Iraq War Clinician's Guide - Network Of Care

Iraq War Clinician's Guide - Network Of Care


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Iraq War Clinician Guide 167 Appendix G<br />

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154 TERENCE M. KEANE el ni.<br />

Given the extent of his sy~lptomatology,we found it reasonable to<br />

approach the exposure phase of treahnent with Mr. G. by the initialuse of<br />

imaginal techniques. While Mr. G. found &is aspect of treahnent difficult,<br />

it did prepare i-dm for the even more trying phase of returning to the site<br />

of his victimization With the successful completion ofeach phase, he did<br />

gain a sense of mastery and efficacy that communicated to him that he<br />

could indeed overcome the fears and frightening images of his assault.<br />

These changes were accompanied by improvements in his substance<br />

abuse, depression, and his marital and interpersonalrelationships. Futher,<br />

Mr. G. was himself satisfied with the course of treatment that he received.<br />


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New Yo& Guilford.<br />

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