February 26 - The Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers - University of ...

February 26 - The Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers - University of ...

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O th<br />

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tages<br />

ENTS<br />

BURUE sr.<br />

E, NO. 21 9<br />

THE" DAILY <strong>IOWAN</strong><br />


Vol. 3 IOWA CITY, IOWA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1'7 1904 No. 96<br />




•<br />

anum<br />

IRED<br />

~rietors<br />

City, Iowa<br />

~lIeys<br />

RegulQtioD,<br />

ys and make<br />

eo<br />

owa Avenue<br />

minal-the<br />

andsomest,<br />

ally located<br />

from the<br />

f from the<br />

vated railock.<br />

Island<br />

ee of the<br />

blishment ••<br />

Iowa City<br />

perllj R~on<br />

at th.s<br />

Not Yet Known How Extensive Sumptuous Feast of Food and Delts Win First Game, K.appa Sketch of the Iowa Debaters-<br />

It Will Be-Extent of Funds Words- The List of Speak- Sigma Wins Again and Sig- The Judges Chosen- Mayor<br />

Not Yet Known ers- Big Attendance rna Nus on the Rise Hayne Will PresIde<br />

The q ues tiol1 of how<br />

extensively the University<br />

will be represented at the expoSition<br />

at St. Louis next sum·<br />

mer will in aU probability be decided<br />

next week. Professor Calvin,<br />

chairman of the committee<br />

to a.rrange the university exhibit<br />

is in receipt of a letter from F. J.<br />

Sessions of Cedar Rapids telling<br />

him of a meeting of those directly<br />

interested in the scbool exhibit in<br />

Des Moines next week. Mr.Sessions<br />

has charge of the distribu<br />

tion of the funds provided for the<br />

exhibit of Iowa educational<br />

institutions.<br />

Professor Cal vin said that<br />

notbing much has been done<br />

toward the arrangement of a<br />

suitable exhibit for the univer<br />

sity because it is not yet known<br />

just how much money the university<br />

will get for it.<br />

Practically everv university in<br />

America is planning to send exbibiTis<br />

to the St. Louis Exposition.<br />

The facilities for such displays<br />

are especially good, and al<br />

ready the various institutions<br />

have'reserved a large amount of<br />

space.<br />

The University of California<br />

has appropriated $4000 for its exhibit<br />

and has received a further<br />

sum of $1000 from the state.<br />

With this amount at band an<br />

elaborate display is being pla.nned.<br />

"If You're not an Engineer Delta Tau Delta 1,000 "Tonight's the night" at Min-<br />

Why You Needn't Come A round" Kappa Sigma<br />

1,000 neapolis. For the millionth time<br />

was the song for tbe Engin ers Phi Kappa Psi<br />

1,000 the protective tarriff N licy of<br />

Phi Delta Theta .500<br />

last night at tbe Burkley Im- igma Nu .500 the republican party wi be torn<br />

peria.I, It wa the OCCH ion for igma hi .000 to pi~ces and brought to life<br />

the annual banquet of the En- Beta Theta Pi<br />

,000 again. This time the operation<br />

gineerinO' Society of the Univer- The econd series of games in will be preformed by three able<br />

sity of lowl:\" and it was a banquet the inter ,fraternity whi t toUl'Oar representative from the State<br />

in every sense of the work. There ment Wt\. ph~yed off Ill. t night at University of Iowa on one ide<br />

wa.s a feast of good things to etl.t the Pbi Kuppa P i House and a. and an many from the Univer i­<br />

and a feast of still better tbings number of chang s in the per· ty of Miunesota on the other ide.<br />

to here afterwards.<br />

centaO'a tabl re ulted. Phi Kap- The three Iowa repre enta.tives<br />

Everything at the banquet was po. P i did not comp te la t nigbt Ray File, 0, R. Davis and R. R.<br />

arranged appropriate to tbe En- but Delta Tau Delta. ent red the Randall will uphold the protect<br />

ginneering department. The mce with I:L flying start winning tive tariff pollcy for Iowa and<br />

tables whIch extended clear over Pbi Delta Theta. by a. score Isaac W. Choate, JohnP. Devanacross<br />

