
View - The Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers - University of Iowa

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MAKERS<br />

by Robyn Welk<br />

The staff at me Children's Hospital of Iowa at The<br />

University of Iowa Hospitals and Oinics are leading supporters<br />

of Dance M31lImon. All the children pmicipaling in<br />

Dance Marathon arc treated in the Pediatrics Oncology Unir<br />

of the hospital, where tight bonds exist among families and<br />

the doctors. nurses, child life therapists, and other hospital<br />

staII<br />

Children fighting cancer can be i.D the hospital for up to<br />

six months, depending on the severity of their illness and the<br />

duration of their treatmenL The hospital staff soon becomes<br />

a second family for the children. Or, Ray Tannous in one of<br />

the pediatricians and researchers in the uniL He perfonns<br />

clinical oncology research, with a special imerest in research·<br />

ing fibrous rumors. He carries an incredible amount of<br />

respect from his co-worllers and research assistants. M.ore<br />

!mportanll); he is highly re5peC1ed by his patients, the kids<br />

and their families.<br />

"I try to make it fun for the children so they are able to<br />

forget about their urness, e\'en for a short wrule •• slates<br />

Tannous.<br />

Tannous finds much inspiration working in the Pedialrics<br />

Oncology Uni!, Betause children are so easily influenced by<br />

the older &eneration and are incredibly Irusting of them, il is<br />

easy for the staff 10 nol only act as healers, bUI also role<br />

models,<br />

"The best and most inspiring pm 01 my job: emphasizes<br />

Tannom, "is, of course, pbying with the children and fonning<br />

that bond. Thai feeling is something that I would ne\'er<br />

exchange for anything." Almost more encoul'1l8ing for<br />

Tannous is the feeling he gets after disco>'ering a new treatmenl<br />

and witnessing il extend a patient's life. "Thai is a feeling<br />

thai I will alwa)"S cherish, - comments Tannous,<br />

Dance Marathon has emotionally benefited doctors and<br />

researcher such as Tannous, but the Orgllnilation also 10 create<br />

an endowment to give needed support to the Pediatrics<br />

Oncology Unit in the areas 01 research, children's JT1i\eria1<br />

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F"~ ~-'*1 ~ SoWc al' IIDdI. W1IId ~ liD mIndes. Four •• bIIf,an • •# WIIouIlIor<br />

her fucun: was far hm ~ l~. cbmb III dIr stikd ImIIICII art. dIr O\ildrtn'$ ll<br />

. r~ vi /oora IklIptIb mil (]jnjQ, hawftr. six iii .. her fImiIT I0Il m-ts ~ •<br />

SlqIbw _. fihh-t1wI!:r sir sarwd Imq _ .... SIOIII«b Idles ~:sdIooI . a- cb~ : wfItII<br />

Ibc .... 1Iramr 1IIIIIm3llle. she tis.iled dIr sdaoaIlIIJIlIor. TIlt' nurwlftWd IfuI ~ '. ,.-oI*m ~ men<br />

thin JUSt stmpk ~ prabIans IIId rdmtd WIll 10 TJ1IIIIY ~ ~Jer in o-nport. Tllt'doQon 1/<br />

Trillity IhcqhI rbe I5mr ,.. IIJlIdJ ~ 1:5 ftI., aDd SItpIwUt os scMIuItd lor .~ M TIlt' t:l1h'tlSl'l' 01<br />

Iowa Ho5pbIs IIId CIIIlia..<br />

-~e toa'e bopq dar mer ~ P'« ID '* my appendix out and dw etdd /at> At. - rean. SIlpIurIjt.<br />

~ IhIl W'I:5 _ II. ~ WIS ~ wiIh EndocItnmI Sinus Tumor. In ~ funn 01 cancer<br />

'Iofticb lad iImIdcd her mIft abdDminII Ira.<br />

AItbougb her bmiIy was ~ ",· the news Iher had jUSlrucimi. Iher Wl'IIuito do 1lJ)~ 10 bdp<br />

~ ovcrrome her 0IIlm', "Te wtft ~ for • nunde--and • cure." gys her modIer. MaIPreI The<br />

hope lor St~'s rttO\"f:r)' camr !rom I lwsb mixlure 01 cbemoIlxrap) drop dw lefl Sa:ephanie Wtak and nauseated<br />

dr,'S after the round 01 ueatment had ended. "1bey lOkI me it "wId t1lcn ~ .:<br />

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,.....<br />

HOPE<br />

nus summer, Steplunie will ceieInIe the mileslOne that rverr canc.er sur.ivor looks fonrard to-ihe cby that she is consodered cured of her cancer. "It will lit<br />

five ye:us since her diagnosis and her docIot's say she IS doing very ...'dl,. reportS ~<br />

Stepbmie still sees her doctor 21 Um.'In'iry lIospiWs 0Ra''' , __ 'or check-ups to m2ke sure her cancer Is sri1J in remission. • [ sclll gee IIUI'O~ when [ h2ve to fIP<br />

back to the hospital, bul as /ongas I'm feeling well, I don'llhink llwl! anything to worry abou ~ "S:l)"S Step/Ianle.<br />

Seeing S/eph2nk todllJ( one could IlOl imagine the aperiences she bJIS bad. -She Is me oldest fifteen fe2T-old I 1mmI;" laughs her moIher.<br />

