April 27 - The Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers - University of Iowa

April 27 - The Daily Iowan Historic Newspapers - University of Iowa

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Next<br />

wu}<br />

Women's<br />

Edition<br />

The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa<br />

Women Boost<br />

Your<br />

Athletic Team<br />

VOL. XVll-NEW SERIES V=O,-L='.,~;::=--,-=======-=:;IO;=:W=A::--- CITY, IOWA, SATURDA~ APRIL 27, 1918 NUMBER 165<br />

CHICAGO WHIPPED IN FIRST HOME , "<strong>BIG</strong>.<br />

TEN" GAME<br />




Women's Mass Meeting to Be<br />

Held in Natural Science Hall<br />

Thursday Afternoon.<br />


Need of College Women in Leading<br />

Nursing Positions is Being<br />

Recognized Now.<br />

-<br />



Comm! sloner of Education Sends<br />

Advice to IDgh School Grads.<br />

Prospective graduates from colleges,<br />

high schools and elementary<br />

schools have been urged to make<br />

the 1918 ,graduation exercises as<br />

simple as possible in an appeal sent<br />

out to the various Institutions of<br />

learning by the United States commissioner<br />

of education, Dr. P. P.<br />

Claxton.<br />

Graduates are requested to dres~<br />

as simply as possible, and to ellml-<br />

--- nat~ all unecessary expenditures for<br />

College women living in and near invitations, dinners and the usual<br />

owo. City and the students of the accompaniments of graduation ex­<br />

University have been caUed to a erclses, and to Invest the money<br />

mass meeting under the auspices of saved In war savln.gs stamps. It<br />

the Iowa City chapter of the Red this suggestion were followed out<br />

Cross next Thursday afternoon at by every institution, Dr. Claxton eso'clock<br />

