One Stop Voting Begins Today

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October 18, 2012<br />

Complaining about<br />

the actions of elected<br />

officials on the local,<br />

state, and national level<br />

is becoming a popular<br />

national pastime. Sadly,<br />

many of the loudest<br />

whiners are citizens<br />

eligible to vote who, for<br />

some inexcusable<br />

reason, choose not to.<br />

Granville County<br />

voters are fortunate to<br />

have <strong>One</strong> <strong>Stop</strong> <strong>Voting</strong>,<br />

which begins today, that<br />

offers convenient voting<br />

sites and hours, even two<br />

days of Saturday hours.<br />

The two sites, the<br />

Commissioners’ Meeting<br />

Room at Creedmoor City<br />

Hall and the Thornton<br />

Library Conference<br />

Room in Oxford, are<br />

well-known and easy to<br />

locate.<br />

Choosing which<br />

candidates to support<br />

should not be difficult.<br />

Those seeking office<br />

have reached out to the<br />

public with their<br />

positions on the issues,<br />

and appear to be<br />

available to answer<br />

relevant questions.<br />

Any prospective<br />

voter should try to seek<br />

out current or future<br />

leaders who, first of all,<br />

share his or her value<br />

system, as evidenced by<br />

actions rather than words.<br />

Then, wise voters should<br />

research the candidates’<br />

opinions on the issues to<br />

find matches for their own<br />

views.<br />

How do you feel about<br />

tax rates and government<br />

spending, education,<br />

employment opportunities,<br />

crime<br />

prevention, environmental<br />

issues, and a host<br />

of other issues? Does an<br />

incumbent have a record?<br />

What private sector<br />

experiences have<br />

influenced a newcomer?<br />

The answer will differ<br />

for each voter, but the only<br />

way to make a mark on<br />

your community is to go to<br />

the polls and cast your<br />

ballot.<br />

<strong>One</strong> of the best and<br />

surest ways to express<br />

satisfaction or dissatisfaction<br />

is to exercise<br />

our important rights of<br />

freedom of speech,<br />

freedom of assembly, and<br />

the right to vote for the<br />

candidate or issue of our<br />

choice.<br />

It’s time to stop<br />

complaining and not<br />

waste the birthright that<br />

our forefathers have died<br />

to defend.<br />

Letter To The Editor<br />


To The Editor:<br />

The time is once again upon us, time for us to apply<br />

one of our nation’s greatest strengths, the one paid<br />

for by human determination and sacrifice. It is time<br />

for us to go in a booth and decide who we want to<br />

represent us.<br />

Throughout our history men and women have<br />

fought and many have given their lives to ensure us<br />

the right to vote is among the rights we enjoy.<br />

Our right to choose those who govern is a beacon,<br />

a shining example to the rest of the world. People<br />

around the world envy us and yearn for the right to<br />

vote.<br />

Negative campaign ads make it difficult to know<br />

the candidates and issues. Character assassination<br />

and fabrication seems to be the norm now days. So<br />

take the time to learn who and what you believe is<br />

best for all of us.<br />

For, the time is now to exercise our precious right.<br />

Do not make excuses not to vote. Those who gave<br />

their all so you can vote did not make excuses. Vote,<br />

if for nothing else, do it as a tribute to them.<br />

Please, go to the polls and vote for the candidates<br />

of your choice.<br />

Terry Turner<br />

Butner<br />

Letters To The Editor Policy<br />

The Butner-Creedmoor News welcomes letters to the editor.<br />

The requirements of publication are printed below:<br />

❑ To be published, a letter must bear the SIGNATURE of the writer. A typed or<br />

printed name alone is not sufficient. Unsigned letters will not be published.<br />

❑ The writer’s address and phone number should appear on the letter to allow for<br />

verification. The phone number will not be published.<br />

❑ Because of space limitations, poetry generally cannot be published.<br />

❑ Letters endorsing political candidates or stating positions on referenda will not be<br />

published in the two issues immediately preceding an election.<br />

❑ Generally, the paper will print only one letter from the same writer within<br />

