Star Trek Voyager RPG d20 System

ST-VO v21b

ST-VO v21b


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Delta Quadrant Species (NON-CANNON)<br />

Treebadians<br />

Treebad-3 is a M-class water planet. It has many island chains where the dominant species, the<br />

Treebadians live in relative harmony.<br />

They are a peaceful species of humanoids descendant from octopus like creatures. They are<br />

advanced to about the stage of mid-21st century earth. The live primarily off fish and seaweed but<br />

land bases food stuffs are also grown.<br />

Treebadians look like humans except for dappled skin, longer noses and eyes that are both larger and<br />

more wide apart than humans.<br />

However, getting about will be less of a problem as Treebadians do not recognise each other by facial<br />

features but by smell. Also, several parts of society also go about masked the main three being :<br />

The Do-Sho Monks - Wear baskets with eye-slits on their heads<br />

Vatron Skiff Gangs - Landless gangs that tend to wear shark like masks and are more violent than<br />

normal Treebadians. They style themselves after ancient shark gangs of<br />

more primitive times<br />

The Soft Shelled - All Treebadians wear helmets when they go outside due to having soft skulls. It is<br />

like a human putting on shoes to go outside. Not doing so would get you<br />

noticed. 'The Soft Shelled' take this one step further and wear full visored<br />

helmets. They are considered 'Hypochondriacs' though and a bit sissy-like.<br />

Anyone wanting to pass themselves off as a Treebadian must also use a scent otherwise their human<br />

odour will be immediately spotted as alien. A Treebadian odour can be replicated. Treebadians pick<br />

up the following from scent so this can be pre-programmed :<br />

Gender, Age, Pregnancy/Gravid, Alpha-male/Paterfamilias, Alpha-female/Matron, Soldier/Police,<br />

Ruler/Dominar, Serf/Underclass, Self-worth/Confidence, Guilt, Need to go to the toilet.<br />

There are many more but this should be sufficient for a disguise.<br />

It almost always rains on Treebad-3 and the Treebadians combine scent with licked raindrops. It is not<br />

unusual for meeting Treebadians to lick each other. This is the human equivalent of a hand shake.<br />

Treebadian justice is different from human. Punishments are visited on all family members of a guilty<br />

party. All punishments are physical and immediate, usually a beating or branding. Treebadians are<br />

law-abiding though and this rarely happens.<br />

Due to the fact that they release a scent when they are guilty most Treebadians find it almost<br />

impossible to break the law or tell a lie without being found out. So-much-so they have not developed<br />

any skills in deceit, bargaining, bluffing or diplomacy. Your average Treebadian tells it like it is and is<br />

honest to the point of abruptness.

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