In the natural science audi- tlmates that at least $6,000,000 will<br />

orlum to hear Mrs. John Wood be saved for patriotic purposes.<br />

Blodgett speak on the country's ur- The number of graduates from colgent<br />

neef for nurses. leges, normal schools and high<br />

Recruits will be enUsted for the schools this spring and early sum­<br />

'College Woman's Plattsburg" train- mer according to Dr. Claxton, will<br />

ng camp for nurses to be held at approximate 300,000, and from ele­<br />

Vassar college this summer under mentarr schools 1,300,000. If each<br />

he auspices of the Red Cross and of the former class would save $10.,<br />


The attention of the students<br />

and faculty of the University is<br />

called to a. patl'Jotic meeting<br />

wWch will be lleld in the Natural<br />

Science Auditorium on Sunday<br />

afternoon at four o'clock. The<br />

chief feature of the meeting will<br />

be an address by Professor WUliam<br />

H. Schofield of HalTlird Urnversity<br />

on "The Spil'Jt of the<br />

'Var."<br />

W. A. JESSUP<br />




Report is That Iowa Will Face<br />

Stronger Cornell Team-Are<br />

Strong in Distances.<br />


Iowa Mile Relay Team in Best of<br />

Condition-Weakness Lies in<br />

Distance Runs Chiefly.<br />


Statements of Princeton ~lan Are<br />

Denied by Students, However.<br />




Students and faculty members at<br />

the University of Wisconsin are be<br />

coming wrought up over the attack Romp Away with<br />

on the reputation ot the University<br />

Easy Game<br />

With Score of 10 to 2- Circus<br />

Catches Feature.<br />

by Dr. McNutt McElroy, a recent<br />

visitor there, In lectures before New<br />

York, Phlladelphla, and other east- HAMILTON PITCHES WONDERFUL GAME<br />

ern audiences. \<br />

"I determined to find out whether<br />

it was my fault or whether It was<br />

the American point at view that the<br />

young men at the western instltution<br />

objected to, "Is one of his assertiODs.<br />

"So '1<br />

Visitors' Only . Rally . Comes in<br />

Fourth With Three Hits-To<br />

Play Coe Today.<br />

Out-batting, out-fieldlng,-in tact,<br />

leaned forward and out-playing their opponents In every<br />

deliberately Insulted them I think department of the game,-the Iowa<br />

you are a bunch of damed traitors, baseball nine decisively defeated.<br />

"I asserted." Pat Page's Maroons yesterday after-<br />

The result of a very close Invest!- noon in the first home conference<br />

gation, according to the Wisconsin game of the season. The score was<br />

Cardinal, shows that no one In the 10 to 3, and It very nearly indicates<br />

audience or on the platform heard the margin of superlorllty which the<br />

Dr. McElroy utter any such state- Iowa team showed.<br />

ments. Had there been a suspicion Brl11lant pitching by Hamilton,<br />

that the speaker entertained such spectacular catches by Brown and<br />

thoughts he would sUB be in Lake Hall, sensational stops by Olson, and<br />

Mendota, the Cardinal ventures. 11ard, clean hitting by the whole<br />

---1--- Iowa team gladdened the hearts of<br />

he Council of National Defense. and halt of the latter class would Iowa will meet Cae this afternoon NURSES ARE SCARCE the rooters who cheered their favor-<br />

The Vassar camp offers a preliml- save $5_ each, ~here would be a at 2: 15 o'clock in the first and only a !tes on to victory. Had it not been<br />

nary course in nursing which must saving of over $6,000,000. dual track meet to be held on Iowa. IN UNITED STATES for these sparkling bits, the game<br />

be followed by the two years' actual ---1--- field this year. All reports indicate would have afforded very little ~nhospital<br />

service. IOWA WILL TR AIN that Coe will face Iowa with a --- tertalnment, for the showing of the<br />

Is Trustee of Va.'!sar. , l! . , far stronger agttrega'Jon thall that Dem..qnd for Tra.ined Workers in hka~o team \n the fteld wae<br />

Mrs. Blodgett, who Is a trustee as ARMY MECH ANICS of Cornell and expect to place heavi- France Creates Fearful wretched, and when at bat they<br />

weH as an alumna of Vassar, or- a ij IlY In the distance and the hurdles. Shortage Here. were, with the exception at one Inginated<br />

the training camp plan of --- Iowa is expected to win most of ning, wholly at the mercy of HamU-<br />

"The demand for trained nurses<br />

fitting college women to fill posts of Instruction Bemns About June 1 the points In the 100 and 220 yard<br />

ton.<br />

l:)-<br />

in France has created a shortage of<br />

espousihiUty In the nursing protes- for 150 Soldiers-Probably dashes, quarter mile and discus. The Hawkeyes scored a run In<br />

Ion. Through her connection with<br />

nurses for work among the clvlIlan the first Inning, and followed with<br />

Housed in Y. M. C. A. MacDowell, Justin, Greenwood and population of our country that Is<br />

he Blodgett memOrial hospital gofven<br />

by her husband to the city of A. A. Potter, former Dean of the the same form that coped all the .. , - and one In the fourth. At this<br />

--- W<br />

a<br />

hI<br />

are runn<br />

i<br />

ng<br />

th<br />

e spr<br />

I<br />

n<br />

ts I<br />

n alarming," eaya Dr. C S Chase pro<br />

two In the second, one In the third,<br />

fessor of medlclne_ "There Is need<br />

Grand Rapids, she knows the prates- division of Engineering of the Kan- points In the Cornell moot and aI-<br />

point, Terhune replaced Hinkle as<br />

tor the Immediate training of at<br />

Inal nursing in all its phases. sas State Agricultural College visited though Cae Is represented by a the Chicago twirler, through only<br />

least thirty thousand women in this<br />

When an epidemic of scarlet fever the engineer's building yesterday as first class sprinter dn Frentls9 who<br />

one of the Iowa runs UP to tbat<br />

profession. The girl who takes up time had been earned. For n ...... rly<br />

wept her city several years ago district educational director of the tan first In the hal! mile relay at 0<br />

nursing at this particular hour Is<br />

ahe f1nancled a scientifio survey to committee on education and special D ake last Saturda.y ThA sprinters two innings, he held back tbe at·<br />

r ." rendering a highly patriotic service."<br />

determine the cause and treatment tralndng. are expeoted to score high in the tack, but with two men down In the<br />

Because of the outflow of nurses<br />

of this disease. She also gave to The object of this department, dashee. sixth, the Hawkeyes started a batto<br />

wa.r work the UnlveraltY'1I hOIhe<br />

city a home for children that 1s which was established by the war de- The Iowa mile relay team compltal,<br />

like every other hospital In<br />

ting spree, and before the smoke bad<br />

regarded as a model of Its kind, and partment, Is to find facUlties for the posed of Smith, Davis, Stoner and the country, HI commencing t I find cleared away five runs had been<br />

h e 1 p ed es t a bll s h a b a b y f ee dl ng tra i n I ng of 90 , 000 men i n var I ous Paige which won third at the Drake It difficult to maintain a full corps<br />