60 days.<br />

❑ The Butner-Creedmoor News reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and<br />

length and to edit or reject letters that are libelous or, in management’s opinion, of<br />

questionable taste.<br />

Cowell Seeks Second Term<br />

In Bumpy Post - 2008 World<br />

In the post-Great<br />

Recession world, being a<br />

state treasurer is no path<br />

to wide and lasting<br />

popularity.<br />

In North Carolina,<br />

the state treasurer is<br />

responsible for investing<br />

the state's $75 billion<br />

pension fund. Invariably,<br />

that means rubbing<br />

shoulders with<br />

investment bankers and<br />

hedge fund managers.<br />

In other words, the<br />

treasurer wheels and<br />

deals with the same folks<br />

that New York Times<br />

columnist Maureen<br />

Dowd derisively refers to<br />

as "the masters of the<br />

universe," a collection<br />

that includes those whose<br />

cockamamie housingfinance<br />

schemes helped<br />

wreck the economy.<br />

So, it should come as<br />

no surprise that Democratic<br />

State Treasurer<br />

Janet Cowell has had to<br />

endure some criticism (a<br />

good bit of it from this<br />

column) during her first<br />

term in office.<br />

Most recently, Cowell<br />

took a publicity hit for a<br />

pension fund investment<br />

in the ill-fated Facebook<br />

A V IEW<br />

F ROM<br />

R ALEIGH<br />

By Scott<br />

Mooneyham<br />

The Raleigh Report<br />

B y dying on shaving<br />

agency was<br />

October 12, the 219th scandal.<br />

not Friday’s<br />

ECU’s medical school, he<br />

anniversary of the Friday’s<br />

idea. In fact,<br />

used the legislature’s<br />

university’s founding, controversial<br />

he and his<br />

enhanced attention to<br />

UNC President Emeritus<br />


board fought<br />

health education to fund<br />

William Friday once decision<br />

against it.<br />

expansion of the Chapel<br />

again turned a seeming signaled<br />

But when the<br />

Hill medical school and<br />

defeat into a victory. that no<br />

decision was<br />

the establishment of "the<br />

It was, some were matter<br />

made, Friday<br />

most ambitious AHEC<br />

saying, just like h o w<br />

demanded<br />

(Area Health and<br />

Presidents Jefferson and popular<br />

By excellence<br />

Education Centers)<br />

Adams, dying on the a n d<br />

D.G. and provided<br />

program in the nation."<br />

same day, July 4, 1826, profitable<br />

the strong<br />

Link writes that the ECU<br />

Martin<br />

the 50th anniversary of university<br />

leadership<br />

controversy demonstrated<br />

"Friday’s ability to<br />

the nation’s founding. athletics<br />

that made<br />

Friday’s death leaves may be,<br />

our multicampus<br />

state<br />

adapt to new circumstances."<br />

the state with a vacancy t h e y<br />

in the role he played as cannot be<br />

university<br />

5. The long<br />

the state’s public elder allowed to corrupt or the envy of every state in<br />

controversy with the U.S.<br />

who was wise and supplant the university’s the union. His actions in<br />

Department of Health,<br />

energetic, our trusted mission of education and taking charge after the<br />

Education and Welfare<br />

prophet and pastor. service. Friday’s action restructuring showed an<br />

over desegregation.<br />

Friday did not become also gave notice of his effective administrative<br />

Almost forgotten today,<br />

our state’s prophet by decisiveness and resolve. style. According to his<br />

Link writes, "Managing<br />

divine ordination. He 2. The Speaker Ban biographer, William Link,<br />

the desegregation<br />

earned it through hard Law of 1963. For all his "That style embodied the<br />

controversy became the<br />

years of bruising friendships and political qualities of Friday's<br />

greatest challenge of Bill<br />

struggles in the public savvy, Friday was unable personality: gregariousness<br />

and<br />

Friday's leadership and<br />

arena. He did not always to stop the General<br />

certainly one of the<br />

win, but he had an Assembly from enacting sensitivity, idealism and<br />

gravest tests the<br />

amazing ability to do two the law that prohibited cold-hearted efficiency,<br />

University of North<br />

things: (1) turn apparent "known members" of the and unassuming accessibility<br />

and constant<br />

Carolina had encountered<br />

defeats into important Communist Party from<br />

in its two centuries of<br />

and lasting victories, and speaking on university communication with the<br />

existence."<br />

(2) after even the campuses. Nor was he state and national power<br />

Once again, Friday’s<br />

bitterest battle, reach out able to persuade the structure. Friday had an<br />

resiliency in responding<br />

and turn his opponents state’s leadership to make innate interest in people to what could be<br />

