. U-J

Bulger 4th Superseding Indictment - WPRI.com

Bulger 4th Superseding Indictment - WPRI.com


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to commit an act involving murder, to wit, to assault and beat<br />

one John E.' Fitzgerald, Jr. with the intent to murder him and to<br />

thereby kill and murder the said John E. Fitzgerald, Jr.<br />

(b) Racketeering Act #20B: On or about January 3D,<br />

19Q8, in the District of Massachusetts, the defendants FRANCIS P.<br />

SALEMME and STEPHEN J. FLEMMI, did commit an act involving<br />

murder, that is, being armed with a dangerous weapon, did assault<br />

John E. Fitzgerald, Jr,. with the intent to murder him in<br />

violation of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 265, Section 18.<br />

44. The defendants named below committed the following acts<br />

involving murder, the commission of anyone of which constitutes<br />

the commission of Racketeering Act #21.<br />

(a) Racketeering Act #21A: In or about January of<br />

1967, in the District of Massachusetts and elsewhere, the<br />

defendants FRANCIS P. SALEMME and STEPHEN J. FLEMMI, did wilfully<br />

and unlawfully conspire together and with each other and with<br />

others known and unknown to the Grand Jury, including Ilario M.A.<br />

Zannino named herein as, a co-conspirator but not as a defendant,<br />

to commit an act involving murder, to wit, to assault and beat<br />

one Edward "Wimpy" Bennett with the intent to murder him and to<br />

thereby kill and murder the said Edward "Wimpy" Bennett.<br />

(b) Racketeering Act #21B: In or about January of<br />

1967, in the District of Massachusetts, the defendants FRANCIS P.<br />

SALEMME and STEPHEN J. FLEMMI, did commit an act involving<br />

murder, that is, being armed with a dangerous weapon, did assault<br />


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