the big botel dining room of 10 to 3. Delta Tau Delta was eyand Raymond P. Cha e will<br />

were arranged in the shape of represented by Middleton and a.ttack it for Minnesota. The<br />

two triangles. Within these Simp on and Phi Delta Theta by Minnesota debaters have the<br />

tringles stood a. leveler and a Oelkers and Loizeaux. Kappa affirmative of the question: Retranscript<br />

and the banquet tAble igma, repre ented by Moore solved that the United States<br />

was furtber decorated with com- R.nd Herrick won over Sigma Chi should now abu.ndon the protecpasses.<br />

Perbaps the most novel represented by Ross and Bond. tive tariff.<br />

feature of the banquet w\ll tbe Sigma. Nu represented by Mc- Mayor Haynes of Minneapolis<br />

menu cards consisting of a mina.- Nett and Steck won from Elbert will preside over the debate and<br />

ture drawing board upon which and Finkbine of Beta 'l'heta Pi. Professor Ely and Dr. Sparling,<br />

was held with thumb tacks the Tbe last named game was very both of Wisconsin, and Judge<br />

cards bearing the menu and pro- clo ely fought and was the last John Brinley of La Crosse, Wis"<br />

gram of toasts. game to be completed. will act ~s judges,<br />

'l'he list of speakers included . The ,games next Thur.sday Followrng are sketches of the<br />

mostly faculty members and was OIght wlll be pIa ed at the. 19~a thr~ men who are to represent<br />

headed by President MacLean. Nu house and that fraternll.Y wI1J Iowa: .<br />

It wonld be impossible to tell not compet,e. .Ray Files comes tro~ Iowa<br />

even a fraction of the many good . . CIty whero he wa born 10 1 2,<br />

th<br />

t 'd f th Dr. Flom 1 ill and unable to He prepared for colleg in the<br />

lOgs a were salOl." e en- meet his cia. ses I C' H" h S h 1 h<br />

gioeering department here. The . owa. Ity ~O' coo .. were ne<br />

work alr~ady done and the work Robert Fullerton will spend too~ an a~tlve part 10 debate.<br />

yet to be done were talked of. Sunday in Des Moines. ~e ,Ides be10g ~ member of the<br />

The good tbinO's to be done by P ' 13 Ph' h d d I t JunIOr team whlCh won from the<br />

Miss Paddock Here the le!ri.slaturet) f~r this depart- . ~ ~~. $te~I W·rre~ as enior team of tbe sa.me ~chool,<br />

. ment ~ere discussed and tbe mg t a ISS a I ey s. he led an Iowa City team which<br />

MISS Estella. Paddock the state Id h d . t 'f't h d Paisley ex-'05 who left school defeated the High School team of<br />

secretary of theY. W.e. A., is POOt r 0<br />

k' b l ' 't to th no a. 1 rea<br />

sd<br />

y e 'b JuS een<br />

as<br />

su<br />

Iffil.<br />

Clenu<br />

,a I<br />

y<br />

I<br />

!tst year<br />

h<br />

as ent.et·e<br />

d'<br />

agam<br />

f<br />

or<br />

Cedar Rapl'ds<br />

, '.<br />

He entered<br />

.<br />

the<br />

U ma . mg. er Aannu~ . V1SI 1 de abused ca.me in for additional the coming semester. Sta~ U nlverslty of IOWfLlO 1901.<br />

nlverslty SsoClatlOn. Sh e e t' 0 f th . 'fi t In hlS fre hman yea.r he wa. a<br />

a. very interesting and helpful roas 1tnh:f' hoe °d e Stlh gOl cfan Edda will meet Saturday eve- member of the Ze h • O'a.thian de-<br />

d<br />

. CHIll ' h 0'00 mgs ea.r was e re er- · t 7 30' h Pb . Le ""'0<br />

meet10g at lose a ast mg t d b P 'd t M OlOg a : 10 t e yS1CS c- b"tin'" team bel'ng victorious in<br />