Boored on as many successive hits.<br />

clinic that has brought the Infant mechanical trades neceesary In mod- relays, are running In good form and I of nurses. The situation, says the For Iowa. Hamilton pltcbed a<br />

Iliorallty rate down lower than that ern warfare. The War Department, will push the Cae runners hard In dootor, has not booome serious yet, ~teady and masterful game, striking<br />

coun t ry. t h rough the comm i t t I kl out nine and allowing only tour safe<br />

00 s rna ng ar- the quarter. Greenwood Is saiUng but unless steps are taken Immedl- ,<br />

O amp A pprov ad b y Go vernmen t rangements with the val"lous col- the a" scus around 120 --eat and blng1es. The only time that Chi·<br />

'I '. ately to Interest increased numbers<br />

d I i i I I cago could toucb his deUver), was tn<br />

It Is because of her exper.ence In, leges an un vers t es now g v ng Froose Is also doing well In this of high scbool and other I81rls In the fourth luning, when they chased<br />

public health work that Mrs. Blodg- courses In engineering, to aid in event. the profession of nursing, the health<br />

two counters aoross tbe plate on<br />

ett realizes the need of college wom- the instruction of -enlisted men. Iowa is conceded weak in the dls- ,of the civil population will come Inen-women<br />

of the highest solentlfic The University of ilowa Is coopera- tance runs, but have one .good mner I to great danger In a. year or two.<br />

hits by Rudolph, Hinkle, and Bryan.<br />

At the b&t, Hamilton performed as<br />

training-to take leading positions Un.g with the war department In this In Marasco, who will run against To acquaint the people of Iowa<br />

well as he did on the mound, driving<br />

In the nursing professions. Now work and wlll furnish Instructions Captain Burrow of Coe, onlt of the with the necessity of Increasing the<br />

, out two singles In four attempts.<br />

bat so many physicians have been beginning about June 1 for men, best college mllers In the state. nation's nursing forces, the State<br />

The driving attack which has<br />

called Into government service they who will be distributed as follows: Young, who demonstrates bls ablllty University will send Dr. Chase out characterized all the games this<br />

are needed more than ever to pro- 100 auto truck men and chauffeurs, as a two-mner by winning first In over the state during the month of spring manftested itself again yes--<br />

tect human life In crowded tenen- 10 blacksmiths, 20 concrete workers, the freshmen-varsity meet last Sat- May for speolal leoture and confer- terday. Keeping their heads up, a.nd<br />

IJJents, In Isolated rural districts, ~n and 30 radio operators. I urday, will run his first moo today ence work In as many cltles and<br />

taking advantage of every opportunHy<br />

which offered Itself, the Hawkfactories<br />

and IIcboolll. The soldiers wlll probably be and along with Culver is ,expected to towns as possible. He will work<br />

The government has approved the I housed In the collJege Y. M. C. A. run Smith and Pr~ston of Cae a close through local Hed Cross chapters, eyes scored in each of the first four<br />

Vassar Tl'lalnlng camp and the Red The war department will try to re- race. Martin and Prudhon are run- VoTomen's C1ubt\, IIlgh school assem-<br />

Innings. In the sixth inning came<br />

Cross has appropriated -75,000<br />

... •<br />

to imburse the University for import- nlng the half conSistently around blles, and In other meetings wbere<br />

the reward made possible by the<br />

IJJAlntaln It. All college women who I ant expendlturee. two minutes, but they will ftnd It wlll be possible to explain to Iowa long practioe session whloh bave<br />

hlle been graduated In the last ten ' ---1--- plenty of competition In Hasek Of ; Itlr1/! the vast opportunltl

PAGE TWO<br />


350<br />

TICKET NO. 17<br />


.-............•.....••... -•.......•<br />

am ••••••••••• .<br />

Dual Track Meet<br />

COE vs. IOWA<br />

TODAY==2:15 P. M.<br />

• __ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• me •••• ••••• ••<br />

Saturday April ~1, 1918<br />


2:16 P. M.<br />

TH E D A-! L Y IOWAN ing sugar. I payable. There is one ot these for II I to Peora, Ill. on account of the serio<br />

