Star Trek Voyager RPG d20 System

ST-VO v21b

ST-VO v21b


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Results of the Meld<br />

Once melded each party has access to the memories and emotions of the other (unless the melder is<br />

shielding themselves).<br />

The melder may attempt to implant a suggestion into the target. This acts the same way as the Mystic<br />

'suggestion' technique. Most Vulcan's consider this very unethical.<br />

The melder may attempt to repair or restore parts of the targets mind (i.e. cure amnesia) by making<br />

another roll on the target DC used to make the meld. The same applies for removing memories or<br />

making other alterations.<br />

After the Meld<br />

Both parties make a DC 10 Fort check. Failure means they are fatigued.<br />

Both parties make a DC 10 Will save. Failure means you suffer a 'loss of identity' for a period. -2 CHA<br />

and -2 to all Knowledge skills.<br />

The drug Lexorin (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Lexorin) will counteract this.<br />

Further notes:<br />

Note: Some species are immune to Mind Melds e.g. Cardassians.<br />

Note: Some species or alien creatures are dangerous to meld with and will result in unconscious or<br />

worse for the melder.<br />

Note: Most Vulcan's are very opposed to performing Mind Melds on unwilling or unconscious beings.<br />

Note: Transferring the soul to and from beings and vessels is a very rarely undertaken type of meld<br />

usually only done by priests.<br />

Note: Certain alien memory virus (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Memory_virus) and can be<br />

transmitted between individuals.

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