6 3 d il k . ence ma. e y reSl en ac- D H 'II d Qj 0 ,<br />

1Io~ : 0, an w 1 spea agam to- Lean to the fact tha.t man of the ture room r. agen Wl rea the intersociety contest. T~e<br />

mght a.t the same hour. Tomor- flY a paper. next year he repl'esented hi<br />

row afternoon at 3 oclock she will ~em~ers Of IloSt t1: ea r; gr~duat~ E, W.Soesbe of Greene fa.ther SOCiety in the Wi con in Univerbe<br />

at home at an informal recep· IDg c ass rom e epar men f M M S 5 d d . P 1" D b d .<br />

t" Cl H 11 11 U . were not able to be present at the 0 is ae oesbe '0 is ea. Slty re ImlDary e ate an 10<br />

Ion at ose a to a mver- t' Mr. Soe be wa.s a prominent January 1904 was leader of the<br />

sity gb irl \ especially association ~~:.~::~e::n dem~~~r~::Sthe: resident and business man of winning teaa: in the Minnesota<br />

IDem ers. h k h' h f Greene. Preliminary Debate<br />

Miss Paddock will address the at t e wor upon w ,c most 0 Od' RD' . b El<br />

regular Sunday devotional meet- them were about to enter Toast- The freshman declamation and d 1,?- i 79Lvlsdwas or~at ~d<br />

ing at 4 oclock and it is hoped master Crane presided in a.n ex· oratorical conte t will be held to- f ora, 1~<br />

Eld an ;a~ gra h<br />

u~t~<br />

tha.t t large n~mber of the girls cellent ~anner. Th.e list of niO'bt in Irvina' Institute. The 18~6 t Ii ~a. d l~ . C ~ C 1~<br />

will be out to hear her both Sun sperkers 10cludedPresldent Mac- wi~lOer will be I:>en ti tIed to places 1 " 1 e9~n 1': ~nne k 0<br />

day afternoon and tonight as he; Lean, Dr. Andrews, Dean Weld, on the program to be given at eg~ m ~ ~ ere. e t~ rn<br />

talks are very helpful and inspir- Professor Smith, Professor Ma· the 1 rvinO'-Zetagathia freshmen act1 ve Pd a 1 r 9 t OO<br />

lll horenslC wor . b n<br />

. .. . B J L b t d S H I:> 1s99 an e was a mem er<br />

109. She IS bemg enter~a1Ued at gMowC an , ' 'P afm er Sa~ " debate. of the Young Men's Debating<br />

the home of Professor Fa.lrbanks c rory. ro essor Ims was , E d<br />

____' __ . to have given an u.ddress but Henry Watterson gives his soclety a~ ld~ra a!1 entered the<br />

Professor Gordon has been could not be present. He wired celebrated lecture on Abraha.m State Uruverslty I~ the autumn<br />

chosen one of the judges .at the his regrets from Des Moines, Lincoln at the opera house Sat- of 1901.. M~. Davls ~as taken<br />

contest preliminll.ry to the North- and these were read by Toast- urday eventng, Febrvary 27. a~ actIve .mterest lU. deba:tes<br />

ern Oratorical League contest at master Crane. Seats for sale and reserved at sm~e entermg. t~e uOlversIty,<br />

Iowa State Normal. The pre- Weinike's. havmg led the Jumor class debatliminary<br />

will take place oonight.<br />

ing tea.m of Irving Institute in<br />

Miss Ruth Fleming has com- At a meeting of the sophomore the intersociety contest in the<br />

The Baconian Club meets on pleted her course of study in the boys, a track team was organized spring of 1903 and the Minnesota.<br />

Friday evening, February 26, at University and gone to her home Crossan being elected Captain, Preliminary Contest this year.<br />

7:80 in the Physics Lecture in Omaha. She will return for A great deal of enthusiasm was He was the unanimous choice of<br />

Room. The paper will be read commencementnext spring. Miss shown and the sophomores feel Irving Institute as her represby<br />

Mr. C. J. Lambert on tbe sub- Fleming hilS been popular here, confident of victory over the tative against Minnesota. Univerject:<br />