into friends and allies in a quick turnaround. But, and an inherent ability to characterized as a series<br />

common endeavors. in the end, his behind-thescenes<br />

maneuvering 4. The establishment strengthening the<br />

relate to them."<br />

of defeats, resulted in<br />

Here are some<br />

examples:<br />

of a medical school at East university and solidifying<br />

1. The 1961<br />

Carolina University. his reputation for steady<br />

crackdown on athletics.<br />

leadership.<br />

Some hard-core athletic<br />

William Friday’s<br />

fans may not have<br />

forgiven Friday for<br />

cancelling the Dixie<br />

Classic basketball<br />

tournament after several<br />

N.C. State players were<br />

implicated in a point-<br />

initial<br />

public<br />

offering.<br />

In a<br />

$ 7 5<br />

billion<br />

portfolio,<br />

t h e<br />

state's<br />

$4.1<br />

million<br />

l o s s<br />

m a y<br />

have<br />

been<br />

next to nothing, but it<br />

caused some to question<br />

why fund managers<br />

would be putting money<br />

into something that many<br />

sophisticated investors<br />

avoided.<br />

In her first term,<br />

Cowell, 44, fired her chief<br />

investment officer (who<br />

was put into that job by<br />

her predecessor, Richard<br />

Moore) because of ethics<br />

questions. The treasurer<br />

also provided ill-timed<br />

raises to top investment<br />

officials while rank-andfile<br />

state workers received<br />

no pay hikes.<br />

Cowell, though, seeks<br />

a second term touting the<br />

relative stability of the<br />

state pension fund and<br />

helped bring down the<br />

law, leaving a widespread<br />

consensus on the value of<br />

free speech.<br />

3. The 1971 merger of<br />

all the state’s public<br />

colleges and universities<br />

into the University of<br />

North Carolina. People<br />

forget that bringing<br />

campuses into one state<br />

the state's<br />

g o o d<br />

standing<br />

when it<br />

comes to<br />

borrowing<br />

money.<br />

She has<br />

put new<br />

ethics<br />

policies in<br />

place and<br />

established<br />

new internal<br />

controls for better review<br />

of investing decisions and<br />

policies..<br />

Last year, Cowell set<br />

aside potential political<br />

risk by agreeing to take<br />

on the thankless task of<br />

overseeing alwaysvolatile<br />

state employees<br />

health plan.<br />

Her Republican<br />

opponent is a certified<br />

public accountant from<br />

Elkin, Steve Royal.<br />

Royal, 61, raised<br />

eyebrows recently by<br />

proposing the creation of<br />

a regional currency where<br />

North Carolina would join<br />

with other states to create<br />

an asset-backed currency<br />

to use if and when the<br />

U.S. dollar began to fail.<br />

Friday initially fought a<br />

new medical school there,<br />

but when he recognized<br />

its inevitability, according<br />

to Link, he determined to<br />

make it "as fine a school<br />

as you can make it."<br />

While pushing for<br />

adequate funding for<br />

Royal described the<br />

"auxillary currency" as a<br />

"form of insurance."<br />

Given that North<br />

Carolina and other states<br />

don't have any secret<br />

stashes of gold or silver<br />

laying around, it isn't<br />

clear what that asset<br />

would be.<br />

Cowell called the idea<br />

far out of the mainstream<br />

and a threat to<br />

undermine "everything<br />

we have worked so hard<br />

to build."<br />

Royal also has said<br />

that he wants more<br />

pension fund dollars<br />

managed internally,<br />

rather than allowing the<br />

investments to be made<br />

by outside managers who<br />

handle billions in<br />

investments for multiple<br />

institutional investors.<br />

Royal comes into the<br />

race having never held<br />

public office. He had also<br />

raised very little money<br />

through the middle of the<br />

summer.<br />

It may not matter.<br />

With so little voter<br />

attention, the race is<br />

likely to be a referendum<br />

on Cowell's first term,<br />

Royal's qualifications or<br />

lack thereof, or some<br />

combination of the two.<br />

victories are too<br />

numerous to mention.<br />

But it is his powerful<br />

example of turning<br />

defeats into lasting<br />

achievements that will<br />

always inspire me.

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