Old Testament 1 Lesson 8

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Old Testament 1 Lesson 8.pdf


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Acknowledgments<br />

Living Logos was the heart-work of Bro<br />

Dale Starks and Sis Josephine Starks,<br />

missionaries to Singapore in the early<br />

1980s. As the original authors of this<br />

devotionals, the Starks meant for<br />

these self-study materials to help new converts<br />

(and matured saints alike) get a hold of an<br />

understanding of God’s written Word. Since Sis<br />

Stark’s passing in 2013, the couple had graciously<br />

entrusted Tabernacle of Joy with its copyright.<br />

Therefore, with every print run, we would like to<br />

honour their life work and sacrifice in bringing the<br />

gospel to Singapore. This copy is an updated and<br />

revised version. Be blessed as you immerse yourself<br />

in the Word and allow God to transform you into<br />

the likeness of Jesus Christ.<br />


<strong>Lesson</strong><br />

<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Testament</strong> 1<br />

Eight<br />

<strong>Old</strong> <strong>Testament</strong> 1<br />


Judges, Chapter 8, describes several other conquests by Gideon<br />

and his men. His victories were so impressive that the men of<br />

Israel wanted to make Gideon their king. His answer was:<br />

...I will not rule over you, neither shall my son rule over you: the<br />

LORD shall rule over you<br />

— JuDGes 8:23<br />

The children of Israel had peace for forty years - during the rest<br />

of Gideon’s lifetime. But when Gideon died, they went right<br />

back to their worship of Baal, forgetting the LORD who had<br />

delivered them out of the hands of all their enemies (Judges<br />

8:33-34).<br />

Gideon had 71 sons. One of them was Abimelech, by his concubine<br />

at Shechem. Abimelech wanted what Gideon had refused<br />

- to become king of Israel. He murdered all his brothers,<br />

except one. Jothan, his youngest brother, escaped. Shechem<br />

was one of the cities of refuge. It had become the civil center<br />

for a time, just as Shiloh was the religious center. After three<br />

years of rule under Abimelech, the men of Shechem turned<br />

against their king and sought to destroy him, just as they had<br />

earlier aided him in destroying his brothers (Judges 9:1-23).<br />

Abimelech killed many of the Shechemites by burning down<br />

the stronghold where they were gathered. Then, he went up<br />

to Thebez and took that city. However, many of the people<br />

there gathered into a strong tower. Again, Abimelech was<br />

determined to destroy the people by burning down the<br />

building where they were gathered. He came near the building<br />

with a torch, but a certain woman with a millstone (a large<br />

rock used for grinding) cast it down upon his head, breaking<br />

his skull. As he did not want it to be known that a woman<br />

had killed him, he commanded his armour-bearer to slay him.<br />

When the men of Israel saw that he was dead, they returned<br />

home. (Judges 9:24-57)<br />


Although Abimelech did reign over Israel for three years, because of the<br />

nature of his reign he is not commonly regarded as one of the judges of<br />

Israel.<br />


Tola, a man from the tribe of Issachar, judged Israel for twenty-three years<br />

until he died. There was a time of peace under his leadership (Judges 10:1-<br />

2).<br />

Jair, a Gileadite, became the seventh judge and ruled for twenty-two years<br />

until the time of his death. This man was especially known because he had<br />

thirty sons, and each son had his own city and rode on a donkey (Judges<br />

10:3-4).<br />


Again, the children of Israel forsook the LORD and worshipped the gods<br />

of the land they possessed: Baalim, and Astaroth, the gods of the children<br />

of Ammon, the gods of Syria, the gods of Zidon, the gods of Moab, and the<br />

gods of the Philistines (Judges 10:6).<br />

The anger of the LORD again waxed hot against them, and God delivered<br />

them over into the hands of the Ammonites. All the tribes that were<br />

east of the Jordan River were ruled by them for eighteen years. Then,<br />

the Ammonites passed over Jordan to fight against Judah, Benjamin and<br />

Ephraim.<br />

Finally, the children of Israel began to call upon the LORD. The LORD<br />

reminded them of all that He had done for them, and how ungrateful they<br />

had been (Judges 10:7-12).<br />

...I will deliver you no more. Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let<br />

them deliver you in the time of your tribulation<br />

— JuDGes 10:13-14<br />

But Israel acknowledged and repented of their sins, and put away the false<br />

gods that were among them. Only then did God give them the assurance<br />

that He would be with them and fight for them (Judges 10:15-16).<br />



Jephthah was the son of Gilead by a harlot. Because of this, he was cast<br />

out by his brethren. They told him that they did not want him to have any<br />

inheritance in their father’s house. Nevertheless, the Bible says of this man<br />

that he was a mighty man of valour (Judges 11:1).<br />

After he was cast out by his brethren, he gathered to himself other men<br />

who were outcasts, and were considered vain or worthless people. He soon<br />

engaged in raids throughout the surrounding countryside, and gained a<br />

reputation as a leader.<br />

After Ammon began to make war with Israel, the elders sent for Jephthah.<br />

They apologized for the part they had in expelling him out of his father’s<br />

house, and promised to make him their captain. If Israel was victorious over<br />

the Ammonites, he would continue to be their leader (Judges 11:2-11).<br />

Then, Jephthah made a foolish vow. He promised God that if God would<br />

give them victory over the Ammonites, he would offer the first thing that<br />

came forth of the doors of his house to meet him as a burnt offering. God<br />

did give Israel the victory. When he returned home, his daughter and only<br />

child came out to meet him with timbrels (tambourines) and dancing,<br />

celebrating his victorious return from battle. However, Jephthah was very<br />

sad. Perhaps he had expected an animal to be the first thing to come forth<br />

to meet him, but it was his only child! Nevertheless, he kept his vow and<br />

offered her unto the LORD as a sacrifice (Judges 11:30-40).<br />

It is doubtful that God was pleased with such a sacrifice. God does not want<br />

us to make vows and then break them. But it does seem that it would have<br />

been better for Jephthah to have broken such a foolish vow, and repent<br />

of this rash act, rather than kill his daughter. Nevertheless, like Abraham,<br />

