Iraq War Clinician's Guide - Network Of Care

Iraq War Clinician's Guide - Network Of Care


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Iraq War Clinician Guide<br />

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123 Appendix D<br />

10. Have you ever had a very serious physical or mental illness (for exatnple,<br />

cancer, heart attack, serious operation, felt like killing yourself, hospitalized<br />

because of nerve problems)? YES NO<br />

a How oldwere you when thirhappened?<br />

b. When it ended?<br />

c. At the time ofthe event did you believe thatyou orsomaoneeklrecouldbeKilledor seriouslyhnmtem YES NO<br />

d. At the time of the event did youerperienee feelings ofinlmehe~lpssn~~s,/eo~,orhorrofl YES NO<br />

e. How much has this affected your life in the pas1 yea? (1) (2) 0) (4) (3<br />

not st dl some extremely<br />

11. Have you ever been emotionally abused or neglected (for example, being frequently shamed,<br />

embarrassed, ignored, or repeatedly told ii~atyou were 'ko good")? YE3 NO<br />

a. How old were you when thishappened? b. When it ended?<br />

c. At the lime afthe event did you believe thatyou orsomeone elrecouldbe Mlled or seriauslyhnnnafl YES NO<br />

d. At he time afhe evmt did youexperience feelings of inlmre he~lermes. fear, orhorrofl YES NO<br />

e. How muchhas thin affected yaur life in the put year? (1) (2) (3) (4) (9<br />

not at dl some ernemely<br />

12. Have you ever been physically neglected (for example, not fed, not properly clothed, or left to take<br />

care of yourself when you were too young or ill)? YES NO<br />

a Haw oldwere you when thirhappned?<br />

b. When itended7<br />

c. At the time aftheevent did youbelieve thatyo~o~~omeone&e~~uldbeKdr reriourlyhnrmefl YES NO<br />

d. At he time of Ule event did youexperience feelings of Irrlmsche~le3~nePs~fe~1,or horrofl<br />

YES NO<br />

c. How much has this affected your life in the past year? (1) (2) (3) (4) (3<br />

not at dl some extremely<br />

13. WOMENONLY:Have you ever had an abortion or miscarriage Oost your baby)? YES NO<br />

a. How old were you when thishappened?<br />

c. At hc the of theevent did youbelieve thatyou orrorneone&eeouldbeMIIedor seriousiylznnnefl YES NO<br />

d At Ule time of the event did youexperience feelings ofinl~ehe@lessners,feo~, or ilorrofl<br />

YES NO<br />

e. How much has this affeeled your life in the past ye& (1) (z) (3) (4) (9<br />

not st dl some erhemely<br />

14. Have you ever been separated from you child against your will<br />

(for example, the loss oCcustody or visitation or kidnapping)? YES NO<br />

a How oldwere you when this happened?<br />

b. When it ended?<br />

e. How muchhas thL affected your life inthe past year? (1) (2) (3) (4) (9<br />

not at PIU some ermmely<br />

15. Has a baby or child of yours ever had a severe physical or mental handicap<br />

(for example, mentally retarded, birth defects, can't hear, see, walk)?<br />

YES NO <br />

a How old were you whenthishappened?<br />

b. When it ended?<br />

e. How muchhas this affected your life inlhe put year? 0) 12) (3) (4) (3<br />

not at dl some extremely<br />

16. Have you ever been responsible for taking care of someone close to you (not your child)<br />

who had a severe physical or n~ental handicap (for example,<br />

cancer, stroke, AIDS, nerve problems, can't hear, see, walk)? YES NO<br />

a How oldwere you when this happened?<br />

b. When it ended?---<br />

e. Howmchhasthisaffected your life in the past year? (1) (2) (3) (4) (3<br />

not ot dl some extremely<br />

17. Has someone close to you died suddenly or unexpectedly<br />

(for example, sudden heart attack, murder or suicide)? YES NO<br />

a. How old were you when thishappened? --<br />

e. At thetime oftheevent did youbclicve thatyor orsorneone elsecouldbe killcdor seriouslylznnnadl YES NO<br />

d. At metime oftheevent did you experience feelings ofinle,rr.i~c$lesmers. feoq orhorro* YES NO<br />

e. How much has this affected your life in the part year? (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)<br />

001 at dl some extremely<br />

P P<br />


Pp--P<br />


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