The Physiology of Sleep. and a member of Delta. Gamma. Freshman. (CoNTINUJtDON PAGJt 4)<br />

. •

THE D A I L Y lOW AN<br />

THE DAILY <strong>IOWAN</strong><br />

VOLUME 8 NUMBER 95<br />

ltvery Afternoon It>roept Sundays and Monday.<br />

or tbe Vldette-Reporter tbe tblrty-ftrtb year<br />

and or the S. U. I. QuIll the tweHth year<br />

ED1TO/I.-IN-CDL ••<br />


paul Dorweller<br />

BDlTORS<br />

O. LonguevUJe<br />

It. (;. Barrett<br />

JUry R. Ballard<br />

Neille A. Cbase<br />

B. F Wyland<br />

G. H. (;oultbard, Athletic Editor<br />

Sadie Jacobs. Society Editor<br />

Lealie McAuli<br />

M. W .. kepeaoe Morris<br />

H. It. Dow<br />

DC<br />

B~BT.B8<br />

B'l'lOI!JT .nlT088<br />

Ill. A. Hemsing<br />

H. W. aamel<br />

(;. A. Pelroe<br />

RobeT Law, Oollege or Law<br />

"l. O. Parso Oollege of Homeopatby<br />

CoUege o( Medlolne<br />

W. D. Weller OoUege of Dentistry<br />

A, N. Brown. College or Pharmaoy<br />

R. M . Anderson, Graduate College<br />

Ii. P. B~r&wn, Sobool or Applied Solenoe<br />

<strong>IOWAN</strong> PUDLISIHNG Co., P OB LI BUER8.<br />


\<br />


Per Year.1t paid before J lnUa" I .... .. .... 12.00<br />

Per Year If paid alter January I ........... ruo<br />

Per Semester ............................... . 11..<br />

PerMonth ............ ........ ................. 40<br />

Per Single Copy............ .... ............. .015<br />

Ollloe with The University Press Company,<br />

III Wash ngton St., Telephone No. lOll<br />

TH-' DULY Io"AN "Ill be sent to all old<br />

lubscrlbers untU ordered stopped and all<br />

arrearages paid,<br />

AdverUI.m.ntl and Notlc •• mu.t b. In<br />

tb. <strong>IOWAN</strong> oHlc. by 8 o'clock of the day<br />

of pubUeatlon In ord." to Inu". Inlutlon.<br />

Copies (oraale and subsorlptlons taklln at the<br />

Aroade Book Store, the UDtverslty Book Store<br />

and at tbe <strong>IOWAN</strong> Ollloe<br />

Address aU oommunloations to<br />


Iowa City, lo"a<br />

Entered as leoond 01 .... maU matter, November<br />

12, 11103 at the poet ollloe at Iowa City.<br />

Iowa. under the Aot ot Congress of March 3.<br />

J8'/9.<br />

Get Out And Train<br />

The advice ~iven to the candidates<br />

for places on the track team<br />

through the news columns of the<br />

<strong>IOWAN</strong> yesteJ'day by one who is<br />

deeply interested in the welfare<br />

of the team is good ad vice. There<br />

IS no need of laying down because<br />

the dope artists hu.ve figured out<br />

that the state meat is already<br />

won. It must be remembered<br />

thl~t figures regarding the pro·<br />

bable outcome of a meet in which<br />

a large number of men representing<br />

a large num ber of schools<br />

P'\rticipate are often deceiving,<br />

for there are any number of con<br />

d i t ion s tlu.t.t may materia.lly<br />

change the final result.<br />

Even if Iowa were assured of<br />

a victory over the other tooms<br />

that will compete in the state<br />

meet there is need of good hard<br />

systematic training. In the meet<br />

with Minnesota the Iowll. brawn<br />

will find a harder task that at the<br />

state meet. Minnesota has the<br />

record of having defeated Iowa<br />

at a track meet only last year.<br />

She also defeated Iowa at footbaJ1<br />

last year although the re<br />

collpction is unpleasant. It would<br />