Jephthah was willing to offer his only child as a burnt offering, and this does<br />

show his desire to please God!<br />


A civil war is one fought by different sections or factions of the same nation.<br />

During the time of the judges, there were four periods of civil confusion<br />

that caused internal wars. We will study concerning three of them in this<br />

lesson:<br />

1. When Gideon fought against the Midianites, he had gathered men out of<br />

Asher, Naphtali, and Manasseh, but had not called upon the Ephraimites<br />


70<br />

to join in the battle until he had pursued after the Midianites to the Jordan<br />

River. Then, he asked the Ephraimites to take certain passages, where<br />

people crossed the river. The Ephraimites killed the two prince generals of<br />

the Midianites, Oreb and Zeeb, who were attempting to flee from Gideon.<br />

The Ephraimites were angry that they had not been called into the battle<br />

earlier, but Gideon told them, “God hath delivered into your hands the<br />

princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb; and what was I able to do in comparison<br />

of you?” (Judges 8:1-3). By these words of wisdom, war was avoided.<br />

2. The second civil war took place under Abimelech’s rule. He was the one<br />

who killed his brothers so that he could be the lone leader of Israel (Judges,<br />

Chapter 9).<br />

3. The third civil war took place because Ephraim became angry again for<br />

not being called to fight. Jephthah had earlier asked for their help against<br />

the Ammonites when the battle was the hottest, but Ephraim had refused to<br />

come. It seems that they wanted to share in the victory, but not the battle!<br />

Ephraim came to fight against Jephthah and his army. However, God was<br />

with Jephthah, and the Ephraimites sought to flee by crossing the Jordan<br />

River. Jephthah and his men took control of the passages, and every time<br />

someone would come and say, “Let me cross over”, they would be asked,<br />

“Are you an Ephraimite?” If they would say “No,” they would be asked to<br />

repeat the word “Shibboleth”. The Ephraimites could not frame the mouth<br />

right to say this word correctly. They would answer “Sibboleth”. Thus, their<br />

deceit was made known, and they were slain (Judges 12:1-6).<br />


Some day we must cross over “the river of death”. We may call ourselves<br />

“Christians”, but what we really are is what counts! When Jesus Christ<br />

comes back for His church, those who died as true Christians will rise from<br />

the dead. Together with the true Christians who are still living, they shall<br />

be brought into the presence of Jesus Christ for eternity (I Thessalonians<br />

4:13-17).<br />

Many who are Christians in name only will be disappointed on that day, for<br />

Jesus said:<br />

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of<br />

heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven<br />

— matthew 7:21

What is the will of the Father? We have previously studied that the Bible<br />

declares to us the will of God. In fact, the Bible is the will of God. It<br />

declares what we must do to please Him. We must turn from our sins, be<br />

baptized in the precious name of Jesus Christ, and be filled with the Holy<br />

Spirit. This gives us the strength to live a different life - a Spirit-filled life, a<br />

victorious life! We will not have to fear when we approach the passages of<br />

the “river of death”.<br />


Jephthah judged Israel for six years before he died and was buried in one<br />

of the cities of Gilead, on the east side of the Jordan River. Ibzan, the next<br />

judge, ruled Israel for seven years, and he died. Elon, a Zebulonite, judged<br />

Israel for ten years until his death. After him, Abdon judged Israel for eight<br />

years. He had forty sons and thirty nephews that rode on young donkeys.<br />

When Abdon died, he was buried in the land of Ephraim, in the mount of<br />

the Amalekites (Judges 12:7-15).<br />


conquest —<br />

something conquered, a battle won<br />

civil —<br />

valour —<br />

of a community of citizens, pertaining to the government<br />

great courage or bravery<br />


<strong>Old</strong><br />

<strong>Lesson</strong><br />

<strong>Testament</strong><br />

Eight<br />

1<br />

Test<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

What was Gideon’s answer when the people wanted him to be king?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />

What did Abimelech, the son of Gideon, desire?<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />

What evil act did he do to try to bring this about?<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />

How was he killed?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />

What was Jair especially known for?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />

What did the LORD answer Israel when they began to call upon the<br />

Lord after the Ammonites came to fight against Judah, Benjamin and<br />

Ephraim?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />

Why was Jephthah cast out by his brethren?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />

What foolish vow did Jephthah make?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />

Who came forth first to meet him? _____________________________.<br />

Did he keep his vow? ______________________________.<br />

What is a civil war?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />


12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

How did the wisdom of Gideon help avoid one civil war?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />

Why did the third civil war take place?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />

Evidently Ephraim wanted to share in the ________________________,<br />

but not the _________________________________ .<br />

How could Jephthah and his men tell who were Ephraimites and who<br />

were not?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />

Not everyone that calls upon the name of the Lord shall _____________<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />

Only those that do the will of _____________________________ shall<br />

enter_____________________________________________________.<br />

What declares unto us “the will of the Father?”____________________.<br />

What was Abdon noted for?<br />

__________________________________________________________<br />

_________________________________________________________.<br />

What was of special interest to you in this lesson?<br />


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