The Student Newspaper of the State Over here, we can help by conserv- each intere t period, every six Society and Personal ousues illness or his brother.<br />

University of Iowa ing sugar, months. The holder of the bond Florence I. Peterman, Ph. G. '17,<br />

-r==<br />

But Instead of that, the motto of must cut off the coupons as they I Ralph Cameron, freshman, Is sta- Is teaching a class in chemistry In<br />

MF.~IIlF.R IIlWA (,OLT.EOE PRE~ "Business as Usual" is used as a come due and present them to any tioned at Fort Benjamin Harrison, the Iowa City high school. Miss<br />

Pnblt~hp(1 mornlnA'~ . ~x r ppt Monrlny by pretext for an over·indulgence In bank, and he will then receive his Ind., In the administration building Peterman is working for her Ph. D.<br />

Tbp n"lIv low"n Pllhltshlng COlllpBny at<br />

103 F.flRt lown Av,·nne. lowu City sugar. last Interest. A registered bond Is of the medical detachment, post hos. In pharmacy.<br />

Entered fl" 8~"OIHI - IU I R mattl'r nt tbe post<br />

ofTlce of 10wli City. Iowa.<br />


C. n . Welll'r. rhllirmon, nnrold Stoner,<br />

8prretory. Fl. ~1. ~I .. I':Wt'D. MII(lred E. Wblt·<br />

comb. Vergll nonf'llrr. n. H. New~omb,<br />

F.. S. Rmltb.<br />

"Business as Uusal," In Itself, one made payable to a particular ptiJal, doing stenographic work. Riley E. Barnes, pharmacy ex '19,<br />

means the avoidance of an Indus· person whose name appears on the Girls' Pan·Hellenlc will put on a has been transferred from San An·<br />

trial panic. It does not mean "lux· face of the bond. The bond Is reg- dance for Red Cross benefit at Rei. tonio, Texas, to Mount Clemens,<br />

uries as usual."<br />

lstered under this name on the books chardt'a. pavillion next Friday night, Mich. Mr. Barnes Is in the clerical<br />

--1- of the Secretary of the Treasury, The music and hall are donated for department of the aviation service.<br />

IF YOU WANT TO WORK and when the interest is payable tbe purpose. Clarice Knudson has gone to her<br />

An information bureau has been eacb half year a cbeck for the In· George Woodard, Beta, i~ spend- home in Jewell where she will visit<br />

Installed in the liberal arts drawing terest will be sent direct from the ing the week end at his home in with her brother Irving of Camp<br />

room. The war work which you may treasury department to the person West Union.<br />

Dodge.<br />

whose name appears on the books. Viola Grundland, Alpha Chi Ome· Louis Wheelock of Camp Dodge is<br />

ued in a business like book, and all Whfch fs ft preferable tQ own? go, is spending the week end at her spending the week end at the Kappa<br />

The registered bond has two ad· home In West Unuion.<br />

Sigma house.<br />


W. Earl Hall Edltor-in·CWef<br />

Tl'lrl" 'n"t' n1a~k 17ln<br />

9t'11ce ][our8-1 to II dRily, Room I, L. A. wish to do this summer Is catalog­<br />

BuLtdln~<br />

1I11ldr Womnn's .. d E. Whitcomb F.rlltor you h ave t<br />

0<br />

d 0 i s t<br />

0<br />

100 k un d er the<br />

-----::=~:.....:::::......:.:..::.:==:...---- section that Interests you most, and<br />

Asslstnllt Wornnn's Editor<br />

Ro .... ~na 'Vellman<br />

---t---<br />

vaLtages-(1) In case the bond Is The third freshman Pan· Hellenic<br />

you will find definite Information reo lost the finder cannot collect either dance was held at Co. "AU hall last JUNIOR PLAY WILL BE<br />

Rodety Editor<br />

gardlng ,ft. principal or interest without making evening. "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE"<br />

Ordchen Kane<br />

Many girls want to do something -arrangements to have the bond The seniors of the Alpha Delta Pi The cast for "It Pays To Adver·<br />

ExC'bonjre Erlltor but the~ are helpless to choose a. transferred to his name o()n the Treas· soroity w1ll entertain all other senior tlse," the class play which the jun.<br />

=====A=:<br />

lr nea KID~8b~=", field. The newly revived Women's , urers books, whereas, 1f it were a girls of the University this afternoon ior expect to put on soon, haa been<br />