be a stroke iu the rIght direction<br />

I<br />

to begin the reversal of aJIa.irs<br />

this spring. Iowa has Ij,ny amount<br />

of good materia.l if it is properly<br />

taken advantage of. The trainers<br />

are willing to do their part and<br />

the men to whom the honor of<br />

victory will go should certainly<br />

be willing to do their part.<br />

Lest we forget, we say it yet:<br />

"Get out and traiu!"<br />

The <strong>IOWAN</strong> has every contidence<br />

in the three young men<br />

who are to uphold the Hawkeye<br />

banners at Minneapolis tonight.<br />

They ha.ve prepa.red well for the<br />

contest with Lhe Minnesota. ora.­<br />

tors tonight, and there is little<br />

doubt that Iowa honor will suffer<br />

at their hands Unfortuna.Lely it<br />

is Minnesota's turn to win but all<br />

signs fa.il somatimes, pa.rticularly<br />

when they bode ill for J owa<br />

1 ..•••••••••••••••••• EXCHANGE .... 1<br />

• •••••••••••••••••••••••<br />

McGuigan and Maddock old<br />

football stars at Michigan will<br />

help to coach the wolverine team<br />

next fall.<br />

* * •<br />

While drill wu.s in progress at<br />

Minnesota someone e.tered the<br />

armory and made "' wholesale<br />


Saturday Morning at 8 O'clock<br />

We start the sale of goods that arc<br />

slightly damaged by water and made<br />

unsalable at their regular price. This<br />

is your opportunity to buy.<br />

Men's S8.00 Suits for ~5.98<br />

Men's SIO and $12 Suits for ~7-48<br />

Childrens $3-00 and $4.00 suits for $1.98<br />

Childrens $5.00 and $7-ooSuits and Overcoats for $3.45<br />

and furnishing at reduced prices.<br />

Bloom & Mayer<br />

-.<br />

fill POPULAR. BRflNDS<br />

OF<br />

CIGA~S ,AND<br />

TOB~CCO<br />

And the best assortment of Pipes and Smokers articles<br />

at very low prices at the<br />

thefL of watches. ST. Cigar Store<br />

* * *<br />

Minnesota University has a<br />

press club composed of all students<br />

doing newspaper work.<br />

Do you need "' watch? See<br />

John Hll.nds.<br />

New Crll.venettes for spring<br />

work at Bloom & Ma.yer's.<br />

Have your next suit made at<br />

Jos. Kanak's, tailor.<br />

New Styles and slu.t.pes in<br />

spring<br />

hats gladly shown at<br />

Bloom & Ma.yer's. ====== ==================<br />

Just the Stuff-Popcorn fritter'!i.<br />

Rittenmeyers 122 Iowa<br />

Avenue.<br />

Our spring suits are here<br />

come and get your pick.<br />

BLOOM & MAYER.<br />

You will need one of J. Slava<br />

ta's dress suits for the parties<br />

this winter.<br />

Come now and see our spring<br />

styles in Stet.son and Young<br />

hats. BLOOM & MAYER.<br />

Colgate's, the best Shaving<br />

Soap, is used at Ebert's Barber<br />

shop, 126 S. Clinton St.<br />

Special spring Suits that satisfy<br />

and suit not some but all at<br />

Bloom & Mayer's.<br />

H you wish to secure a position<br />

to teach, write to James F. Mc­<br />

Cullough 689 Fine Arts Building,<br />

Chicago.<br />

THIS IS TO<br />


That our Job Department i. at<br />

your aervice when in need of<br />

PRINTING of any kind. Our<br />

price. are low, conaidering the<br />

qualIty of our work.<br />

W. H. HAWK<br />

208 S. DUBUOUB ST<br />

Lumsden Bros. Steam and Dye Works<br />

and Panitorium Club<br />

Goods called for and delivered free. Clothes pressf>,:! and<br />