S/eph2nie is currently an honor student in her sophomore year of high 5ChooI. She plays lennis and Is a talented >iQlinist In her school's orchestra. Stephmle<br />

plans to go to college ooe day and help make the ,.vrJd a bener place in which 10 lire. for /JOM! Stephmie Is ius! enjoying aJJ !he 1hiof,5 !bat odIer high school «iris do,<br />

and is rhankful for the second chance that she's been ~en allife.<br />

and equipment. Or. Frmk Morriss is an administrator and<br />

directs research for the department Rccently Morriss<br />

received a check for approximareJy $12,000 which ~iJl benefit<br />

the department's research. This money is 1 crucial instrumentlor<br />

the expansion of the research division.<br />

"The money has been banked in a research investment<br />

account named the Dance Marathon Children's Cancer fund<br />

The present dhision director has left the department, and we<br />

are in search for a top notch division director/clinician<br />

researcher; states M.orris, "This support and additional<br />

research money will be strong incentive for an outstanding<br />

researcher to come to the department<br />

It is encouraging to see the advancements achieved in tile<br />

Oncology Unit of the Children's Hospital of Iowa, al The<br />

Universiry of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, An incredibly strong<br />

sense of communiry exists among the hospital slaff and they<br />

ptmide much support to one another in both good and bad<br />

times.<br />

Tannous claims that the hardest pan of his job as a doc·<br />

tor of childhood canter occurs when a child loses their fight<br />

against cancer, e5pccially if they have been battling fOT an<br />

e:aended period of time, Dance Marathon reminds hospital<br />

staff of the true motivations in their careers and helps support<br />

them in time5 of happiness and sorrow.<br />

"Personally, Dance M.arathon has given me hope in Our<br />

future &eneration ... to see these students pour their heart<br />

into such a good cause with so much energy and ease, -<br />

restores my faith! - Tannous comments. "I find it so refreshing<br />

when a family isn't financially ruined by medical bills<br />

from hospital visits, treatments and surgeries, Dance<br />

Marathon certainly helps ease these financial strains,·<br />

Dance Marathon is in its fourth year and with each year it<br />

accumulates more families and community support. II has<br />

also positively touched the lives of students, University and<br />

hospital staff, and communiry members. Tannous and<br />

Morriss are strong examples of the caring staff at The<br />

University of 10W:l Hospitals and Clinics. Dance Marathon is<br />

very thankful to have such an abundant amount of support<br />

each )'ear from individuals such as them, Together they offer<br />

love, support, and hope to these families,. truly -Creating<br />

Tomorrow by Dancing Today."<br />

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"I am so thankful that<br />

you help kids like me<br />

with cancer. I think<br />

everyone in the world<br />

should !mow people like<br />

you. You're the bestl"<br />

- Cary Smith, age II<br />

"Dance Marathon has<br />

given me hope in our<br />

future generation ... to<br />

see these students<br />

pour their heart into<br />

such a good cause<br />

with so much energy<br />

and ease restores my<br />

faith!"<br />

- Dr. Ray Tannous, Pediatric<br />

Oncologist<br />

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-StC'ol! Iu:> bun ~ .... pC,-soo: Slid I.am1 Go4cd mother .. a ll to "'t'fi , \Irk Cil)' for recoostructlYe<br />

sl1Ilff)t Since then his condition has impro\ed .. , th the help of ~'Sial<br />

thenpy and • strong WIll ~'eI'.<br />

- It·s been quite revealing for me 10 see people react ID him IS 1 ,.oung adult, - said<br />

Iaren. "He's had this sinc.e he was 1)'OOng mild and I have h:ad \0 feel myW2Y along<br />

10 help him In his physkal life. It's been an incredible life expettence and he has<br />

exceeded our cxped:aIioos in every possible "''31--<br />

Grolling up. SIeVe found one of his mosI difflcuh chaltentes ""lS making friends<br />

and approaching people for the first lime,<br />

"I'm nOl leased aboUl my appearance, bUI when I was younger I could see people<br />

reacting to me, " he said "They knew I was different II damaged my self-ronftdence.<br />

II still bothers me, but I know th21 because of my surgery and rehab I can change<br />

(\()W."<br />

Steve said mal Dance Marathon bJIS been a good experience for him to meet pe0-<br />

ple and become more in'IQlved.<br />

"WIren I'm down there, the dancers and sponsors really make an effort to get 10<br />

know me," he said. "It's very encouraging and I get to be preny good friends .. ith<br />

some people."<br />

Steve also said his friends and the people he has met through \)anee M.arathon<br />

ha~i aIwa}-s been very supportive.<br />

"My friends understand my condition,· he said "But my rell1lionship "'i th them<br />

isn't very nonnal because I have had to change schools a 101. I don't see my friends a<br />

lot, but they write and we talk on the phone and get together,-<br />

Through evefJ''\hing. SIeve has kept a positiVe outlook on his life. In March he ,.ilI<br />

be' one of ten studenls natiomuly to travel to Washington, D.C" as pan of an MCI essay<br />

conies! he entered in school.<br />

"I think emotionally I've been as low as it's possible to get," he said "Now I'm<br />

ready for anything life has to throw my way .•<br />

A LETTER<br />

FROM A<br />

FAMILY<br />

This February will be the fourth Dance<br />

Marathon that our family has attended. Our<br />

youngest son, 12-year old Keith, was stiU going<br />

through treatment for Leiomyosarcoma during<br />

the very first Dance Marathon. That didn't stop<br />

Keith from having a great time, though, he just<br />

didn't stay up as late as some of the kids.<br />

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