becoming a fixtureon the IUN campus, working with the ICEEafter the retirement of former director, Dr.Gary Lynch, and through the continuedsupport of this award winning center underthe direction of John Gibson.This distinguished award honorscommunity leaders who have demonstratedoutstanding commitment to economiceducation in their community. The award isgiven in honor of Paul Samuelson, a native ofGary, Indiana, who founded theMassachusetts Institute of Technology'sGraduate Department of Economics. Dr.Samuelson was the first American to receivethe Nobel Prize in Economics.Mary Banta, Principal of St. Louis deMontfort Catholic School, Indianapolis, wasselected to receive the prestigious LawrenceSenesh Award for School Administrators for20<strong>06</strong>-<strong>07</strong>. This award is given each year inhonor of Larry Senesh, the first professor ofeconomic education in the United States.While at Purdue, Dr. Senesh developed theidea of the organic curriculum, which isbased on the idea that children can learnfundamental economics at an early agethrough meaningful experiences. His ideaswere formulated into a series of elementaryschool textbooks entitled Our WorkingWorld, published by Science ResearchAssociates.The ICEE gives this award each year to anoutstanding school administrator who hasexcelled in promoting economic education intheir school or school corporation. In hercapacity as principal and 3rd grade teacher,Mary models the importance of economiceducation to the staff of her school byimplementing economic education projects.This year’s recipient was nominated byProfessor Robert B. Harris, Director,Mohammad Kaviani, Associate Director, andTerri L. Crews, Program Coordinator, IUPUICenter for Economic Education.Thanks to a grant from Teachers CreditUnion, ICEE will soon be rolling out a newDVD curriculum for K-5 students, Herschel’sWorld of Economics. This highly motivatingpuppet program introduces 11 keyeconomic concepts found in the new IndianaSocial Studies Standards and the NationalStandards. These concepts are also the focusof KidsEcon Posters©, Set A.http://www.kidseconposters.comProgram 1: Goods and ServicesHerschel learns that it takes work toproduce the goods and services that satisfypeople’s economic wants.Program 2: Producers and ConsumersHerschel discovers that goods and servicesmust first be produced. He also learns thatconsumers face many choices.Program 3: Productive ResourcesHerschel learns about all the productiveresources it takes to produce doggie treats.He even reveals his “secret” ingredient!Program 4: ScarcityHerschel learns that he has a scarcityproblem – he doesn’t have enoughproductive resources to produce all thedoggie treats his friends want.Program 5: Trade and MoneyHerschel has trouble trading his doggie treatsand his “homework” rock for Dr. Day’s candybar. What can Herschel do to get it?Program 6: Opportunity CostHerschel has a scarcity problem. He wantsboth of Dr. Day’s candy bars, but only hasenough money to buy one of them!Sarah PalmaSouth Grove Intermediate, Beech GroveTeacher: Lou Ann PieperRachael RothhaarRoyerton Elementary School, MuncieTeacher: Johnetta DolanMiriam StanisSt. Mary’s Catholic School, New AlbanyTeacher: Whitnie Payton

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