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24 bgbb.PlotTrackingCum<br />

Arguments<br />

params<br />

BG/BB parameters - a vector with alpha, beta, gamma, and delta, in that order.<br />

Alpha and beta are unobserved parameters for the beta-Bernoulli transaction<br />

process. Gamma and delta are unobserved parameters for the beta-geometric<br />

dropout process.<br />

rf.matrix recency-frequency matrix. It must contain columns for the number of transactions<br />

opportunities in the calibration period ("n.cal"), and the number of customers<br />

with this number of transaction opportunities in the calibration period<br />

("custs"). Columns for frequency and recency may be in the matrix, but are not<br />

necessary for this function since it relies on bgbb.Expectation, which only<br />

requires the number of transaction opportunities.<br />

actual.cum.repeat.transactions<br />

vector containing the cumulative number of repeat transactions made by customers<br />

in all transaction opportunities (both calibration and holdout periods).<br />

Its unit of time should be the same as the units of the recency-frequency matrix<br />

used to estimate the model parameters.<br />

xlab<br />

ylab<br />

Details<br />

Value<br />

xticklab<br />

title<br />

descriptive label for the x axis.<br />

descriptive label for the y axis.<br />

vector containing a label for each tick mark on the x axis.<br />

title placed on the top-center of the plot.<br />

The holdout period should immediately follow the calibration period. This function assumes that<br />

all customers’ calibration periods end on the same date, rather than starting on the same date (thus<br />

customers’ birth periods are determined using max(n.cal) - n.cal rather than assuming that it is<br />

0).<br />

Matrix containing actual and expected cumulative repeat transactions.<br />

References<br />

Fader, Peter S., Bruce G.S. Hardie, and Jen Shang. “Customer-Base Analysis in a Discrete-Time<br />

Noncontractual Setting.” Marketing Science 29(6), pp. 1086-1108. 2010. INFORMS. http:<br />

//www.brucehardie.com/papers/020/<br />

Examples<br />

data(donationsSummary)<br />

# donationsSummary$rf.matrix already has appropriate column names<br />


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