cleaned for $1.00 a month. Ladies and Gents<br />

Shining Parlor.<br />

LUMSDEN BROS. 110 Iowa Avenue. Phone 166<br />


and CIGAR STORE<br />


Hereafter Wednesday night of each week will be reserved for<br />

Ladies and Escorts Prizes awarded to the Ladies making<br />

the best score. Bowling parties a specialty. JII JI<br />

A. L. KLOOS. Prop.<br />





..... ---- W. A. WILLIS, Principal<br />

Dissecting Cases and Platinum Foil<br />

NOJ7AK €! NICKING'<br />

Druggists and Pharamaclst<br />

I"<br />

11 S. Dubuque Stt<br />

Palmetto<br />

specialty<br />

All Candie<br />

Ice C<br />

shapes<br />

Parties<br />

Hot Choc<br />

CAPITAL, -<br />

Geo. W. Lewis. Pres.<br />

Gee. W. Koonll, Cash.<br />

rielcl<br />

Bask<br />

Official<br />

Imph<br />

PIa .. ud Blue PrInts<br />

tru1Ia Burnlahed upt:<br />

~ of all Athletl<br />

&Oy)<br />

1.6. SPALO:<br />

Jfew y~ Chicaec<br />

IIIIItoD Battlmc<br />

lIIalo Mlnnea<br />

..,.... Denyu<br />

t.oDdoD, ltD,

$5·98<br />

$7.48<br />

'1.98<br />

~3-4S<br />

r<br />

NOS<br />

Foil<br />

It""""- Stt<br />


21 S. Dubuque St.<br />

Buclld Sanders, Pres.<br />

CoX: Sons & Vinning<br />

062 Fouth Ave., Ne .. York<br />

Wm.~Muaser, Vlce·Pres<br />

P, A. Korab. Cashier. J.C. Switzer, AlB'tCash<br />



CAPIT AL, • • • $65,000.00<br />

Geo. W. Lewis, Pres. Alonzo Brown, Vice· Pres<br />

Geo. W. Koontz, Cash. J . X, Switzer, AlB't CUh<br />



From the pr seut outlook. the<br />

name of Jeffer on will live on in<br />

The Confectioner the hist0ry of the stage. On<br />

next Thursday night, Match 3,<br />

the th~tre going public ot this<br />

ci ty will see the two wonhy<br />

sons of the "Dean of the American<br />

Stage," Jo ph Jeffer on,<br />

Palmetto Chocolates our<br />

specialty<br />

who are known a.s Joseph Jef'fer<br />

All Candies Home Made<br />

son Jr., and Wilham W.<br />

Jefferson. rrhey will pre ent"'The<br />

Ice Cream Made in all Rivals," which ba been I cted<br />

shapes and furnished for by their fatber a Ilo play uitu.ble<br />

Parties and Receptions for them to star in. The pro n·<br />

Hot Chocolate Menier tation of the SIUDe will be given<br />

by a carefully elected compnny<br />

to support the e worthy young<br />

gentlemen. Jo eph Jr. will be<br />

the Sir Lucius O'Triggar, and<br />

William \V., "Fighting" Bob<br />

Acres. The upporling company<br />

includes Messers. John Ju.ck,Guy<br />

::a Boombs, Percy Plunkett, Jalne<br />

College Gowns, Caps Lewi ,a.nd Mis e Ffollioll PaO'et,<br />

Blanch Bender, Na.ta. Greene and<br />

The Best Workmanship<br />

at Lowest Prices others,R.ll roem bers of the origina.)<br />

Joseph Jefferson &.lk faculty go .. ns and hoods<br />

Co.<br />

Hands give 20 per cent off on<br />

all goods for the next two week.<br />

FOR RENT-Furnished roooo­<br />

Ladies only- Heat, Gas, Bu.th,<br />

telephone. 120 E. Jefferson. 95-6<br />

Hands will treat you I·ight. He<br />

is going to sell you some goods,<br />

the best ever bought for the<br />

price.<br />



504 Walnut St., Da Moines<br />


Surplul, ,15,000.00 Historical, Masquerade aHd Carnival<br />

114 South Clinton Street Costumes, Masks, Wigs, Beards<br />

Caps and Gowns for sale or rent.<br />

capital, '50.000.00<br />

Peter A. Dey, Pres. Lovell Swisher. Cashier Prices Reasouable Mall Orders Solicited<br />

