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Institución Educativa Parroquial<br />

"Cristo Rey"<br />

Name: Maria Alejandra Jose Sanchez.<br />

Grade: 4th secondary.<br />

Teacher: Elizabeth Azabache.<br />

Topic: Strawberries.<br />

Year:<br />


Strawberries<br />

Its origin:<br />

Its red color, delicate flavor and aromatic fragrance have made a gastronomic<br />

icon. Strawberries have the most glamorous time during the Wimbledon<br />

tennis tournament, where you served with cream has become a classic, but<br />

also look great swimming in a good pitcher of Burgundy.<br />

However, the most interesting fact is associated with its curious origin<br />

strawberries because they never existed in nature. Indeed, we all know<br />

commercial strawberry Fragaria x ananassa called (something like strawberry<br />

pineapple) and x in their name denotes that it is a hybrid between two<br />

different species of strawberry: the Fragaria virginiana and laFragaria<br />

chiloensis. The story surrounding the origin of F. ananassa is fascinating and<br />

fortunately is well documented.<br />

Spy King<br />

On January 7, 1712, Lieutenant Colonel François Amédée Frézier -Ingeniero<br />

30 years sailed to Chile aboard the St. Joseph, a merchant ship equipped with<br />

French weapons. Frézier was sent as a spy for King Louis XIV with an<br />

important mission to make more accurate maps of ports and Spanish<br />

fortifications had on the coast of Chile and Peru. After a journey of 160 days,<br />

which included the passage through the dangerous Cape Horn, Frézier<br />

arrived at the port of Concepción on June 16, 1712.<br />

Fézier, who had shown his talent to serve the French crown above, used as a<br />

basis for Concepción along the coast of Chile and Peru, making accurate<br />

maps of ports and noting the possible escape routes, defenses available and<br />

administrative organization of the places he visited. In fact, the first map of<br />

Santiago made with technical standards was prepared by Frézier.

Additionally, he made some interesting observations on the flora and fauna<br />

found during the trip. One of the things that caught his attention was the<br />

presence of a type of strawberry that was not known in Europe, called<br />

quellghen by Mapuche -who also the cultivaban- and frutillar by the<br />

Spaniards. Unlike other wild strawberries (called llahuen, alueñe or lahueni)<br />

quellghen strawberries were white or pale pink. However, it was not the<br />

color which surprised Frézier, but its size: it was much larger than<br />

strawberries known in Europe.<br />

Link:<br />

http://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2014/10/141006_bondades_fresa_fin<br />


The February 19, 1714, Frézier sailed for France taking with your notes and<br />

drawings, five floors of quellghen, which he described as "Fragaria<br />

chiliensis, maximum Fructu, foliis carnosis hirsutis, vulgar strawberry" in a<br />

book he published Later, entitled "Journey to the South Seas" and its<br />

interesting content was translated from French to English, German and<br />

Dutch within three years, something quite unusual at that time. Thus, the<br />

August 17, 1714, five Chilean strawberry plants came as immigrants to<br />


History:<br />

Strawberry, whose scientific name is Fragaria vesca, F. viridis, or F. moschata,<br />

is a triangular shaped fruit, red, formed by small dots, we all know well for its<br />

intense aroma and delicious taste.<br />

Strawberry actually defined as a result of improperly, because the real fruit is<br />

composed of small dots surrounding the same cutter and are erroneously<br />

called<br />

seeds.<br />

Strawberry<br />

origins are<br />

unclear:<br />

some<br />

sources<br />

consider<br />

European<br />

origin,<br />

particularly<br />

in the area<br />

alpínica<br />

while others consider Chilean origin, where a French officer in the early<br />

Seven hundred, Europe imported mother plants used as a basis for<br />

establishing the hybrid Fragaria x ananassa, they belong to all varieties of<br />

strawberries are widespread today.<br />

Historically Strawberry was already present on the tables of ancient Rome:<br />

the fruit used in effect appear to coincide with the celebrations in honor of<br />

Adonis, the death of which, as legend, Venus wept copious tears, which<br />

arrived to earth they became small red hearts: scented strawberries.<br />

According to more recent popular legends, but lost anyway with the passage<br />

of time, would have to protect strawberry bite of vipers and snakes to avoid<br />

dangerous poison of these animals are said to be collecting leaves plant the<br />

day of San Giovanni. So who had collected the leaves on 24 June, had put to

dry in the sun and then have intertwined to make them as a belt, they have<br />

been protected by any bites, often lethal, vipers and snakes! Logically it is<br />

popular beliefs related to the Italian peasant tradition, but these legends<br />

always make more excellent strawberry among all the fruits we have on our<br />

table.<br />

Until the seventeenth century in Europe were grown plants native wild<br />

species (Fragaria vesca, F. viridis, or F. moschata) and other varieties of<br />

strawberries introduced to North America as (F. Virginian): namely, with the<br />

introduction of the American species, the strawberry plant produced much<br />

larger fruits.<br />

Its 10 benefits:<br />

1. Strawberries are low in calories.<br />

A cup of strawberries has about 43 calories. They also<br />

contain fiber, which helps regulate the digestive processes<br />

and reduce hunger.<br />

2. They are loaded with antioxidants.<br />

Strawberries contain phenols, a chemical compound.<br />

Anthocyanin is a type of phenol abundant in strawberries<br />

and providing its characteristic color. It is also known for<br />

its powerful natural antioxidant qualities as maintaining<br />

the health of cells.<br />

3. They are a natural anti-inflammatory.<br />

Phenols also help combat inflammation in the body by inhibiting production of the enzyme<br />

cyclooxygenase, just as do compounds such as aspirin or ibuprofen.<br />

4. They are a rich source of vitamins.<br />

Strawberries are a source of B vitamins, such as vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and<br />

folic acid. Also they possess a considerable amount of vitamin C.

5. Have manganese.<br />

Manganese is a mineral that acts as a potent antioxidant and natural anti-inflammatory. A cup of<br />

strawberries contains 21 grams of manganese.<br />

6. contribute to bone health.<br />

Strawberries are high in magnesium, potassium and<br />

vitamin K, which help enhance bone health.<br />

7. They promote eye health.<br />

Some studies have shown that strawberries improve eye<br />

health by reducing the risk of macular degeneration.<br />

8. They have an anti-aging effect.<br />

This ellagic acid in strawberries improves skin elasticity and<br />

delays the onset of signs of aging, such as wrinkles and sagging, while biotin helps maintain<br />

healthy nails and hair.<br />

9. They are an important source of vitamin C.<br />

A cup of strawberries contains 136% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, which<br />

makes them a powerful antioxidant that boosts the immune system.<br />

10. They help you lose weight.<br />

Because of its low calorie and high nitrate content, strawberries are a good ally for weight loss<br />

diets. They help reduce appetite, promote blood circulation and also are delicious!<br />

Links:<br />

http://tusbuenosmomentos.com/2013/02/beneficios-comer-fresas/<br />

http://ecocosas.com/cocina-y-alimentos/beneficios-de-las-fresas-paranuestra-salud/<br />


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