BUSINESS STAFF League has hit upon this scheme and coupon bond both the principal and at the chapter house. Questions reo announced. The play was written<br />

R. C. Hammer Business Manager catalogued the war material at the the interest would be payable to lating to preparations for commence- by Rol Cooper McGme and Walter<br />

Tt'Irphnne III" cost of some time and energy. bearer: and (2) less trouble itl In· ment and class festivities wlll be dis· Hackett. It was a popular success ..<br />

o"'~ .. TTnnr.-! 10 n """Y. loa" To_ A"e.<br />

Whether or not this collected data volved In the collection of the Inter· cussed.<br />

tew years ago.<br />

Advt'rtl.lnlf MRnRIf~r<br />

Krnn .. lh O. P:1I~..,.nrth will render any real service depends does not need to cut coupons bue be Phi Kappa gave 1l. dance at the The cast is as follows:<br />

on you. If you make use of it their simply receives a check for the Burkley last night. Mr. and Mrs. Mal'y Grayson, Marjorie M. Heber.<br />

A PATRIOTIO PROFESSION work has been worth whUe. Look It amount from the government. Ray Slavata chaperoned.<br />

Ung.<br />

The war is taking In the neigh· over; you are sure to learn someborhood<br />

of thirty-five thousand thing.<br />

sue registel'ed bonds for ~. and Mrs. R. C. Puckett will chap· son<br />

Why does the government not is- Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rles and Mr. Rodney Martin, Harold L. Thomp.<br />

trained nurses from tbeir clvlllan<br />

I Because ot the trouble and ex·<br />

service to the task of nursing the<br />

•<br />

eron at varsity Saturday night. Cyrus MarUn, Arthur R, Koppach<br />

pense Involved. The re.gistered A dance wUl be given at the Psi Mr. Smith, Edward Rate<br />

wounds and maintaining the health<br />

bond gives the treasury department<br />

of our fighting forces. This is 0.1·<br />

WAR<br />

Omega chapter house tomorrow Mies Burke, RomOla H. Latchem<br />

more trouble, for checks must be evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. A,. Pike Mme. Comtesse de Beaurlen, MadewllJ<br />

chaperon.<br />

Une Coonan<br />

11'01'<br />

most halt of the country's nursing the remainder of the year The<br />

The Dally Iowan wl11 carry al a dRily made up and mailed every six<br />

strength.<br />

feature a Ret of questions and answers<br />

p'reparerl by 1'8rlons department! of month::! to b\lldel'l! of sucn bonds The Athena llterary society wllI<br />

Already hospitals are finding' It tbe Unlvenlty and designed to give<br />

Ambrose Pe!l.rle, F. E. Barrett<br />

and this Involves much clerical work<br />

Informntlon on past wan and the pret·<br />

give a dance at the<br />

B<br />

ur<br />

kl"<br />

"y tomor- Flllery Clarke, Albert Wilcox<br />

tlltficult to maintain a full corps of ent war. Emphnsls will be placerl on<br />

the roles played by the Unlvenlty and expense to make not only the r8W evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. MrChesney, Harold Harney<br />

nurses, and un~ess the situation Is and the state, but tbe mllterial will original list but to keep che.nglng Aurner wlll chaperon.<br />

recognized and met by the young not be limited to thelll lIelds.<br />

Bronsen, Andrew Van Beek<br />

the names and addresses of several<br />

C. J. GUehrlst who has been Tialt· Marie, Ruth Ford<br />

women of the nation, It Is all too<br />

million people, so that the checks<br />

(EdItor's otl'-Qne~t1ons aOlI an~w~rs<br />

Ing friends in town has gone to Iowa Tlu' Butcher, Frank Kost1an.<br />

obvious that a shortage of trained no,,, beIng prlnt~iI In tbls sectIon sre be. may be sent to their proper

il 21, 1918<br />

.... -<br />

M.<br />


@@@@@@@@@@@@®@@@®@®@@@@@@@®®@@@@@@@@®®®@@@)@@@@@@)@)@@®@@@@@@®@)@@®@@)@)@<br />

® @)<br />

® @)<br />

~ Have Your Sunday Dinner With Us ~<br />

@<br />

@)<br />

I Banner Dairy<br />

unch I<br />

L. Thomp-<br />

R, Koppach<br />

.df.<br />

s<br />

ar<br />

~ 10 South Dubuque Street ~<br />

® ®<br />

® .......... ..........., .......................................................... -........................... ~ .................................. ®<br />