G W. Ball, Vice.Pree. J. U. Plank, Ass't Cash ==============<br />


WANTED<br />

C&pital, $100,000. Surplus, $50,000. Special Representatives in this county<br />

DlIlECTOIlB- Peter A. Dey, C. S. Welch and adjoining territories, to represent<br />

Mrs. X X Parsons, J . L. Turner, G. W. and advertise an old established busi·<br />

Ball, A. N. currier, X. Brad .. av.<br />

ness house of solid financial standin/f.<br />

Salary $21 weekly, and expenses, paid<br />

each Monday by check direct from<br />

Tboe. C. Carson, Pres. Ww. A. Fry, C88hler<br />

J. C. Coohran, vtce PTes. G. J.. Palk, A81!'t cuh<br />



Capital $126.0lI0.00. Surplus. JlO,OOO.OO<br />

nBJCTOlls:-Thos. C. Carson, JOM. T. Jones<br />

II. J. Moon, X. F. Bowman, C. F. Lovelace, J . C<br />

Coobran, Malt Mayer, X.P. WhItacre, S.L.Cl08e<br />

headquarters. Expenses advanced;<br />

position permanent. We furnish<br />

everything.<br />

Address, The Columbia, S30 Monon<br />

Bldg., Chicago, Ill.<br />

.-; WIENEKE'S "­<br />

ARCADE BOOK STORE .. Capital City Commerc:ial College ..<br />

Fountain Pens and<br />

Other School Supplies<br />

IA.G. Spalding & Bros.<br />

I,argest Manufacturers In the World<br />

of Offi.clal Atnletlc Snpp.ies<br />

Base Ball<br />

Lawn TelUlis<br />

Foot. Ball<br />

Coif<br />

Field Hockey<br />

Basket Ball<br />

Ofticial Athletic<br />

I<br />

Implements<br />

College.<br />

PIa .. IIIId Blue Prlntl of Gymnaalum Paraph·<br />

entaIIa Pamlahed upon Request. Spaldlnll"s<br />

c:ataIope of all Athletic: Sports Xaned Free to<br />

l1li)' Addrea<br />

A. G. SPALDING & BROS.<br />

!few Yon: ChlcalO<br />

"on Baltimore<br />

Idalo MlnneapoUa<br />

....... Denver<br />

I.oDdou, BnalaD4<br />

Philadelphia<br />

San F't'anciaco<br />

XansuClty<br />

xoutreal, en.<br />

• f 0(5 MOINt:5, lOW"<br />

Is the largest Commercial School<br />

west of the Mississippi, and it is known<br />

everywhere as a leader in business education.<br />

It is endorsed by educators<br />

and business men. It has a large faculty<br />

of specialists, and maintains a<br />

broad conrse of study. It is conservatively<br />

managed .. nd the individual interests<br />

of the students are looked after<br />

with much care, Its graduates are<br />

competent to do things they are trained<br />

to do and they are in constant demand.<br />

Thousands of the former student.<br />

of the C.C.C.C. are scattered<br />

throughout the Western states, many<br />

of whom a.re today prominent in business<br />

and profellional circles, as well<br />

as in the affairs of government.<br />

When you have completed the work<br />

you contemplate doing at S. U. I.<br />

plan to spend from .ix months to one<br />

year at the Capital City Commercial<br />

It will be a aatisfactory in.<br />

vestmemt.<br />

When you want special information<br />

concermng our school, send for descriptive<br />

catalogue, or better still, vWt<br />

the school when it i.in sellOn. Addre ..<br />

W. H. McCAULEY, President<br />

De. Moinea, Iowa<br />

Final Reduction Sale<br />

Now<br />

The Great Feature of this sale is that price<br />

have been radically reduced on the hll'he t<br />

grade aDd best clothing ever brought to the<br />

city. Every garment is skillfully tailored<br />

from reliable fabrics after the latest fashion<br />

but we bought them for this seasou's trade<br />

and prices that will in ure their immediat<br />

dispo al now prevail. Everything must go.<br />