® • @)<br />


@) ®<br />

. ~ April 28, 1918 ~<br />

@) @) ®<br />

@) ...•. . ... sa. •• _._. w.. __ ....... ...... ®<br />

® @<br />


@) ®<br />

~ Wheat Cakes and Hot Drink ................................... 10c . . ~<br />

® Oatmeal and Hot Drink ....................................... 10c @<br />

~ Grape Nuts and Hot Drink .................................... 10c ~<br />

® Shredded Wheat and Hot Drink ................................ 10c @)<br />

~ 10 @)<br />

® Buttered Toast and Hot Drink ................................ c ®<br />

@) Doughnuts and Hot Drink ..................................... 10c @)<br />

@) ®<br />

® Cinnamon Rolls and Hot Drink ................................ 10c ®<br />

@) Wheat Cakes, Doughnuts and Hot Drink ........................ 15c ®<br />

@)<br />

@)<br />

@ Grape Nuts, Oatmeal and Hot Drink ............................ 150 ®<br />

® Oatmeal, Cinnamon Rolls and Hot Drink ........................ 150 ~<br />

@ ~<br />

@ Com Flakes, Doughnuts and Hot Drink ........................ 150 ®<br />

Shredded Wheat, Oat Meal and Hot Drink ...................... 150 ~<br />

® ~<br />

@ Two Eggs any Style (Toast, Potatoes, Drink) .................... 250 ®<br />

~ Ham and Eggs (Toast, Potatoes, Drink) ........................ 300 ~<br />

® Bacon and Eggs .............................................. 300 ®<br />

~ Sliced Oranges 10c; Sliced Bananas in Cream 10c;Half Grape Fruit 10c ~<br />

® ®<br />

@) •••...• . .. .•.••.••..... . •.• . . . . . . ••. ........ . .•• ~ , . . •.•• . . • . •.....•• ®<br />

® ®<br />

® ®<br />

® ®<br />

® ®<br />

® .®<br />

I DINNER I<br />

@) @) •...•.•.•...••. . ..•.... . .•....•. .. ......•••.. . ••...•.•.••..••.. .•.. @) ®<br />

@) @) Chicken Soup 10e-with meals 50 ®<br />

® @<br />

® Roast Chicken ............................................... 400 @)<br />

Baked Lake Trout ............................................ 350 ® Roast Pork Loin ...................................... ·· ... · .300 ®<br />

Roast Beef .............................. .................... 300 ® Veal Loaf .................................................. . 250 ®<br />

Beef Hearts a~d Dressing ...................................... 250 ~<br />

' ~<br />

® Lamb Stew with Peas ........................................ 250 ®<br />

/ ~ 20 ®<br />

'&) Baked Macaroni and Oheese .................................. 0 Ir.\\<br />

® ~<br />

® Boston Baked Beans .......................................... 200 @) ®<br />

•• ra •••••••••••• a ••• _.... ••• ••• • .--- _. aa as. -_.. • ••••• ••• ••• ®<br />

Bread, Butter, Mashed Potatoes, Drink (consisting of Coffee, Postum, co~oa or Tea), and<br />

with above orders - ilk 5c Extra-<br />

. .<br />

Dessert (oonsisting of Fruit Jello) included<br />

\<br />

Olive8 ......... ....... 10e Celery ................ 100 Pipe apple .... . ....... .. 50 'Peaches<br />

Home Made Pies, out ...... 50<br />

Cake ............. ~ ...... 50<br />

..... :50<br />

eliminating the unneoessary servioes of a waiter we are able to offer you these prices. Show the spirit of Democracyl Wait on yourselfl<br />

Learn to look to the counter lllen as to a clerk sellmg you a meal rather than a waiter serving you.<br />

I<br />

•<br />





-IN-<br />

" " •<br />

VOL. xvn-<br />

RIfLE TE<br />

PERFEI<br />

THE<br />

Probability :<br />

Championsh<br />

Ninth II<br />

I<br />


PASTIME Admission lOc and 15c PASTIME<br />




'II'HAWKEYE SCOOPS PERFORM + NEW METAL ALLOYS I ~I:p~~nh~ra;~, as:~:~: o;i::nl!~: ..... Want- Ads ... 'j<br />

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