,<br />

IS<br />

the<br />

Time to<br />

It will pay you to rake advat1tage of this<br />

ale a it will save you<br />


---=::::--=--== .-<br />

120-122<br />

"<br />

Washington<br />

"<br />

Street<br />

The leland Cafe<br />

Defies Competition<br />

of any Club or any Rest.aurant. Come and See.<br />

PUTNAM & SANGSTER, Props.<br />

Morrison t s Crescent Pharmacy<br />

For<br />

Drugs t Prescriptions t Cigars<br />

Murphy's Horses are 75he Best<br />


-... THE SWELLEST TURN-OUTS . ...<br />


C. A. MURPHY. Prop.<br />

75he CABARET is the pla.ce for Light Refreshments<br />

for Clubs, CIa ses, Plea ure Parties<br />

aU for our "LIGHT REFRESHMENT TARIFF II Before Going Elsewhere.<br />

,--SERVICE A LA CARTE FROM 6:30 A. M. TO 11:30 P. M.­<br />

\1ncler Burkley Imperial Management


<strong>IOWAN</strong><br />

I I<br />

I<br />

Albert Husal L:<br />

~a l elo r publlcalioo.<br />

A Popular Confection Wholesome<br />

and Delicious . . . .<br />

Call and Watch Us Make Them<br />

Manuractured by<br />

:=ude=:s=and=Nr~=,"~=,~=~.:=~=.re=~e=q,~::J.J<br />

to send all nolices to TOB DAlLY I OWAN for<br />

Notices must be lert at TnR <strong>IOWAN</strong><br />

office or the Presldent·s office berore 11:00 A . ...<br />

AlL students should regi ter<br />

edorly this week. After Friday<br />

Februa.ry 26, those who have not<br />

119~ Dubnque Street registered will be debt~rred from<br />

============= attendance upon clas es. Instructor<br />

/j,re req uested to enforce<br />

this trictly 11. regard<br />

The Famous<br />

their own olasse .<br />

POp Corn Fritters<br />



sity in the final debate this yeai'.<br />

Ray R. Randall wa.s born at<br />

W. J. RITTENMEYER Denison, in 1 O. He was prepared<br />

for college at the De11nisoo<br />

J2210wa AValtse Iowa City, Iowa.<br />

============ High School a.nd entered the<br />

WE GIVE<br />

GOODS<br />

AWAY<br />

Six Bars of Lenox Soap<br />

FREE<br />

with the following Com bioation<br />

Order for $2.00, if taken as<br />

a whole:<br />

1 lb. J. & M. Coffee 25c.<br />

~ lb. Good Uncolored Japan Tea, 25c.<br />

1 bottle Vanilla or Lemon extract lOco<br />

3 lb •. Fancy Prunes, 2Sc.<br />

~ lb. Pepper, lSc.<br />

SIbs. Navy Beans,<br />

2Sc.<br />

2 cans Early June Peas, 2Sc.<br />

1 quart bottle Bluing lOco<br />

3 lb. Head Rice, 2Sc.<br />

3 lbs. Gloss Starch, lSc.<br />


Cash Grocer<br />

Old 'phone No. 6 New 'phone, 244<br />

208 'Co1k2'e Strut<br />

1904 Diaries<br />

J. J. LHB<br />


1904 Calendars Free<br />

StA.te University of Iowa ir. the<br />

faU of 1901. He began active<br />

work in the forensic society at<br />

once a.nd wa chosen tu lead the<br />

Zetagathian sophomore debating<br />

team in the intersociety coote t<br />

last year<br />

. The series of annual debates<br />

between Iowa and Minnesota<br />

began in the early '90's,and from<br />

the very first Iowa started a winning<br />

gait.<br />

Of the entire seriee<br />

of per hap ten contest, only two<br />

or three ha.ve gone to Minnesota<br />

. . We've Always<br />

•.• Said So<br />

That a well pleased customer<br />

is the very best<br />

advertisement. We believe<br />

it more firmly than<br />

ever today,<br />

...<br />

hence our<br />

efforts to please all who<br />

come into our store<br />

BARTH, The Grocer<br />

U5 E. COLLEGE ST.<br />

===================<br />


A.<br />

Chocolates<br />


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